Livestock Evaluation..

Livestock Evaluation
Career Development Event
Revised Decmber 2011
The rules for this career development event are to be utilized in conjunction with the rules contained in the
introduction section of the Arizona Association FFA Career Development Event Manual.
The purpose of the State FFA Livestock Career Development Event is to:
1. Stimulate the study of, and interest in, livestock selection management and production through the
agricultural education curriculum
2. Provide recognition for those who have demonstrated skills and competencies as a result of instruction
in animal science
II. Event Description
This CDE helps you learn to evaluate beef cattle, sheep and swine and defend your decisions. At the
competition, participants complete a written exam and cooperatively determine keep/cull classes for
market and breeding usage, based on physical characteristics and records. They also give oral reasons
explaining their placing of various classes.
III. Standards
1.1 9.4 31.1.1c
4.10 9.8 31.4.2c
 Select livestock possessing traits, which included performance, and grading criteria.
 Interpret and use production records.
 Present in oral form three sets of reasons to justify the class placing.
IV. Objectives
 To understand and to interpret the value of performance data based on industry standards.
 To measure students' knowledge in the following categories:
o to make accurate observations of livestock.
o to determine the desirable traits in animals.
o to make logical decisions based on these observations.
o to discuss and to defend their decisions for their placing.
o to instill an appreciation for desirable selection, management and marketing techniques.
o to motivate learning in the classroom and create a spirit of competition among the students.
o to select and prepare a judging team to represent Arizona in the National FFA Livestock Judging
 To develop the ability to select and market livestock that will satisfy consumer demands and provide
increased economic returns to producers. Provide positive economic returns to producers as well as
meet the needs of the industry.
 To become proficient in communicating in the terminology of the industry and the consumer.
 To identify the criteria used in grading livestock. Scenarios will be used in the selection process.
 To provide an opportunity for participants to become acquainted with professionals in the industry.
1|Livestock Evaluation
Livestock Evaluation
Career Development Event
Revised Decmber 2011
V. Event Format
A team will consist of four members, all four scores will count.
Participants are urged to bring clipboards that are free of markings or notes. Blank sheets of paper will
be permitted for notes. Participants must bring two (No. 2) pencils.
1. Six classes of livestock of four animals each will be placed using a computerized scorecard. There will
be one class each of breeding and market beef, sheep and swine. Twelve (12) minutes will be
allowed for each individual selection class.
2. A maximum of three sets of oral reasons will be designated by the event superintendent at the
beginning of the event. Reasons will be given after all classes have been placed. Notes will not be
permitted, however, participants may use a card with only their placing of the class written on it.
3. Team activity (50 points per class; 100 points total) Keep/Cull classes – there will be two female
selection classes from either beef, sheep or hogs made up of eight animals. Participants will be
required to select the four best animals from the eight, using visual appraisal and performance data
(EPD’s). Performance data will be provided. Both of the female selection classes will make up the
cooperative team activity.
4. Performance records (including EPD’s) may be used in the breeding and the keep/cull classes of
beef, sheep and swine. Performance criteria, when used, shall be based on standards developed
and used by the Beef Improvement Federation, the Sheep Industry Development program inc., and
the National Swine Improvement Federation. Participants will be allowed 15 minutes for each
keep/cull class.
5. One class of breeding beef, sheep or swine (4 animals) will be evaluated. Production data (EPD’s)
will be utilized in the final placing of the class. This class will also be one of the three oral reason
classes. Participants are expected to utilize the production data/EPD’s information provided as part
of their oral reasons
6. One class of five slaughter cattle will be graded individually, according to the latest USDA market
grades using Form 2. The slaughter class will also be graded according to cutability. One class of five
feeder cattle will be graded according to the latest USDA market grades using Form 3. Fifteen (15)
minutes will be allowed for grading classes.
7. A multiple choice exam will be given online prior to the event. The objective exam is designed to
determine team members understanding of the livestock industry. The exam will consist of 50
multiple choice questions. The exam will be delivered via the web and taken prior to the CDE date.
VI. Tiebreakers
Scoring ties will be broken by comparing the individual’s or team’s total score on classes in the following
 Online exam score
2|Livestock Evaluation
Livestock Evaluation
Career Development Event
Revised Decmber 2011
Oral reasons
Team activity
Most perfect scores
VII. Awards
Awards will be presented at an awards assembly. Awards are presented to teams as well as individuals
based upon their rankings.
VIII. References
Arizona FFA Online CDE Test Bank (to be distributed by CD annually)
For the most current copies of USDA market standards and posters (large and small) illustrating these
grades, write:
Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA
Livestock Seed Event
Standard and Review Branch
Room 2641 South Building
Washington, DC 20250
For the most current copies of performance criteria standards write:
Beef Improvement Federation
Department of Animal Sciences and Food
Kansas State University
Northwest Research Extension Center
105 Experiment Farm Rd.
Colby, KS 67701
National Swine Improvement Federation
204 Polk Hall
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-7621
Sheep Industry Development Program, Inc200 Clayton St. Denver, CO 8020
Exam References:
Gillispie, James R., Modern Livestock and Poultry Production. 5th Edition. Delmar Publishers, Inc. Albany, NY
Baker, Meccee & Mikesell, Robert E., Animal Science Biology and Technology. Interstate Publishers,
Danville, IL 1996.
3|Livestock Evaluation
Livestock Evaluation
Career Development Event
Revised Decmber 2011
Lee, Emberg, Hutter Pollok, Rudd, Westron, & Bull. Introduction to Livestock and Poultry Production
Science and Technology. Interstate Publishers, Dansville, IL 1996.
Herren, Ray. The Science of Animal Agriculture. 1st Edition. Delmar Publishers, Inc. Albany, NY 1994.
IX. Scoring
The event is organized into the following parts, classes, and point values:
Selection Classes
Place 6 livestock classes ................. 300
Place 1 grading classes ................... 75
Place two keep/ cull classes ........... 100
Oral Reasons for three classes ....... 150
Online exam.................................... 100
Total event per person..................450
Total event per Team....................1800
4|Livestock Evaluation
Livestock Evaluation
Career Development Event
Revised Decmber 2011
Scoring summary (w/percentages)
Online Exam (Team Score)
Workplace Employability Skills (Team Score)
Placing Livestock Classes (Team Score)
Oral Reasons (Team Score)
Keep/Cull Classes (Team Score)
(used for onsite
Percentage of
total score
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