Global Warming Impact of Alachua County’s Curbside Recycling Program Jennifer N. Apell*, Kenneth R. Friedman, Richard N. Williams Black Hall, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 Abstract Florida currently has a recycling initiative in place to reduce waste production. However, there are concerns over the pollution caused by the curbside recycling program since it requires more energy for collection, sorting, and transport to the final destination. To address this concern, a life cycle analysis (LCA) was performed comparing the global warming potential (GWP) of both recycling and landfilling the recyclables collected in Alachua County, Florida. Data acquired from Alachua and the companies involved in waste management in the county were used to calculate the emissions produced collecting recyclables separately and the additional emissions produced if recyclables were collected as refuse. In 2005, Alachua collected 18,732 tons of curbside recyclables, which produced 13,680,738 lb eq. of CO2 based on the current recycling scheme. The alternative plan of landfillng was determined to generate 62,827,102 lb eq. of CO2. The primary difference between the two systems was the landfill gas produced by the landfilled recyclables. Several sensitivity analyses were conducted to illustrate the changes in global warming potential when parameters of the LCA 1 were changed. Although some sensitivity analyses showed dramatic decreases the GWP of landfilling, in no case did landfilling recyclables appear more favorable than recycling. Keywords: Life cycle assessment (LCA); global warming potential (GWP); Alachua County, Florida; curbside recycling; recycling; municipal solid waste (MSW) 1 Introduction The United States currently recycles 32.5 percent of its waste, which is double the recycling rate from 15 years ago. This can be attributed to a dramatic increase in the recycling of certain materials: 52 percent of all paper, 31 percent of all plastic soft drink bottles, 45 percent of all aluminum beer and soft drink cans, 63 percent of all steel packaging, and 67 percent of all major appliances are now recycled. Along with an increased recycling rate, curbside collection programs and materials recovery facilities have become more abundant in the United States over the last 15 to 20 years. Over this time span, curbside collection has expanded from a single program to over 8,660 programs, while over 500 materials recovery facilities have been established to process the collected materials (USEPA Municipal Solid Waste Division). Alachua County, Florida, is an example of a municipality which has recently adopted a curbside collection program and established a materials recovery facility. Alachua County currently recycles 28.5 percent of the materials that are collected curbside, which is close to the national average. The county’s curbside recyclables consist of six materials; glass, plastic bottles, aluminum cans, steel cans, newspaper, and cardboard. Recyclables are collected from orange and blue bins using separate trucks from general waste pickup. The orange bins are for newspaper, magazines, telephone books, and corrugated cardboard. The blue bins are for plastic and glass bottles and jars and metal cans. The recycled goods are then sent to a nearby materials recovery facility for further processing (Alachua County Recycling). 2 Although the country’s recycling initiative has saved landfill space and natural resources for making new materials; curbside collection, materials recovery, transportation and reprocessing of recycled materials has resulted in significant greenhouse gas emissions. These greenhouse gas emissions are of concern due to their global warming potential. Based on several IPCC (Intercontinental Panel on Climate Change) reports, there is clear evidence that human activities, including activities associated with recycling, have affected the concentrations of these gases in the atmosphere. For recycling activities, carbon dioxide, NOx, and methane are the major greenhouse gases of concern since they are generated from the combustion of fossil fuels, which is used for transportation and processing of recycled materials. Fossil fuel burning accounts for 77% of all greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, transportation is the second leading source of CO2 emissions in the U.S (USEPA, 2007). These findings have prompted some cause for concern over the emissions generated by recycling practices due to the quantity of transportation and processing which takes place. Although recycling generates significant emissions, the alternative of landfilling all materials contributes emissions as well. Methane and carbon dioxide are the primary greenhouse emissions generated at landfills. Landfills generate 34% of all human caused methane emissions, more than any other activity (USEPA, 2007). In addition, materials in a landfill generate emissions for the lifetime of their existence in the landfill, unlike most emission sources (Ecobalance, 1999). Based on these recent recycling emission findings, Alachua County decided to perform a life cycle assessment on its current recycling program, to evaluate the environmental impacts associated with the program. This life cycle assessment considered emissions associated with collection, processing, and transportation of the county’s recycled materials, and compared these emissions to the alternative of placing all waste in the landfill. This study could be used by 3 Alachua County to re-evaluate the efficiency of their recycling program, and make necessary adjustments to reduce emissions associated with the program. 2 Methods In order to determine the emissions associated with collection and disposal, direct data were obtained from a wide variety of sources. All information pertaining to recycling rates and the operations of the transfer station were provided by Alachua County Waste Management. Data that were used in calculating emissions associated with collection of materials was obtained from the company Waste Management. Gainesville Regional Utility’s (GRU) billing information was used to estimate electricity consumption. Finally, SP Recycling Corporation supplied the information about the destination of the recyclables. Secondary information provided useful landfill gas production data, coal and diesel combustion emissions, and distances to re-processing facilities. Using these data, the greenhouse gas emissions from the management of one year of recyclables was able to be calculated. 2.1 Goal and scoping The primary goal of this LCA was to determine the global warming impact from the emissions associated with the collection and disposal of Alachua County’s recyclables whether the materials are recycled or landfilled. The ultimate objective was to quantify the greenhouse gases released from recycling and landfilling the materials that were recycled in the county in 2005. The scope of the analysis was from the point of collection (i.e., a residence) to the point of disposal. For recycling, this includes curbside collection, MRF sorting, and shipment to the recycling facility. For landfilling, this includes curbside collection, transfer station processing, 4 shipment to the landfill, and gases produced from material degradation in the landfill. Level II diagrams for these processes can be seen in Figure 1 and 2. Figure 1. Level II diagram of landfilling materials and relevant emissions from each process. Figure 2. Level II diagram of recycling materials and relevant emissions from each process 2.1.1 Functional unit The functional unit chosen was the amount of each material recycled in 2005. The values used were provided by the Alachua County Waste Management division and are the values that are 5 required to be reported to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). Since a different amount was recycled for each material, the weight used in the impact analysis varies. The values are presented in Table 1. Table 1. Tons of different materials collected as recyclables in Alachua County. Material #1 Plastic #2 Plastic Aluminum Cardboard Glass Newsprint Steel Cans Amount Collected 503 445 259 8,787.0 3,264.0 5130 344 tons tons tons tons tons tons tons 2.2 Assumptions The first assumption made was that the distance between the transfer station and the materials recovery was negligible relative to the other transportation distances since the MRF and the transfer station are located on the same property. Therefore, the emissions from this were also negligible. Also, collection trucks were assumed to be at full capacity when the route is completed. This was necessary to calculate emissions due to collecting recyclables as trash. In addition, all of the landfill gas generated from recyclables was assumed to be emitted directly into the atmosphere to create a worst-case scenario. However, a portion of the gas is flared at the landfill, which would reduce the landfill gas emitted to the atmosphere. Gas emissions over a 100-year period of time served as the basis for the emission calculation. However, waste in a landfill would produce gas for a longer period of time, which would increase emissions. The 100-year values were used to serve as a reference value. 3 Data inventory 6 3.1 Recycling data Recycling rate data was provided by the Alachua County Waste Management division and contained the total amount of collected tons and recycled tons for each recyclable material for the year 2005 (Supporting Information Table S1). This information was used in calculating transportation and collection emissions of the recyclables, and the recyclables contribution to overall landfill emissions. 3.2 Collection MSW routes are complex, but are created to collect MSW in the most efficient way possible. Since analysis of collection routes is beyond the scope of this project, a more simplistic approach was taken. On average, the vehicles that collect refuse use 50 gallons of diesel per day. Using known information about the amount of refuse collected in 2005 and the number of vehicles in use, an average of 255 tons collected per week per vehicle was calculated. The weight of recyclables collected per year was changed to a weekly basis and divided by the weekly capacity of a refuse truck (255 tons), which can be seen in Equations 1 & 2. An additional 1.41 refuse vehicles would be needed to collect the additional weight. Although it is not possible to have a fractional number of vehicles, it is assumed that the additional amount of diesel used would be 1.41 vehicles worth (Supporting Information Table S2). (1) TDC = Total diesel consumed (gal/yr) DPT = Diesel used per recycle vehicle (gal/vehicle/week) N = Number of recycle vehicles used 7 tons 360 gal days weeks gallons week 50 52 TDC 5 18,369 tons week year year vehicle day 255 week vehicle (2) Akin to the refuse vehicles, the recyclable collection vehicles also use an average of 50 gallons per day. With the known information that 11 vehicles are used every business day (5 days a week), the yearly gas consumption rate per vehicle was calculated and then multiplied the number of vehicles employed as shown in Equation 3 (Supporting Information Table S3) gal days weeks gallons 52 TDC 11vehicles 50 5 143,000 week year year vehicle day (3) 3.3 Transfer station processing and shipment to landfill In order to determine the impacts from transporting Alachua County’s waste from the transfer station to the landfill, several pieces of information were provided by the county (Supporting Information Table S4). The total diesel consumed from transportation was calculated using this information and Equation 4. GRU billing data supplied the energy usage of the transfer station (from April 2006 to March 2007). The energy usage was normalized to be 1.32 kWh/ton waste. Since 18,732 tons of curbside recyclables were generated in 2005, the total additional electricity usage for the transfer station was calculated to be 24,765.62 kWh/yr. (4) Where TDC = Total diesel consumed for transfer of waste to landfill (gal/yr) 8 SPY = Shipments per year (shipments/yr) D = Distance to landfill (miles/way) GM = Gas mileage of vehicle (mpg) 3.4 Materials recovery facility sorting and transport Data were gathered from the MRF to determine the impacts from sorting the recyclables and transportation to re-processing facilities. Yearly electricity consumption (from April 2006 to March 2007) was provided by Gainesville Regional Utilities billing. Although this data is not from 2005, it is believed to be a very good estimate. In addition, SP Recycling Corp. (Atlanta, GA) provided the final destination of each recycled material. SP Recycling Corp. is in charge of the Alachua County MRF and the transport of the recyclables to the processing facilities is contracted out to Trucks Inc. The number of shipments made to each re-processing facility per year was calculated based on shipment weights. The shipment weight for plastic and aluminum was based on the trucks volume capacity, while the rest of the materials’ shipment weights were restricted by road weight limits. Distances to each facility were estimated using Google Earth with the starting point being the Alachua County MRF, located at 5121 NE 63rd Ave., Gainesville, FL 32609 (Supporting Information Table S5). This information was used to calculate the total gallons of diesel consumed to ship the recyclables by means of Equation 4 (Supporting Information Table S6). 3.5 Combustion emissions Emission data for the combustion of diesel fuel and bituminous coal were located in the U.S. Life-Cycle Inventory (LCI) Database, found online at The diesel 9 emissions were taken from the Transportation Data Module and are for diesel fueled combination truck transportation (Supporting Information Table S7). Combination trucks are those that are greater than 14,000 pounds in gross weight as defined by the U.S. LCI Database Project. Bituminous coal emissions for utility boilers were located in the Primary Fuel Combustion Data Module (Supporting Information Table S8). 3.6 Emissions 3.6.1 Landfill emissions Landfill emission data were needed to determine each of the recyclables’ contribution to landfill emissions. This information will provide landfill emissions for the hypothetical scenario where Alachua County does not recycle. In order to allocate the appropriate portion of landfill greenhouse gas emissions, three pieces of information were needed: gas emissions from a landfill, the fraction of total waste each material would represent in the landfill, and what percent of the total emissions each material would generate. Studies previously conducted on other landfills (Ecobalance, 2007) were used as the source of this information. Their findings were then summarized to represent an average landfill (Supporting Information Tables S9 and S10). These applicable data were presented in Table 2. For this analysis, the gasses of interest were methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), and nitrogen oxides (NOx). NOx is not generated by landfill waste, and therefore was excluded from this section of the analysis. Of the recyclables of interest, only the cardboard and newsprint contribute to the landfill gas yield, and therefore were the only materials considered in the emission calculations. The recycling data combined with the landfill gas production and waste component data were used to calculate the CH4 and CO2 emissions from putting the cardboard and 10 newsprint generated in a landfill. The calculations of these emissions were done using Equation 5, and the results are displayed in Table 2. It should be noted that the densities of CH4 and CO2 at standard temperature and pressure (STP) were used in the calculation in order to convert to the proper units. (5) Where DPi,j = Diesel production for material I for gas j (lb gas/yr) DPt,j = 100 years diesel production for gas j (ft3/ton waste) DPi = Gas production attributed to material i (%) ρj = Density of gas j (lb/ft3) WFi = Waste fraction for material i (ton i/ton waste) Ri = Amount recycled for material i (ton material) Table 2. Landfill Emissions from Recyclables Potential Gas Generated From Landfilled Recyclables 3 Total Gas Production (ft /ton waste) 3 Gas Density (lb/ft ) Gas Production Allocation (%) Fraction of Waste (ton material/ton waste) Gas Generation Potential (lb/year) Methane 2,692 Carbon Dioxide 2,202 0.0441 0.115 Newsprint 4.5 0.052 527,036 Cardboard 25.0 0.139 1,876,202 Newsprint 4.5 0.052 1,124,195 Cardboard 25.0 0.139 4,002,036 3.6.2 Electricity and diesel emissions 11 Based upon the transfer, collection, and coal and diesel data previously presented, the emissions from the collection and transfer of the recyclables were calculated. The emissions from each process were calculated separately, and then summed together. All vehicles used in the transport of materials ran on low-sulfur diesel. Therefore, emission data for this diesel was applied to all fuel consumed. It was assumed the electricity used by the transfer station and MRF was generated through coal combustion since GRU produces the vast majority of its power in this manner. The procedure for calculating the emissions are the same for all four processes. To calculate the diesel emissions, the amount of diesel fuel used for each process as determined previously was multiplied by the appropriate emission factor (see Equation 6). The diesel emissions were calculated separately for each pollutant and can be seen in Table 3. (6) Where DEi,j = Diesel emissions for pollutant I and process j (lb pollutant/yr) DUi = Diesel usage for process j (gal/yr) EFi = Emission factor for pollutant I (lb pollutant/gal diesel 12 Table 3. Emissions from diesel used in collecting and transporting materials. Diesel Emissions Diesel Used (gal/yr) CO2 Emitted (lb/yr) CH4 Emitted (lb/yr) NOx Emitted (lb/yr) 18,369 143,000 14,528 40,004 215,901 449,779 3,501,405 355,722 979,512 5,286,419 7 56 6 16 85 2,997 23,333 2,370 6,527 35,228 Trash Collection Recyclables Collection Trash Transfer Recyclables Transfer Total To calculate the coal emissions for the two transfer processes, the previously determined electricity usages for the two processes were converted to pounds of coal used per year using the heating value of Bituminous Coal (GRU, 2005). This value was then multiplied by the appropriate emission factor (see Equation 7). The coal emissions were calculated separately for each pollutant and can be seen in Table 4. (7) Where CEi,j = Coal emissions for pollutant i and process j (lb pollutant/yr) CUj = Coal usage for process j (lb/yr) EFi = Emission factor for pollutant I (lb pollutant/lb diesel) HVB = Heating value for bituminous coal (kWh/lb) Table 4. Emissions from coal combustion due to electricity consumed by facilities. Coal Emissions Trash Transfer Recyclables Transfer Total Electricity Used (kWh/yr) Coal Used (lb/yr) CO2 Emitted (lb/yr) CH4 Emitted (lb/yr) NOx Emitted (lb/yr) 24,766 280,380 305,146 7,931 89,788 97,719 17,377 196,727 214,103 0.15 1.71 1.86 49 550 599 13 Finally, the total emissions for each pollutant were determined by summing up the emissions for a given pollutant for each process and fuel type (See equation 8). These total emission values were then used to analyze the global warming impact of recycling and landfilling. (8) Where CEj = Coal emissions from process j (lb pollutant/yr) DEj = Diesel emissions from process j (lb pollutant/yr) TE,i = Total emissions for pollutant I (lb pollutant/yr) 4. Impact analysis For this life cycle analysis, the goal was to quantify the global warming potential (GWP) for the two options. Using the values from the TRACI database in Table 5 and the total emissions from each process in Table 6, the GWP was calculated for both landfilling the recyclables and recycling them. The calculations can be seen in Equation 9 and Equation 10 and are represented graphically in Figure 3. 14 Table 5. Global warming potentials of applicable gasses. GWP (lb CO2 eq./lb X) Carbon Dioxide Methane Nitrous Oxide 1 23 296 Table 6. Total emissions from both landfilling and recycling the materials recycled in Alachua County in 2005. Total Emissions Landfilling Recyclables CO2 Emitted: 5,949,110 lb/year CH4 Emitted: 2,403,251 lb/year NOx Emitted: 5,416 lb/year Global Warming: 62,827,102 lb. eq. of CO2 Recycling Recyclables CO2 Emitted: 4,677,644 lb/year CH4 Emitted: 73.98 lb/year NOx Emitted: 30,410 lb/year Global Warming: 13,680,738 lb. eq. of CO2 lb lb.eq.CO2 lb lb.eq.CO2 1 2,403,251 23 year lb year lb lb lb.eq.CO2 5,416 296 62,827,102lb.eq.CO2 year lb (9) lb lb.eq.CO2 lb lb.eq.CO2 1 73.98 23 year lb year lb lb lb.eq.CO2 30,140 296 13,680,738lb.eq.CO2 year lb (10) GWPlandfill 5,949,110 GWPrecycle 4,677,644 15 Global Warming Potentials (lb CO2 eq.) 13,680,738; 18% Landfilling Recycling 62,827,102; 82% Figure 3. Comparison of GWPs of recycling and landfilling the recyclables collected in Alachua County in 2005. 4.1 Sensitivity analysis A sensitivity analysis must be performed to assure that assumptions will not change our conclusions. 4.1.1 Flaring landfill gases Flaring of landfill gases is a common practice in the United States. When the methane in landfill gases is ignited, it utilizes oxygen in the atmosphere to produce carbon dioxide and water as shown below in Equation 11. The possibility of NOx formation is considered to be zero in this analysis. Since carbon dioxide is a global warming gas, the amount produced from the combustion of methane needs to be quantified. CH 4 2O2 CO2 2H 2O (11) 16 1lbCH 4 lbmolCH 4 lbmolCO2 44lb 2.75lbCO2 16lb lbmolCH 4 lbmolCO2 (12) One pound of methane creates 2.75 pounds of carbon dioxide when combusted. Even though nearly three times as much carbon dioxide was formed from flaring the methane, the global warming potential decreased due to carbon dioxide being 23 times less potent of a greenhouse gas. The global warming impact of landfilling the recyclables was reduced dramatically, but it still remains higher than the recycling option (Supporting Information Table S11 and Figure S1). 4.1.2. Closer recycling facilities Another alternative considered was the possibility of recycling facilities being located closer to the Alachua County MRF. A distance of 40 miles away was chosen because it is comparable to the 36 mile distance to the New River landfill. The change will only affect the amount of diesel used in transporting recyclables from the MRF (Supporting Information Table 12 and Figure S2). By changing the transport distance to the recovery facilities, the global warming potential was reduced by 15.3% as seen in Equation 12. GWP 13,680,738 11,581,132 100 15.3% 13,680,738 (13) 4.1.3. Shorter landfill emission time period Quantifying landfill emissions will differ depending on the length of time considered. For the original analysis, a 100 year period was used. Since landfill emissions are a major contributor 17 to the global warming potential, the data was recalculated using a 20 year period instead (Supporting Information Table S13 and Figure S3). 4.1.4 Operating at maximum recycling potential Currently, about 28.5% of the curbside recyclables disposed of in Alachua County is sent to a re-processing facility. If all possible materials were recycled, the emissions and global warming potential would change dramatically (Supporting Information Table S14 and Figure S4). 4.1.5 Graphical summary of sensitivity analyses Graphs are presented that summarize the results from the four sensitivity analyses in Figure 4. 5 Conclusion and recommendations 5.1 Conclusion Based on the emissions and global warming impact determined in this life-cycle analysis, recyclables that are landfilled contribute the most emissions by far with approximately 5.1 billion and 2.4 billion pounds of methane and carbon dioxode, repectively. This can be attributed to the long time the recyclables spend in the landfill. It is interesting to note that although the landfilled recyclables have the most emissions, these emissions are attributed to the degradation of paper products only. Glass, plastic, and metal recyclables have little or no impact on emissions once they are disposed of in the landfill. Some landfills reduce the methane produced by flaring the gas, which greatly reduces the global warming potential from approximately 63 billion to approximately 14 billion by converting the methane to less harmful carbon dioxide. However, the GWP for landfilling is still worse than that of recycling, so it is concluded that recycling constributes less to global warming than lanfilling based on the scope of this LCA. 18 Figure 4. Summary of sensitivity analyses results. 19 5.2 Recommendations In the course of constructing this life-cycle analysis, ideas for future life-cycle analysis topics and proposals for the reduction of the global warming potentials for landfilling and recycling were identified. A potential follow-up LCA is the analysis of the emissions from creating products from virgin material versus recycled materials to determine if recycled products are more environmentally and economically feasible. Some ideas for the reduction of GWPs are: locating markets closer to Alachua County to reduce the emission from transport; the use of alternative fuels, such as hydrogen or biodiesel, that might help reduce or eliminate the emissions associated with the transportation and collection of the recyclables; considering the possibility of harnessing the methane produced by landfilled recyclables as a fuel source for electricity or heat production; and finally the promotion of waste reduction as an alternative to recycling to decrease the amount of recyclables to be collected, sorted, and transported. Literature cited Alachua County Recycling. (accessed Dec 6, 2007). Ecobalance. Life Cycle Inventory of a Modern Municipal Solid Waste Landfill. Ecobalance Inc., Bethesda, MD, June 1999. GRU. 2005 Ten-Year Site Plan. Gainesville Regional Utilities, Gainesville, FL., April 2005. USEPA. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2005, EPA Headquarters, Washington, D.C., 2007; Chapters 1 & 2. USEPA Municipal Solid Waste Division. (accessed Dec 6, 2007). U.S. Life-Cycle Inventory Database. (accessed November 26th, 2007). 20 Global Warming Impact of Alachua County’s Curbside Recycling Program Jennifer N. Apell, Kenneth R. Friedman, Richard N. Williams Black Hall, University of Florida Gainesville, Fl 32611 Supporting Information: Pages: 10, Tables: 13, Figures: 4 S1 TABLE S1. Alachua County Recycling Data. Municipal Solid Waste Collection And Recycling Alachua County (Population: 240,764) Materials Type Glass Aluminum Cans Plastic Bottles Steel Cans Corrugated Paper Newspaper Total Collected Percent Pounds per Recycled Percent Tons Total Tons Capita per Day Tons Recycled 6,590 10 0.15 3,264 50 1,883 3 0.04 259 14 4,236 6 0.10 948 22 3,060 5 0.07 344 11 37,656 57 0.86 8,787 23 12,474 19 0.28 5,130 41 65,899 100 18,732 28.4 TABLE S2. Data for Collection as Refuse. Collection As Refuse Given Data Diesel Consumption: Recyclables Collected: Refuse Collected: Number of Refuse Vehicles: Weight Percent of Total Refuse: Calculated Data Recyclables Collected: Refuse Collected Per Week Per Vehicle: Diesel Consumption: Additional Diesel Consumed: 50 18,732 159,080 12 11.78% 360 255 250 18,369 gal/vehicle/day tons/year tons/year vehicles tons/week tons/week /vehicle gal/vehicle/week gal/year S2 TABLE S3. Data for Collection as Recyclables. Collection As Recyclable Given Data Diesel Consumption: Recyclables Collected: Number of Recyclable Vehicles: Calculated Data Diesel Consumption: Diesel Consumed: 50 gal/vehicle/day 18,732 tons/year 11 vehicles 250 gal/vehicle/week 143,000 gal/year TABLE S4. Diesel Consumption of Landfill Shipments. Landfilling Data Given Data Distance to Landfill: Gas Mileage of Vechiles: Tons per Shipment: Calculated Data Shipments per Year: Total Diesel Used: 36 miles/way 4.5 mpg 20.63 tons/truck 908 14,528 gal/year TABLE S5. Alachua County Recycling Data. Recyclable Location #1 Plastic Summerville, GA #2 Plastic Troy, AL Aluminum Cans Greensboro, GA Cardboard Jacksonville, FL Glass Jacksonville, FL Newspaper/Magazines Dublin, GA Steel Cans Fairfield, AL Distance 423 miles 312miles 320 miles 65 miles 65 miles 320 miles 488 miles S3 TABLE S6. Diesel Consumption of Transporting Recyclables. Diesel Used for Shipping Recyclables to Re-Processing Facilities Aluminum #1 Plastics #2 Plastics Steel Cans Glass Cardboard Newspaper Totals Shipments Per Year 21 34 20 15 142 382 223 - Distance to Facility (miles/way) 320 423 312 488 65 65 230 - Gas Mileage of Total Diesel truck (mpg) Used (gal/yr) 6 2,240 6 4,794 6 2,080 6 2,440 6 3,077 6 8,277 6 17,097 40,004 TABLE S7. Emissions From Diesel Fuel Consumption (US Life-Cycle Database) Pollutant of Interest Emission (lb/gal) CO2 CH4 NOX 24.5 0.0004 0.16 TABLE S8. Emissions From Coal Consumption (US Life-Cycle Database) Pollutant of Interest Emission (lb/lb coal) CO2 CH4 NOX 2.19 0.00019 0.00612 S4 TABLE S9. Waste Component Percent Contribution to Gas Yield. (Ecobalance, 1999) Waste Component Percent Contribution to Gas Yield Waste Component Description Avg Waste Composition (wt. frac) Yard Trimmings, Leaves Yard Trimmings, Grass Yard Trimmings, Branches Old Newsprint Old Corr. Cardboard Office Paper Coated Paper Paper User Paper Other HDPE PET Plastic User Plastic Other Ferrous Cans Ferrous Other Aluminum Cans Non Ferrous Other Glass- Clear Glass- Brown Glass- Green Glass- Other Food Waste Misc. Total 0.041 0.068 0.027 0.052 0.139 0.033 0.012 0 0.161 0.006 0.003 0 0.08 0.013 0.042 0.008 0.006 0.032 0.014 0.008 0.006 0.064 0.185 1 Adjusted Gas Yield per Tonne of waste (m3) 2.3 17 3.2 7.2 39 13 1.9 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 0 160 Percent of Total Gas Yield (%) 1.5 11 2 4.5 25 8.3 1.2 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 100 S5 TABLE S10. Landfill Gas Production Over 100 Years. (Ecobalance, 1999) Landfill Gas Production Over 100 Years Component Methane Carbon Dioxide Benzene Chloroform Carbon Tetrachloride Ethylene Dichloride Methylene Chloride Trichloroethene Perchloroethene Vinyl Chloride Toluene Xylenes Ethylbenzene Total 3 Gas Production (ft /ton) 2,692 2,202 0.009 9.30E-05 2.00E-05 0.002 0.07 0.014 0.018 0.036 0.19 0.059 0.023 4,894 TABLE S11. Emissions and GWP with Flaring. Total Emissions Landfilling Recyclables CO2 Emitted: 12,558,012 lb/year CH4 Emitted: 13.14 lb/year NOx Emitted: 5,416 lb/year Global Warming: 14,161,545 lb. eq. of CO2 Recycling Recyclables CO2 Emitted: 4,677,644 lb/year CH4 Emitted: 73.98 lb/year NOx Emitted: 30,410 lb/year Global Warming: 13,680,738 lb. eq. of CO2 Landfilling Recyclables CO 2 Emitted: 12,558,012 lb/year CH 4 Emitted: 13.14 lb/year NO x Emitted: 5,416 lb/year Global Warming: 14,161,545 lb. eq. of CO 2 Recycling Recyclables CO 2 Emitted: 4,677,644 lb/year CH 4 Emitted: 73.98 lb/year NO x Emitted: 30,410 lb/year Global Warming: 13,680,738 lb. eq. of CO 2 S6 TABLE S12. Emissions and GWP with Closer Re-Processing Facilities. Total Emissions Landfilling Recyclables CO2 Emitted: 5,949,110 lb/year CH4 Emitted: 2,403,251 lb/year NOx Emitted: 5,416 lb/year Global Warming: 62,827,102 lb. eq. of CO2 Recycling Recyclables CO2 Emitted: 3,971,388 lb/year CH4 Emitted: 62.59 lb/year NOx Emitted: 25,704 lb/year Global Warming: 11,581,132 lb. eq. of CO2 TABLE S13. Emissions and GWP Using Shorter Landfill Time Period. Total Emissions Landfilling Recyclables CO2 Emitted: 3,085,683 lb/year CH4 Emitted: 1,060,580 lb/year NOx Emitted: 5,416 lb/year Global Warming: 29,082,254 lb. eq. of CO2 Recycling Recyclables CO2 Emitted: 4,677,644 lb/year CH4 Emitted: 73.98 lb/year NOx Emitted: 30,410 lb/year Global Warming: 13,680,738 lb. eq. of CO2 S7 TABLE S14. Emissions and GWP if Operating at Maximum Recycling Potential. Total Emissions Landfilling Recyclables CO2 Emitted: 22,787,092 lb/year CH4 Emitted: 9,321,890 lb/year NOx Emitted: 19,110 lb/year Global Warming: 242,847,009 lb. eq. of CO2 Recycling Recyclables CO2 Emitted: 16,198,563 lb/year CH4 Emitted: 256.11 lb/year NOx Emitted: 105,270 lb/year Global Warming: 47,364,258 lb. eq. of CO2 Global Warming Potentials (lb CO2 eq./lb X) Flaring Landfill Gases 13,680,738; 49% Landfilling Recycling 14,161,545; 51% Figure S1. Global Warming Potentials Flaring Landfill Gases. S8 Global Warming Potentials (lb CO 2 eq./lb X) Closer Re-processing Facilities 11,581,132; 16% Landfilling Recycling 62,827,102; 84% Figure S2. Global Warming Potentials From Closer Re-processing Facilities. Global Warming Potentials (lb CO2 eq./lb X) 20 Year Landfill Emissions 13,680,738; 32% Landfilling Recycling 29,082,254; 68% Figure S3. Global Warming Potentials From 20-year Landfill Emissions. S9 Global Warming Potentials (lb CO 2 eq./lb X) Recycling at Maximum Capability 47,364,258; 16% Landfilling Recycling 243,160,278; 84% Figure S4. Global Warming Potentials From Recycling at Maximum Capability. S10