THE ROCK CYCLE 1. Rocks wordsearch. Find the words in the box. When you locate a word, draw a circle around it. diamond – fossil – geology – hardness – igneous rock – magma – microscope - metamorphic rock – minerals – sedimentary rocks 2. Complete the following sentences with the words in the box: Plutonic – volcanic – igneous – granite - crystals – magma – holes – diorite _________ rocks are sometimes called fire rocks or magmatic rocks. They are made from _________. Igneous rocks are formed when the magma cools and solidifies. _________ rocks are formed when magma solidifies underground. These rocks have _________ because magma solidifies slowly. Some examples are _________ and _________. When magma cools and solidifies quickly above the Earth’s surface _________ rocks appear. These rocks generally have _________. An example is basalt. 3. Choose the correct word: a) Magma/Clay is molten rock in the Earth’s crust. b) Metamorphic/Igneous rocks are formed by the solidification of molten lava. c) Sedimentary/Metamorphic rocks are formed by pressure and heat. d) Rocks made from magma form above/under the Earth’s surface. e) Sedimentary/Igneous rocks are formed from consolidated clay sediments. f) When a rock is formed, it can/can’t change. 4. Match each rock with its description. Jagged rock fragments cemented together. Coarse-grained crystals of different shapes and sizes. Shells and shell fragments cemented together with calcite. Rounded pebbles and sand cemented together. Coarse-grained crystal arranged in parallel bands. Fine-grained crystals on thin foliated layers. Rock A Rock B Rock C Rock D Rock E Rock F 5. Match. 1. Igneous rocks 2. Plutonic rocks 3. Volcanic rocks 4. Volcanic glass 5. Metamorphic rocks a) Rocks which change form because of heat and pressure. b) Volcanic rock with no crystals. c) Rocks made from magma. d) Igneous rocks which form inside the Earth’s crust. e) Igneous rocks which form on the Earth’s surface. 6. Answer the following questions: a) Mount Rushmore is one of the world’s greatest mountain carvings. The faces of four great American presidents are carved in the side of the Black Hills of South Dakota. Mount Rushmore is … what type of rock? Granite Sandstone Limestone Basalt b) The Taj Mahal in India was built in 1654 and was constructed entirely of a metamorphic rock. What is the name of this rock? Gneiss Slate Marble Schist c) The Giant’s Causeway is an unusual formation of rock columns along the north coast of Northern Ireland. This natural wonder gets its name from an old legend. What type of igneous rock is found in this formation Gabbro Obsidian Basalt Granite d) David is a Renaissance sculpture created between 1501 and 1504 by the Italian artist Michelangelo. What type of rock is found in this statue? Gneiss Slate Marble Schist 7. a) Write these missing words in the boxes: metamorphic rocks igneous rocks sedimentary rocks b) Describe the process by which igneous rocks are formed. How does the process differ between a volcanic and a plutonic rock?