Isotopic fingerprinting of nutrient sources and biological sinks in Florida Bay: A geochemical tool for evaluating ecosystem response to changing nutrient inputs Ana M. Hoare, David J. Hollander, Cynthia A. Heil and Susan Murasko, College of Marine Science, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, FL 33705 Patricia M. Glibert, Marta Revilla, and Jeffrey Alexander University of Maryland Center for Environmental Research, Horn Point Laboratory, Cambridge, MD The stable isotopic measurements of carbon (13C) and nitrogen (15 N) in biological materials and dissolved species is a geochemical tool capable of tracing varying nutrient sources and their assimilation into biomass, delineating different biosynthetic pathways, and assessing trophic relationships among organisms within an ecosystems. The proposed re-establishment of surface flow through the Everglades is expected to change the amount, sources and ratios of dissolved nutrients (organic and inorganic) delivered to the bay potentially inducing an ecosystem response of changing structure and functions in both planktic and benthic habitats. As part of a NOAA-funded program, we have initiated a spatial and temporal study focused on determining the carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of nutrient sources and their biological sinks (e.g., seagrass, algae, sediment) within the Everglade watershed and Florida Bay. The goal of this study is to develop isotopic tools that can monitor nutrient changes and evaluate ecosystem response associated with pending Everglade restoration. The first of four sampling periods was conducted in November 2002. Waters, sediment cores, seagrass and other aquatic vegetation were collected at 6 geographically and ecologically unique sites within Florida Bay (Little Maderia Bay, Duck Key, Sunset Cove, Rankin Bight, Barnes Key, Rabbit Key), and a Gulf of Mexico influenced western Florida Bay site. In addition, two transects, one in the Everglades and the other along the bay/reef sides of Florida Keys, were also sampled for water, sediments, seagrass, and aquatic and terrestrial vegetation. Surface waters were filtered for particulate organic matter (POM) and filtrate, and then, as with sediments and vegetation samples, were immediately frozen for later stable isotope analysis. Initial efforts have focused on determining the carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of POM, aquatic vegetation (particularly Thalassia testudinum), and surface sediment from the bay sites, and from the three Everglade watersheds (Canal 111, Taylor Slough, and Shark River Slough), representing the different source waters entering the bay. Initial results indicate that the carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of bay organics (the biological materials isolated from the water column (POM) and the benthic habitats, i.e. seagrass, and sedimentary organic matter) provides a sensitive indicator of local to regional changes in nutrient sources, and variations in carbon and nitrogen biosynthesis and cycling. Spatial trends in the isotopic composition of bay organics mimic the spatial variations in the nutrient stoichiometry (e.g. N/P) of bay waters. A pronounced 10‰ east-west gradient in 15 N values and a distinct 15‰ north-south gradient in 13C values results in a well-defined northeast to southwest isotopic trend in organic materials that defines regional controls on nutrient sources, their availability, and their incorporation into biomass. The range of 15N values for bay organics was extraordinarily large (10‰) with values ranging from 13‰ in the eastern portion of the bay (Duck Key, Sunset Cove, Little Madeira) to 3‰ in the western portion (Rabbit Key, Barnes Key, Gulf Station). This large range and systematic distribution in the 15N values of bay organics overlaps directly an observed 10‰ range and east-west gradient in 15N values for POM isolated from the three watersheds draining the Everglades. The range and spatial similarity in the 15N composition of organics between bay and Everglades samples is remarkable. This data infers that a wide array of natural (e.g., terrestrial, oceanic, and recycled) and anthropogenic (e.g. urban, sewage, agricultural) nutrient sources are being introduced into well-defined regions of the bay and that nutrient sources originating in the Everglades directly influence nitrogen cycling in bay waters and sediments. Furthermore, the spatial trends in the 15N values of bay organics from 14 to 4‰ reflect regional availability of nutrient and their control on the biogeochemical process of nitrogen assimilation (N2 vs. NO3) and recycling (e.g., denitrification, remineralization). For example, the isotopic data indicates an increase in the relative importance of nitrogen fixation by planktic and benthic algae in the western portion of the bay as waters become nitrogen-limited. Carbon isotopic composition of bay organics display a strong north-south gradient of over 13‰ with values of –7 to -11‰ in the northern sites (Duck Key, Little Maderia, Rankin Bight) and more depleted values of –20‰ at more southern sites (Barnes Key, Rabbit Key , Gulf Station). This broad range of carbon isotopic compositions likely reflects the assimilation of different sources of carbon (HCO3 vs. CO2) during biosynthesis. Macrophytes, which are concentrated on the northern margin of the bay, preferentially utilize bicarbonate that is 8 – 12‰ enriched relative to carbon dioxide. The more depleted 13C values occur in the southern portion of the bay sites suggest the dominance of C3 photosynthesizing algae (benthic and planktic) which selectively ultilize dissolved CO2. 13C values of Everglade organics are depleted relative to bay samples with values between – 21 and –33‰ indicating inputs from C3 algae and terrestrial plants. The nitrogen isotopic composition of seagrass species, Thalassia testudinmu, measured at our 6 bay sites are significantly different than those measured by Anderson and Fourqurean (in press) which focused on determining the inter-and intra-annual variations at two sites significantly westward of the bay interior. In our samples we observed a well-defined 9‰ gradient in the 15N of seagrass from 14‰ in the east to 5‰ at our westernmost site, similar to the isotopic range seen for all bay organics and for POM from the different the Everglades watersheds. In contrast, 15N values of T. testudinum sampled from the western margin of the bay were relatively depleted, showing a narrow range between –1.2 and 2‰ (Anderson and Fourqurean, in press) and exhibiting no overlap with our current measurement of T. testudinum in the bay proper. The differences in the 15N values between the two studies are significant. Our study focuses on the interior of the bay and may provide a truer representation of the nutrient dynamics and biogeochemical processes occurring throughout the bay, whereas Anderson and Fourqurean (in press) investigated sites at western edge of Florida Bay that reflect a greater gulf influence on nutrient dynamics. Efforts in the future will be directed at correlating variations in the health of seagrass beds to spatial and temporal variations in their nitrogen and carbon isotopic compositions. Future work will also include spatial and temporal analyses of the isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic and organic nutrients (DIN, DIC, DON, DOC) to accompany ongoing isotopic determinations of the biological materials. Developing isotopic relationships between nutrient sources and biological materials will allow evaluation of the ecological response in the bay to changing nutrient inputs and biogeochemical cycling. Complementary work on the isotopic composition of bioassay experiments with nutrient enrichments and alterations will help define isotopic trends in organic materials resulting from changes in abundance and sources of nutrient inputs associated with the restoration of surface water flow through the Everglades. Finally, this research will incorporate isotopic analyses of organics in well-dated sediment cores from the 6 bay sites in order to evaluate the historical response of the bay ecosystem to documented changes in hydrologic conditions and nutrient cycling. The extensive analytical approach undertaken in this study promises a sensitive, cost-effective monitoring tool. David J. Hollander, College of Marine Science, University of South Florida, 140 7th Ave. S., St. Petersburg, FL, 33701, Phone: 727-355-1019, Fax: 727-553-1189,