UCC - Shotley Bridge

Summary Report UCC Jan 2012
Urgent Care Centre
Monthly Summary Report Sheet
118 (96%)
2 (2%)
2 (2%)
120 (98%)
2 (2%)
0 (0%)
117 (96%)
0 (0%)
5 (4%)
Shortly Bridge Urgent Care Centre
122 comments cards were collected by Shortly Bridge for January
2012 * NB figures have been rounded up to the nearest
Do you feel the UCC is adequately sign posted?
Not from Consent
Did you find the booking in system easy?
Very easy and they were very helpful.
Very helpful.
Too long. Too many questions.
It was a bit tedious, but good at UCC
If not what problems did you find with the service?
No comments received.
How do you feel the service can be improved?
It’s very good already.
No improvement.
The service was good.
It’s already a good service. No comment to make.
Does not need improvement.
Sometimes experienced confusion of referral by patients by
different routes e.g. walk-in or using 111 numbers.
Less time waiting to be seen.
Ok x 3
Don’t think it needs to be.
Seems excellent.
Good enough.
Direct number
It’s fine.
Nothing that I can think of.
Great service.
No improvement.
Don’t know.
Continue good work.
No problems
No way. Very good.
Less questions.
Do you feel you were treated with dignity and respect?
Summary Report UCC Jan 2012
How did you feel before you attended the UCC?
Sore throat and chest – swollen glands.
Sore throat. Chest tight.
Twisted right ankle. Arthritic.
Thrush symptoms. Pain. Itch.
Painful throat.
Cut eye.
Red and blotchy. Crying, vomiting.
Swelling of my daughter’s eyelid.
Very well.
Ok x 2
Ok. It was my son who had a problem with his hand that
was my reason for attending.
Confident that I would be seen in an acceptable time
Swollen ankle.
Left arm.
Sore throat with white patches. Sore ears. Temperature.
9 month old daughter had a high temperature.
Knee swelling from previous injury.
Painful thumb after fall.
Wound by right eye.
Skin rash.
Sore and irritated bum and stings when I go to toilet.
Daughter felt unwell.
Finds it hard to chew food. Mouth is sore.
Hit with bat in head.
Bumped eye, swollen.
Cut to finger.
Out of breath.
He has red blotches all over. Swollen as well.
Fluid from the vagina. I am 33 weeks and 4 days pregnant.
Right leg – pain tightening.
Painful foot.
Spots on back.
Red rash. Blistering and spreading fast.
In pain.
Right knee.
Cough fever.
Not eating. High temperature. Sleeping a lot.
Symptoms soreness in right leg and stiffness.
Headache. Eyesight problem and double vision.
Temperature. Ear hurting.
Pain in neck.
Severe vomiting.
Bronchitis – symptoms have worsened.
Bad chest and aches and pains.
Fallen off scooter and scraped chin. Complaining of pain
from chin to ear. Banged chest.
Banged right elbow. Sharp pain.
Summary Report UCC Jan 2012
Swollen thumb.
Burning sensation on passing urine.
Sore ear.
Pain in left side.
Not bad.
I have a diagnosed UTI, but with antibiotics it hasn’t gone
Bleeding when pregnant.
Indigestion and tender stomach.
Wound to right leg.
Twisted right knee while out running.
Lots of pain when walking.
Maybe flare up of ulcerative colitis and pain.
Very poorly.
D&V. Ill.
Stomach cramps and pains. 10 weeks pregnant.
Bad pains in right of abdomen. Sick, tired and cold.
Sore finger cutting in.
A lot of pain in her right wrist.
Leaking water at 23 weeks pregnant.
Chest pains.
Right arm.
Sickly, disorientated, weak, headache.
Pain in right wrist.
Sore throat. White lumps. Temperature.
Both eyes sore, red and itchy.
Stomach cramps.
Cough for 3 weeks. Slowly moved onto chest.
Complained of chest pains last night.
Pain in right Achilles tendon.
Cut on head after fall.
Bad arm.
Baby having difficult breathing. Unwell. S&D.
Back problems (sciatica) right leg shooting pains, finding it
hard to move.
Ear infection. Cold. Cough. Not urinating.
Change burn dressing.
Cough, chest and breathing hurts.
Swollen throat. Inflated tonsils. Infection painful.
Left arm isn’t moving or picking things up.
Swollen face and throat.
Struggling to breathe.
Swollen throat.
My 5 year old son was in discomfort after trapping his
fingers in a door.
Painful back. Hurts when breathe.
Heavy breathing and fever.
Cut to index finger to be redressed after follow up.
Bust lip open. Was bleeding quite a lot. Sore mouth –
Summary Report UCC Jan 2012
swollen and swollen face.
Very welcome.
Sore toe.
Pain in ear.
My son had clashed heads with his cousin and had
swelling and bruising to his nose and eye.
Pain. Unwell with bladder pain in back.
Ear ache. Chesty cough. Fever.
Coughing, but started getting pain while coughing and
Sore ankle.
Patient Feedback from comments cards/telephone interviews
Service was excellent.
Very satisfied. Thanks.
Very good.
Fast and efficient.
Happy with the service on offer.
Nice, friendly and professional staff.
No issues. Good service.
Please continue to submit completed comments cards each month.
Please return to:
Jane Hesford
Patient Experience Team
Darlington Memorial Hospital
NB* please identify which UCC you are returning the comments cards from. Thank you
Summary Report UCC Jan 2012
Summary Report UCC Jan 2012