File - Red Root Acupuncture & Herbs

Initial Patient Intake Forms
Full Name:____________________________ Age:____ Date of Birth:__________
Address: _____________________________________________________
Today’s Date________________________ Evening Phone _______________________
Daytime Phone_______________________ E-mail______________________________
How did you hear about our clinic? Check all that apply: Friend___Dr. Referral___
Internet___ Other - please specify: _________________________________
Date of Birth_____________ Age____
Occupation________________________________ Married____ Single____
Divorced____ Co-habiting____ Widow(er)____
Primary Care
Other Health Care Providers_____________________________________________
Do you take any:
Medication (prescription or over-the-counter). Please list.
Vitamins, supplements?____________________________________________________
Caffeine?______ Alcohol?______ Tobacco?______ Recreational Drugs?______
Rate your energy level overall: Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High
Rate your overall body temperature: Cold 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Hot
Major complaint(s):
Past medical history: (Please list any major illnesses, surgeries or hospitalizations and the
dates they occurred.)
Any significant past or present emotional states? (i.e. depression, anxiety, grief, anger,
fear, etc.)
How do your health issues affect your
Have you been diagnosed with one of the following?
__Heart Disease __High Blood Pressure __Chronic Pain __Cancer
__Diabetes __Epilepsy __HIV/AIDS
__Arthritis __Stroke __Migraines
__Depression __Hepatitis __Anemia __Other __Asthma
Put a check mark by the symptoms that pertain to you
___cold hands
__ cold feet
__ fatigue
__ feverish in the afternoon or flushes
__Heat sensation in hands, feet, chest __night sweats
__ catch colds easily __shortness of breath __sweat easily
__ general weakness
__ feel worse after exercise __dizziness
__ see floating black spots
__palpitations __restlessness __anxiety
__chest pain
__ insomnia __mental confusion
__nasal discharge
__nose bleeds
__sinus congestion
__dry mouth, throat, nose, or skin __allergies
__chills alternating with fever
__feel achy
__stiff neck/shoulders
__sore throat
__difficult breathing
__low appetite
__loose stools
__abdominal bloating or gas after
__fatigue after eating
__prolapsed organs (previously diagnosed) __bruise easily
__general feeling of heaviness in body __mental heaviness, sluggishness or fogginess
__swollen hands
__burning sensation after eating __large appetite
__bad breath
__mouth (canker)
__bleeding, swollen or painful gums __heartburn
__belching __vomiting
__swollen feet __chest congestion __nausea __diarrhea
__diarrhea alternating with constipation __feel better after exercise
__pain in ribs or side
__ tight feeling in chest
__bitter taste in mouth __blood shot eyes __anger easily
__skin rashes
__headache at top of head __hot flashes
__dry eyes
__numbness of hands and feet __muscle spasms, twitching, cramping
__sore, cold or weak knees
__low back pain
__frequent urination
__do you get up at night to urinate? __lack of bladder control __memory problems
__hair loss __ringing in ears
Urine is:
__clear __light yellow __dark yellow __reddish yellow __ cloudy __scanty _ has odor
__ burning __painful
__ difficult __urgent
Libido (sex drive) is: Low1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High
Please list 1-3 health goals that you have for the next 6 months:
For the next year?
For those with the applicable anatomy
Please answer each question or check the appropriate response.
1. Are you currently pregnant? __yes __ no
2. The approximate date of your last menstrual period?
3. Number of children _____
4. Number of pregnancies______
5. Age of first period _______ 6. Age of Menopause
(if applicable)___________
7. Is your menstrual cycle regular?_________
a. Number of days from the start of one period to the start of the next________________
b. Average number of days of flow ________
c. the flow is: light1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 heavy
d. The color is: __ red __dark red __ pale red __bright red __ brown
e. are there blood clots ? __ yes __ no
f. Do you have pain/cramps? __ yes __ no
__ before period __ during period __ after period
g. Do you have nausea or vomiting before or during period? __ yes __ no
__before __during
h. Do you experience any of the following before your period?
__ water retention __ breast tenderness or swelling
__ depression __ irritability __food cravings __ migraines
i. Do you have bleeding between periods?
j. Do you have any discharge between periods?
Please put a check mark by the symptoms that pertain to you.
__ coldness or numbness in the external genitalia
__pain or swelling of the testicles __ premature ejaculation __ erectile dysfunction
__prostate issues