measurements cool

Lower atmosphere (troposphere)
Heat absorption
Experimenting with the greenhouse gases CO2 and water
Figure 1
experimental set-up for experiment 1
a: gas burner; b: metal tube (made from cans)
with two openings; c: temperature sensor with
indicating instrument; d: play dough to close
© 2004 Tausch, Seesing; Uni-Duisburg-Essen
Carry out the series of measurements with the following materials covering (e.g. with an elastic
band) the big opening of the metal tube.
gas inside the tube: air
a) polyethene-foil
b) aluminium- foil
c) flat bag made of polyethene (empty)
d) flat bag made of polyethene (moistened
with water inside)
e) nothing (open end of metal tube)
temperature [°C] after:
30 s
60 s
90 s
120 s
150 s
180 s
Repeat your series of measurements a) from E1 (air inside the tube) but fill the tube with carbon
dioxide this time and close the small openings with play dough again.
gas inside the tube: carbon dioxide
f) polyethene-foil
Heat absorption:
Construct the set-up according to Fig.1. In order to make
the metal tube, remove the lids and bases from two
cans. Connect the cans airtight with tape and drill two
holes into the tube as openings. Close these openings
with play dough. Close one end of the metal tube with
an airtight lid made of black cardboard that is fixed with
scotch tape. Attach the tip of the temperature sensor to
the cardboard using scotch tape as well. The back is
covered with aluminium foil. This way you get a detector
of heat radiation. The heat radiation warms the black
cardboard which can be seen at the measuring device as
a rise in temperature.
Make sure you place the burner at the same distance (10
to 15 cm) from the other end (open or covered by
different materials: see E1 or E2) of the metal tube
during all of your experiments!
During each series of measurements read the
temperature every 30 seconds, take it down and plot it
graphically. Carry out each series of measurements for 3
minutes. Before you start your next series of
measurements cool down the metal tube to the initial
temperature (you might need a cold air hair-dryer).
temperature [°C] after:
30 s
60 s
90 s
120 s
150 s
180 s
Why do you measure with the set-up from Figure 1 the propagation of heat by heat radiation
rather than the convection of gas quantities? Give reasons for your answer.
© 2004 ESPERE-ENC / Tausch, Seesing, Universität-Duisburg-Essen; Duisburg
Lower atmosphere (troposphere)
Heat absorption
Experimenting with the greenhouse gases CO2 and water
Why is it necessary after each series of measurements to cool the temperature down to the initial
temperature of the first series of measurements?
The graphic depiction of the experimental results with air inside the metal tube leads to
temperature-time-curves. After 3 minutes the temperature has risen highest in series e) with no
cover at the big opening.
The following order can be observed:
e) > a)  c) > d)  f) > b)
Interpret these results regarding the absorption of heat radiation through the tested materials
and arrange the materials in an order of decreasing heat absorption.
Why do you have to repeat measuring series a) (polyethylene foil) with carbon dioxide if you
want to learn about heat absorption of carbon dioxide?
Carbon dioxide CO2 is known as greenhouse gas which contributes to global warming.
Nevertheless a measuring series with CO2 in the metal tube has shown that the temperature does
not rise to the same extent as it does with air inside the metal tube.
What might be the reason for this? Please mark the correct answer(s):
This result is wrong, the experiment has to be repeated.
CO2 is not a greenhouse gas.
CO2 can absorb heat better than air, therefore the temperature does not rise as high.
This experiment has nothing to do with the greenhouse effect.
© 2004 ESPERE-ENC / Tausch, Seesing, Universität-Duisburg-Essen; Duisburg
Lower atmosphere (troposphere)
Heat absorption
Experimenting with the greenhouse gases CO2 and water
Figure 2
The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere (right axis, blue
curve) and relative temperature (left axis, red curve) during
the previous 160 000 years.
It is possible to measure the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere of ancient times by
analysing trapped air in ice cores (Fig. 2).
Describe the most important tendencies shown in Figure 2.
Which of the statements from exercise T5 is contrary to the information from Figure 2? Give
reasons for your answer.
© 2004 ESPERE-ENC / Tausch, Seesing, Universität-Duisburg-Essen; Duisburg