DISCHARGE PLAN Is this an Outpatient Discharge Only? Pre-printed instructions Pediatric Specific Handout Discharge Instructions: (free text) Call your doctor if you experience: (free text) Activity Restrictions? Restrictions: (free text) Was a copy of the latest ECG during this hospitalization, sent home with the Patient? Eligible for Outpatient Cardiac Rehab? Lab/Xray Treatments/Wound Care? List: (free text) Other: (free text) Special Diet? Diet: (free text) Monitor Weight Next provider required to meet medication follow-up. Next Provider Unlisted Provider: (free text) FOLLOW-UP APPOINTMENTS (Physicians, Clinics, Radiology, Lab, and Community and Home Services) PCP Specialty Purpose: When: Address: Phone: Provider Other: Specialty Purpose: When: Address: Phone: More Appointments? Special arrangements for discharge Community Resource: Community Resource contact person: Community Resource Phone: Home supplies/equipment: Company/Phone #: Infusion Company: DC From: DC To: Assistive Devices Vision-Disposition Hearing-Disposition Dental-Disposition Prescriptions received Medications sent home Rx/Meds called to Pharmacy? Name of Patients Pharmacy(s)/Location(s): Outcome of (Vaccine) Screening Pre-authorized order for Influenza vaccine? Suggested MD order for Influenza vaccine? Patient excluded; NOT eligible for Influenza vaccine? Have you had the Influenza (Flu) Vaccine this season/ Not Applicable Pre-authorized order for Pneumococcal vaccine? Suggested MD order for Pneumococcal vaccine? Patient excluded; NOT eligible for Pneumococcal vaccine? Have you ever had the Pneumococcal (Pneumonia) Vaccine Primary DATE: Booster Date: Immunizations given? Vaccine(s) information given to patient? Patient able to comprehend? Document Discharge Medications? Medication Dosage: Route Frequency Indication for Med Last Taken: Time: Instructions: (Repeated as necessary) NURSING DISCHARGE SUMMARY** 1. Status At Time Of Discharge: Assessment summary of appropriate system factors (i.e., Physical, ADLS, Psychosocial) IV DC'd If Applicable: Pain Comment: Patient's Pain Scale At Discharge: 2. Evaluation Of Patient Plan Of Care: (Outcomes/Focus Of Care) (Note unresolved outcomes, continuing care needs, referrals) 3. Discharged To: With Whom: Via: POLST form returned to patient upon discharge: Discharge instructions/educational material given to: patient/caregiver regarding the following: Follow up with a physician after Discharge: Diet/Fluid Intake: Activity Level after Discharge: Discharge Medications: Weight Monitoring Instructions: What to do if symptoms worsen: Discharge Comment: (free text)