PAKISTAN MEDICAL & DENTAL COUNCIL MINIMUM CRITERIA, REQUIREMENTS AND GUIDELINES INCLUDING FACULTY REQUIREMENT/ CHECKLIST OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND EQUIPMENT FOR MEDICAL AND DENTAL INSTITUTIONS TRAINING FOR A MEDICAL OR DENTAL QUALIFICATION AND RULES AND REQUIREMENTS REGARDING THEIR ATTACHED TEACHING HOSPITALS 2009 1 Page Part I- Preamble 03 Part II- Steps in the Process of recognition 05 Part III- General Rules 07 Part IV- Ownership 07 Part V- Legal requirements Agreements with hospitals Affiliation with University 08 Part VI- Financial status and sustainability 09 Part VII- Governance Role of Governing body Role of Faculty Board and other Committees Role of Principal 10 Part VIII- Site and infrastructure (with credit points) 11 Part IX- Student facilities 14 Part X- Academics Learning environment in the College Examinations Confidentiality of student record Information resources and library services PM&DC Guidelines on Undergraduate Medical Education 15 Part XI- Teaching Hospital (with credit points) 17 Part XII- Faculty (with credit points) Role of faculty Effective teaching Faculty requirement 19 Part XIII- monitoring and Inspection 29 Part XIV- Application Form 31 Annexure-A (List of Equipment required: Basic and Clinical department wise) Annexure-A2 (List of Equipment required and hel by college: Basic and Clinical department wise) ‘ 2 21 32 56. PAKISTAN MEDICAL & DENTAL COUNCIL ISLAMBAD 3rd December, 2009. In exercise of the powers conferred by section 33(2) of the Pakistan Medical & Dental Council,1962, the Pakistan Medical & Dental Council, hereby makes the following regulations namely :1. (i) Short title and commencement: these regulations may be called the minimum criteria, requirements and guidelines including faculty requirement/ checklist of infrastructure and equipment for a medical and dental institution training for medical or dental Qualification and rules and requirements regarding their attached teaching hospitals 2009. (ii) They shall come into force at once. PART I PREAMBLE 2. Section 11 and 18 of the PM&DC Ordinance 1962 govern recognition of undergraduate medical and dental colleges respectively in Pakistan. The Section 16 of the PM&DC Ordinance 1962 governs recognition of Postgraduate institutions and qualifications. The aspiring institution applies for recognition to the Ministry of Health Government of Pakistan and then if the matter is referred to PM&DC then PM&DC provides its recommendations after inspection of the institution. These are the guidelines and criteria on which the institution shall be evaluated. Recognition shall only be recommended for the institutions which have complied with these regulations and their faculty has been appointed as per PM&DC regulations on the subject. The PM&DC in term of clauses 6 of PM&DC ordinance of 1962 is statutory autonomous corporate body which determines the policies for accreditation of institutions, academic planning , quality assurance and resource allocation in medical and dental institutions, and the affiliated or constituent Medical / Dental institutions of the Universities in public and private sector. The rules and regulation of PM&DC governing the accreditation and recognition process for medical and dental institutions apply uniformly to both public and private sector. In Pakistan, medical and dental education at undergraduate and postgraduate level is imparted in the public as well as the private sector in various institutions, constituent or affiliated colleges / institutions of the Universities recognized under the PM&DC Ordinance. 3 Due to rapid changes occurring around us and keeping in view the statutory responsibilities, the major areas of concern for PM&DC are the greater mobility of Pakistani graduates nationally and internationally, emergence of outposts of foreign DAIs in the country, accreditation and recognition of status of medical and dental institutions, constituent / affiliated colleges and institutions of the Universities, recognition of courses of study, National curriculum development, and validation of under and postgraduate diploma and degree programmes. Certification of the experience gained by faculty in the recognized institutions is also demanded from PM&DC. Role of PM&DC with regard to accreditation, recognition and equivalencies is widely accepted and respected the world over. Individuals, NGO’s, regulatory bodies and medical and dental Councils all over the world, the Government employing agencies such as Federal / Provincial Public Service Commissions, all seek the PM&DC advice on matters related to medical and dental education and status of registered practitioners/ medical and dental institutions, affiliated & constituent institutions of the Universities; validation, registration and equivalence of diplomas and degrees, and teaching experience of faculty. Once the Federal Government refers the case to PM&DC, to comply with the terms of the PM&DC Ordinance 1962, the PM&DC adopts a pragmatic procedure for determining recognition status of institutions and equivalence of qualifications. Before inspection, information from the Medical/Dental Institutions / Universities are obtained on prescribed application forms attached to these regulations. The PM&DC then conducts inspection to verify fulfillment of its laid down criteria. The reports of the inspectors received after inspection of these Institutions and the observations of the inspected institution on the inspection reports are considered by the Executive Committee, which formulates its recommendations for the Council. Then these recommendations with its preceding record is placed before the Council for formulation of recommendations for the Ministry of Health for notification under the PM&DC Ordinance 1962. In order to conduct inspection to formulate recommendations whether the institution merits recognition under the PM&DC Ordinance or otherwise, the following is the criteria and requirement of the Council which is verified by the inspection team. The institution may prepare and apply for recognition under these requirements and guidelines. It is suggested that the institution may apply only if all requirements of PM&DC given below have been fulfilled and these guidelines have been complied with and that the institution is ready for physical verification of facilities of training by inspection. The major requirements and their wieghtage/ credit points on fulfillment of PM&DC requirements are SCORE CHART for 100 MBBS and 50 BDS ADMISSIONS spot scoring points Legal 75 75 Financial 75 75 Min. Req 4 Score by Inspectors Infrastructure 200 120 Hospital 250 180 Academics 100 80 Faculty 300 220 Total Rating/Category* 1000 750 (%) Score Z < 75 Y 75 ~ 85 X 85 ~ 95 W 95 ~ 100 Status Not approved for recommendation/continuation of recognition to train___students Approved for recommendation/ continuation of recognition to train___students Approved for recommendation/ continuation of recognition to train___students Approved for recommendation/ continuation of recognition to train___students Note 1. Z category maybe divided into 2. Z1: <60: Not approved for continuation of recognition. Z2: Between 60 to 75. Not approved for the present no. of seats, recommendation for reduction in the no. of seats, by 50, e.g a college with 150 seats will be recognized for 100 seats, and a college with 100 seats will be recognized for 50 seats. However the college can re-apply for increase in the number of seats after a mandatory period of 2 years, after fulfilling the deficiencies pointed out in the inspection report. 2. There shall be a W Plus category for colleges with facilities which are higher than the minimum laid down criteria for recognition, meaning colleges scoring more than 1000 points. 5 PART II STEPS IN THE PROCESS OF RECOGNITION OF A MEDICAL OR A DENTAL COLLEGE 3. All medical or dental institution, recognised and desirous of recognition, shall fulfill all requirements under this criteria and when ready for the initial inspection for recognition, shall submit an application for recognition of a medical and dental college which shall be addressed to the Ministry of health of the Federal Government. The new institution shall forward three proposed names in order of their preference to PM&DC which shall be considered by the Executive Committee and one approved name and abbreviation shall be communicated to the institution for adoption. 4. The Ministry of health of the Federal Government may refer the application to the PM&DC to provide consultation and recommendations regarding recognition or otherwise. 5. All institutions seeking recognition shall apply to the Federal Government so that their applications reach PM&DC by June of each year. The Council shall not entertain any request for recognition if received from the Ministry of Health in July of each year. The Council shall inspect the institutions by end of September each year and hold a session in the last week of October each year to decide these cases of recognition and shall forward these cases to the Ministry of Health for process of notification, wherever indicated. These time frames shall also be applicable to recognised institutions that are applying directly to the Council for permission to increase the number of annual admissions to the course. 6. The PM&DC shall conduct inspection under this criteria and requirements. Inspectors are commissioned in the laid down manner and their reports are placed before the Executive Committee with observations of the inspected institution on them. The recommendations of the Executive committee are then placed before the Council. 7. The Council gives recommendations to the Federal Government whether notification of recognition shall be issued. The Council determines the number of annual admissions commensurate with available facilities. 8. College Authorities will get letter of intent from the University having territorial jurisdiction, that it will affiliate the college once it gets recognition from PM&DC. The recommendations of the Council shall be provided to the University to enable it to issue a formal letter of affiliation. Once this letter of affiliation is received by the Federal Government, then it issues the recognition notification. 9. Only once notified by the Federal Government in the relevant schedules of the PM&DC Ordinance 1962, the College can admit the medical or dental students for training. 6 Stage Stage Of Processing Stage1. Receipt of applications of the institution through the University/DAI to the Ministry of Health and then referred to the PM&DC by the Ministry of Health. Stage2. Issue of Letter of inspection by PM&DC. Stage 3 Inspection by PM&DC Stage4. Applicant institution to send its observations on the PM&DC inspection report. Stage5. Recommendation of Pakistan Medical and Dental Council Executive Committee for the Council. Stage 6 Formulation of recommendations by the Council for notification in the schedules or otherwise for the Federal Government. Stage 7 Letter of no objection by the Council to the University for affiliation. Stage 8 Inclusion in the Third Schedule by the Federal Government on the recommendations received from the Council and the University. Stage 9 Advertisement for admission and admission of students by the institution. Stage 10 Registration of Students by PM&DC PART III GENERAL RULES 10. The continued recognition of a medical and dental college is subject to verification of the fulfillment of this criteria as per Visit Schedule and compliance of all decisions/regulations laid down by the Council from time to time. It shall be the responsibility of the institute to apply to PM&DC for purpose of maintaining continuation of recognition six month prior to next scheduled visit. This process shall continue till such time the establishment of the medical and dental college and expansion of the hospital facilities are complete and the first batch graduates. Then the comprehensive inspection is after every five years. 11. The PM&DC may at any stage convey the deficiencies to the applicant institution and provide it with an opportunity and time to rectify the deficiencies. The council may obtain any information from a proposed or recognized medical and dental or dental college any time, as it deems fit and necessary.Any and all 7 litigations shall be subject to rules and law of Pakistan and Pakistan Medical and Dental Council. 12. Presence of an Undergraduate medical or Dental college or departments unrelated or not essentially related to a postgraduate institution and qualification can be ignored by the Council on case to case basis. 13. If a medical and dental college plans to increase its admissions then it shall have to prove its enhanced facilities commensurate with PM&DC requirements. The PM&DC shall comprehensively inspect the institution and permission to increase admissions shall be granted if it is found that the institution has sufficient facilities to train the additional students. Notification of the PM&DC is to occur preceding this increase otherwise PM&DC shall not register these students with it. 14. All House Jobs shall be paid jobs. 15. All recognized medical and dental institutions shall be allotted a registration number by PM&DC. PART IV OWNERSHIP 16. The ownership of the (1) institution can vest in i. a body corporate registered under the relevant laws of companies ordinance / societies / trust. ii. Federal Government or Provincial Government or Local Government iii. A Pakistan University. iv. An autonomous body promoted by Federal/provincial/local government by or under a statute for the purpose of medical and dental education; v. A public religious or charitable trust registered under the related act. (2) Other than the own required hospital, the Teaching hospital can be a public private or public public or private private partner ship, and the agreement shall be of a minimum of ten years duration with a notice period of three years, other conditions as laid down shall apply. This document shall be duly registered in a court of law and shall be supplied to PM&DC. (3) Every Medical college shall establish a nursing college. 17. Opening of a medical and dental college in hired or rented building shall not be permitted. The medical/dental institution shall be set up only on the plot of land owned by the institution and earmarked for that purpose as indicated. The medical/dental institution shall be a distinctively separate purpose built facility from the hospital. PART V LEGAL REQUIREMENTS ( credit points 75) 18. After recognition no change of ownership of the private institutions will be permissible without prior approval of the PM&DC. 8 19. For training of 100 medical and dental students admitted annually, a suitable single plot of land measuring not less than three acres or equivalent covered area of 86,000 sqft, is owned or possessed by the applicant by way of 33 years lease for the construction of the college. 20. The institution shall certify that it has not admitted students to the proposed medical and dental college at the time of application. 21. (a) That to train 100 MBBS students 500 hospital bed shall be required, out of this 500 beds requirement, the medical college has to own and manage a multidiscipline hospital of not less than 150 beds with infrastructural facilities as required by the PM&DC. (b) For Dental College, the requirement of Dental Hospital for admissions in BDS, if it is a stand alone dental hospital, shall be equal to their annual intake of students in the following proportion it shall have 20 general surgery and 20 general medicine and 20 beds for oral & Maxillofacial surgery. 22. That the dental college owns and manages a hospital of not less than 75 dental operatories/ units with infrastructural facilities as required by the PM&DC and capable of being developed into a 125 dental operatories/ units teaching institution in two years. Development plan is required to be submitted. 23. Any work carried out by the students shall not be charged to them. 24. 50% of the beds must operate on 100% free accommodation and consultation basis and rest of treatment expenses on no-profit basis, which include lab services, medicine and supplies, if any. 25. Provisional certificate from the university having territorial jurisdiction on the condition that it will grant recognition subject to approval of PM&DC. 26. The university shall not comment about seat allocation and a comment even if made about seat allocation shall carry no value 27. The recognition granted shall be restricted to a specified place (Campus) and for particular course (Medical or dental under graduate MBBS, BDS and postgraduate diploma or degree). No sub campus or branch shall be established. 28. The Federal Government shall include the medical or dental qualification and institution in the respective schedules after satisfying itself that the subject medical and dental institution has been granted affiliation by a University acceptable to the Federal Government as per law. 29. When applying for recognition, affiliation agreement of the teaching hospital with the college shall need to be submitted to PM&DC. The affiliation agreement is required to be in the form of declaration before a first class magistrate or a civil judge and shall have complete codal formalities addressing all facets of working between the college and the attached/affiliated hospital clearly spelling out the student training arrangement. The agreement shall be of a minimum of ten years duration with a notice period of three years. The PMDC shall be 9 informed of anticipated changes in affiliation agreements immediately. In the agreement a. There shall be defined responsibilities of each party related to the educational program for medical and dental students. b. It shall contain clauses assuring student and faculty access to appropriate resources for medical and dental student education. c. The medical and dental college should have absolute control over academic and administrative affairs of the hospital and the Principal of the college can be the chief executive officer of the teaching Hospital of the College and should be the authority for recruitment of faculty in the hospital. d. The existing colleges have to have their own college building and a 150 bedded multidiscipline hospital out of the 500 beds requirement within a three years period from promulgation of these regulations. All the new colleges applying for recognition shall have to have their own college building and an own 150 bedded hospital out of the 500 beds requirement at the time of first inspection per specification of PM&DC. PART VI FINANCIAL STATUS AND SUSTAINABILITY CREDIT POINTS 75 30. It has to be demonstrated that the institution is financially stable and has the ability to sustain a regular functioning and efficient working. The present and anticipated financial resources of a medical and dental institution have to be adequate to sustain a sound program of medical and dental education and to accomplish other institutional goals. The costs of conducting an accredited program leading to the M.B;B.S degree can be supported from diverse sources, such as income from tuition, endowments, earnings by the faculty, support from the parent university, annual gifts, grants from organizations and individuals, and appropriations from the government and its agencies. Evidence for compliance with this section will include documentation of adequate financial reserves to maintain the educational program in the event of unexpected revenue losses, and demonstration of effective fiscal management of the medical and dental institution budget. Pressure for institutional self-financing are not to compromise the educational mission of the institution nor cause it to charge more fee from students. Reliance on student tuition shall not be so great that the quality of the program is compromised due to lack of finances. In this regard i. ii. iii. The institution shall furnish such reports, returns, and other information as the PM&DC may require, enabling it to judge the financial sustainability. The Institution/university, shall prior to enrolling students, establish an endowment fund of at least Rupees 10 Million for development and enhancing the quality of education. The endowment fund shall have an increase at a rate of 2.5% annually. At the commencement of operation of the college, the working capital of at least Rupees 20 Million needs to lye with the institution for smooth functioning of the affairs of institution. 10 PART VII GOVERNANCE 31. The manner in which the medical and dental institution is organized, including the responsibilities and privileges of administrative officers, faculty, students and committees are to be promulgated in medical and dental institution or university bylaws and shall be in conformity with the relevant PM&DC regulations. 32. Role of Governing body: The governing board shall be responsible for oversight of the medical and dental institution and shall follow formal policies and procedures to avoid the impact of conflicts of interest of members in the operation of the institution , its associated hospitals, or any related enterprises. Terms of governing board members shall be overlapping and sufficiently long to permit them to gain an understanding of the programs of the medical and dental institution. Administrative officers and members of a medical and dental institution faculty are to be appointed by, or on the authority of, the governing body of the medical and dental institution or its parent university. The Governing body shall give the Principal appropriate financial autonomy, authority and control over the college and its attached teaching hospital who shall function as its chief executive. 33. Role of the Academic Council: ( 1 ) The faculty shall form a forum known as academic Council of an institution and shall comprise of all the Professors and Head of the Teaching units and shall be headed by the Principal. The Academic Council shall determine institutional academic policies. ( 2 ) The Academic Council shall meet often enough for all members of the Academic Council to have the opportunity to participate in the discussion about academic policies and practices. 34. Study Boards and/or Curriculum Committee shall assure that there are mechanisms for direct faculty involvement in decisions related to the educational program and its delivery and evaluation. 35. Role of Principal: The chief official of the medical and dental institution shall usually holds the title “dean,” or “Principal” and shall be appointed as per PM&DC criteria. He shall have financial autonomy, as decided by the Governing body. He shall have authority and control over the attached teaching hospital and may function as its chief executive. He shall have ready access to the university authorities and the governing body and other officials as are necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the dean’s / principal’s office. There shall be clear understanding of the authority and responsibility for medical and dental institution matters along its hierarchy. 36. Role of Faculty: (1) In the relationship between the medical and dental institution and its clinical affiliates, the educational program for medical and dental students are to remain under the control of the institution’s faculty. Regardless of the location where clinical instruction occurs, department head and faculty are to have authority consistent with their responsibility for the instruction 11 and evaluation of medical and dental students. The responsibility of the clinical facility for patient care shall not diminish or preclude opportunities for medical and dental students to undertake patient care duties under the appropriate supervision of medical and dental institution faculty and residents. ( 2 ) Important areas where direct faculty involvement is expected include admissions, curriculum development and evaluation, and student promotions. Faculty members shall be involved in decisions about any other mission-critical areas specific to the institution. Strategies for assuring direct faculty participation may include peer selection or other mechanisms that bring a broad faculty perspective to the decision-making process, independent of departmental or central administration point of view. The quality of an educational program maybe enhanced by the participation of volunteer faculty in faculty governance, especially in defining educational goals and objectives. 37. ANNUAL REPORT; The institution shall publish an annual report of all its activities, with chapters by each department, and provide a copy to the PM&DC. PART VIII SITE AND INFRASTRUCTURE CREDIT POINTS 200 38. A medical and dental College has to possess its own buildings and equipment appropriate to achieve its educational and other goals. The medical and dental institution facilities shall include offices for faculty, administrators, and support staff; laboratories and other space appropriate for the conduct of research; student classrooms and laboratories; lecture hall(s) sufficiently large to accommodate a full year’s class and any other students taking the same courses. There shall be adequate space for student use, including student study space, comfortable seating space in the campus, space and equipment for library and information access; and space and equipment for the humane care of animals when animals are used in teaching or research. Appropriate security systems and protocols shall be in place at all educational sites. i. ii. iii. iv. The site selected for the institution has to be suitable from an academic point of view and sustainable. The site existing or selected for the medical and dental institution has to be easily accessible to general public. Site characteristics and availability of external linkages, topography, plot size, permissible floor space index, ground coverage, building height, road access, availability of public transport, electric supply, water supply, sewage connection and communication facilities shall be adequate and appropriate and details thereof be supplied to the PM&DC at the time of submission of application. The college shall have a fully functional well stocked library, well equipped laboratories, museums, dissection halls, lecture and tutorial halls, well equipped teaching hospital with specified requirement and hostel facility for students. The institution shall provide daycare facility to female employees. 12 v. The institution / affiliated and constituent institute of the University beside appropriate administrative, faculty, staff room and staff offices facilities shall have the following mandatory infrastructure shown in table 1. Table 1 Infrastructure (100 MBBS Students) Total Marks: 200 Auditorium 10% credit (1) 300 initially and 500 after two years 15 sqft/person 4500 sqft capacity Lecture Hall 15% credit Library 15% credit Common Room for girls 05% credit Cafeteria 05% credit Tutorial (x4) 15% credit Labs (x6) 15% credit Skill Lab Museum (x4) 10% credit Offices (x7) 05% credit Mortuary and Anatomy Dissection hall 05% credit Animal House Miscellaneous space (Administration) Circulation and other space (3) 100 capacity (1) 100 capacity 15 sqft/person 50 sqft/person At least 20x 20 ft 1500 sqft each X3 5000 sqft 400 sqft Lump sum 25 capacity 25 capacity 15 sqft/person 50 sqft/person 1000 sqft 375sqft each x 4 1250 sqft each x6 Lump sum 25 capacity 500 sqft 20 sqft/person Each department 4500 sqft 1500 sqft 7500 sqft 1000 sqft 500 sqft each x4 1000 sqft 3500 sqft Lump sum 1500 sqft Lump sum 225 sqft Lump sum 2000 sqft Lump sum 10,000 sqft TOTAL =43,625 Note sqft 1.The total marks for Infrastructure will be 200. Weight age given as % in front of individual facilities. 2. Instead of 6 Labs, the college can have 2 Multi-disciplinary Labs, with a capacity of 50 in each lab. List of equipments available in these multidisciplinary labs shall be provided to PM&DC. 3. college and the hospital shall have separate skill labs. (B) Hospital 250 Marks Hospital Facility 500 Beds 13 250 sqft/Bed 125,000 sqft Teaching Facilitates and Staff Offices 10,000 sqft TOTAL 135,000 sqft GRAND TOTAL 176,000 sqft Note Out of 250 marks, 60% maybe given to the mandatory hospital facilities, listed below and 40% to the bed strength. Mandatory Hospital Facilities includes: 60% (150 marks) Out-patient Department. 10% Hospital Pharmacy. 05% Emergency room services with at least 10 beds with monitoring facilities, Minor O.T & resuscitation facilities 10% Operating Rooms 10% Critical care beds e.g intensive care, coronary care and neonatal care. 15% CSSD. 10% Radiology Services with Xray ultrasound and CT scan or MRI facilities. 15% Laboratory Services (Haematology, Histopathology, Microbiology, Chemical Pathology and Blood Bank). 15% Day Care Facilities. 05% Food Service. Proper Waste Disposal System (Incinerators). 05% (or active contract with a service provider). The total marks for hospital services will be 150. The above mentioned % can be calculated from 150 marks. It is also recommended that the hospital should have at least 4 tutorial rooms, to be shared by different departments for teaching of students. Each tutorial room should have at least 25 seats. Other Facilities IT Lab with Wi-Fi connectivity The Library must be well-stocked with at least 30 copies of each and every text books and 10 sets of at least 5 reference books in each subject. That Institute must have availability of internet connectivity and at least 01 computer per 10 student on roll. Table 1 Infrastructure (50 BDS Students) Auditorium 10% credit Lecture Hall 15% credit Library (1) 300 capacity (3) 100 capacity (1) 100 15 sqft/person 15 sqft/person 50 sqft/person 14 4500 sqft 150sqft each X 3 4500 sqft 5000 sqft 15% credit Common Room for girls 05% credit Cafeteria 05% credit Tutorial (x4) 15% credit Labs (x6) 15% credit Museum (x4) 10% credit Offices (x7) 05% credit Miscellaneous space (Administration Circulation and other space capacity Atleast 20x 20 ft 400 sqft Lump sum 1000 sqft 375sqft each x 4 1250 sqft 50 sqft/person each x 6 500 sqft 20 sqft/person each x 4 Each department 25 capacity 15 sqft/person 25 capacity 25 capacity 500 sqft Lump sum 1500 sqft 7500 sqft 1000 sqft 3500 sqft 2000 sqft 10,000 sqft 40,900 sqft TOTAL (B) Hospital Number of Admissions 50 75 100 Hospital Facility Teaching Facilitates and Staff Offices 75 100 125 100 sqft/Bed 40,000 sqft 10,000 sqft TOTAL 50,000 sqft GRAND TOTAL 84,000 sqft Other Facilities The Library must be well-stocked with at least 30 copies of each and every text books and 10 sets of at least 5 reference books in each subject. That Institute must have availability of internet connectivity and at least 01 computer per 05 students on roll. Free Wifi facility both in the College as well as the attached Hospital. PART IX STUDENT FACILITIES 39. Admissions shall be on open merit and as per PM&DC admission criteria laid down in the MBBS and BDS regulations. All Federal/provincial/HEC/PTAP quotas shall be adjusted strictly within the seats allocated by PM&DC for annual admission and shall meet PM&DC admission criteria. In the admissions process and throughout study in medical and dental institution, there shall be no discrimination on the basis of gender, regional orientation, age, race, creed, or national origin. Migration and student exchange policy shall be followed as laid down in the Pakistan registration of medical and dental practitioner regulations 2008. All students shall display their PM&DC student registration cards while in the college and hospital. Screening for infectious/ communicable diseases shall 15 be done before admission and persons having such diseases shall not be eligible for admission. 40. Academic and Career Counseling. The system of academic advice to students shall integrate with the efforts of faculty members, course directors, and student affairs officers and the institution’s counseling and tutorial services. There shall be a system in place to assist students in career choice and application to postgraduate programs. 41. Financial Aid Counseling and Resources. A medical and dental institution has to provide students with effective financial aid and debt management counseling. Medical and dental institutions shall have mechanisms in place to minimize the impact of direct educational expenses on student indebtedness. Institutions are to have clear and equitable policies for the refund of tuition fees, and other allowable payments if such an eventuality does arise. 42. Student complaints, Health Services and Personal Counseling. Each institution is to have an effective system of personal counseling for its students that includes programs to promote the well-being of students, redressal of their grievances and complaints and facilitation of their adjustment to the physical and emotional demands of medical and dental institution. All complaints by students shall be put up to the Principal for disposal. Medical and dental students shall have access to preventive and therapeutic health services. The health professionals who provide psychiatric/psychological counseling or other sensitive health services to medical and dental students shall have no involvement in the academic evaluation or promotion of the students receiving those services. Health insurance is to be made available to all students , and all students may have access to disability/ communicable disease insurance if so is picked up during student ship. Medical and dental institutions shall follow accepted guidelines in determining appropriate immunizations for medical and dental students. Institutions may have policies addressing student exposure to infectious and environmental hazards. PART X ACADEMICS 43. Educational Program Objectives: objective and public health objectives. 44. Curriculum Management: The curriculum shall be as laid down by the PM&DC. The institution shall be governed by the statutes, regulations, rules framed by the PM&DC from time to time including general scheme of studies , duration of courses, the medium of instructions and examinations, detailed syllabi for examinations, and the condition under which students shall be admitted to examinations. 45. Roles and Responsibilities: There is integrated institutional responsibility for the overall management, delivery and evaluation of the curriculum. The Principal and the faculty need to ensure the effective delivery and implementation of the components of the curriculum. The Principal or Dean need to have sufficient resources and authority to fulfill this responsibility. 16 Every institution shall have a defined 46. 47. 48. Evaluation of examinations: The statutes, regulations, rules framed by the PM&DC on evaluation and inspection of examination, shall govern the institution and the responsibility to comply shall be that of the Principal and the Vice Chancellor. No formal invitation to inspect examination is required to be extended to PM&DC.PM&DC shall inspect any or all examinations and the institution shall provide schedules of examinations to PM&DC well in time. The university shall not declare result of the examination unless cleared by PM&DC. Confidentiality of student record It is the responsibility of the institution concerned to keep the student records to be confidential and available only to members of the faculty and administration on a need to know basis. Laws concerning confidentiality of record need to be kept in view. Students are to be allowed to review and challenge their records if there is a valid reason for it. Requirements and Guidelines about the Learning Environment in the Institution (a) Academic atmosphere The institution shall create an environment where graduate and continuing medical and dental education programs are present. The program of medical and dental education leading to the M.BBS/BDS degree are to be conducted in an environment that fosters the intellectual challenge and spirit of inquiry appropriate to a community of scholars. Medical and dental institutions shall make available sufficient opportunities for medical and dental students to participate in research and other scholarly activities and the faculty shall encourage and support student participation. (b) Behaviour & Discipline (i) Medical and dental institutions have to ensure that the learning environment for medical and dental students promotes the development of explicit and appropriate professional attributes (attitudes, behaviors, and identity) in their medical and dental students. (ii) Each medical and dental institution shall define and publicize the standards of conduct for the teacher-learner relationship, and develop written policies for addressing violations of those standards. The medical and dental institution are to publicize to all faculty and students its standards and procedures for the evaluation, advancement, and graduation of its students and for disciplinary action. There has to be a fair and formal process for taking any action that adversely affects the status of a student. (iii) No political activity, in any form is to be undertaken by a student or a faculty member. PM&DC will take serious action including debarring him/her from medical education anywhere in Pakistan against perpetrators. (c) Co-Curricular Activities The institution shall promote the extra curricular and recreational activates of the students. Indoor and outdoor sports facilities are to be arranged. 17 49. Evaluation of Program Effectiveness: (i) To judge student achievement a medical and dental institution has to collect and use a variety of outcome data, including national norms of accomplishment, to demonstrate the extent to which its educational program objectives are being met, how many students are successful in joining postgraduate courses and then achieving post graduation. (ii) In assessing program quality, institutions are to consider student evaluations of their courses and teachers, as well as a variety of other measures. (iii) A system for the evaluation of student achievement shall be in place throughout medical and dental college life and shall employ a variety of measures of knowledge, skills. (iv) There is to be ongoing assessment that assures students have acquired and can demonstrate on direct observation the core clinical skills, behaviors, and attitudes that have been specified in the institution’s educational objectives. There is to be evaluation of problem solving, clinical reasoning, and communication skills. (v) The faculty of each discipline shall set the standards of achievement in these disciplines. The directors of all courses and clerkships are to design and implement a system of formative (40%) and summative (60%) evaluation of student achievement in each course and clerkship. Each student shall be evaluated early enough during a unit of study to allow time for remediation. ( vi) All institutions shall adopt a process by which they shall maintain a record of achievements of each and every one of their students before and after graduation. Each medical and dental college are to engage in a planning process that sets the direction for the institution and results in measurable student achievement outcomes. (vii) Narrative descriptions of student performance and of no cognitive achievement shall be included as part of evaluations in all required courses and clerkships where teacher-student interaction permits this form of assessment. 50. Information Resources and Library Services (i) The medical and dental institutions are to have a well-maintained library and information facilities, sufficient in size, breadth of holdings, and information technology to support its education and other missions. There shall be physical or electronic access to leading biomedical, clinical, and other relevant periodicals, sufficient current numbers of which shall be readily available. The library and other learning resource centers are to be equipped in such a manner so as to allow students to access information electronically, as well as to use self-instructional materials. (ii) The library and information services staff are to be responsive to the needs of the faculty and students of the medical and dental institution. A professional staff shall supervise the library and information services, and provide instruction in accessing resource to the users. The library and information services staff shall be proficient in accessing current international, regional and national information resources and data systems, and know contemporary information technology. Moreover 18 a) b) c) d) The library shall be a 100% lending library with adequate copies of text books (20% of admission strength) and 10 sets of at least 5 reference books in each subject. The library shall have seating facility for 20% of the total number of students on roll. The library shall have very extended timings. The institution shall have Internet connectivity and e-books. At least 1 computer per 10 students' admission with access to PERN and its subject related journals. PART XI TEACHING HOSPITAL (CREDIT POINTS 250) 51. To train 100 MBBS students the institution shall establish one or more teaching hospital with ratio of minimum of 5 beds to a student admission per year and will be required to have a minimum total capacity of 500 beds in all or one hospitals and with the prescribed composition of departments and units. At first inspection the requirement is of 250 bed and which shall be increased to 500 beds by the time the students reach third year. 52. No two colleges shall share a teaching hospital irrespective of its bed strength. 53. Clinical resources in the attached teaching hospitals shall be sufficient to ensure breadth and quality of ambulatory and bedside teaching. They include adequate numbers and types of patients (acuity, case mix, age, gender, etc.) as well as physical resources. The hospital must have appropriate instructional facilities and information resources, appropriate instructional facilities include areas for individual student study, for conferences, and for large group presentations (lectures). 54. Sufficient information resources, including library holdings and access to other library systems at site. A sufficient number of computers are needed that allow access to the Internet and to other educational software. Call rooms and lockers, or other secure space to store personal belongings, shall be available for student use. 55. A teaching hospital affiliated with a private institution / University shall have 50% of the total prescribed beds available at no profit basis to the patients as already laid down in regulation 24 supra. 56. There shall be a major role of the medical and dental institution in appointment/assignment of faculty members in the affiliated teaching hospital responsible for medical and dental student teaching. If department heads of the institution are not also the clinical service chiefs at affiliated institutions, the affiliation agreement has to confirm the authority of the department head of the college to ensure faculty and student access to appropriate resources for medical and dental student education. 19 57. The prescribed number of beds in teaching hospital be distributed among the specialties as shown in table 2. (Table 2 a) Number of Beds (Medical College) Total Marks 40% 100 marks. Required Up to 100 Admissions Required Up to 150 Admissions Required for 151 to 200 Admissions Required for 201 to 250 Admissions Required for 251 to 300 Admissions 500 Beds 600 Beds 700 Beds 800 Beds 900 Beds Medicine 75 120 120 160 200 Surgery 75 120 120 160 200 Gynecology & Obstetrics 80 80 120 120 130 Paediatrics 40 40 80 80 80 Eye 15 20 20 20 20 ENT 15 20 20 20 20 Orthopedic / Trauma 40 40 40 40 50 80 80 80 80 80 100 (1 unit on OMFS) Floating (depending upon need and faculty) Department Essential Specialties Optional Specialties Medicine and Allied Specialties Surgery and Allied Specialties (10 Bed in maxillofacial Surgery) 120 80 (1 unit on OMFS) 80 (1 unit on OMFS) 120 Floating (depending upon need and faculty) Out of 250 marks, 40% maybe given to the mandatory hospital facilities, listed below and 60% to the bed strength. Hospital Facilities includes: 40% (100 marks) Out-patient Department. 10% Resuscitation area with facilities Separate cubicles for teaching medical students Dressing area Basic instruments according to different specialities Faculty room Provision of wheel chairs and stretchers Hospital Pharmacy. 05% Both for indoor and outdoor patients Trained pharmacists 20 Emergency room 10% 10 beds with monitoring facilities Minor OT Facilities for resuscitation esp. Defibrillator Cubicles for patients with central oxygen and suction and monitoring facilities Anaesthesia machines with ventilator 2 Operating Rooms 10% Pre-anaesthesia area Recovery area with central oxygen and suction and monitoring facilities 5 fully equipped operating rooms Monitoring facilities in all theatres Image intensifier (1) Facilities for resuscitation 5 Anaesthesia machines with ventilators Capnograph (Optional) Diathermy machines in each theatre, both mono polar and bipolar Protocol for Hep B/C Critical care beds e.g intensive care, coronary care and neonatal care. 15% Separate Medical & Surgical ICU beds Separate Paediatric & Neonatal intensive care beds Coronary care beds 15% of the total bed strength will be intensive care beds Ventilatory facilities Atleast 15 Ventilators Facilities for blood gas analysis CSSD. 10% Washing area Washer disinfector Steam Autoclaves with 134 C Temp. 500 ltrs. Ethylene di-oxide/Formaldehyde gas steriolizer Sealing Machines Chemical Sterilization facilities Storage & Distribution Counter 1 2 1 Radiology Services with all imaging modalities. 15% X-ray Machines 500 mA Fluoroscopy/Image Intensifier 300 mA Stationary Bucky Table 300 mA Stationary Bucky Stand 100 mA Portable Ultrasound Machines 3.5 mHz probe Gray Scale 3.5 mHz probe portable Gray Scale Color Doppler Multifrequency probes Biopsy probes CT scan Multislice (4/16/64) MRI scan Mammography Preferably with magnifier/spot film/compression Safety Equipment Lead Aprons TLD Lead Shield/Partitions Film Badge/Radiation detector & thyroid shields Optional equipments OPG Angiography Suites (compulsory) PACS 21 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 Optional 1 3 1 4 Computed/Digital radiography Laboratory Services (Haematology, Histopathology, Microbiology, Chemical Pathology and Blood Bank). 15% Histopathology Microtome facilities Facilities for tissue processing Embedding Stations Basic Staining Station Microscope with multiple heads Frozen section facilities Haematology 3/5 part automated differential counter Microscopes 1 with teaching head *New Baur Chambers Basic Staining Facilities inc Reticulocytes Fridge to keep samples Blood Bank Serofuge Agglutination Viewer Water bath/Heat Block Microscope Platelet rotator with incubator Blood Bank Fridge -30 C Freezer for storage Chemical pathology Centrifuges Semi automated chemistry analyzer Automated chemistry analyzer Immuno-assay analyzer Refractometer Ion selective electrode Blood gas analyzer (Either in Deptt. Or ICU) Fridge Freezer -30 or -70 C Microbiology Incubator 37 C Basic Staining facilities Fridge Microscope with teaching head Safety Hood Day Care Facilities. 05% Food Service. Proper Waste Disposal System (Incenirators). 1 1 1 1 1 (Optional) 1 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 05% The total marks for hospital services will be 150. The above mentioned % can be calculated from 150 marks. It is also recommended that the hospital should have at least 4 tutorial rooms, to be shared by different departments for teaching of students. Each tutorial room should have at least 25 seats. Note 1. The total no. of beds required for 100 students is 500. The hospital shall have 500 beds of which at least 150 beds should be owned by the hospital and the rest 350 beds maybe contracted through Memorandum of understanding from other other government or nongovernmental organizations. 22 2. The hospital will have the liberty of either demarcate the no. of beds according to the specialties mentioned above or they can allocate beds according to floors or demarcated areas. It is recommended that under this scenario Medicine & Allied will have 200 beds, Surgery & Allied will have 150 beds and Mother & Child Health will have 150 beds. The total no. of beds will remain 500. 3. It is also recommended that out of 500 beds, 10% should be beds with monitoring facilities e.g ICU, CCU, NICU, HDU or in Emergency room. 4. There should be minimum of 2 outreach clinics dedicated for Community Health Services. 5. Since most of the Surgeries/Procedures done in Ophthalmology is carried out as an outpatient or day care the no. of beds in this speciality is reduced to 15. 6. The scoring will be done according to the no. of beds, and allocation of beds in different specialties or floors, as mentioned above, e.g if the total strength of beds is 400, then 20% marks will be deducted, or if the hospital does not have beds with monitoring facilities, although the total no. is 500, still 10% marks will be deducted. 7. Bed occupancy annual average shall not be below 60%. 8. For Dental College, the requirement of Dental Hospital for admissions in BDS, if it is a stand alone dental hospital, shall be equal to their annual intake of students in the following proportion it shall have 20 general surgery and 20 general medicine and 10 beds for oral & Maxillofacial surgery. For the Dental College with Medical College no extra beds are required. 58. A dental institution in public sector shall not have more than 100 students annually and a dental institution in private sector shall not have more than 80 students annually if it is a stand alone college and 75 students annually if it is with a medical college irrespective of facilities. A medical institution in public sector shall not have more than 350 students annually and a medical institution in private sector shall not have more than 150 students annually irrespective of facilities. 59. Dropouts in the first two years shall be adjusted in subsequent admissions so as to maintain total admission strength in the first two years. All dropouts shall be reported to the Executive Committee and permission for admission shall be sought. 60. Dissection of the bodies and the mortuary is optional. PART XII FACULTY CREDIT POINTS 350 61 The strength, qualification and experience of teaching faculty and other staff and the terms and condition of their service shall be according to PM&DC requirements. The faculty shall have to be registered with PM&DC as only 23 registered faculty shall be acceptable as faculty.The faculty shall display his valid faculty registration and PM&DC registration at his place of duty. 62. Faculty Objectives: (i) The medical and dental institution faculty has to define the objectives of the educational program according to the PM&DC curriculum. The objectives are to serve as guide for delivery of the curriculum content and provide the basis for evaluating the effectiveness of the educational program in order to achieve the defined competencies of the graduate as laid down by the PM&DC. (ii) The objectives of the educational program are to be stated in outcome-based terms that allow assessment of student progress in developing the competencies that the PM&DC and the public expects out of a physician. There shall be a system with central oversight to assure that the faculty defines the types of patients and clinical conditions that students have to encounter, the appropriate clinical setting for the educational experiences, and the expected level of student responsibility. The faculty has to monitor student experience and modify it as necessary to ensure that the objectives of the clinical education program are met. The objectives of the educational program have to be made known to all medical and dental students and to the faculty and others with direct responsibilities for medical and dental student education. 63. 64. 65. Service Policies and career planning and progression. No faculty shall be over the age of seventy years, unless granted status of Professor Emiratus by the affiliating University.There shall be clear policies and terms and conditions of service for faculty appointment, renewal of appointment, promotion and progress, granting of tenure, and dismissal. These shall be clearly told to the faculty at the time of appointment. A medical and dental institution shall have policies that deal with circumstances in which the private interests of faculty members or staff may be in conflict with their official responsibilities. On regular intervals, faculty members shall receive written information about their terms of appointment, responsibilities, lines of communication, privileges and benefits, if relevant, and the policy on practice earnings. Career progression policies shall be laid down and shall safeguard the interest of the faculty. Faculty shall receive regularly scheduled feedback on their academic performance and their progress toward promotion. Feedback shall be provided by students, departmental leadership or, if relevant, other institutional leadership. Opportunities for professional development are to be provided to enhance faculty members’ capacity and skills and leadership abilities in education and research. The institution / University shall submit the details of available teaching staff with documentary evidence of their appointment, Income Tax deduction certificate and place of previous appointment and resignation(in case he has been in any other institution previously).Female faculty shall have flexible timings, which they will communicate to the administration from time to time . Number, Qualifications, and Functions of the faculty The recruitment and development of a medical and dental institution’s faculty shall take into account its mission, the diversity of its student body, and the population that it serves. There has to be a sufficient number of faculty members in the subjects basic to medicine and in the clinical disciplines to meet the needs of the educational program and the other missions of the medical institution. In determining the number of faculty needed for the educational program, medical institutions shall consider that faculty may have educational and other responsibilities in academic 24 programs besides medicine. In the clinical sciences, the number and kind of faculty appointed shall also relate to the amount of patient care activities required to conduct meaningful clinical teaching across the continuum of medical and dental education. Persons appointed to a faculty position have to demonstrate achievements commensurate with their academic rank. Members of the faculty must have the capability and continued commitment to be effective teachers. A faculty member/consultant who attends duty after 2400hrs shall not be required on duty next day before 1200hrs. 66. Effective Teaching: requires knowledge of the discipline and an understanding of curriculum design and development, curriculum evaluation, and methods of instruction. Faculty members involved in teaching, course planning and curricular evaluation shall possess or have ready access to expertise in teaching methods, curriculum development, program evaluation, and student evaluation. Such expertise may be supplied by a department of medical and dental education or by faculty/staff members with backgrounds in educational science. Faculty involved in the development and implementation of a course, clerkship, or larger curricular unit shall be able to design the learning activities and corresponding evaluation methods (student and program) in a manner consistent with the institution’s stated educational objectives and sound educational principles. Community physicians appointed to the faculty, on a part-time basis or as volunteers, shall be effective teachers, serve as role models for students, and provide insight into contemporary methods of providing patient care. Faculty members shall have a commitment to continuing scholarly productivity characteristic of an institution of higher learning. Among the lines of evidence indicating compliance with these standards are the following: (i) Documented participation of the faculty in professional development activities related specifically to teaching and evaluation. (ii) Attendance at international, regional or national meetings on medical or dental educational affairs. Evidence that faculty members’ knowledge of their discipline is current. (ii) 67. The minimum required faculty and ancillary staff for the number of students is as under and the marks assigned to each category are displayed for convenience and reference in the inspection reports and information Performa of the Council for each category. (Table 3) FACULTY AND STAFF REQUIREMENT FOR MBBS (BASIC SCIENCES) Total no. of marks given for Faculty is 300. This is equally divided between Basic Sciences & Clinical Sciences. Total Marks for Basic Sciences:150 Marks. Department Designation Required Upto 100 Admissions Required Upto 101 to 150 Admissions Required Up 151 to 250 Admissions Required Upto 251 to 300 Admissions Required upto 301 to 350 Admissions Anatomy 500 Teaching Hours Professor 1 (25%) 1 1 1 2 Assoc Prof 1(25%) 1 2 3 4 [250 Theory + 250 Asstt. Prof 2(20%) 3 4 5 6 25 Practical] Demonstrator Total Marks for Anatomy For first inspection (90) & subsequent insp.(30) Dissection Hall Attendant *Curator of Museum Physiology 500 Teaching Hours [250 Theory + 250 Practical] Total Marks for Physiology For first inspection (90) & subsequent insp.(30) Biochemistry 300 Teaching Hours [150 Theory + 150 Practical] Hours increased from 200 to 300 Total Marks for Biochemistry.For first inspection (60) & subsequent insp.(18) 8(20%) 9 12 14 16 2 2 4 6 8 1 1 1 1 `1 Lab.Tech/Asst 2 3 4 6 8 Stenographer/ Computer Operator 1 1 2 2 3 Professor 1 (25%) 1 1 1 2 Assoc Prof 1(25%) 1 2 3 4 Asstt. Prof 2(20%) 3 4 5 6 Demonstrator 8(20%) 9 12 14 16 10% for the rest Lab.Tech/Asst 2 3 4 6 8 Store Keeper 1 1 1 1 1 Stenographer/ Computer Operator 1 1 2 2 3 Professor 1(25%) 1 1 1 2 Assoc. Prof 1(25%) 1 1 2 3 Asstt. Prof 1(20%) 2 2 2 3 Demonstrator 4(20%) 5 6 7 8 10 % for the rest Lab. Technician / Assistant 1 2 2 3 4 Store Keeper 1 1 1 1 1 Stenographer/ Computer Operator 1 1 2 2 3 Pharmacology 300 Teaching Hours Professor 1(25%) 1 1 1 2 Assoc. Prof 1(25%) 1 2 3 4 [150 Theory + 150 Practical] For initial inspection 50% of faculty is required. For subsequent Asstt. Prof 1(20%) 2 4 5 6 Demonstrator 6(20%) 7 12 14 16 1 1 1 1 10% for the rest Pharmacist 1 26 inspection.Total Marks for Pharmacology 18 Department Pathology -Histopathology -Microbiology -Chemical Pathology -heamatology For initial inspection 50% of faculty is required. For subsequent inspection. Total marks is 30 1. *Forensic Medicine 100 Teaching Hours [50 Theory + 50 Practical] For initial inspection 50% of faculty is required. For subsequent inspection Total Marks for Forensic Medicine 6 Community Medicine 300 Teaching Hours [150 Theory + 150 Practical] For initial inspection 50% of faculty is required. For Lab. Technician / Assistant 1 2 2 3 4 Store Keeper 1 1 1 1 1 Stenographer/ Computer Operator 1 1 2 2 3 Required Upto 100 Admissions Required Upto 101 to 150 Admissions Required Up 151 to 250 Admissions Required Upto 251 to 300 Admissions Required upto 301 to 350 Admissions Professor /Associate (one each in Histo pathology, microbiology. Chemical pathology/Haematalogy) 4 (1 in each) (of which two shall be Professors) 35% 5 (1 in each) (of which two shall be Professors) 6 (1 in each) (of which two shall be Professors) 6 (1 in each) (of which three shall be Professors) 8 of which four shall be Professors Assistant professors 4 (atleast 1 in each) 30% 5 (atleast 1 in each) 6 (atleast 1 in each) 7 (atleast 1 in each) 8 (atleast 1 in each) Demonstrator 8 25% 10 12 14 16 4 6 8 10 12 1 1 2 3 4 Store Keeper *Curator of Museum 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Professor / Assoc. / Asstt. Prof. 2 1 1 3(of which one shall be a Professor/Assoc Prof) 3 of which one shall be a Professor) 4 of which one shall be a Professor) 5 of which one shall be a Professor) Demonstrator 4 4 6 6 8 1 1 3 3 4 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 Professor 1(25%) 1 1 1 1 Assoc. Prof 1(25%) 1 2 2 2 Asstt. Prof 1(20%) 2 3 3 4 Demonstrator 4(20%) 6 8 8 8 2 4 4 6 Designation 10% for the rest Lab. Assistant / Lab Tech. Stenographer/ Computer Operator 10% for the rest Lab. Technician / Assistant Stenographer/ Computer Operator Store Keeper 10% for the rest Medical Social Worker (1M+1F) 2 27 subsequent inspection Total Marks for Community Medicine 18 Stenographer/ Computer Operator 1 1 2 2 3 Note (1) (2) (3) Keeping in view the dearth of qualified medical teachers in basic sciences, MPhil holder is eligible for Professor till 2020, however, nobody will be promoted upwards without PhD after this window period. Position shall be reviewed in 2020. Full complement of the Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry, as per these regulations, shall be demonstrated in the First Visit for recognition. 50% of the rest of the faculty in each department shall be acceptable for recognition. Full complement of all faculties shall be demonstrated once the students reach third year and this shall be verified by inspection. The 80% of the marks of the faculty in the first inspection for recognition of a medical college shall be dedicated to the basic sciences departments of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry. For Forensic Medicine additional Staff will be adjusted for the department required to do Medico legal services/ postgraduate programs. FACULTY AND STAFF REQUIREMENT FOR MBBS (CLINICAL SCIENCES) Total Marks: 150 Department *Medicine & Allied 800 Teaching Hours [300 Theory + 500 Clinical) For initial inspection 50% of faculty is required. For subsequent insp. Designation Required Upto 100 Admissions Required Upto 101 to 150 Admissions Required Up 151 to 250 Admissions Required Upto 251 to 300 Admissions Required upto 301 to 350 Admissions Professor 2(30%) 2 3 3 4 Associate Professor 2(30%) 2 3 4 5 Asstt. Professor 2(20%) 4 6 6 8 Senior Registrar 2(20%) 4 6 7 8 Resident/Medical Officer 4 6 8 10 12 Professor 2(30%) 2 3 3 4 Associate Professor 2(30%) 2 3 4 5 Asstt. Professor 2(20%) 4 4 5 6 Senior Registrar 2(20%) 4 5 6 7 40 marks *Surgery & Allied 800 Teaching Hours [300 Theory + 500 Clinical) For initial inspection 28 50% of faculty is required. For subsequent insp. Resident/Medical Officer 4 6 8 10 12 Professor 2(30%) 2 3 3 4 Associate Professor 2(30%) 2 3 4 5 Asst. Professor 2(20%) 3 4 5 6 Sr. Registrar 2(20%) 3 5 6 7 Resident/ Medical Officer 4 6 8 10 12 Professor 1(40%) 1 2 2 2 Associate / Asst. Professor 1(35%) 2 2 2 2 Senior Registrar 1(25%) 1 2 2 2 3 4 8 10 12 Professor 1(40%) 1 2 2 2 Associate / Asst. Professor 1(35%) 2 2 2 2 Senior Registrar 1(25%) 1 2 2 2 3 4 8 10 12 Professor 1(30%) 1 2 3 3 Assoc. Prof. 1(30%) 1 1 2 2 Asst. Professor 1(20%) 2 3 4 5 Senior Registrar 1(20%) 2 3 4 5 Resident/ Medical Officer 4 6 8 10 12 Professor 1 1 2 2 3 40 marks *Obst. & Gynae06 Faculty Members with at least 01 Professor [300 teaching hours] For initial inspection 50% of faculty is required. For subsequent insp. 18 marks *Eye [100 teaching hours] For initial inspection 50% of faculty is required. For subsequent insp. Resident/ Medical Officer 10 marks *E.N.T [100 teaching hours] For initial inspection 50% of faculty is required. For subsequent insp. Resident/ Medical Officer 10 marks *Paediatric [300 teaching hours] For initial inspection 50% of faculty is required. For subsequent insp. 17 marks Orthopaedics Calculated with 29 Surgery *Psychiatry[100 teaching hours] Behavorial Sciences[50 teaching hours] Calculated with Medicine *Dermatology Calculated with Medicine Anesthesiology/Critical Care Calculate with Surgery Medical Education 07 marks Radiology (Diagnostic) 07 marks Accident & Emergency Department (3-5 years window period) Assoc. Prof. 1 1 2 2 2 Asstt. Professor 1 1 2 2 2 Sr. Registrar 1 1 2 2 2 Resident/Registrar 2 4 6 8 10 Professor/Associate Prof. / Asst. Prof. 1 1 1 1 1 Senior Registrar 1 2 Resident/ Medical Officer 2 4 6 8 10 Professor/Associate Prof. / Asst. Prof. 1 1 1 1 1 Senior Registrar 1 2 6 8 10 Resident/ Medical Officer 2 4 Professor 1 1 2 2 2 Assoc. Prof. 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Asstt. Professor / Sr. Registrar Medical Officer / Registrar Director (20 Grade) ( MBBS with PhD)/ Joint Director (MBBS with Masters or pg diploma in education planning and management) Asst. Director (MBBS with Masters or pg diploma in education planning and management) Adjustable according to workload 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 02(30%) 02 01 01 01 Professor 1 1(40%) 2 2 2 Assoc. Prof. 1 2(35%) 1 1 1 1 2(25%) 2 2 2 Asstt. Professor / Sr. Registrar Medical Officer / Registrar Prof/ Associate/Asst. Professor CMO Radiographer 01(70%) Adjustable according to workload 1 1 3 per shift 4 per shift 8 8 12 1 / shift 1 / shift 2 / shift 2 / shift 2 / shift Note Marks in different specialities are calculated according to the no. of Teaching hours. % of marks to be given to different level of faculty is mentioned is also mentioned. Subjects like Psychiatry and Dermatology should be calcualated with Medicine and Subjects like Orthopedics and Anaesthesia should be calculated with Surgery. It is additional marks shall be given to Medical Education and Radiology. Doctors performing any duty after 2400hrs shall not be required to come to duty before 1200hrs next day. 30 Optional Specialties: Units of Optional Sub-Specialties like Cardiology, Neurology, Nephrology NeuroSurgery, Pediatric Surgery, Cardiac Surgery, Urology, Oncology, Pulmonology, and Plastic Surgery etc. may be created in addition to the above specialties in all teaching hospitals, provided properly qualified persons and facilities are available in accordance with the Regulation of the PM&DC. Such specialty unit shall be under the respective Head of the Department of Medicine, Surgery etc. for teaching purposes. Recommendations for Ancillary staff for 100 MBBS admissions from surgery and medicine shall be available as per need of workload. However, following staff is still retained: 1. Medical Record Officer 01 5. Deputy Librarian 3 / 100 intake 2. Statistician 1 / 100 intake 6. Photographer 1 / 100 intake 3. Animal attendant for animal house 7. Audiovisual Technician 1 / lecture hall 4.Chief Librarian 01 8. Nutritionist (01) Note: (1) There shall be minor OT available in casualty department (2) There shall be also a blood bank with 24 hour service 68. FACULTY REQUIREMENT IN A DENTAL COLLEGE VIZ A VIZ NUMBER OF ANNUAL ADMISSIONS* (BASIC MEDICAL SUBJECTS) Department Designation Required Up to 50 Admissions Required Up 75-80 Admissions Required Up 100 Admissions Anatomy Professor/Asscoc 1 1 1 Asstt. Prof 0 0 1 Demonstrator 3 4 4 Professor/Assoc 1 1 1 Asstt. Prof 0 0 1 Demonstrator 3 4 4 Biochemistry Professor/Assoc 1 1 1 72 Theory + 150 Practical] Asstt. Prof 0 0 1 Demonstrator 2 3 4 Pharmacology Professor/Assoc 1 1 1 72 Theory + 250 Practical hours Asstt. Prof 0 0 1 Demonstrator 2 3 4 Professor 0 0 1 Associate / Asstt. Professor 1 1 2 Demonstrator 2 3 4 108 Theory + 300 Practical] Physiology 108 Theory + 300 Practical] Pathology 72 Theory + 250 Practical hours 31 There should be designated faculty for BDS students FACULTY REQUIREMENT FOR BDS (CLINICAL SCIENCES) Department General Medicine [72 Theory +400 Clinical) General Surgery [72 Theory +400 Clinical) Designation Required Up to 50 Admissions Required Up to 75 80Admissions Required Up 100 Admissions Professor/Assoc/ 1 1 1 Asstt. Professor 0 1 1 Senior Registrar 1 1 1 Professor/assosc/ Asstt. Professor 1 0 1 1 1 1 Senior Registrar 1 1 1 * above is designated/dedicted faculty required for BDS students Sciences of Dental Materials and Dental Technology (Laboratory Techniques), Oral Biology, Oral Pathology, Community / Preventive Dentistry. Subject Dental Biomaterials & Dental Technology (Laboratory Techniques) Oral Biology Oral Pathology Community / Preventive Dentistry Staff Required 50 75 100 Designation Professor/Associate Professor Assistant Professor/Sr. Lecturer Lecturer/Demonstrator Professor/Associate Professor Assistant Professor/Sr. Lecturer Lecturer/Demonstrator Professor/Associate Professor Assistant Professor/Sr. Lecturer Lecturer/Demonstrator Professor/Associate Professor Assistant Professor/Sr. Lecturer Lecturer/Demonstrator 32 00 01 01 10 01 01 02 05 02 03 04 2.5 00 01 01 10 01 01 02 05 02 03 04 2.5 00 01 01 10 01 01 02 5 02 03 04 2.5 00 01 01 10 01 01 02 5 02 03 04 2.5 (Clinical Subjects) Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Operative/Restorative/Conservative Dentistry, Prosthodontics, Orthodontics, Periodontology/ Oral Medicine. Subject Designation Staff Required 50 75 100 01 Professor/ Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Operative / Restorative / Conservative Dentistry Associate Professor/ Oral medicine Orthodontics 02 Senior registrar 01 01 Lecturer/Demon./Registrar 03 04 Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Sr. Registrar Lecturer/Demon./Registrar Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Sr. Registrar Lecturer/Demon./Registrar Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Sr. Registrar Lecturer/Demon./Registrar Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Sr. Registrar 33 01 01 Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Prosthodontics Assistant Professor Sr. Registrar Lecturer/Demon./Registrar Periodontology 01 01 02 01 03 01 04 01 02 01 03 01 04 01 02 01 03 01 04 01 02 01 03 01 04 01 02 01 01 02 05 01 01 01 02 05 01 01 01 02 05 01 01 01 02 05 01 01 01 02 05 01 01 01 02 Lecturer/Demon./Registrar 03 05 04 Para-Medical Staff Staff Required Designation 50 75 100 1 Dental Surgery Assistants 25 35 50 2 Prosthetic Technician 01 02 03 3 Ceramic Technician 01 01 02 4 Orthodontics Technician 01 01 02 5 Laboratory Technicians (Oral Biology, Oral Pathology, Community Dentistry, Phantom Head Laboratory) 04 04 06 6 Laboratory Assistants 10 15 20 7 Dental Radiographer 01 02 02 8 Dental Radiology Assistant 01 01 02 9 Store Keeper 01 01 01 10 Store Assistant 02 02 02 11 CSSD Technician 01 01 02 12 CSSD Assistant 02 02 04 13 Photographer 01 01 01 14 Audiovisual Projectionists 01 01 02 15 Biomedical engineer/technician 01 02 03 Additional Space required: 50 Students 75 Students 100 Students 500 Sq ft 750 Sq ft 1000 Sq ft 500 Sq ft 750 Sq ft 1000 Sq ft Ceramic Lab 200 Sq ft 250 Sq ft 250 Sq ft Oral Biology Lab 400 Sq ft 650 Sq ft 800 Sq ft Oral Pathology Lab 400 Sq ft 650 Sq ft 800 Sq ft Dental Museum 250 Sq ft 250 Sq ft 250 Sq ft Community Dent Lab 500 Sq ft 650 Sq ft 800 Sq ft Preclinical Lab (Prosthetic & Dental Materials) Prosthetic Lab (Plaster Room, Curing Room) 34 Phantom Head Lab 15 Stations 18 Stations 25 Stations Dental chair unit First visit 0.5x Student 2nd visit 0.5xStudent 3rd visit 0.25x student 1.25x50 = 75 Units Total space required 100 Sq ft x 75 Units = 7500 Sq ft 1.25x75 = 93.5 (rounded off to 100) 100 Sq ft x 100 Units = 10,000 Sq ft 1.25 x 125 Units Total space required 100 Sq ft x 125 = 12,500 Sq ft Circulation Space 30% 2250 3000 4500 10,000 Sq ft 14,000 Sq ft 18,000 Sq ft Additional Space Part XIII Monitoring and inspection 69. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) monitoring and visitation inspection schedules and de-recognizing process and adjustment of students on closure of a college and initiation of criminal cases against owners and compensation to displaced students The Institution / constituent or affiliated colleges to the University shall furnish such schedule of examination, reports, returns and other information as the PM&DC may require enabling it to judge efficiency and effectiveness of the institution. The monitoring and visitation of institution / constituent or affiliated colleges to the University will be carried out by PM&DC inspectors as and when deemed feasible by PM&DC. The institution / constituent or affiliated colleges to the University will abide by the laws of PM&DC with regard to recognition of institution / constituent or affiliated colleges to the University framed from time to time. The PM&DC and Federal Ministry of Health have full powers to take any action for derecognizing of an institution / constituent or affiliated colleges to the University, if they are found deficient to the prescribed criteria or if the institution hinders the PM&DC inspection team. In doing so, the placement of students pursuing academic courses will be the responsibility of the institution and shall be overseen by the PM&DC. The institution / constituent or affiliated colleges to the University shall facilitate the inspectors of PM&DC during visitation and verification of the institution . The inspection of medical and dental institution / constituent or affiliated colleges to the University shall be carried out according to following schedule.The objectives for each visit are mentioned below and the details are present in the forms. 70. ZERO VISIT Shall be carried out on request of an institution by a team nominated by the President. This team shall guide and explain the minimum requirements as are laid down in these regulations. 71. Visit 1 1st Comprehensive Inspection is for recognition of a new college, prior to any admission of students. (1) Objectives: The inspectors shall carry out the inspection as per this criterion and submit their report on the prescribed report form for recognition 35 or otherwise under the relevant section of the Ordinance to the Executive committee. In this first visit for recognition, the institution shall be expected to have the full minimum complement of faculty in Anatomy, Physiology and biochemistry and at least half of the faculty in other subjects and 150 beds. The 80% of the marks of the faculty in the first inspection for recognition of a medical college shall be dedicated to the basic sciences departments of Anatomy, Physiology and biochemistry. In addition to ascertaining the fulfillment of this criterion, the inspectors are required to comment on: 1. Suitability of the venue for educational purposes. 2. Availability of all necessary infrastructure and physical facilities needed during the first professional studies. 3. Presence of needed educational resources. 4. Recruitment of appropriate and adequate registered teaching faculty. 5. Availability of written curriculum. 6. Adequacy and source of funds. 7. Procedure for financial accountability. 8. Attached teaching functional hospital and its bed strength. 9. The physical structure of the departments of 2nd, 3rd and final professional subject. rd 72. Visit 2 For 3 year Facilities. The Inspection team shall look into the; 1. Availability of all necessary infrastructure and physical facilities needed during the second professional in the medical and dental college as well as affiliated teaching hospital. 2. Adequacy of clinical training opportunities including workload, case mix on the hospitals. 3. Availability of required full clinical faculty and beds. 4. Presence of needed educational resources. 5. Recruitment of appropriate and adequate teaching faculty. 6. Availability of written training program with objectives, syllabus, teaching methods and assessment program. 73 Visit 3 Comprehensive Inspection before final professional MBBS examination. The inspection team shall look into 1. Availability of all necessary infrastructure and physical facilities in the medical and dental college as well as affiliated teaching hospital. 2. Adequacy of clinical training opportunities including workload, case mix. 3. Availability of required clinical faculty. 4. Presence of needed educational resources. 5. Recruitment of appropriate and adequate teaching faculty. 6. Availability of written training program with objectives, syllabus, teaching methods and assessment program. 74. Subsequent Visits Subsequent comprehensive inspections shall be after every five years and any or all examinations can be inspected. Visits to verify rectification of deficiencies can be held, but not before two weeks of the last 36 inspection and preferably by the same team which visited earlier. Reason for change in team including non availability of inspector shall be recorded in writing and endorsed by the President. 75. All recognised institutions shall send a written request for inspection atleast two weeks before holding of each examination. The Council shall take further necessary action. 76. At any stage of inspection if it is felt that the institution does not fulfill the requirements, recommendation for closure will be forwarded by the inspectors via Executive Committee to the Council who may forward it to Minister of Health, Federal Government. PART - XIV 77. APPLICATION FORM FOR RECOGNITION/DATA SHEET To The Secretary Health Ministry of Health Government of Pakistan Block C, Pakistan Secretariat Islamabad Pakistan Subject APPLICATION FORM FOR RECOGNITION OF THE INSTITUTION UNDER THE PM&DC ORDINANCE 1962 It is requested that the institution may be granted recognition under the PM&DC ordinance 1962. The following is the information about the institution. You are requested to send this application to the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council for necessary action in terms of the PM&DC Ordinance 1962 and take all further actions as mandated under the law. 1. NAME / ADDRESS OF THE INSTITUTE: (a) Date of Establishment (b) Organizational / governance structure with names (c) facility (fulltime or part time/ Contract) (Attach Details) (d) Ownership (attach evidence) (1) Government (2) Semi-government (3) Private (Please Specify): (e) Funding Authority (attach evidence) 37 (1) (2) (3) Government Private Any other source of funding (f) Audit Authority (1) Government (2) Private (g) Guarantor’s Name for Protection of public money. (Govt. or Private)(attach evidence) (h) Date of last inspection of the College if any: (i) Proposed date of inspection: (j) (k) Present Status of the College: Details of improvements made since last inspection) in terms of : Human Resources: Infrastructure: Facilities: Academic: Co-Curricular: 2. ADMISSION CRITERIA (All Merit/ Merit plus Quota) If merit plus quota, state no. of Quota Seats intended: Weightage assigned to: (a) Matric/O Levels (b) Intermediate/A Levels (c) Admission Test (d) Interview (e) Any Other Criteria (f) Criteria for Foreigners (g) Examination system (regulations of the institution /university be supplied) 3. IMPLEMENTATION OF PM&DC CURRICULUM (a) Attach detailed implementation strategy of the PM&DC curriculum from 1st to Final professional (as per PMDC regulations) (b) Indicate study hours/semester hours of each subject from 1st to Final professional (as per PM&DC guidelines) 4. SPACE (attach details) 38 5. (a) Ownership Type (Owned/Leased) (b) Plane of Academic Blocks (c) Site Characteristics and Availability to external linkages: ( Height, Road Access, Public Transport, Electric and water supply and Communication facilities) (d) Total Area (e) Covered Area INFRASTRUCTURE (a) No of Academic Blocks (1) No. of lecture halls with their size and seating capacity (2) No. of faculty rooms and their size (3) Auditorium facility and no, of seats (b) No of Dissection Halls with size (c) No of Demonstration Rooms (d) Bone Bank (e) Cafeteria (f) Common rooms ( for Girls/ for Boys) (g) Laboratories (1) Physiology (2) Histology (3) Pharmacology (4) Biochemistry (5) Pathology (6) Any Other (h) Museums (1) Anatomy (2) Pharmacology (3) Pathology (4) Forensic Medicine (5) Community Medicine (i) Library (Attach details) (1) Library Staff Faculty Library Student Library (2) No of Books (Attach list with the quantity of books and edition/journals/ periodicals) (1) Basic Science (Text) (2) Clinical (Text) (3) Reference (4) Periodicals and Journals (a) National (b) International (5) Internet Facility (Attach details) 39 (6) (7) (8) 6. Medicals CDs Access to Information Technology: Photography / provision of Audiovisual Aids ( State details of the use in teaching context) FINANCIAL STRUCTURE AND ITS DISTRIBUTION Bank statements showing that the financial credential of the applicant. The body must show Rs. 20 million in current endowment fund. assets and 10 million in 7. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS (a) General (b) Affiliation with the university of the province (Attach copy) (c) Charter of the university (Attach copy) (d) Affiliation agreement with the teaching hospitals (e) Ownership documents (f) Any Other 8. FACULTY and Staff Teaching staff Requirement of the teaching faculty in a medical and dental college and number of beds in attached teaching hospital including ancillary staff. Department Staff Required Designation Available Remarks/ Deficiency QUALIFICATIONS Statement Showing the Qualifications & Experiences of Doctors/ Specialists and Teaching Staff (attach complete list) PM&DC Registra tion No.. Name Designation Qualifications PM&DC Faculty Registrati on No. Teaching Experien ce Statement Showing the Qualifications & Experiences of 40 Status (P//C) Administrators/Paramedical / ancillary staff S. No . Name of Employee Designation P C = = 9 ATTACHED HOSPITAL NAME Qualifications Experience Status (P//C) Permanent/Regular Contract Total Number of beds Department No.of Beds Remarks A ration of minimum of 5 beds to a student be maintained in medical colleges 10. EQUIPMENT / MACHINERY STATEMENT List of Equipment / Machinery (attach list department-wise) compare with annexure A and use Annexure A2 S. No . Nomenclature A/U FOR HOSPITALS HAVING BEDS Up to Optional Remarks 100 11. Transport facilities a. Students__________________________________________________________ b. Teachers __________________________________________________________ c. Other Staff_________________________________________________________ 12. Hostels:a. General Description 41 (1). For Boys ( Capacity)______________________________________ (2). For Girls ( Capacity)______________________________________ b. Messing c. Recreational Facilities (1). Play ground______________________________________________ 13. (2). Indoor facilities___________________________________________ Co-curriculum activities available in the college 1. 2. 14. 3. FEE STRUCTURE ( Attach Details of all type of payment received including tuition, examination, donation or hostel, transport or any other) CERTIFICATE The institution fulfills the criteria and requirements as laid down by the PM&DC for establishment and recognition of the institution, I have been empowered by the governing body of this institution to sign this application. I accept full responsibility for the above stated facts and I am fully aware of the PM&DC requirements and all related rules and regulations and in case of violation of any PM&DC rule the governing body members and me shall be liable for legal proceedings. SIGNATURE 42 Checklist of Documents required with this application 1. Evidence of ownership or 33-year lease for land. 2. Consent letter from University having legal authority (Federal/Provincial) that it will grant affiliation if college gets recognition under PM&DC Ordinance. 3. Bank statements showing that the financial credential of the applicant. The body must show Rs. 20 million in current assets and 10 million in endowment fund. 4. Letter from the applicant that students will not be admitted until applicant gets NOC from PM&DC. 5. Design for college and hospital building according to laid down specification from a certified Architect. Maps of the site and buildings certified by the Architect and Building Control Authority, that buildings are constructed according to specification certified earlier. 6. Copy of the Registered Deed along with Memorandum of the Association of the corporate body (Company Ordinance / Societies / Trust). 7. Undertaking that transfer of ownership of private institution will not take place after recognition without prior approval of PM&DC. 8. Library: Inventory list of Books and Journals verified by inventory of books and receipts; proof of internet connectivity & purchase of required number of computers. 9. Equipment: Verified inventory of necessary equipment, for college & Hospital. 10. Hospital: Certificate of the body that 50% beds of the hospital have started functioning. 11. That the Institution / constituent or affiliated College of University shall submit the detail of available teaching staff with documentary evidence of their appointment letter and agreement letter, Income Tax deduction certificate, resignation letter from the place of previous appointment. (if any) 12. Faculty registration certificates issued by the PM&DC. 43 PART XV 78. LIST OF MINIMUM EQUIPMENT (MBBS) DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY Description Anatomy Dissection Hall Mortuary Refrigerator for 6 capacity of human corpse Cadavers Cadaver Tables Appropriate dissecting instruments for 6 cadaver Stools HISTOLOGY LABORATORY Binocular Microscope(I Microscope for 2 students) Slide projecting microscope Refrigerator Large Computer with internet facility Scanner Color Laser Printer Stools ANATOMY MUSEUM A.Models Torso Upper Limb Lower Limb Head & Neck Special Senses Brain Histology modelsEvery System. Embryology Models- For 100 student s Min Required Quantity For 101 to 150 Students Min Required Quantity For 151 t0 250 Students Min Required Quantity For 251 to 300 Students Min Required Quantity For 301 to 350 Students 1 option al 1 optional 1 optional 1 optiona l Mortuary Refrigera tor for 8 2 Option al 6 option al 8 option al 3 5 6 7 6 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 25 30 35 40 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 3 1 1 30 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 4 4 3 2 3 1 3 4 4 5 3 5 3 3 8 8 6 5 6 4 5 10 10 7 6 7 4 1 1 3 4 4 50 15 44 Every System Loose Bones (Human) Articulated Skeleton Articulated Vertebral Column Anatomical ChartsEvery System Cross sectional body ANATOMY CDS Histology Slides set Embryology Slides Set Neuro-anatomy Slides TEACHING AIDS A) Teaching B) Slide Projector C)Overhead projector D)Multimedia E)White Boards F)Projection Microscope /Fascam 100 150 250 300 350 2 1 3 1 5 3 6 3 7 4 1 2 3 5 5 1 Any no. 3 1 1 2 2 2 4 1 6 2 6 2 7 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 4 2 4 2 4 1 5 1 2 6 1 3 8 2 3 8 3 4 10 3 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY Sphygmomanometer Microscope Binocular Haemocytometer Hemoglobin meter Spectrophotometer Perimenter Complete ESR Pipette Percussion Hammers Oxygen Cylinders Thermometer Clinical Stop watch Tunning Foreps 100Hz Sudents Kymograph ECG Machines Centrifuge laboratory Microhaematocrit regular Microhaeamatcrict centrifuge Vision E type Min Required Quantity For 100 Students Min Required Quantity For 101 to 150 Students Min Required Quantity For 151 t0 250 Students Min Required Quantity For 251 to 300 Students 15 10 20 15 1 10 25 20 2 50 15 15 5 1 1 5 25 15 30 25 1 15 35 30 2 75 25 25 8 2 2 8 50 25 50 35 2 25 60 50 3 125 35 35 13 3 3 10 75 30 60 40 2 30 75 60 3 150 40 40 15 4 4 12 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 45 Q Ishahara Chart Vital graph compact. Weighing machine Stethoscope PH meter clinical Balance Analytical Oven electric with Thermostat Students spirometer Frog’s Baord (Trays SS12s 10,Trays,ELI 10, Dissecting forceps and plain scissors Data acquisition system (power lab) Tred mill Finger pulse oximeter 5 1 2 20 1 1 10 1 2 25 1 2 15 2 3 30 2 2 25 2 3 35 2 3 1 1 1 1 5 5 10 10 5 8 10 10 2 2 3 4 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 2 DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY PHARMACOLOLGY & THERAPEUTICS Organ Bath Oxygen Clinders and Regulators Animal Operation Tables Respirators Kymoraphs (2 channels) Polygraphs complete (Two channels) Audiovisual facility and experimental CD’s of Pharmacology practicals. Experimental Animal including Rabbits Forges, Guinea, Pigs and Dogs Freezer 14” Electronic Balance BP apparatus. Stethoscope Torches Scissors Min Required Quantity For 100 Students Min Required Quantity For 101 to 150 Students Min Required Quantity For 151 t0 250 Students Min Required Quantity For 251 to 300 Students Min Required Quantity For 301 to 350 Students 5 3 5 3 10 6 10 7 10 8 1 1 2 3 3 2 2 4 5 5 5 5 10 15 100 animal/ year 1 1 5 5 15 15 150 250 300 350 1 1 5 5 15 15 3 3 10 10 25 25 3 4 15 15 30 30 3 4 20 20 30 30 DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY 46 5 PATHOLOGOY. Stain dropping bottles(250 ml) Wash bottle(500ml) Staining rack adjustable Hot air oven(medium) Refrigerator 14cf Deep freezer –40 c Deep freezer –20 c Water Bath with stirrer,temperature control and display Microscope binocular Microscope multie head(5 place) Glass beaker (Pyrex) 100 ml graduated Glass beaker (Pyrex) 500 ml graduated Glass cylinder (Pyrex) 500 ml graduated Flask conical glass(Pyrex) graduate Water still Incubator 37 c large Floating bath Staining jars Automatic tissue processor Embedding station Personal computer Computer printer as per load Water Bath electric Paraffin embedding bath Oven-wax embedding ( 100 c) Microtome Knife sharpener Incubator large Photomicrography Min Required Quantity For 100 Students Min Required Quantity For 101 to 150 Students Min Required Quantity For 151 t0 250 Students Min Required Quantity For 251 to 300 Students Min Required Quantity For 301 to 350 Students 4 6 8 10 12 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 12 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 16 1 20 1 25 2 30 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 25 1 4 2 1 30 1 4 2 1 35 1 4 2 1 40 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 15 1 4 1 1 20 1 1 I for each staff Member I for each staff Member 47 microscope DEPARTMENT OF Biochemistry BIOCHEMISTRY Supertonic 20 PH meter clinical Photometer Analytical Incubator Large Size water Distillation(Operatio n China 10 Lit) Water Bath Electric Electronic Balance Stop Watch Hot Box Oven Thermal cycler Electrophoresis Glucometers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8 9. 10 Min Required Quantity For 100 Students Min Required Quantity For 101 to 150 Students Min Required Quantity For 151 t0 250 Students Min Required Quantity For 251 to 300 Students Min Required Quantity For 301 to 350 Students 2 2 1 2 3 1 3 5 2 4 6 2 4 6 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 3 2 2 8 2 2 2 5 3 3 8 2 3 3 5 3 3 8 2 3 3 5 1 1 2 RADIOLOGY X-ray machine mobile 100 mA X-ray machine Radiographic 200 mA(mobile unit)for post op wards/ITC X-ray machine Radiographic 300 mA/500 mA(30KW Generator) and vertical bucky chest stand X-ray dedicated chest unit X-ray apparatus readiographic and fluoroscopic 500 mA (50 KW Generator or more)with image intesifier two tube system with vertical bucky stand X-ray App(65 KW Generator) with radiographic, image intensifier fluoroscopy, tomography and vertical bucky stand and accessories Conventional mammography x-ray unit Digital colour Doppler ultrasonographic machine with multi frequency 3.5MHz sector, 7.5 MHz linear and 5.0 MHz convex probes,Endo-cavitary probe and UPS Ultra-sonographic machine with multi frequency 3.5 MHz sector, 7.5 linear and 5.0 MHz convex probes, Endo-cavitary probe and UPS with facilities of color Doppler imaging. Portable ultrasongraphic machine with multi frequency 3.5 MHz convex probe printer 48 2 1 1 1 2 11 12 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28 29 30 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. Whole body CT scan unit(single slicesprial) Magentic resonance imaging unit(1.5 Tesla/permanent magnet system) Automatic processors light duty Automatic processor heavy duty Cassette Radiographic film medical size 38.10 x 30.48 cm (15”x12”). Cassette(14”x14”) Cassette Radiographic Film medical size 30.48 x25 cm (12”x10’) Cassette radiographic film medical size 25.4 x 20.32 cm (10”x8”) Cassette radiographic film medical size(14”x17”_) Intensifying screen for cassettes 15”x12” Intensifying screen for cassettes 14”x14” Intensifying screen for cassettes 12”x10” Intensifying screen for cassettes10”x 8” Intensifying screen for cassettes 14”x17” Processing Tank for manual development of films including developer ,water and fixer tanks(set) Rod string vulcanite developing solution round Rod string vulcanite solution hexagonal solution Bracket x-ray film hanger Hanger x-ray film 38.1 x 30.48 cm Hanger x-ray film 30.48 x 25.40 Hanger x-ray film 25.40 20.32 cm Hanger x-ray film 35.56 35.56 cm Hanger x-ray film dental Heater immersion electric 220/240V AC 50/50 Hz 500 w Safe light dark photographic 25.4 x 2032 cm Mount radiographic film dental 16 film size Brush camel hair Caliper patient thickness Rubber sheet lead impregnated x-ray protective 91.44 x 6096 cm Rubber sheet lead impregnated x-ray protective 43.18x30.48x0.32 cm in plywood reinforced Rubber sheet lead impregnated x-ray protective 30.48 x3032 x 0.32 cm O/A plywood reinforced Lead apron x-ray protective Goggles protective filed (lead Goggles) Goggles darkness adaptation Marker set x-ray film identification A-Z Maker set x-ray film identification L & R X-ray photocopier machine Maker set x-ray film identification 0-9 Box storage cassettes and radiographic film lead lined dimension-External x 49 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 4. 4 4 2 1 1 8 4 4 4 4. 2. 1` 1 ? 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1. 1 1 1 80. x 55.88 cm x 30.48cm x 4826cm Viewer x-ray film Gloves lead rubber with gauntlets Grid refine(stationary) Lamp filament Ruler transparent 45.5cm Thermometer developing Emergency oxygen cylinder with ventilator support and endotracheal tubes Drier x-ray film fixed type X-ray apparatus radiographic medical mass miniature 100 mA 125KVA 220/380V 50/60 Hz fitted odelca camera 70 mm Image Intensifier Fluoroscopy Echocardography with color Doppler OPHTHALMOLOGY. Autorefracto/Keratometer Ultrasound A-scan bio-meter Ultrasound B-scan Keratometer(Manual) Application Tonometer Perkin’s (Hand held) Phacoemulsificatoin unit Slitlamp biomicroscope with applanation tonometer Autolensometer Lensometer manual Operating microscope Indirect ophthalmoscope Direct ophthalmoscope Retinoscope Tiral lens set with trial frame Prism bars (Horizontal & vertical) Manual visual field analyzer Bjerrum screen) Hess screen Electrosurgical diathermy unit (unipolar /Biploar) Portable surgical lights 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. REHABILITATION MEDICINE OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Spinal standup frame for adults Spinal standup frame for adults Shoulder wheel Wheel chair Adjustable table A.D.L. board Adaptive feeding utensils Abductor bench Scooter board 50 51 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74 75. 76. 77 78. 79. 50 8 2 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1. 1. 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1. 5 3 3. 3 1 1. 1. 1 1 1. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Vestibular board Walker adjustable Sanding board(shoulder Exs) Posting box activity for wrist flexion /Ext. Digi flex(for fingers Exs) Foot steps for Gait training Exs board Foam wedges CP chair PHYSIOTHERAPY Thera Med Infra Red Lamp(luminous) Thera Med Infra Red Lamp(Non-luminous) Apparatus Ultrasound and Therapy(ITO JapanUs-700 Short wave(ITO-180) Neuroton Paraffin Bath Nomiectrodyne 7 interferential therapy unit Cycle exercise stationary Rehabilitation tread mill Motorized cervical and lumbar traction machine Laser therapy unit CPM machine(knee) TENS-single channel Japan TENS-dual channel japan Heart rate monitor Ball medicine set of 5 Exercise spring Pull Grip hand spring Lifter patient hydraulic Spirometer dry pocket size Detachable parallel bar 6 meter Detachable parallel bar 4 meter Penumatic tilt table Quadriceps bench Air Gym mats Exercise stairs Combined wrist roller Mobile posture mirror Vigrometer Goniometer Wobble board Rocker board Equipment trolley Gulcometer Weighing machine Adult wheel chair Paediatric wheel chair Myotrac EMG Bio Feed back Height adjustable crawler Arm walking stick 51 1 1. 1. 1 1. 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1. 1. 1 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Walking aid 3x4 leg Heart Rate monitor Multi gym Dumble set 2 kg Dumble set 3 kg Dumble set 1 kg Finger Dexterity test Tweezer Dexterity test ELECTRO DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENTS NCS/EMG machine Urodyanamic unit SPEECH THERAPY Speech trainers Sound indicators for all nasal and back sound +fricatives Fundamental frequency indicator Nasality indicator Spirometer Software for voice therapy PSYCHOTHERAPY Manifest anxiety scates Beck Depressive inventory Wechsia intelligence scale for children(wise-R) Wechcles Adult intelligence scale for memory Wechcles memory scale intelligence perception O week eye fight CAT (children appreciation test) Childhood autism rating scale Luria nebraskes neuropsychological battery Colonies maturity scale 16 PF. INDOOR Turning/tilting bed MK-II Beds SURGERY Basic standard surgical sets Thoracic surgical set Vascular set Plastic surg set Paed surg sets Comed Surg diathermy multi pupose High Pressure Autoclave(Table Type) Fibreoptic colonoscope (diagnostic & therapeutic) Flexible sigmoidoscope with biopsy and Cautery set. Laparascopic surgical set complete Microsurgical instrument set with sterilizing box Transurethral Resection of prostate Resectoscopic set Cystoscope(Diagnostic & Therapeutic) 52 2 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1. 1. 14. 15. 16. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 1. 2. Fibreoptic oesophagoscope Fibreoptic Fireoptic Bronchoscope Portable x-ray machine,operation table and radiographic film cassette facilities e.g for per operative cholangiogram. Image intensifier with C-Arm and double monitors ORTHOPAEDICS Arthroscope complete diagnostic and therapeutic with shaver system AO set-3.5 mm instrument and implants set AO set-4.5 mm instrument set AO set 4.5mm implant set AO set DHS/DCS set A O set –Mini fragment set AO set-Pelvic set AO set-Universal spinal surgery set AO set cannulated screw wet External fixator set Pneumatic drill system (saw,cannulated,drill) C-arm (Image intensifier) Fracture table Flexible reamer set Iliarov set. K wire set Osteotome set Retractor & Bone holding forceps set Set for Austin moore instrumentation ENT ENT unit OPD instrument set Auroscope Microscope for outdoor Microscope for O.T Rigit endoscopes with all accessories Audiometer Impedance Audiometer BERA Minor OT dressing/Examination set General Set for OT Microscope instrument set for maxioidectormy Microscope instrument set for Tympanoplasty Microcope instrument set for Stapedectomy. Set for SMR Set for tonsillectomy Set for Rhinoplasty CO2 Laser Set for FESS Air Drill with all accessories. MEDICINE Dc defibrillator(Cardiolite) ECG machine Cardio fax(Trippal Channel) 53 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 20 2 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 2 2 3. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Viedo Endoscopic System CV-100 and CLV-U20 Set for Endoscopes(Gastrocope)CF130(Colonoscope).JF-130(doudenoscope) Trolley for Endoscopes(Pak made) Echo Cardiography 2D with color doppler ETT machine Nebulizer complete PAEDIATRICS Weighing scales older childred infant neonate Height/length measuring scale Ultrasonic Nebulizer Infant Ventilator Neonatal Ventilator Dinamap Pulse Oximeter Fibreoptic Paediatric Upper G.I Endoscope Infusion Pump Transport Tnucbators Neonatal Resuscitatire Oxygen Analyzer Low Grade Suction Apparatus Neonatal Vital SignsMonitor Resucitator,Infant/Child,manual Suction machine,dual operation with tubes. Otoscope,with infant diagnostic head Forceps,splinter/repilation,spring type Speculum,nasal,child size Scale infant Height measuring unit,infant Thermometer,armpit OBS &GYNAE Ultrasound with linear,vaginal,section probes and puncture Hysteroscope Colposcope Laproscope Delivery table Examination table Sphygmomanometer Baby weighing scale Fetal stethoscopes /Fetoscope Instrument Sterilizer Spring dressing forceps(stainless steel) Kidney basins(stainless steel) Sponge bowls(stainless steel) Clinical oral thermometer (dual Celsius /Fahrenheit scale) Low reading thermometer (dual Celsius/Fahrenheit scale) Surgeon’s hand bush with white nylon bristles Heat source 54 1. 1 4 1 1 2 1 3. 2. 1. 2 2 1. 1. 1 6 1 1 2 2 6 2 6 2 6 6 6 10 2 6 1 18. Syringes and needles 19. Suture needles and suture material 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. Urinary catheters Adult ventilator bag and mask Mouth gag Surgical gloves Scissor(different sizes) delivery pack Artery forceps(1) Cord-cutting/blunt-ended scissors(1) Cord ties(2) Gloves(2 pairs) Plastic sheeting(1) Gauze Swabs(4) Cloth(1) Perineal /Veginal/Cervical Repair pack Sponge forceps(1) Artery Forceps Large(1) Small() Needles holder(1) Stitch scisors(1) Dissecting forceps,toothed(1) Vaginal speculum ,large(sims)(1) Vaginal speculum (Hamilton Bailey(1).-----type Neonatal resuscitation pack Mucus extractor(1) Infant face mask(2 different sizes) Ventilatory Bag(1) Suction catheter Ch 12(2) Suction catheter Ch 10(2) Infant laryngoscope with spare bulb and batteries (1) Endotracheal tubes 3.5(1)+ size 2.5 Suction apparatus foot or electrically operated Insertion and Removal of IUD Pack Bivalve speculum Small(1) Medium(1) Large(1) Sponge forceps(1) Uterine sound(1) Vulsellum forceps(1) Dressing forceps(1) Equipment for vacuum extraction of forceps delivery Vacuum extractor Obstetrics forceps, outlet, mid cavity breach Basic Equipment for Uterine Evacuation Vaginal speculum (sims) (1) Sponge (ring) forceps or uterine packing 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 55 1 box for each size 2 box for each size 6 of each size 3 100 of each size 50 5 1 6 6 2+2 2 2 81. 82. 83. 84. forceps(1) Single tooth tenaculum foreceps(1) Long dressing forceps(1) Uterine dilators,size 13-27 (French) 1-set. Sharp and blunt uterine curettes, size o or 00(1) Malleable metal sound(1) Manual vacuum aspiration Basic uterine evacuation instruments PLUS Vacuum syringes(single or double value) Silicone lubricant Adapters Flexible cannulae ,size 4 to 12 mm Vaccum aspiration with electric pump basic uterine evacuation + hand pump Vacuum pump with extra glass bottles Connecting tubing Cannulae (any of the following) Flexible, 5,6,7,8,9,10 mm. Curved rigid 7,8,9,10,11,12,14 mm Straight right, mm Equipment for insertions and removals of contraceptive sub dermal implants Trocar with plunger No 10 Dissecting forceps Tweezers Minikan for delivery(teaching) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. MINOR OPERATION THEATRE Dressing set 10 Stainless steel box, 17x7x3 cm Surgical scissor, straight sharp/blunt , 12-14 cm Kocher forceps,no teeth, straight 12-14 cm Dissecting forceps, no teeth, 12-14 cm Abscess/suture set 10 Stainless steel box , 22x10x5 cm Dissecting forceps with teeth straight, 12-14 cm Kocher forceps straight, 12-14 cm Pean forceps, straight 144 cm Surgical scissor, curved, sharp/blunt 12-14 cm Probe 14-16 cm May hegar Needle holder, 18 cm Scalpel handle,No.4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. BASIC SURGERY SETS IN MAIN OPERATION THEATRE Stainless steel box, 25 x 10 x 5x5 cm Sterilizer boiling type Scalpel Handle, No 4. May-hegar needle holder, 18 cm Surgical scissor, Mayo curved 14 cm Surgical dissecting scissors, metzembaum, 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 56 1 10 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. curved, 14 cm Farabeuf retractor, short Artery forceps, Halstead,no teeth, curve, 12 cm Kocher forceps, with teeth, straight, hemostatic, 14 cm Probe, 14,5 cm Dissecting forceps with teeth 14 cm Dissecting forcepts no teeth 14 cm Haemostatic forceps (chaput) 14 cm Haemostatic forceps(collin), 16 cm Towel clips(backaus) 10cm Galipot , 8 cm OUT PATIENT CONSULTATON/MEDICINE Diagnostics Stethoscope, adult Stethoscope, fetal Sphygmomanometer Thermometer, oral/rectal/armpit Tongue depressor Light source, Battery tuype Tape measure, flexible type Vision testing chart, snellen alphabet/illiterate Hammer, reflex testing, solid, rubber head Head mirror, adjustable, head band Mirror, larygeal set Otoscope set basic for clinic Pelvimeter, Collyer, external Speculum, nasal(child/adult) Scale,spring, ,baby,child, adult 5 kg capacity Scale, adult Examination table Forceps,splinter/epilation spring type Scissors, surgical straight (145 mm) Touniquet Splints leg and arm Reusable Rubber gloves Disposable gloves Catheters, rubber Emergency Stretcher, folding type Ambu bags, infant adult with mask Laryngoscope Speculum, nasal, child size Forceps,splinter/epilation, spring type Suction machine(foot electrically operated) Syringes and needles Examination gloves,reusable Optional Oropharyngeal airway Endotrachael tube with cuffs(8 mm and 10 mm) Intubating forceps(Magill) 57 1 1. 1 1 1 Box 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1. 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Box Box 1 of each size 2 1 39. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Endotracheal tube connectors (3 of each tube size DERMATOLOGY Electrocautry machine Minifying glass with flouresent lamp Wood lamps PUVA machine UVB machine Liquid nitrogen cylinder for cryo Microscope with accessories Biopsy set Lonotophersis machine OT & ITC ANAESTHESIA Portable x-ray machine Portable USG machine Oximeters(pulp) Oxy-meters Normocap/Capnograph Vital sign monitor Dfbrillator Diathermy machine Infusion pumps Operation table Suction apparatus Laryngo-scope Anaesthesia ventilator ICU Ventilator Vital sign monitor Image intensifier Portable x-ray machine Gluco meters Sphygomomanometer Laproscope Baby weighing machine Infant transport incubator Anaesth Gas Analyser (gas/8-51) CFM/CFAM for operation theatres BASIC MINIMUM DENTAL EQUIPMENT Examination set Mouth Mirror (2) Dental cartridge syringe for anesthesia( 2) Tweezer ,cotton wool (2) Instruments Trays, 15 x10 c,(4) Mug for rinsing s.s(2) Tray with bids for keeping sterile inst, s.s 40x30 cm Emergency extraction Dental cartridge syring for anesthesia(2) Extraction forceps (set of 8) Upper teeth 2x left, 2x right, 1x aneterior Lower teeth: 1 x molar, 1x pre-molar, 1x 58 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 anterior Cleaning Set of 4 scalars (2) Temporary filling Set of 4 excavators, double ended (2) 2 x large 2 x small Set of 2 plastic instruments (2) 2 x large 2 x small Spatual (2) Mixing slab,glass Sterilization Sterilizer, boiling type Box for sterilizing instruments Normal extraction (for qualified practitioners only) Root forceps 2 x upper, 1 x lower Elevators, 1 x left, Ix right, 1 x straight Preventive and Basic fillings Simple dental chair with spittoon Operating light Portable dental unit (drills and suction) Amalgam balance Amalgam carrier(2) Amalgam plugger, double ended(2) Mortar and pestle for amalgam(1) Mixing slab for anterior filling material(1) Preventive filling material: pit and fissure sealants Dental operating unit sirna 2000 Dental operation unit JM Memaid-200 chair mounted Cabinet Dental instruments and supplies diplomate complete 59 3 4 4 2 2 2. 3 1 2 2 PART XVI 79. LIST OF MINIMUM EQUIPMENT (BDS) CERAMIC LAB S. NO. PARTICULAR 1. Porcelain Furnace 2. Compressors 3. Sand blaster 4. Duplicating machine with duplicating Flasks 5. Vacuum Mixture (alginate and plaster) 6. Dental laboratory engines 7. Micro-motors 8. Casting Rings 9. Casting Furnace 10. Casting Machine 11. Wax Pot 12. Casting Wax 13. Metal grinding and polishing Stones 14. Porcelain Stones 15. Oxyacetylene Torch 16. Vibrators 17. Metals (Cr-Co; Ni-Cr alloys,Zirconia etc) 18. Porcelain 19. Perusale Former 20. Articulators (All types) 21. Veneer Caliper 22. Die Saw 23. Solder 24. Bunsen Burners 25. Duplicating Flasks and duplicating Gel 26. Boxing wax 27. Soft wax 28. Porcelain Brushes 29. Finishing & Polishing stones 30. Investment material 60 31. Milling machine 32. Electro plating material 33. Crown & bridge Removers LIST OF EQUIPMENTS DEPARTMENT OF DENTAL MATERIAL S. NO. PARTICULAR QUANTITY 1. Articulators (simple plane line and semi adjustable) 10 2. Plaster Bucket 02 3. Bunsen Burners 25 4. Base Formers (Upper and lower S,M,L) 5. Cold mould Seal 6. Cotton roll 7. Cutter (wire) 03 8. Casting Machine 01 9. Dycal (demo) 01 10. Dental Flasks 05 11. Green Stick (demo) 12. Glass slabs 13. Grease 14. Cements All types (demo) 15. Hammer 16. Hard Plaster 17. Impression compound 18. Impression Trays (Assorted for partial and complete dentures –demo) 19. Modelling wax 20. Mercury (demo) 21. Moulds (partial and complete denture) 22. Petroleum Jelly 23. Plaster Knife 05 24. Plaster Spatula 05 25. Simplex powder 1 kg 26. Silicon (demo) One of each 05 liters 04 1each 03 61 3 sets each 3 each 27. Stellon 28. Dental Stones(assorted) 29. Soft Plaster 30. Steel ruler 31. Sand Paper 32. Sticky wax 33. Towel 34. Trimmer 35. Acrylic Teeth (1x6;1x28;1x16) 36. S.S Wire (0.5,0.7,0.8 half round) 37. Wax Knife 10 38. Wax Carver 10 39. Wall Mirror 40. Zinc phosphate Cement 41. Tray for polishing 04 42. Vibrator 03 43. Polisher 03 44. Acrylic powder 45. Rubber Bowl 46. Alginate Bowl 47. Composite Material 48. Amalgam 49. GIC (luting and Filling) 50. Impression Compound 51. Calcium Hydroxide Cement 52. Temporary Crowns(Plastic and S:Steal) 06Pkts 20 Boxes each 1kg each LIST OF EQUIPMENTS DEPARTMENT OF OPERATIVE DENTISTRY S. NO. PARTICULAR QUANTITY 1. Composite Kit 01 2. Composite resins Shades A1,A2,A3,A3.5,B2 3. Bonding agent 01 4. Ecthant 01 62 01each 5. Abrasive finishing stips 05 6. Amalgam alloy 05 7. Temporary Filling material 05 8. EDTA cream 03 9. Cresophene 02 10. Phantom Heads 11. GIC Type 1,2 and 4 2 box each 12. Articulating Paper 8 boxes 13. Wedges 8 boxes 14. X-ray films 0 15. Oxide evgenol cement 01 16. Calcipulp 06 17. Composite finishing kit 01 18. Dental Floss 05 19. Dycal 4 20. Seal apex 03 21. Composite material 00 22. Cellulose stips 03 23. Mercury 7 24. Formocresol 50 25. Disposable glasses 23 26. Matrix Bands 10 27. Xylocaine spray 05 28. Xylocaine gel 05 29. Disposable glass (plastic) 30. Sterilization liquid 31. Hand Piece oil 32. GIC vamish 02 33. Flucol 04 34. Cartridges (lidocaine) 10pkts 35. Cartridges (medicaine) 10pkts 36. Needles (short) 09 37. Needles (long) 09 38. Normal Saline 15 tables 63 39. Face Wash solution 40. Savelon 41. Wire Splint 42. Cotton rolls 43. Tissue rolls 44. Hydrogen Peroxide 02 45. Articulating Paper 00 46. X-ray Pads 04 47. Paper Points (15-40) 5 pkts each 48. Round Diamond burs 08 49. Slow speed round burs 02 50. Barbed Broaches 5 pkts 51. Spreaders (assorted) 01each 52. Gats Gliders 08 53. Lentulospiral 05 54. Peeso Reamers 55. Crown Cutting Box 06 56. Napkins 01 57. Rubber bowls 05 58. Spatulas 01 59. Retraction Card 02 60. Amalgam Capsules 09 61. Polishing Brush 02 62. Polishing cup 02 63. Glass Beads 64. Enamelpost (screw Post) 01 65. Mouth Mirrors 50 66. Tweezers 50 67. Dycal applicator 08 68. Dental Probes 50 69. Gutta Percha points 15-40 5 pkts each 70. Gutta Percha points 40-80 3 pkts each 71. Gingival Marginal Trimmer 04 72. Excavator 18 04 Boxes 64 73. Egg Shaped Burnisher 05 74. Acron Shaped Burnisher 5 75. Ball ended Burnisher 6 76. Cleoid Carver 06 77. Kit Shape Carver 05 78. Half Hallen Back Carver 05 79. Condenser 05 80. Dippen dish 4 81. Spirit Lamps 04 82. Amalgam guns 10 83. Plastic Instruments 20 84. Cement Spatula 05 85. Measuring Scale 04 86. Glass slab 10 87. Instrument Trays 30 88. Motor & Pestle 03 89. Plivger 08 90. Band Retriever 07 91. Matrix Band 10 92. Scissor 08 93. Artery Forceps 10 94. Enelo box 05 95. Box holder 03 96. Dental Units 75 97. Dental X-ray Unit 01 98. Instrument Trolley 05 99. X-Ray Illuminator 05 100. Wall mirror 101. Sterilizer Hot Air Oven 01 102. Glass Bead Sterilizer 01 103. Curtain Screen 01 104. Rubber Dam kit 10 105. Amalgamators 05 106. D-G.16 Probe 02 65 107. Cove Indicator 02 108. Endo-tray 02 109. Apron Clip 02 110. Pumice Powder 111. Self Seal Pouches 112. MD Chel Cream 113. MD cleanser 114. Rubber base(Regular body) 02 pkts 115. Rubber base (light body) 02 pkts 116. Alginate Powder 2 0pkts 117. Niti Files DH-4 03 boxes 118. Niti Files DH-6 02 boxes 119. Niti Superfiles 2 02 boxes 120. Composite finishing Kit 02 boxes 121. Amalgam Finishing kit 02 boxes 122. Rubber dam sheets 03 boxes 123. Carbide burs assorted 05 pkts 124. Reamers (Hand) 3 boxes 125. Suture needles different gauges 02 Packs 126. Impression Trays (assorted) 10 pkts 127. Half Tray (assorted) 10 pkts 128. Suture Needle (½ Circle) 2 Packs 129. Surgical blades (No 10,11,12,15) 10 each 130. Surgical blades scalpel holders 10 131. Disposable needles 1 box 132. Suction tip (surgical) 10 pkts 133. Modeling Wax 10 pkts 134. Dentine Pins 05 pack 135. Dentine drills 2 boxes 136. Silver Capsules 6 boxes 137. Screw Posts 1 boxes 138. Abrasive Strip 139. Hard Plaster 1 Kg 140. Molar Forcep 06 200 gm 01 box 01 01 66 141. Amalgam gun double ended 09 142. Hand Spreaders 04 143. Periosteal elevator 03 144. Twizer Locking 05 145. Twizer without lock 15 146. Excavator bi angular 04 147. Excavator Triple angular 07 148. Burnisher Acron 06 149. High speed hand pieces 15 150. Slow speed hand pieces 15 151. Endomethasone 05 152. Obtura 2 02 153. Composite light cure Unit 05 154. Dental Stones (assorted) 05 pkts 155. Matrix band Retainer 156. Bur holder 05 05 Boxes LIST OF EQUIPMENTS DEPARTMENT OF ORAL SURGERY S. NO. PARTICULAR QUANTITY 1. Mirrors 65 2. Probes 65 3. Tweezerss 65 4. Crown Forceps 15 5. B-D Forceps 10 6. Right Side / left Side (Molars) 15 Upper Cow Horn 7. Left 05 8. Right 05 9. Deciduous Molar 06 10. Upper 3rd Molar 05 Ameircan Style Forceps 11. Crown forcep 06 67 12. BD Forcep 05 13. Pre Molar 05 Lower BD Fprceps 14. Anterior 06 15. Pre-Molar 05 16. Molar 12 17. BD- Forceps 05 18. Baby Forceps 06 19. Cow horn 04 20. Wire Cutter 06 21. Twister 02 22. Bone File 11 23. Chisel 05 24. Bone cutter 10 25. Root tip pick 03 26. Skin Hook 04 27. Plastic Instrument 03 28. Excavator 05 29. Condenser 01 30. Wax Knife 01 31. Suction tip 10 Retractors 32. Cheek Reractor 08 33. Henry Rock 05 34. Minneosta - 35. Austin - 36. Instrument Box 6 37. Scal Pel Holders 18 38. Syringes 20 39. Bone Rongers 12 40. Needle Holder 04 41. Suture Cutting Scissor 08 42. Steel Scissor (straight and curved) 43. Coupland Elevator 05 each 05 68 44. Periostal Elevator 10 45. Cryer Elevator 05 46. Warwick james 04 47. Bayonett 05 48. Artery Forcep 10 Tray’s 49. Large tray 05 50. Trays Instrument 10 Hand Piece 51. Slow Speed 02 52. High speed 03 53. Contra Angle 02 54. Heavy duty Drill machine 2 Sterilizers 55. Auto clave 02 56. Dry heat 02 Units 57. Dental Units 15 58. Dental Stools 15 LIST OF EQUIPMENTS DEPARTMENT OF ORTHODONTICS S. NO. PARTICULAR QUANTITY 1. Band Pusher 5 2. Band remover 5 3. Band Seater 5 4. Base former upper lower(medium large) 5. Box instrument 5 6. Bracket Holder 4 7. Bracket Remover 2 8. Cheek Retractor 4 9. Distal end cutter 8 10. HI speed hand pieces 05 69 1pair each 11. Impression Trays (assorted) 5 pkts 12. Matthews Forceps 15 13. Examination Mirrors 40 14. Plaster Bowl 3 15. Plaster Spatula 3 16. Plastic Instrument 3 17. Probe 40 18. Scissor 05 19. Dental Units 08 20. Dental Stools 04 21. Dry Heat Sterilizer 1 22. Ceph Room Table for 12 students 01 23. Illuminators 6 24. Clipboards 02 25. Auto clave 01 26. Model Trimmer 01 27. Reflectors 04 28. Tweezers 40 29. Instruments Trays 10 LIST OF EQUIPMENTS DEPARTMENT OF PERIODONTOLOGY S. NO. PARTICULAR QUANTITY 1. Dental Units 08 2. Dental Stool 08 3. Ultrasonic Scalar 05 4. Ultrasonic Tips 17 5. Ultrasonic Tip Key 04 6. Glass Bead Sterilizer 01 7. Dry Heat Oven 01 8. Autoclave 01 9. Slow speed hand pieces 02 10. Plunger 02 11. Scissor 02 70 12. Sharpening Stone 03 13. Instrument Tray 06 14. Twizrer 10 15. Mixing Spatula 02 16. Mouth Mirror 40 17. Instrument Dish 5 18. Instrument Boxes 03 19. Glass slab 02 20. Gaffler 04 21. Excavators 05 22. CPITN probes 10 23. Periscalers 02 24. Sickle Scaler 02 25. Periodontal Probe 20 26. Gracey Curettes 15 27. Pliers 02 28. Instrument Holder 01 29. EOP 04 30. Illuminator 01 31. Fluoride Gel 04 32. Zinc oxide eugenol paste 01 33. Spirit lamps 03 34. Suction Tips 20 35. Disposable Gloves 08 pkts 36. Hydrogen Peroxide 05 litres 37. Disposable Glasses 10 boxes 38. Aluminum Foil 39. Cotton Roll 40. Disposable Syringes 41. Normal Saline 42. Polishing Brushers 43. Korsolex 01 44. Savelon 01 45. Streilization Pouch Roll 01 01roll 200 71 LIST OF EQUIPMENTS DEPARTMENT OF PROSTHODONTICS S. NO. PARTICULAR QUANTITY 1. Alginate 2. Hard Plaster 3. Soft Plaster 4. Suction tips 5. Green Stick 6. Impression Compound 7. Modeling Wax 8. Articulating Paper 9. GIC luting agent 10. Disposable Syringes 11. Crow Cutting Diamond Burn 12. Straight Fissure short 13. Needle Tapered fissure 14. Wheel disc shape 15. Tapered Fissure flat 16. Tapered fissure round end 17. Round Bur 18. Cavex imp.paste 19. Articulators simple plane line 10 20. Articulators semi adjustable outs 05 21. Articulators fully adjustable 01 22. Rubber base impression material plus putty & wash 23. Tempron 24. Self cure powder 25. Heat cure powder 26. Heat cure liquid 27. Polishing compound 28. Pumice powder 29. Cold mould seal 30. Wire 0.7 mm,0.8, half round 04 box 02 1 roll each 72 31. Hand Piece oil NSK 32. Acrylic Teeth (1x6,1x16,1x28) 33. Sand paper 34. Stainless steel arcrylic trimmers assorted 35. Air Turbine NSK 12 36. Air motor NSK 12 37. Impression trays assorted 38. Self cure liquid 39. Hanau face bow 40. Dental Lathe 41. Dental Lathes stones assorted 42. Dental units 12 43. Dental stools 12 20 boxes each 01 05 PART XVI REPEAL 80. Repeal All earlier criteria and guide lines regarding matters contained in these regulations are hereby repealed. (Dr. Ahmad Nadeem Akbar) Registrar 73