Advanced Organizational Psychology Discussion Questions Chapter 1. 1. Define “Organizational Psychology.” 2. What do Katz & Kahn mean by “patterned human behavior?” What is the importance of examining this? 3. What is the difference between formal and informal organization? 4. What is the difference between Organizational Behavior and Organizational Psychology? 5. Are you more interested in a career in the “I” or “O” side of I/O Psych? Why? 6. How are “I” and “O” interconnected? Give examples 7. Describe the Scientist-Practitioner Model. What do you mean by science and practice feeding off of each other? 8. What was Frederick Taylor’s contribution to I/O Psychology? What were the Principles of Scientific Management? 9. What was Max Weber’s contribution to I/O Psychology? What is a bureaucracy? 10. Describe the Hawthorne Studies and the Hawthorne Effect. 11. What was the impact of unionization on the development of I/O Psychology? How do you think unions affect I/O psychology now? 12. What was Kurt Lewin’s contribution to I/O Psychology? 13. What were the significant changes to I/O Psychology during the 1970’s? 14. What will be the impact of our aging, more diverse workforce? 15. What are the implications of a post 9-11 society for I/O psychologists?