Journal Notes -- Clauses

Lecture Notes -- Clauses and Phrases
A phrase is a group of words from a sentence that does not have both a subject and a
predicate. There are different types of phrases: prepositional phrases, adverb phrases,
adjective phrases, and appositives.
A clause is a group of words that has both a subject and a verb (predicate). Some clauses
can stand alone as a sentence (they are called independent/coordinating clauses) and others
cannot (they are called dependent/subordinate clauses).
Ex.: before Mom comes home
because it is summertime
Taylor is funny.
An independent clause has both a subject and a predicate and can stand alone as a
sentence. Independent clauses are said to be coordinating clauses, because they can
combine with dependent clauses to create new and more detailed ideas and sentences.
Coordinating=to bring together as one
Ex.: We went to the store.
Taylor is happy
I love to eat French fries and Buffalo wings.
A dependent clause, also called subordinate clause, has both a subject and a verb but
cannot stand alone as its own complete sentence. Dependent clauses depend on
independent clauses to make a complete thought.
Subordinate=depending on something or someone else.
Ex.: Before she comes home
Because it is summertime
if you have one
The double underlined
part of this sentence is
dependent and cannot
stand alone.
You place the square pan of the thick brownie mix into the oven after the mixture is
evenly spread around.
The single underlined section of the sentence is independent/coordinating
CAN stand alone as its own sentence. 
Next we will talk about the major types of sentences. There are four sentence types: simple, compound,
complex, and compound-complex.
Lecture Notes -- Sentence Types
A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought. All sentences start with
a capital letter and have both a subject (usually a noun or pronoun) and a predicate (usually
a verb).
 A simple sentence is one independent clause. It contains one complete thought or
idea. Some simple sentences have a compound subject, a compound predicate or both.
You can tell that the sentence is simple because it expresses only one complete thought.
The customer’s eyes sparkled with delight. (Simple sentence)
Deshawn and Anthony got A’s on their test. (Simple sentence w/compound subject)
Grace shoveled snow and raked leaves in the winter. (Simple sentence w/compound predicate)
 A compound sentence is made up of two simple sentences combined into one
sentence. The simple sentences are joined together either by a semicolon (;) OR by a
comma followed by a coordinating conjunction like and, or, but, yet, so, nor, for. A
good way to remember all the coordinating conjunctions is to think “FANBOYS” (for,
and, nor, but, or, yet, so).
The customer’s eyes sparkled with delight; she saw the perfect sweater.
The customer’s eyes sparkled with delight, for she saw the perfect sweater.
Deshawn and Anthony got A’s on their test, so their dad took them out for sushi.
I could have had lunch at McDonald’s, but instead I ate at Baja Fresh.
Read this important note about the power of semicolons VS. commas. A comma is pretty
weak. It needs the help of a coordinating conjunction to combine two sentences. However,
a semicolon (;) is strong. It can, by itself, combine two simple sentences into one complete
compound sentence!  WOW!
 A complex sentence is one simple sentence and one (or more) dependent
(subordinate) clauses combined together to make a complete sentence.
Subordinating conjunctions are used to combine the simple sentence and the dependent
clause. The most common subordinating conjunctions are after, although, as, as soon
as, because, before, even though, even if, if, since, so that, unless, until, when,
where, whenever, wherever, while.
Children should look up and down the street before they cross.
Because you were good today, we will go to the drive-in movies.
A subordinate clause is usually introduced by a subordinating conjunction or relative
pronoun. It depends on the rest of the sentence for its meaning. It does not express a
complete thought, so it does not stand alone. It must always be attached to a main clause
that completes the meaning. Subordinate clauses normally act as single part of speech.
They can be either noun clauses, adjective clauses, or adverb clauses. Remember:
subordinate clauses are called dependent clauses because they "depend" on a main
clause to give them meaning.
 A complex-compound sentence is the combination of a compound sentence (two or
more independent clauses) PLUS one or more dependent clauses.
Ex: Martin will accept a job in Nigeria and Jia will accept a job in Tokyo as soon as they
both get passports.
Before I came to Portola, I stopped by the grocery store, and then I bought hot chocolate
from Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf.