
Box Math
* Use academic vocabulary (Students/learners are expected to use bold/italicized words)
 Use ELD Strategy
 Effective Teaching Strategy
This lesson reinforces the patterns of addition and subtraction. It provides
opportunities for students to understand how numbers can be put together
and taken apart.
Students will be able to:
 Solve addition and subtraction problems by deducing missing numbers for
a given answer.
 They will apply logical thinking and mental math to explore number
patterns and place value using addition and subtraction.
Set of numbers, operation symbols, addition, subtraction, patterns
Prior Knowledge
Students are able to:
 Add and subtract
 Use logical thinking to problem solve.
Considerations for ELL and
 Use of manipulatives (number and operation cards).
Migrant Students
 Terminology in home language of ELL students.
 Box Math A-D game boards
 Operation and number cards
 Scratch paper
 Pencils
 Instructions
 Calculators
 Preview prior knowledge with a couple of addition & subtraction problems.
 Connect to Prior
Example 42 + 8 = 50 & 32 – 4 = 28.
 Review vocabulary by indicating the operation symbols & set of numbers.
 Develop Questions
 Ask how you would get the bottom number if you only had the top number.
 Modeling
 Strategies
 Visual Representation
 Manipulative
Step 1
If we only have the answer, two operation symbols and three numbers to work
with, how would we solve the problem?
 Number Set: 2, 4, 8
 Operation Symbols: +/-
Step 2
How would you plug in numbers and symbols using the manipulatives to solve
the problem? (Demonstrate on overhead or board with cut outs)
Step 3
Solve the problems
 Reflection
 Next steps/Application
Can you come up with other problems to solve?
Step 1
If we only have the answer, two operation symbols and three numbers to work
with, how would we solve the problem?
 Number Set: 2, 4, 8
 Operation Symbols: Multiplication & Division
Step 2
How would you plug in numbers and symbols using the manipulatives to solve
the problem? (Demonstrate on overhead or board with cut outs)
Step 3
Solve the problems
Metacognitive Reflection
Do box A & B; then try more advanced, C & D as independent practice.
Ask them to share how they solved the problems.
How does the use of manipulatives help ELL to solve these problems?
How can this be used as an introduction to algebraic equations?