Todd H. Bennett, P.E. Senior Project Engineer Mr. Bennett has over 12 years of extensive experience, and a strong educational background, in hydraulics, hydrology, and numerical modeling. His experience includes numerous hydraulic studies, hydrologic simulation modeling of watersheds, water quality modeling, and planning and modeling salmonid habitat restoration projects. He is familiar with many hydraulic, hydrologic, reservoir simulation, and water quality computer modeling programs including HEC-RAS, MIKE11, HEC-2, UNET, RMA2, SMS, HECHMS, HEC-1, CWMS, HEC-ResSim, HSPF, CE-QUAL-W2, BASINS, and QUAL2E. Both his college and graduate degrees specialize in hydrology and hydraulics. Registration Professional Civil Engineer Washington No. 37843 Education M.S. (Civil Engineering) University of California, Davis B.S. (Civil Engineering) University of Washington, Seattle Hydraulic Engineering Mr. Bennett has experience with a wide variety of hydraulic modeling projects. He conducted HEC-RAS modeling for the Sammamish River habitat restoration effort in King County, WA. He has developed both MIKE11 and HEC-RAS unsteady flow models for the Tillamook Bay and Estuary Study. The three river system consisted of approximately 80 miles of 40 different river and overbank branches, upstream flow hydrographs, downstream tide hydrographs, and local inflows along the river reaches. Mr. Bennett has managed or been the lead hydraulic engineer for numerous FEMA flood insurance studies (FIS) in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. His current or prior studies include the Umatilla River, OR, the Cities of Heppner, Lexington, and Ione, in Morrow County, OR, the City of Seaside and Clatsop County, OR, the leveed, multiple reach South Fork Coeur d’Alene system near Kellogg, ID, and the tidally influenced Snohomish River and Slough system, in Snohomish County, WA. He has provided technical expertise for the Canyon County FIS, ID, and Chester Creek FIS, WA. Mr. Bennett’s other hydraulic modeling experience includes performing a feasibility study for the removal of the John Day Dam on a 76-mile long section of the Columbia River, providing technical assistance developing HECRAS models of the Tehama-Colusa Canal, CA, and assessing bridge hydraulics and scour potential utilizing HEC-RAS at over 100 bridges throughout the Pacific Northwest. He has constructed a 2-dimensional RMA2 model of the Marsh Street Bridge in San Luis Obispo, CA, for analyzing proposed channel modifications and in-channel structures, and examined the upper Snohomish River using a RMA2 model and SMS. He modeled proposed habitat restoration projects on the Green River in King County, WA with HEC-RAS. He also has application experience with the ArcView® GIS pre- and postprocessing capabilities of HEC-GeoRAS. Mr. Bennett has lectured for both steady and unsteady HEC-RAS training courses across the nation, for organizations including ASCE and the National Highway Institute, based on his experience and knowledge of the software. Hydrologic Engineering Mr. Bennett has conducted a range of both large and small scale hydrologic studies. He led an HEC-HMS study which included rain-on-snow effects for the Willow Creek Lake Watershed near Heppner, OR. He has managed the development of HEC-HMS and CWMS models for the 8,000 square mile Muskingum Basin, OH. He conducted HEC-HMS analyses for the Mesquite Regional Landfill, CA. Todd H. Bennett, P.E. He has provided technical guidance and HEC-HMS model development assistance for the 12,000 square mile Kanawha Basin in VA, WV, and NC, for the Big Bayou Meto Watershed, AR, with over 300 subbasins, and for the wetland restoration study of the Devils Lake Watershed, ND. He has performed technical review and evaluation of HEC-1 models. Mr. Bennett has developed and presented a three-day HEC-HMS training course, conducted Beta testing of HEC-HMS for the U.S. Army Corps Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC), and assisted HEC with their HMS training classes. He has application experience with the ArcView® GIS pre- and post-processing capabilities of HEC-GeoHMS. Reservoir and Water Quality Modeling Mr. Bennett has been involved with a number of reservoir and water quality modeling projects. He has managed or provided technical modeling expertise for several CE-QUAL-W2 models including the Rocky Reach Dam and Lake Entiat Reservoir on the Columbia River, WA, and several reservoirs in Oregon including Green Peter, Foster, Hills Creek, Lookout Point, and Dexter. He led the Muskingum watershed HEC-ResSim modeling effort of seventeen wet or dry dams with a variety of outlet structures including caterpillar, sluice, and tainter gates, morning glory intake structures, and uncontrolled spillways Mr. Bennett’s additional experience at WEST includes determining sediment erosion loads in developing watersheds. He has evaluated water quality as part of the Environmental Impact Statement for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) relicensing of Idaho Power’s Bliss, Upper Salmon Falls, Lower Salmon Falls, and Shoshone Falls hydroelectric facilities on the Snake River in Idaho, and for the Holyoke Hydroelectric Project, MA. He has modeled and assessed current and future wastewater treatment plant loads in the Okanogan Watershed in Okanogan County, WA using QUAL2E. Mr. Bennett has also further developed his hydraulic and hydrologic modeling skills while being employed at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center in Davis, CA, where the suite of HEC models are developed. While at HEC, he worked on the design and implementation of the continuous soil moisture accounting algorithm for HEC-HMS. His work included model testing, writing functional specification documentation for computer model coding, and developing and presenting model concepts for training courses. Mr. Bennett received training in the suite of HEC software programs including HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, UNET, HEC-DSS, and HEC-FFA. Mr. Bennett’s previous work experience also includes over 3 years with the King County Surface Water Management Division in Seattle, WA (now the Water and Land Resources Division). His work there included modeling the Green River floodplain with HEC-2 and modeling water quality loads to lakes and rivers in King County watersheds. Additionally, Mr. Bennett designed and implemented temperature monitoring programs for salmonid habitat in the May Creek Watershed, assessed salmonid populations throughout King County, and worked on the planning and design of salmonid habitat restoration projects in the Green River Basin. INSTRUCTING EXPERIENCE HEC-RAS ASCE Continuing Education Class, Cincinnati, OH, September 2005 ASCE Continuing Education Class, Kansas City, MO, February 2005 ASCE Continuing Education Class, Boston, MA, November 2004 ASCE Continuing Education Class, Seattle, WA, October 2004 Environmental Health Administration, Washington D.C., September 2004 King County , Water and Land Resources Division, Seattle WA, April 2004 ASCE Continuing Education Class, Denver, CO, February 2004 ASCE Continuing Education Class, San Antonio, TX, October 2003 ASCE Continuing Education Class, Sacramento, CA, September 2003 Todd H. Bennett, P.E. ASCE Continuing Education Class, Atlanta, GA, January 2003 Caltrans, Sacramento, CA, December 2002 Jacksonville District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, FL, August 2002 S&B Infrastructure, McAllen, TX, February 2001 ASCE Continuing Education Class, Raleigh, NC, December 2000 Iowa Department of Transportation, Ames, IA, November 1999 Fort Richardson Joint Regional Environmental Training Center, Anchorage, AK, October 1999 ASCE Continuing Education Class, Seattle, WA, August 1999 HEC-HMS Introduction to HMS, University of Oregon, Corvallis, Oregon, May 2002 Advanced HMS, Hydrologic Engineering Center, Davis, California, April 2002 Advanced HMS, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, October 2001 Advanced HMS, Hydrologic Engineering Center, Davis, California, August 2001 Basic HMS, Summit Engineering, Reno, Nevada, November 2000 Basic HMS, Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base, California, April 2000 Basic HMS, US Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville District, Tennessee, March 1998 TRAINING BASINS/HSPF Workshop, EPA and AquaTerra Consultants Corps Water Management System (CWMS), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center Advanced HEC-HMS, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center Unsteady Flow Analysis for HEC-RAS, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center Advanced HEC-RAS, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center HEC-HMS, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center HEC-RAS, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center UNET, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center MIKE11, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District HEC-6, WEST Consultants HEC-2, King County Surface Water Management BIBLIOGRAPHY Bennett, Todd, Raymond Walton, Henry Hu, and Steven Hays. “Rocky Reach Dam Temperature Modeling of Reservoir and Pre-Project Conditions”, Extended Abstract Proceedings of the American Water Resources Association 2005 Annual Conference, Cleve Steward, ed., Seattle, WA, November 710, 2005. Hu, Henry, Todd Bennett, Kenneth Puhn, and Joseph Weber. “Some Innovative Approaches for Estimating Base Flood Discharges”, Extended Abstract Proceedings of the American Water Resources Association 2005 Annual Conference, Cleve Steward, ed., Seattle, WA, November 7-10, 2005. Bennett, Todd H., Raymond Walton, Peter Dickerson, and John Howard. “Comparison of HEC-RAS and MIKE11 Unsteady Flow Modeling for the Tillamook Valley”, published for the ASCE World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Salt Lake City, UT, June 2004. Todd H. Bennett, P.E. Bennett, Todd H., Alan Donner, Dan Eggers, and Kenneth Puhn. “Challenges of Developing a Rain-onSnow Grid-Based Hydrologic Model for the Willow Creek Watershed, Oregon”, published for the EWRI World Water and Environmental Congress, Philadelphia, PA, June 2003. Bennett, Todd H., Raymond Walton, Larry Basich, and Wayne Wagner. “Unsteady Flow Models for Floodplain Studies”, published for the EWRI World Water and Environmental Resources Conference, Orlando, FL, May 2001. Bennett, Todd H. “Continuous Soil Moisture Accounting in the Hydrologic Engineering Center Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS)”, published for the ASCE Joint Conference on Water Resources Engineering and Water Resources Planning and Management, Minneapolis, MN, July 2000. Bennett, Todd H. “Development and Application of a Continuous Soil Moisture Accounting Algorithm for the Hydrologic Engineering Center Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS)”. Master thesis, University of California at Davis, 1998.