Application form for doctoral candidates

Application form for doctoral candidates
Dear applicant,
A good mentoring programme is tailored to the needs of its participants. We want to know
who you are and which expectations you have for the programme. So that we can help
movement to meet those expectations, please answer all questions and think carefully before
You can either fill out the form on your computer and e-mail it to us, or print it out and either
bring the completed application to Nicole Voss in room B3-151 or send it to Universität
Bielefeld, Dezernat III.3, Yulika Ogawa-Müller, Universitätsstraße 25, D-33615 Bielefeld.
We’re looking forward to your application!
Date and place of birth
Telephone (landline)
Telephone (mobile)
Do you have children No
Yes (number of children and year(s) of birth
What are your personal interests/hobbies?
Undergraduate study
Topic of final thesis
Degree (name, year and final grade)
Topic of final thesis
Degree (name, year and final grade)
Vocational Training
Area, year of completion
German: beginning – advanced – fluent
English: beginning – advanced – fluent
Doctoral studies
Type of doctoral studies
[dropdown menu:] please choose one; individual; doctoral programme; Graduate School;
Research Training Group; other
Type of funding
[dropdown menu:] please choose one; scholarship; university position; other
Start of doctoral studies
Current phase of study
(Working) title of dissertation
Planned date of completion
The answers to the following questions will be elucidated in the personal
interviews – keywords are therefore sufficient.
Doctoral studies process and professional development
What do you like about conducting academic research?
What is currently the greatest challenge of doctoral studies?
What would you like to do professionally after you have completed your doctorate?
About the mentoring programme
Previous experience
Have you ever taken part in a mentoring programme?
Yes, in (year)
I was a
mentee /
mentor in the programme
Participation in movement
Which aspects of the movement mentoring programme motivated your application?
Which professional questions would you like answered within the programme?
What needs to happen during the course of the programme so that you will feel it was worth
taking part in movement?
What do you want to learn in an exchange with the other mentees?
Which main topics do you want to focus on during the mentoring process?
At the beginning of the programme, you will choose a mentor yourself. So that we can assist
you, please give us an idea of your ideal mentor.
My ideal mentor is
a woman
a man
either one
b) Important to me in a mentor is:
their discipline which should be
the same as or close to mine
very different from
personality and character traits, in particular
their biography, in particular
other, in particular
c) She or he should live/work in the vicinity of
d) How long should the intervals be
between meetings with your mentor?
Is there a particular person you would like to have as a mentor?
No/ yes,
One final question: How did you find out about movement?
Participation in the movement mentoring programme is a valuable opportunity for which you
are expected to do the following:
Participate in programme events and trainings
Take an active role in shaping the mentoring relationship
Participate in the evaluation and documentation of the programme
Keep the programme up to date on any changes in your personal situation that are
relevant for the programme and/or mentoring relationship (e.g. starting a job, change
of contact data, difficulties in the mentoring relationship)
I agree to fulfil these obligations and I have enough time to do so.
movement may use my answers and store my personal data and use them for the project.
Data will not be passed on to any third parties.
I confirm that I am a woman completing my doctoral studies at Bielefeld University and
thus fulfil the prerequisites of the programme
I confirm that the above information is accurate to the best of my knowledge
date, name)
We’re looking forward to your application!
Further remarks: