Mary L. Williams Curriculum Materials Library Alphabet Books Updated 04/08/08 Picture Books Argent, Kerry. Animal Capers. 1989. jE Arg Aylesworth, Jim. Old Black Fly. 1992. jE Ayl Base, Graeme. Animalia. 1986. jE Bas q Blake, Quentin. Quentin Blake’s ABC. 1989. jE BLa q Bowen, Betsy. Antler, Bear, Canoe: A Northwoods Alphabet Year. 1991. jE Bow Bridwell, Norman. Clifford’s ABC. 1983. jE Bri Brown, Ruth. Alphabet Times Four: An International ABC. 1991. jE Bro Carlson, Nancy L. ABC, I Like Me! 1997. jE Car Chandra, Deborah. A is for Amos. 1999. jE Cha Cohen, Izhar. ABCDiscovery!: An Alphabet Book of Picture Puzzles. 1998. jE Coh Crane, Carol. L is for Lonestar: A Texas Alphabet. 2001. jE Cra Cronin, Doreen. Click Clack,Quackity-Quack: An Alphabetic Adventure. 2006. jE Cro Edwards, Pamela Duncan. Wacky Wedding: A Book of Alphabet Antics. 1999. jE Edw Ehlert, Lois. Eating the Alphabet: Fruits and Vegetables from A to Z. 1989. jE Ehl Ernst, Lisa Campbell. The Turn-Around Upside-Down Alphabet Book. 2004. jE Ern Félix, Monique. The Alphabet. 1993. jE FeL Fleming, Denise. Alphabet Under Construction. 2002. jE Fle Gerstein, Mordicai. The Absolutely Awful Alphabet. 1999. Hepworth, Catherine. Antics!: An Alphabetical Anthology. 1992. Hoban, Tana. 26 Letters and 99 Cents. 1987. jE Hob Howland, Naomi. ABCDrive!: A Car Trip Alphabet. 1994. jE How Hubbard, Woodleigh. C is for Curious: An ABC of Feelings. 1990. jE Hub Hughes, Shirley. Alfie’s ABC. 1998. jE Hug Inkpen, Mick. Kipper’s A to Z: An Alphabet Adventure. 2001. jE Ink Jay, Alison. ABC: A Child’s First Alphabet Book. 2003. jE Jay 2005 Jean, Philippa. Aa. 1996. jE Jea -----. Bb. 1996. jE Jea -----. Cc. 1996. jE Jea -----. Dd. 1996. jE Jea -----. Ee. 1996. jE Jea -----. Ff. 1996. jE Jea -----. Gg. 1996. jE Jea -----. Hh. 1996. jE Jea -----. Ii. 1996. jE Jea -----. Jj. 1996. jE Jea -----. Kk. 1996. jE Jea -----. Ll. 1996. jE Jea -----. Mm. 1996. jE Jea -----. Nn. 1996. jE Jea -----. Oo. 1996. jE Jea 1 Mary L. Williams Curriculum Materials Library -----. Pp. 1996. jE Jea -----. Qq. 1996. jE Jea -----. Rr. 1996. jE Jea -----. Ss. 1996. jE Jea -----. Tt. 1996. jE Jea -----. Uu. 1996. jE Jea -----. Vv. 1996. jE Jea -----. Ww. 1996. jE Jea -----. Xx. 1996. jE Jea -----. Yy. 1996. jE Jea -----. Zz. 1996. jE Jea Johnson, Stephen. Alphabet City. 1995. jE Joh Jonas, Ann. Aardvarks, Disembark! 1990. jE Jon Kirk, David. Miss Spider’s ABC. 1998. jE Kir Layne, Steven L. T is for Teachers: A School Alphabet. 2005. jE Lay Lessac, Frané. Caribbean Alphabet. 1994. jE Les Lindbergh, Reeve. The Awful Aardvarks Go to School. 1997. jE Lin Lobel, Anita. Alison’s Zinnia. 1990. jE Lob q MacDonald, Suse. Edward Lear’s A was Once an Apple Pie. 2005. jE Mac Mannis, Celeste Davidson. The Queen’s Progress: An Elizabethan Alphabet. 2003. jE Man Martin, Bill. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. 1989. jE Mar McGehee, Claudia. A Tallgrass Prairie Alphabet. 2004. jE McG McLeod, Bob. SuperHero ABC. 2006. jE McL Merriam, Eve. Where is Everybody?: An Animal Alphabet. 1989. jE Mer Miller, Jane. Farm Alphabet Book. 2000. jE MiL Millman, Isaac. Moses Goes to a Concert. 1998. jE Mil Owens, Mary Beth. A Caribou Alphabet. 1988. jE Owe Paul, Ann Whitford. Everything to Spend the Night: From A to Z. 1999. jE Pau Paulauski, Patrick. W is for Wind. 2005. jE Pau Pelletier, David. The Graphic Alphabet. 1996. jE Pel Peter Rabbit’s A B C. 1987. jE Pet Phillips, Tamara. Day Care ABC. 1989. jE Phi Pinto, Sara. The Alphabet Room. 2003. jE Pin Polacco, Patricia. G is for Goat. 2003. jE Pol Rankin, Laura. The Handmade Alphabet. 1991. jE Ran Sabuda, Robert. The Christmas Alphabet. 1994. jE Sab Schories, Pat. Over Under in the Garden: An Alphabet Book. 1996. jE Sch Seeger, Laura Vaccaro. The Hidden Alphabet. 2003. jE See Seuss, Dr. Dr. Seuss’s ABC. 1963. jE Seu Shannon, George. Tomorrow’s Alphabet. 1996. jE Sha Slate, Joseph. Miss Bindergarten Stays Home from Kindergarten. 2000. jE SLa Stock, Catherine. Alexander’s Midnight Snack: A Little Elephant’s ABC. 1988. jE Sto Stutson, Caroline. Prairie Primer: A to Z. 1996. jE Stu Szekeres, Cyndy. Cyndy Szekeres’ I love My Busy Book. 1997. jE Sze Thomas’s ABC Book. 1990. jE Tho Turner, Priscilla. The War Between the Vowels and the Consonant. 1996. jE Tur Van Allsburg, Chris. The Alphabet Theatre Proudly Presents the Z was Zapped: A Play in Twenty-Six Acts. 1987. jE Van q Viorst, Judith. The Alphabet From Z to A: (With Much Confusion on the Way). 1993. jE Vio Willard, Nancy. An Alphabet of Angels. 1994. jE WiL Wilner, Isabel. A Garden Alphabet. 1991. jE WiL 2 Mary L. Williams Curriculum Materials Library Wood, Audrey. Alphabet Rescue. 2006. jE Woo Wormell, Christopher. An Alphabet of Animals. 1990. jE Wor Yolen, Jane. Elfabet: An ABC of Elves. 1990. jE YoL Juvenile Fiction Tamar, Erika. Alphabet City Ballet. 1996. jE Tam Juvenile Non-Fiction Stroud, Virginia A. The Path of the Quiet Elk: A Native American Alphabet Book. 1996. j299.7 S925p Kalman, Bobbie. The Wonders of Me from A to Z. 1998. j305.2355 K14w Schaefer, Lola M. Homes ABC. 2002. j307.336 S294h Kunstadter, Maria A. Women Working A to Z. 1994. j331.702 K96w Samoyault, Tiphaine. Alphabetical Order: How the Alphabet Began. 1998. j411 S191a Cahoon, Heather. Word Play ABC. 1999. j428.1 C132w Isadora, Rachel. ABC Pop! 1999. j428.1 I74a Hausman, Gerald. Turtle Island ABC: A Gathering of Native American Symbols. 1994. j497 H376t -----. Q is for Quark: A Science Alphabet Book. 2001. j500 S3985q Schwartz, David M. G is for Googol: A Math Alphabet Book. 1998. j510 S399g Dodson, Peter. An Alphabet of Dinosaurs. 1995. j567.9 D647a -----. The Underwater Alphabet Book. 1991. j577.789 P168u Kalman, Bobbie. The ABCs of Plants. 2008. j580 K14a Pomeroy, Diana. Wildflower ABC: An Alphabet of Potato Prints. 1997. j582.13 P785w Darling, Kathy. Amazon A B C. 1996. j590 D221a Lee, Karen. ABC Safari. 2007. j590 L478a Markle, Sandra. Gone Forever!: An Alphabet of Extinct Animals. 1998. j591.529 M346g McLimans, David. Gone Wild: An Endangered Animal Alphabet. 2006. j591.68 M165g Sandved, Kjell Bloch. The Butterfly Alphabet. 1996. j595.789 S221b -----. The Yucky Reptile Alphabet Book. 1989. j598.1 P168y -----. The Boat Alphabet Book. 1998. j623.82 P168b Pallotta, Jerry. The Airplane Alphabet Book. 1997. j629.133 P168a -----. The Jet Alphabet Book. 1999. j629.133 P168j -----. The Victory Garden Vegetable Alphabet Book. 1992. j635 P168v Raczka, Bob. 3-D ABC: A Sculptural Alphabet. 2007. j730 R123t Schnur, Steven. Autumn: An Alphabet Acrostic. 1997. j793.73 S362a Ashley Bryan’s ABC of African-American poetry. 1997. j811 A1105 q Ada, Alma Flor. Gathering the Sun: An Alphabet in Spanish and English. 1997. j811 A191g McCurdy, Michael. The Sailors Alphabet. 1998. j811 M133s Merriam, Eve. Halloween A B C. 1987. j811 M568h Steig, Jeanne. Alpha Beta Chowder. 1992. j811 S818a Wilbur, Richard. The Disappearing Alphabet. 1998. j811 W666d Cwiklik, Robert. Sequoya and the Cherokee Alphabet. 1989. j921 S479c9 Chin-Lee, Cynthia. A Is for Asia. 1997. j950 C539a Tapahonso, Luci. Navajo ABC: A Dine Alphabet Book. 1995. j970.3 T172n Woods, Kathleen M. ABC’s Oklahoma Style. 1994. j976.6 W895a Demarest, Chris L. The Cowboy ABC. 1999. j978 D372c 3 Created by the Mary L. Williams Curriculum Materials Library Staff, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK Mary L. Williams Curriculum Materials Library CML PROFESSIONAL MATERIALS Cooper, Cathie Hilterbran. ABC Books and Activities: From Preschool to High School. 1996. CML 372.189 C776a Brown, Roberta Seckler. Hands-on Alphabet Activities for Young Children: A Whole Language Plus Phonics Approach to Reading. 1998. CML 372.414 B879h 1998 Aesthetics for Young People. 1995. CML 372.5 A254 Press, Judy. Alphabet Art: With A-Z Animal Art & Fingerplays. 1998. CML 372.55 P935a Davis, Robin Works. An Alphabet of Authors. 1996. CML 372.6 D263a Media Chicka Chicka Boom Boom…and Lots More Learning Fun! 2001. DVD 411 C533 The Unicorn Alphabet [picture]. 1989. POSTER 894 Everybody’s Ethnic: A Multicultural Alphabet [picture]. 1994. POSTER 1411-1414 4 Created by the Mary L. Williams Curriculum Materials Library Staff, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK