

Heritage Hunter

Speaker / Instructor Contract:

This Agreement is made this __________ day of _______ 20__ by and between Tom Rice,

(hereinafter called “Speader”0 of White Bear Lake, Minnesota, and

______________________________ (Hereinafter called “Organization”) of ____________.

Whereas, Speaker is engaged in providing genealogical lecture and / or instructional services and

Whereas, Organization wished to present an educational seminar or event (“Event”0 and desires to employ the services of Speaker therein,

How therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:


Date, Time, and Place of Event.

Event shall take place in the city of

__________________ at an appropriate place to be selected by Organization, on __

___________ 20__, at the mutually agreed upon time of _______.


Content of Program . Speaker shall provide _ lecture(s) on topics selected by

Organization, form a list provide by Speaker,. Speaker shall, however, have final approval of the combination of topics selected and the sequence of presentation. Parties must agree on the topics on or before __ _________ 20__. If Organization chooses,

Speaker shall additionally offer, at no charge, a question-and-answer session for the personal problems of attendees. If elected, such session shall be scheduled as the last offering of the day.


Lecture Enhancements.

Speaker shall produce lecture enhancements (such as outlines, bibliographies, maps, glossaries, or other appropriate matter) for distribution only to the registrants. Speaker shall provide these as computer files in either MS Word or Adobe

Acrobat format which shall be e-mailed to the designee of the Organization at least two weeks before the date of the Event. Organization shall duplicate produce copies of the materials in numbers commensurate with the number of registrants and anticipated walkin registrants. Speaker retains the copyright to all lecture enhancements. Speaker grants

Organization a one-time license to copy the material and disseminate it subject to the following conditions: (a) materials shall not be sold or otherwise distributed to nonattendees; and (b) materials shall not, without the prior written approval of Speaker, be bound with advertisements of other individuals or firms, by which combination the other individuals or firms might appear to have the endorsement of Speaker.



Organization shall supply the equipment listed below, to be set up in working order (with spare bulbs and batteries) at the hour that doors open for the registration of attendees: (a) either an overhead projector (not opaque) or a computer image projector placed within reach; (b) large screen (at least 6’ in small rooms: 10’ to

12’ for larger rooms, meeting halls and auditoriums); (c) lectern (equipped with a light if the room is to be darkened over the lectern; (d) lapel microphone; (e) table (for Speaker’s materials); and (g) water pitcher and glass.



Organization shall be responsible for selecting and preparing the meeting site.

In choosing a site, Organization shall consider not only the number of registrants that

Organization customarily draws but also the number that Speaker typically6 attracts at such events. Seating arrangements should ensure that all attendees face the Speaker and the screen upon which visual aids are projected. Lighting should permit comfortable viewing of visual aids without excessive darkness or screen washout caused by sun glare from undraped or stained-glass windows. Organization shall locate vendors or other activities outside the lecture room or, if in the same room, shall ensure that such vendors or activities are discontinued during Speaker’s presentation.


Taping. Speaker agrees to permit audio taping by individual attendees for their private use, with the proviso tht tapes are not to be duplicated, t5ranscribed, or otherwise disseminated. No taping shall be done for commercial purposes or by Organization for distribution to nonattendees, Organization members or library patrons. Private tapes may not be used for other meetings of Organization or for meetings of any other group.

Organization shall inform attendees of this policy in publicity materials and shall announce this policy from the podium after attendees are in their seats and before

Speaker is introduced. No video recording shall be permitted.



Speaker shall provide Organization with a professional biography, and other description of the presentation to be given by the Speaker during the Event. Organization shall provide Speaker an advance copy of any publicity prepared for distribution and shall not disseminate any material without Speaker’s prior approval. “Publicity” includes, but is not limited to, fliers that announce themes, topics and services. Organization shall begin publicity efforts at least two to three months prior to Event and shall extend such efforts to other organization sand potential attendees within at least a two-hour driving range.


Lecture Fees.

Organization shall pay Speaker a base fee of $120 per individual one to two-hour presentation on a single topic. Should Organization and Speaker agree to additional lectures in conjunction with this Event, compensation shall be at the rate of

$100 per lecture of one to two-hour duration. Organization shall pay Speaker on the day of Event.


Travel Expenses.

Organization shall reimburse Speaker for round-trip travel by air

(coach class, advance purchase) or (if moor economical and feasible) by automobile at the rate of $0.36 per mile. Automobile travel shall be deemed “not feasible” if the distance between the Speaker’s location on the morning before Event and the destination

(city in which Event is to be held) is more that 200 miles. If Organization request that air reservations be made more than a month in advance of Event, then Speaker shall submit receipts for immediate reimbursement by Organization. If air reservations are made by

Speaker one month or less in advance of Event, then Organization may delay reimbursement until the day of Event.


Personal Accommodations.

Organization shall provide Speaker with hotel or motel accommodations beginning the night immediately proceeding Event and continuing through the night immediately following Event. Such accommodations should include a no-smoking room in a reasonably quite, standard-class facility. Organization shall handle all financial arrangements directly with the hotel or motel. Meals en rout or on-site , other otherwise covered by the air carrier or Organization’s scheduled functions, shall be billed to Organization an shall not exceed $___ per meal. Organization shall provide

transportation to and from airport to motel, and to and from motel to meeting place, or reimburse speaker for the expense of such transportation.



This agreement may be canceled if (1) a natural or public disaster should render Event unfeasible; or (s) serious illness or family death should incapacitate

Speaker. If a natural or public disaster requires cancellation, Organization shall not be responsible for Speaker’s fee but shall reimburse Speaker for any sums already expended for nonrefundable airfare. In the event that Speaker should be unable to fulfill his obligations, eh agrees to assist Organization in finding a comparable replacement and shall not be reimbursed by Organization for any advance sums he may have expended.



This document contains the entire agreement of both parties. It supersedes all oral and written proposals and all other prior agreements, understandings or communication. Its terms may not be altered or changed except by a written document signed by both parties.


Survival of Terms and Conditions.

The terms and conditions of this cont4ract shall survive its performance


Jurisdiction, Venue and Controlling Law.

The parties agree that this agreement shall be construed in acco4rdance with the laws of the sate of Minnesota.


Severability. If any portion of this agreement shall be declared invalid or unenforceable by a court with jurisdiction over the parties, the remaining portions not so declared shall remain valid and enforceable.


Titles . The titles for the sections of the agreements are descriptive and are inserted for convenience of location only and do not define or limit the material contained there under.


Third Parties.

This agreement shall be binding on the legal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties. Should Speaker die before this contract has been performed,

Organization’s sole remedy shall be the reimbursement of any expenses already advanced to Speaker.


Notices All notices under this agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be given five days after deposit in the U.S. ami, postage prepaid, and addressed as set forth in the first paragraph of this agreement. Should either party with to have his or her place of notice changed he or she shall send the new address by certified mail to the other party.


Execution in Counterpart.

The parties acknowledge that two copies of this agreement are being executed. Each is deemed to be an original, but they constitute one and the same instrument.


Performances of Actions Necessary to complete Transaction.

Both Organization and

Speaker shall be required to execute any documents or take any actions that may reasonably be required to effectuate the transaction s contemplated herein.


Waiver of Breach.

The waiver of breach of any provision of this contract shall not be construed as a waiver of any prior o subsequent breach.


Dispute Resolution.

Both parties agree that if any dispute arises out of this agreement, they will attempt to settle it between themselves first. If that does not work, they will use the arbitration services of the Association of Professional Genealogists as their sole remedy, and accept as final and binding on both of them the arbitration decision.


Legal Costs. If a dispute arises in connection with the agreement, the losing party shall pay and all reasonable attorneys’ fees and dispute resolution costs that the prevailing party had incurred in connection with the enforcement of this agreements.

In witness whereof, the parties have signed this agreement on the date following their names, below.


Tom Rice, Speaker


Phone: 651-426-9440

Fax: 651-493-0905

_________________________ for ______________________, Organization




