Şuhnaz Yılmaz Assoc. Professor Koç University INTL 445/HIST 445 Fall 2011 TURKISH - AMERICAN RELATIONS CLASS HOURS : Tue./Thu. 11:00-12:15 OFFICE HOURS : Tue 15:30-17:00, CAS. 146, ext. 1668 E-MAIL : syilmaz@ku.edu.tr COURSE DESCRIPTION : This course focuses on the diplomatic history of Turkish-American relations with a particular emphasis on Cold War and post-Cold War periods. It aims to provide a better understanding of significant issues pertaining to Turkish-American relations such as the impact of international developments on foreign policy decisions, the role of key figures and organizations in shaping the relations, the interaction of political, economic, cultural and military factors in policy formation and the importance of mutual perceptions in shaping actual relations. Another major goal of the course is to situate Turkish-American relations in the larger context of diplomatic history and international relations, through an evaluation of how the United States’ relations with Turkey fit into the general guidelines of American foreign policy and also through an examination of the conduct and changing priorities of Turkish foreign policy. REQUIRED READINGS : COURSE REQUIREMENTS: ACADEMIC HONESTY - INTL 445 Course package - Mid-term exam (25%) - Paper & Group Presentation (30%) - Final exam (30%) - Informed Discussion & Participation (15%) : Honesty and trust are important to all of us as individuals. Students and faculty adhere to the following principles of academic honesty at Koç University: 1. 2. 3. 4. Individual accountability for all individual work, written or oral. Copying from others or providing answers or information, written or oral, to others is cheating. Providing proper acknowledgment of original author. Copying from another student’s paper or from another text without written acknowledgment is plagiarism. Study or project group activity is effective and authorized teamwork. Unauthorized help from another person or having someone else write one’s paper or assignment is collusion. Cheating, plagiarism, and collusion are serious offences resulting in an F grade and disciplinary action. Page 1 of 4 Şuhnaz Yılmaz Assoc. Professor Koç University INTL 445/HIST 445 Fall 2011 COURSE OUTLINE Week 1 : From Strangers … : Introduction Initial Contacts Ottoman-American Relations Week 2 : Problematic Era: Rejection of the Lausanne Treaty: - Roger Trask, The U.S. Response to Turkish Nationalism and Reform, University of Minnesota Press (1971), pp 3-15, 37-63. Week 3 : Interwar Period: Image and Issues: - - - Nur B. Criss, “Shades of Diplomatic Recognition: American Encounters with Turkey”, in Nur Bilge Criss and George S. Harris (eds) Studies in Atatürk's Turkey: The American Dimension, Brill, (2009), pp 97-144. Şuhnaz Yılmaz, “Challenging the Stereotypes: Turkish-American Relations in the Inter-war Era”, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 42, No: 2, (2006), pp 223-237. Newspaper articles Week 4 : “Active” Neutrality: World War II - Thomas A. Bryson, Seeds of Mideast Crisis: The United States Diplomatic Role in the Middle East During World War II, McFarland, (1981), pp 143-161. - Selim Deringil, “On the Razor’s Edge”, Turkish Foreign Policy During the Second World War, Cambridge University Press (2004), pp 144-165. Week 5 : … to Allies : Thorny Road Towards Alliance and NATO Membership - George S. Harris, Troubled Alliance: Turkish-American Problems in Historical Perspective, 1945-1971, AEI-Hoover policy studies (1972), pp 9-44. - Behçet Yeşilbursa, “Turkey’s Participation in the Middle Eastern Command and Its Admission to NATO, 1950-52”, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 35, No: 4 (1999), pp 70-102. - B. Oran, Turkish Foreign Policy: 1919-2006 Facts and Analyses with Documents, Utah Series and Turkish and Islamic Studies (2010), pp 311-334 Week 6 : Cold War Relations - B. Oran, Turkish Foreign Policy: 1919-2006 Facts and Analyses with Documents, Utah Series and Turkish and Islamic Studies (2010), pp 334-343. - George S. Harris, Troubled Alliance: Turkish-American Problems in Historical Perspective, 1945-1971, AEI-Hoover policy studies (1972), pp 49-66, 85-101. - George S. Harris, “Turkish-American Relations Since the Truman Doctrine”, in Mustafa Aydın and Çağrı Erhan (eds) TurkishPage 2 of 4 Şuhnaz Yılmaz Assoc. Professor Koç University INTL 445/HIST 445 Fall 2011 American Relations: Past, Present and Future, Routledge (2004), pp 66-87. Week 7 : Film & Discussion (Nov. 1) MIDTERM (Nov. 3) Week 8 : National Holiday (Nov. 8) Discussion Session (Nov. 10) Week 9 : Pandora’s Box: Cyprus Crisis Episode I - George S. Harris, Troubled Alliance: Turkish-American Problems in Historical Perspective, 1945-1971, AEI-Hoover policy studies (1972), pp 105-125. - W. Hale, Turkish Foreign Policy, Portland: Frank Cass, (2000), pp 146-163. Week 10 : Pandora’s Box: Cyprus Crisis Episode II - Monteagle Sterns, Entangled Alliance: US Policy Towards Greece, Turkey, and Cyprus, Council of Foreign Relations Press (1992), pp 839. - Aylin, Güney “The USA ‘s Role in Mediating the Cyprus Conflict: A Story of Success or Failure?”, Security Dialogue, Vol. 35, No:1, (2004), pp 27 -42 - Tarık Oğuzlu, “Turkey and the Cyprus Dispute: Pitfalls and Opportunities”, Ankara Bar Review, 2010/1, p. 73-82. Week 11 : Issues and Problems: Rise of Anti-Americanism - George S. Harris, Troubled Alliance: Turkish-American Problems in Historical Perspective, 1945-1971, AEI-Hoover policy studies (1972), pp 125-148, 149-172. - Aylin Güney, “Anti-Americanism in Turkey: Past and Present”, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol.44, No: 3, (2008), p. 471-487. Week 12 : Social, Cultural and Economic Relations - Şuhnaz Yılmaz, “Impact of Lobbies on Turkish-American Relations”, in Mustafa Aydın and Çağrı Erhan (eds) TurkishAmerican Relations: Past, Present and Future, Routledge (2004), pp 181-209. - S. Yılmaz, S. Özel and A. Akyüz, “Rebuilding Partnership: TurkishAmerican Relations For a New Era, A Turkish Perspective”, TÜSİAD Publications, (2009), pp 81-85. Page 3 of 4 Şuhnaz Yılmaz Assoc. Professor Koç University Week 13 : INTL 445/HIST 445 Fall 2011 Geo-Political and Security Relations in the Post-Cold War Era - S. Yılmaz, S. Özel and A. Akyüz, “Rebuilding Partnership: TurkishAmerican Relations For a New Era, A Turkish Perspective”, TÜSİAD Publications, (2009), pp 37-43, 63-77. - Kamer Kasım, “US Policy on Caspian Oil and Its Implications for Turkish-American Relations”, in Mustafa Aydın and Çağrı Erhan (eds) Turkish-American Relations: Past, Present and Future, Routledge (2004), pp 129-149. - Andrew C Kuchins and Alexandros Petersen, “Turkey, Russia, The Black Sea, The Caucasus and Central Asia”, in Stephen J. Flanagan (eds) Turkey’s Evolving Dynamics: Strategic Choices for US-Turkey Relations, Center for Strategic & International Studies (2009), pp 6180. Week 14 : The Middle Eastern Context of Turkish – American Relations - Meliha B. Altunışık, “Turkish-American Security Relations: The Middle East Dimension”, in Mustafa Aydın and Çağrı Erhan (eds) Turkish-American Relations: Past, Present and Future, Routledge (2004), pp 151-179. - William Hale, Turkey, the Kurds and Iraq, SOAS Middle East Issues (2007), pp 81-156. - Haim Malka, “Turkey and the Middle East”, in Stephen J. Flanagan (eds) Turkey’s Evolving Dynamics: Strategic Choices for US-Turkey Relations, Center for Strategic & International Studies (2009), pp 3759. - S. Yılmaz, S. Özel and A. Akyüz, “Rebuilding Partnership: TurkishAmerican Relations For a New Era, A Turkish Perspective”, TÜSİAD Publications, (2009), pp 47-59. Week 15 : Alliance Revisited: Prospects for the Future - - - Sayari, Sabri “Challenges of Triangular Relations: The US, the EU, and Turkish Accession”. South European Society and Politics, 16: 2, 251 -263. Routledge (2011), pp 251-263. Bruce Kuniholm, “Thinking about the Future: Turkey, the US and the World”, in Mustafa Aydın and Çağrı Erhan (eds) Turkish-American Relations: Past, Present and Future, Routledge (2004), pp 213-229. Stephen J. Flanagan and Samuel J Brannen, “Implications for U.S.Turkey Relations”, in Stephen J. Flanagan (eds) Turkey’s Evolving Dynamics: Strategic Choices for US-Turkey Relations, Center for Strategic & International Studies (2009), pp 81-95. FINAL EXAM Page 4 of 4