Yalesville Little League Manager and Coach selection

Yalesville Little League Manager and Coach Selection Process for
Regular Season and Post Season Tournament Play
“All coaching positions are evaluated and approved each year by the Yalesville
Little League Board of Directors. Any unfavorable report regarding a coach by a
player, parent, other coach or league official that is brought to the attention of
the board could results in that coach loosing his/her privileges as coach or
manager in Yalesville Little League”
Please Note: All volunteer applicants for any position in Yalesville Little League who comes in
direct unsupervised contact with any of the children in the league for any amount of time must
submit a completed Little League Volunteer Application form. The Connecticut State Police
and/or RapSheets.com are used to determine the applicant’s eligibility to be involved in a youth
sports program.
All coaches are encouraged to apply to coach each year. That way you maintain your seniority
and even if there is no opening for you at the next level you’ll be allowed to assist the team and
sub as a coach if an official coach is absent from the game. Also you remain in the selection
process and if there is any opportunity that you can be placed onto a team the following season
we will try our best to make that happen.
Junior League
Managers and coaches for the Junior League are appointed annually by the League President and
the Junior League VP. While coaching positions are not guaranteed year to year we will try to
maintain consistent coaching staffs. If there is a manager vacancy on a Junior League team the
senior coach already on that Junior League team can apply for the position. Every attempt will be
made to provide those players moving up to the big diamond with quality instruction and
coaching. However any unfavorable evaluations on any manager/coach could result in their not
being allowed to manage the team and could place their position as a coach in Yalesville Little
League for the current season, in jeopardy.
Managers and coaches for the Major League are appointed annually by the League President and
the Major League VP. While coaching positions are not guaranteed year to year we will try to
maintain consistent coaching staffs. When there is an opening for a manager at the Major League
level, the senior coach already on the team can apply for the position. If the senior coach does
not want to manage, the next coach already on the team may apply. If there is no other coach on
the team or that coach also does not want to manage, then any coach on an existing Major
League team who would like to manage a team may apply. If there are no Major level coaches
who want to assume the Managers position a senior coach from the Minors (AAA) who is
moving up to the Majors can be appointed to the position by the League President and the
Majors VP. If a coach leaves one team to manage another team in Yalesville Little League, the
team he is leaving may be required to give up a draft position based on the skill level of the
coach’s child if he has a child on the team he is leaving. If he does not have a child on the team
he is leaving there is no penalty for changing teams. However any unfavorable evaluations on
any manager/coach could result in their not being allowed to manage the team and could place
their position as a coach in Yalesville Little League for the current season, in jeopardy.
Managers at the AAA level are appointed annually by the League President and AAA Vice
President. Additionally the League President and the AAA Vice President will select one coach
for each team but may elect do so with the collaboration of the appointed manager. Typically at
the AAA level we try to place 4 coaches on each team, so the next 2 coaches are to be drafted to
the team. At this level the 3rd and 4th coaches are to maintain order in the dugout, and keep the
book. Unfavorable evaluations on any manager/coach could result in their not being allowed to
manage the team and could place their position as a coach in Yalesville Little League for the
current season, in jeopardy.
Managers and coaches at the AA level are appointed by the League President and the AA Vice
President from the people who have applied for coaching positions at this level. Typically we
strive to recruit 4 coaches for each team at this level. At this level the 3rd and 4th coaches are to
maintain order in the dugout, and since no score is kept, maintain the batting order. Unfavorable
evaluations on any manager/coach could result in their not being allowed to manage the team
and could place their position as a coach in Yalesville Little League for the current season, in
Clinic/Tee Ball
Managers and coaches at the Clinic/Tee Ball level are appointed by the League President and the
Clinic/Tee Ball Vice President from the people who have applied for coaching positions at this
level. Unfavorable reports from parents or guardians, on any coach could result in their not being
allowed to manage/coach the team and could place their position as a coach in Yalesville Little
League in jeopardy.
All Star Manager, Coach and Player Selection
Junior League/Major League/AAA
At the Junior League and Major League and AAA levels any manager or coach wishing to be
considered for the manager position of an All-star team will submit his/her name in writing for
consideration. Unfavorable evaluations on any manager/coach could result in their not being
allowed to manage/coach the All-star team. Managers are appointed by the League President and
the Junior/Major/AAA League Vice Presidents. All Star Coaches will be selected with the input
of the selected Managers.
11/12 Y.O Post Season Tournament Team
Managers and coaches for the 11/12 Y.O Post Season Tournament Team that will travel to
District 4 to play post season will be selected from the parents of the players on that team who
are currently managers or coaches in Yalesville Little League.