Koç University

Koç University
College of Social Sciences and Humanities
Application for Independent Study
Last Name
First Name
Student’s Department: Psychology
Code and Short Title of the Course: Psych 390 Independent Study
Semester of Independent Study: FALL 2009
Course Details: Please attach a document with the description, outline and a time
plan signed by both the professor and the student. This document must be filled out
by the student in consultation with the professor and should contain at least the
following items:
a. Short Description: (Similar to catalogue description for normal course)
This course is designed to give students experience in empirical research
projects that heavily rely on observational research methodology. Thus,
among the goals of the course are the following: 1) Learn to apply principles of
data collection in such studies, 2) expose students to coding schemes
designed observe and categorize behavior from standardized contexts, 2)
expose students to intricacies of inter-observer reliability, 4) formulation of
research questions to address in a subsequent semester
b. References and/or Textbooks that will be used.
Major or classic papers on children’s socialization or self-regulation:
Belsky, J. (1984). The determinants of parenting: A process model. Child
Development, 55, 83-96.
Hoffman, M. L. (1994). Discipline and internalization. Developmental
Psychology, 30, 26-28.
Kochanska, G. (1993). Toward a synthesis of parental socialization and
child temperament in early development of conscience. Child
Development, 64, 325-347.
Kochanska, G. (1997). Multiple pathways to conscience for children with
different temperaments: From toddlerhood to age 5. Developmental
Psychology, 22, 228-240.
Kochanska, G., Coy, K. C. & Murray, K. T. (2001). The development of selfregulation in the first four years of life. Child Development, 72,
Lay, K., Waters, E. & Park, A. (1989). Maternal responsiveness and child
compliance: The role of mood as mediator. Child Development, 60,
Maccoby, E. E. (1992). The role of parents in the socialization of
children: An historical overview. Developmental Psychology, 28, 10061017.
Parpal, M., & Maccoby, E. E. (1985). Maternal responsiveness and
subsequent child compliance. Child Development, 56, 1326-1334.
Posner, M. I. & Rothbart, M. K. (2000). Developing mechanisms of selfregulation. Development and Psychopathology, 12, 427-441.
Rothbart, M. K., & Ahadi, S. A. (1994). Temperament and the development of
personality. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 103, 55-66.
Predictive validity and functional significance
Bates, J. E., Pettit, G. S., Dodge, K. A., & Ridge, B. (1998). Interaction
of temperamental resistance to control and restrictive parenting in the
development of externalizing behavior. Developmental Psychology, 34,
Caspi, A. & Silva, P. A. (1995). Temperamental qualities at age 3 predict
personality traits in young adulthood: Longitudinal evidence from a
birth cohort. Child Development, 66, 486-498.
Clark, L. A., Kochanska, G., & Ready, R. (2000). Mothers' personality and
its interaction with child temperament as predictors of parenting
behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79, 274-285.
Eisenberg, N., Cumberland, A., Spinrad, T. L., Fabes, R. A., Shepard, S.
A., Reiser, M., Murphy, B. C., Losoya, S. H.,
Guthrie, I. K. (2001).
The relations of regulation and emotionality to children's
externalizing and internalizing problem behavior. Child Development,
72, 1112-1134.
Eisenberg, N., Gershoff, E. T., Fabes, R. A., Shepard, S. A., Cumberland,
A. J., Lososya, S. H., Guthrie, I. K.,
Murphy, B. C. (2001). Mothers'
emotional expressivity and children's behavior problems and social
competence: Mediation through children's regulation. Developmental
Psychology, 37, 475-490.
Frick, P. J., Lahey, B. B., Loeber R., Stouthamer-Loeber, M., Christ, M. A.
G. & Hanson, K. (1992). Familial risk factors to oppositional defiant
disorder and conduct disorder: Parental psychopathology and maternal
parenting. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 60, 49-55.
Frick, P. J. & Morris, A S. (2004). Temperament and developmental pathways
to conduct problems. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent
Psychology, 33, 55-68.
Kagan, J & Snidman, N. (1999). Early childhood predictors of adult anxiety
disorders. Biological Psychiatry, 46, 1536-1541.
Manassis, K. & Bradley, S. J. (1994). The development of childhood anxiety
disorders: Toward and integrated model. Journal of Applied
Developmental Psychology, 15, 245-366.
Koenig, A. L., Cicchetti, D., & Rogosch, F. A. (2000). Child compliance/
noncompliance and maternal contributors to internalization in
maltreating and non-maltreating dyads. Child Development, 71, 10181032.
Studies that will be used as methodological references
Kochanska, G. & Aksan, N. (1995). Mother-child mutually positive affect,
quality of child compliance to requests and prohibitions, and maternal
control as correlates of early internalization. Child Development, 66,
Kochanska, G., Coy, K. C., Tjebkes, T. L. & Husarek, S. J. (1998).
Individual differences in emotionality in infancy. Child Development,
69, 375-390.
Kochanska, G., Murray, K. T. & Harlan, E. (2000). Effortful control in
early childhood: continuity and change, antecedents, and implications,
for social development. Developmental Psychology, 36, 220-232.
c. Time Line: Please briefly indicate the major steps to be accomplished and
the target dates.
I will receive training from Dr. Aksan to code children’s behavior and emotion
at the beginning of the semester. Following the training I will be assisting in
both data collection to become familiar with other assessments and measures
in the study and completing the coding of the cases seen till the end of the
semester. Finally I will be formulating a research question that relates the
variable I will learn to code to other measures in the study.
Nazan Aksan
Printed Name
Dean of CSSH:
Sami Gülgöz
Printed Name