Indian Journal of Chemical Technology Vol. 15, November 2008, pp. 533-540 Sorption of phenol from aqueous solution using activated carbon prepared from Manilkara zapota seed Kaushik Nath*, Mehul Thummar, Mahesh Vaghela & Pranab Jani Department of Chemical Engineering, G H Patel College of Engineering & Technology, Vallabh Vidyanagar 388 120, India Email: Received 6 May 2008; revised 12 September 2008 The potential of activated carbon prepared from the seeds of Manilkara zapota, an agricultural waste, was assessed for adsorptive dephenolation from aqueous solution. ZnCl2 was used as the activating agent. Batch adsorption experiments were conducted to study the effect of various physicochemical parameters such as initial concentration, dose of adsorbent, initial pH, and temperature. The percentage removal of phenol was found to increase with the decrease in initial concentration of phenol. Maximum removal efficiency of 96% was achieved with 25 mg/L of initial phenol concentration at pH 4.0 and temperature 30oC. Equilibrium modelling by linearized adsorption isotherms revealed that Freundlich isotherm could well represent the observed data for phenol adsorption on activated carbon as compared to Langmuir isotherm. Thermodynamic studies revealed that the sorption of phenol by activated carbon is an endothermic process, showing increase in sorption at higher temperature. Comparison of various kinetic models based on correlation coefficients revealed that the pseudo second order model, an indication of chemisorption mechanism, fits better the experimental data than the pseudo first order Lagergren model. Keywords: Activated carbon, Adsorption, Phenol, Equilibrium, Kinetics Phenols, often consisting of a variety of hydroxy benzenes or substituted hydroxyl benzenes, are the most prevalent form of pollutant in the chemical industry. Their presence in water bodies is noticed with bad taste and odour1. In the presence of chlorine in drinking water, phenols form chlorophenol, having a medicinal taste and which is quite pronounced and objectionable2,3. Phenols are considered as priority pollutants since they are harmful to organisms at low concentrations. Ingestion of a small amount of phenol by human beings may cause undesirable effect in the form of nausea, vomiting, skin irritation, and even leads to capillary damage4. Phenols impart undesirable carbolic odour to water even at extremely low concentration and are lethal to fish even at concentrations of 5 to 25 mg/L5. Dephenolation technologies include the classical solvent extraction technique, adsorption on activated carbon, ion exchange, steam gas stripping, photochemical conversion6 and emulsion membrane technique using the principle of facilitated transport7. Klein and Lee8, have indicated probable technologies for the treatment of wastewater containing phenol and thiocyanate which include chlorination, ozonation, coagulation and flocculation. The choice of treatment depends on effluent characteristics, the economics involved and the standards set by government agencies. Adsorption onto the surface of activated carbon and other adsorbents is still by far the most widely used method for treating domestic and industrial effluents9. Many investigators have studied the adsorptive removal of phenolic compounds using various traditional as well as non traditional adsorbents, e.g., palm seed coat activated carbon 10, silica gel sludge11, bituminous shale12, low cost clay13, rice husk ash14, activated bentonites15, iron-oxide coated sand16 and so on. Notwithstanding its prolific use as an effective adsorbent, activated carbon remains as an expensive material. In view of the tedious procedures for the preparation and variable performance of carbon regeneration low cost potential and single use adsorbents are desirable. In practice, agrowaste materials have emerged as a better candidate for the production of commercial activated carbons over the conventional raw materials such as bituminous coal, peat and lignite. Utilization of agricultural wastes is of great significance in India where more than 200 million tons of agricultural residues are generated annually17. The utilization of these wastes provides additional employment and income to marginal farmers and landless agricultural laborers, especially in developing countries like India. Agricultural wastes, used for production of activated carbons include nutshells 18, fruit stones19, Tamarind nut20, and various other agricultural residues. Basically, there are two different processes for the preparation of activated carbon: physical activation and chemical activation. Chemical activation process enjoys several advantages over the physical activation process. One is the lower temperature in which the process is accomplished. The other is that the global yield of the chemical activation tends to be greater since burnoff char is not required. Among the numerous dehydrating agents, zinc chloride in particular is the widely used chemical agent in the preparation of activated carbon. Knowledge of different variables during the activation process is very important in developing the porosity of carbon sought for a given application. Chemical activation by ZnCl2 improves the pore development in the carbon structure, and because of the effect of chemicals, the yields of carbon are usually high4. The feasibility of activated carbon prepared from Manilkara zapota seeds, as low cost sorbents, for dephenolation of wastewater has been assessed in this study. Various parameters of adsorption are studied to find out the optimum conditions for adsorption of phenol onto activated carbon thus prepared. Experimental Procedure Preparation of activated carbon Manilkara zapota seeds collected from local market were washed with distilled water to remove the water-soluble adherent impurities. This was followed by drying in an air oven at 80°C to get rid of the moisture and other volatile impurities. The dried seeds were grounded and sieved to a particle size range of 150-200 m. Chemical activation of the powdered seeds was done with ZnCl2. In the zinc chloride activation an important factor is the degree of impregnation. It is defined as the ratio of the weight of active agent added to the weight of carbonizing material. Carbons were prepared from 1.0 to 0.25 at 700 oC for 1 h. For carbonization, 10 g of dried seeds were well mixed with 100 mL of a solution that contained 10 g of ZnCl2. The mixing was performed at 50°C for 1 h. After mixing, the slurry was subjected to vacuum-drying at 100°C for 24 h. The resulting chemical loaded sample was placed in a crucible and heated to the final carbonization on temperature under a nitrogen flow rate of 150 mL min -1 STP. The product was washed sequentially with 0.5 N HCl, hot water, and finally cold distilled water to remove adhered impurities and then dried at 110°C. The experiments were performed using different chemical ratios (100-500%) and carbonization temperatures (200-600oC). Weight loss of the carbon sample was calculated on a chemical-free basis from the differences of weight of product before and after washing4. The optimum INDIAN J. CHEM. TECHNOL., NOVEMBER 2008 534 chemical ratio (mass basis), temperature and carbonization time were found to be 200%, 500oC and 1 h respectively. The physicochemical characteristics of the prepared activated carbon are presented in Table 1. The relationship between the phenol uptake capacity qe (mg/g) of adsorbent and the residual phenol concentration Ce (mg/L) at equilibrium is given by Freundlich isotherm as: Batch adsorption study Table 1―Physicochemical characteristics of activated carbon prepared from Manilkara zapota seeds 1 ln qe ln k ln Ce n Parameter Values 0.78 Bulk density (g mL1) Moisture (%) 4.31 Ash (%) 9.15 Solubility in water (%) 6.65 Solubility in 0.25 M HCl (%) 32.25 Iodine number 275 0.75 Surface area (m2g1) Porosity (%) 15.5 Batch adsorption kinetics and equilibrium studies were carried out using the bottle point isotherm technique by placing a known quantity of the adsorbent in glass bottles containing 100 mL of an aqueous solution of phenol with a predetermined concentration. Analytical grade phenol (SD Fine Chemicals) was used to prepare a stock solution of phenol. The bottles were placed over a magnetic stirrer and temperature was maintained until equilibrium was attained. At the end of adsorption process, the adsorbent particles were filtered out through Whatman No. 42 filter paper and the equilibrium concentration of phenol in the supernatant was analyzed. For pH study, the pH of the solution was adjusted using dilute NaOH and H2SO4. The adsorption amount was calculated as follows: q v(c1 c 2 ) w ... (1) where q is the adsorption amount (mg/g), w the weight (g) of the prepared activated carbon, v the volume of solution, c1 and c2 are the concentrations (mg/L) of phenol before and after adsorption respectively. Analyses The concentration of residual phenol in the sorption medium was determined spectrophotometrically (Model Systronics 106). The absorbance of the coloured complex of phenol with 4-amino antipyrine was recorded at wave length, = 500 nm. The pH of the feed solution was measured by a pH electrode (Systronics). All the results presented in this work are the average of a minimum of duplicate experiments. Variation estimates between two different sets of experimental data points were carried out using the data analysis and technical graphics software Microcal Origin 5.0 and the variation was within ±5%. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms The Langmuir and Freundlich models are most widely used to describe the experimental data of adsorption isotherms. In the present work both the models were used to describe the relationship between the amount of phenol adsorbed and its equilibrium concentration for activated carbon. The basic assumption of the Langmuir isotherm model is the formation of a monolayer of adsorbate on the outer surface of the adsorbent and no further adsorption thereafter. The linear form of Langmuir model is expressed as: Ce 1 Ce qe Qb Q ... (2) where qe is the amount of adsorbate adsorbed per unit weight of adsorbent (mg/g) and Ce is the equilibrium concentration of the adsorbate (mg/L). The constants Q and b are Langmuir constants. The values of Q and b are calculated from the intercept and slope of the plot of Ce/qe versus Ce. … (3) where the intercept ln k is a measure of adsorbent capacity and the slope 1/n is the sorption intensity. The Freundlich model assumes that the uptake of any adsorbate occurs on a heterogeneous surface by multilayer adsorption and that the amount of adsorbate adsorbed increases infinitely with an increase in concentration. The values of k and n are calculated from the intercept and slope of the plot of ln qe versus ln Ce respectively. Results and Discussion Effect of adsorbate concentration Fig. 1―Effect of adsorbate concentration on the removal of phenol by prepared activated carbon (Batch adsorption, temperature: 30oC, adsorbent dose: 15 g/L, pH: 4.0) Effect of initial concentration of phenol on adsorption by activated carbon was studied at four different initial concentration (10, 25, 50 and 100 mg/L) at a fixed dose of adsorbent (10 g/L). Maximum contact time of adsorption was 140 min. During the experiment pH (4.0) and temperature (30oC) were also kept constant. The results of these experiments are depicted in Fig. 1. The percentage removal of phenol was found to increase with the decrease in initial concentration of phenol. Maximum removal efficiency of 96% was achieved with 25 mg/L of initial phenol concentration. However, with higher initial concentration of phenol the percentage removal dropped significantly. For an initial concentration of 50 and 100 mg/L removal efficiency was 83 and 68% respectively. This might be due to the lack of available active sites at high concentration resulting in increased competition for the adsorption sites and the adsorption process increasingly slows down. Similar observation is also reported by the adsorption of eosin dye on activated carbon by Purkait et. al.21. Figure 1 also reveals that up to 100 mg/L of initial phenol concentration in the feed, the maximum percentage removal was accomplished after a contact time of 120 min and thereafter no appreciable change took place. It indicates that for lower initial concentration of phenol in the feed, the adsorption was very fast. Similar trends of the equilibrium contact time of phenol adsorption are reported in case of silica gel sludge11 (contact time: 90 min) and activated bentonites15 (contact time: 140 min). The plot of percentage removal of phenol versus contact time resulted in a non-linear exponential curve indicating that the process of removal of phenol by adsorption is first order with respect to time22. Effect of adsorbent dose The effect of the adsorbent dose on removal of phenol was studied by varying the dose of adsorbent from 5 to 40 g/L at fixed pH, temperature and initial concentration (Fig. 2). It has been observed from Fig. 2, that percentage removal of phenol increased with the increase in the dose of adsorbent and maximum adsorption was recorded at adsorbent NATH et al.: MANILKARA ZAPOTA SEED CARBON FOR SORPTION OF PHENOL dose of 15 g/L beyond which no further increase was noticed. This could be due to the increased availability of active adsorption sites and surface area resulting from the conglomeration of the adsorbents especially at higher adsorbent dose23. The plots of percentage removal of phenol versus dose of adsorbent were found to be exponential for three different initial concentration of phenol (Fig. 2) indicating that the amount of phenol adsorbed varied in accordance with a fractional power term of the dose of adsorbent [for example (dose)n, where n=fraction]. This suggests that the adsorbed phenol either blocked the access to the initial pores or caused particles to aggregate, thereby reducing the active site availability. Effect of initial pH Since the surface charge of an adsorbent could be modified by changing the pH of the solution, pH plays an important role in the removal of phenols by adsorption process. The extent of dephenolation by activated carbon were studied at various pH values ranging from pH 2 to pH 8 with constant optimum conditions. The results of the effect of pH on adsorption of phenol are depicted in Fig. 3. The figure revealed that highest removal efficiency was observed at a pH of 4.0 irrespective of the initial phenol concentration. However, at higher pH values the percentage removal of phenol decreased significantly. This behaviour can be explained in the light of the types and ionic state of the functional groups on the surface of the adsorbent as well as ionic chemistry of the solution. The ionic fraction of phenolate ion ions can be estimated from the following correlation24. Fig. 2―Effect of adsorbent dosage on the removal of phenol by adsorption onto the prepared activated carbon (Batch adsorption, temperature: 30oC, pH: 4.0) ions 1 [1 10 ( pka pH ) ] … (4) With the increase in pH of the solution ions increases. As a result phenol, which is a weak acid (pKa =10), will be adsorbed to a lesser extent at higher pH values due to the repulsive force prevailing at higher pH value. Adsorption of phenol up to pH 4.0 suggests that the negatively charged phenolate ions bind through electrostatic attraction to positively charged functional groups on the surface of activated carbon, because at this pH more functional groups carrying positive charge would be exposed 4. But at pH above 4.0, it seems that the prepared activated carbon possesses more functional groups carrying a net negative charge, which tends to repulse the anions. Moreover, in the higher pH range phenols form salts, which readily ionize leaving negative charge on the phenolic groups. Hence, beyond pH 4.0, removal of less phenol took place and the rate of removal reduced significantly. It merits mentioning here that above pH 4.0 other mechanisms like physical adsorption may play an important role in the adsorption of phenol and the exchange mechanism might be affected. The results agree well with those obtained by Banat et al.24, and Halouli et al.25, for the adsorption of phenols onto activated charcoal and bentonite clay respectively. It is worthwhile to mention that the pH of the solution was monitored before and after the adsorption and no noticeable change in pH was observed. Effect of temperature The adsorption studies were carried out at three different temperatures, 30, 40 and 50oC while keeping the feed concentration and adsorbent dose (15 g/L) constant (Fig. 4). It was observed that with an increase in temperature, adsorption capacity increased, thereby indicating the adsorption as an endothermic process. Similar endothermic nature of adsorption is reported in the adsorptive removal of chlorophenols from water by bituminous shale12 and adsorption of phenol onto low cost clay13. Maximum adsorption was recorded at 50 oC. The observed experimental findings may be explained by the fact that with the increase in temperature, the number of active sites available for adsorption must have increased resulting in enhancement of percentage adsorption of phenol onto activated carbon. Another possibility of decreasing the thickness of the boundary layer surrounding the adsorbent with a rise in temperature can also not be ruled out since this tends to reduce the mass transfer resistance of adsorbate in the boundary layer26. Moreover, as diffusion is an endothermic process, the increase in uptake of phenol may also be due to an enhanced rate of intraparticle diffusion of sorbate. An increase in pore diffusivity of adsorbate with temperature leads to increased removal of phenol by its adsorption. The thermodynamic parameters of the adsorption were determined using the following equations: G o H o TS o ... (5) q S o H o log e Ce 2.303 R 2.303 RT Fig. 3―Effect of pH on the removal of phenol by adsorption onto the prepared activated carbon (Batch adsorption, temperature: 30oC, adsorbent dose: 15 g/L) 535 … (6) INDIAN J. CHEM. TECHNOL., NOVEMBER 2008 536 The mechanism of adsorption depends on the physical and/or chemical characteristics of the adsorbent as well as on the mass transfer process. The kinetics of adsorption is important from the point of view that it controls the process efficiency28. Various researchers have used several kinetic models, where the adsorption has been treated as a first order29 pseudo first order30 and pseudo second order31 process. In the present study, adsorption of phenol on activated carbon prepared from Manilkara zapota seeds has been described by first and pseudo second order models and also by a diffusion model. Lagergren model Lagergren proposed a pseudo-first order kinetic model. The integral form of the model is log( qe q) log qe Fig. 4―Effect of temperature on the removal of phenol by adsorption onto the prepared activated carbon (Batch adsorption, adsorbent dose: 15 g/L, pH: 4.0) Table 2―Thermodynamic parameters for the adsorption of phenol on the prepared activated carbon Concentration ΔHo of phenol (kJ mol-1) (mg/L) -ΔSo (kJ mol-1 K-1) ΔGo (kJ mol-1) 303 K 313 K 323 K Kad t 2.303 … (7) where q is the amount of phenol sorbed (mg/g) at time t (min), qe is the amount of phenol adsorbed at equilibrium (mg/g) and Kad is the equilibrium rate constant of pseudo-first order adsorption (min-1). The plot of log (qe–qt) versus t gave a straight line for the first order adsorption kinetics (not shown). Pseudo –second-order model The expression for the pseudo-second order rate equation is given by 1 1 t qt k2 qe 2 qe … (8) 10 20.15 0.007 11.13 8.12 7.46 25 21.13 0.006 11.04 8.56 7.95 50 17.12 0.005 12.12 8.78 7.56 100 19.25 0.042 11.56 6.69 7.41 where qe is the maximum amount of phenol adsorbed per unit mass of the activated carbon (mg/g), Ce is the equilibrium concentration (mg/L), R is the gas constant (8.314 J mol/K) and T is temperature in Kelvin. It is worth mentioning here that the experimental data considered for calculation of thermodynamic parameters (ΔGo, ΔSo and ΔHo) are in the linear range of equilibrium adsorption isotherm. Hence, Eq. (3) can be used with the experimental data to evaluate entropy of adsorption ΔSo and enthalpy of adsorption ΔHo from a plot of log (qe/Ce) versus 1/T. The value of Gibbs free energy is then calculated from Eq. (5). The values of these thermodynamic parameters, for four initial feed concentrations viz. 10, 25, 50 and 100 mg/L of phenol are given in Table 2. The negative value of ΔSo suggests that there is little reduction of randomness as a result of probable change in internal structure of activated carbon during the adsorption of phenol27. Adsorption isotherms Adsorption data of phenol on activated carbon at three different temperature viz., 30, 40, and 50oC were fitted with both the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. The coefficients of these two isotherm models have been shown in Table 3. The data provide information on the maximum amount of activated carbon required to adsorb a particular mass of phenol under specified system conditions. The values of n were 4.67, 3.34 and 3.32 at three different temperatures viz. 50, 40 and 30oC respectively (Table 3). It is known that when the n value is greater than 1.0, conditions are favourable to adsorption. Hence it indicates that adsorption of phenol onto activated carbon agrees well with the Freundlich isotherm model (Fig. 5). Correlation coefficients are also calculated by fitting the experimental adsorption equilibrium data for the phenol-activated carbon system, using both the isotherms (Table 3). It was found that the adsorption isotherm for the phenol-activated carbon system could be represented better by the Freundlich isotherm. Adsorption kinetics Fig. 5―Freundlich isotherm model for the adsorption of phenol on to the prepared activated carbon (Adsorbent dose 15 g/L, initial phenol concentration: 25 mg/L) NATH et al.: MANILKARA ZAPOTA SEED CARBON FOR SORPTION OF PHENOL 537 adsorbate does not pass through the origin. Such deviation from the origin or near saturation can be attributed to the difference in rate of mass transfer in the initial and final stages of adsorption. Further, this deviation also indicates that the pore diffusion is the only rate controlling step. A perusal of Fig. 7 reveals that there are two distinct regions – the initial pore diffusion due to external mass transfer effects followed by the interparticle diffusion. The observations agree well with those obtained by Allen et al.33, during the adsorption of basic dye on to sphagnum peat. Conclusion Fig. 6―Pseudo second order kinetics for the adsorption of phenol onto the prepared activated carbon (Initial phenol concentration, 10, 25, 50 and 100 mg/L) Table 3―Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherm constants for adsorption of phenol on prepared activated carbon Temperature Langmuir constant (oC) Q b (L/mg) R2 Freundlich constants k n R2 50 4.45 3.22×10-3 0.97 63.23 4.67 0.98 40 4.93 3.51×10-3 0.965 60.55 3.34 0.98 30 5.12 3.97×10-3 0.97 57.12 3.32 0.99 In Eq. (8), k2 (g/mg min) is the rate constant for the pseudo second-order adsorption kinetics. The slope of the plot (t/qt) versus t (Fig. 6) gives the value of qe and from the intercept k2 can be calculated. Diffusion model The intraparticle diffusion model is based on the theory proposed by Weber and Morris32. According to this theory q kd t … (9) where kd is the rate constant of intraparticle diffusion (mg g-1min-1/2). The applicability of this model can be examined by the linear plot of q versus t1/2. The pore diffusion coefficient for the intraparticle transport of phenol was calculated assuming spherical geometry of the sorbent using following equation t 1/ 2 0.03ro D 2 … (10) where ro is the radius of the sorbent, D the pore diffusion coefficient (cm2 s-1) and t1/2 is the time for half sorption. The value of D was found out to be 3.39 ×1010 cm2s-1. The applicability of the above three models can be examined by each linear plot of log (qe–qt) versus t (not shown), (t/qt) versus t, and q versus t1/2 respectively (Figs 6 and 7). To quantify the applicability of each model, the correlation coefficient R2, was calculated from these plots. The linearity of these plots indicates the applicability of the three models. However, the correlation coefficient R2 showed that the pseudo second order model, an indication of chemisorption mechanism, fits better the experimental data (R2 > 0.997) than the pseudo first order Lagergren model (R2, 0.956 –0.973). The interparticle diffusion had also some role in the adsorption of phenol by activated carbon (Fig. 7). The linear portion of the plot for a wide range of contact time between adsorbent and Fig. 7―Kinetics of phenol removal according to the intraparticle diffusion model (Initial phenol concentration, 10, 25, 50 and 100 mg/L) Under the experimental conditions investigated, the best conditions for the production of high surface area activated carbon from Manikara zapota by chemical activation are chemical ratio (activating agent/precursor) of 200%, carbonization time of 1 h, and carbonization temperature of 500°C. 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