官建成简历 1、简介:本人简要介绍、研究领域、学习经历、工作经历等 官建成,男,1955 年出生,主要研究方向为创新管理、科技管理。现为中 国科学院研究生院管理学院教授、博士导师; 复旦大学管理学院客座教授、兼职 博士导师。1981 年北京航空学院研究生毕业。自 1994 年以来任北京航空航天大 学教授,1997 年以来任北京航空航天大学博士导师。自 2007 年以来任复旦大学 教授、博士导师;兼任北京航空航天大学博士导师;现兼任中国技术经济研究会 常务理事、教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地-清华大学技术创新研究中心学术 委员会委员、中国科学学与科技政策研究会理事。 2、发表文章及出版物。 在创新管理领域,官建成作为主要作者(第一、第二或通讯作者)在国内外核 心以上学术期刊与 EI/ISTP 检索的重要国际学术会议论文集发表研究论文 200 余 篇,其中有 50 余篇发表和接受在 Research Policy; Technovation; Technological Forecasting and Social Change; European Journal of Operational Research; Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology; Journal of Informetrics; Scientometrics; Information Processing and Management; Regional Studies; Research-Technology Management; R&D Management; Technological Analysis and Strategic Management; Journal of Nanoparticle Research;Fuzzy Sets and Systems; IEEE Transactions on Reliability; Production and Inventory Management Journal; International Journal of Technology Management; ……等国际 SSCI/SCI/EI 主流学术期刊,绝大部分论文是官建成 与其指导的博士生合作发表的。 发表在欧美国际刊物上的研究论文目录 1) Guan, J.C.* and Chen, K.H., “Modeling the relative efficiency of national innovation systems,” Research Policy, Vol.41, pp.102–115, 2012. 2) Guan, J.C.* and Chen, Z.F. “Patent Collaboration and International Knowledge Flow,” Information Processing & Management, Vol.48, pp.170–181, 2012. 3) Zhao Q.J., and Guan, J.C.*, “Modeling the dynamic relation between science and technology in nanotechnology,” Scientometrics, Vol.90, Issue 2, pp. 561–579, 2012. Wang, G.B. and Guan, J.C.*, “Value Chain of Nanotechnology:A Comparative Study of Some Major Players”, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Vol.14, Issue 2, pp.1-14, 2012. Gao, X. and Guan, J.C., “Network model of knowledge diffusion,” Scientometrics, Vol.90, Issue 3, pp.749–762, 2012. Chen, K.H and Guan, J.C.*, “Measuring the Efficiency of China’s Regional Innovation Systems: An Application of Network DEA,” Regional Studies, Vol.46, Issue 3, pp.355-377, 4) 5) 6) 7) 2012. Guan, J.C.* and Shi, Y., “Transnational citation, technological diversity and small world in global nanotechnology patenting,” Scientometrics, DOI 10.1007/s11192-012-0706-9, 2012. 8) Wang, G.B. and Guan, J.C.*, “Measuring science–technology interactions using patent citations and author-inventor links: an exploration analysis from Chinese nanotechnology,” Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Vol.13, pp. 6245-6262, 2011. 9) Chen, K.H. and Guan, J.C.*, “Mapping the Functionality of China’s Regional Innovation Systems: A Structural Approach,” China Economic Review, Vol.22, pp.11–27, 2011. 10) Chen, K.H and Guan, J.C.*, “Mapping the innovation production process from accumulative advantage to economic outcomes: A path modeling approach,” Technovation, Vol. 31, pp.336 –346, 2011 11) Chen, K.H. and Guan, J.C.*, “A bibliometric investigation of research performance in emerging nanobiopharmaceuticals, ” Journal of Informetrics, Vol. 5, pp.233–247, 2011. 12) Zhao Q.J., and Guan, J.C.*, “International collaboration of three ‘giants’ with the G7 countries in emerging nanobiopharmaceuticals,” Scientometrics, Vol. 87, pp.159–170, 2011. 13) Chen, Z.F and Guan, J.C.*, “Mapping of biotechnology patent of China from 1995–2008,” Scientometrics, Vol. 88, pp.73–89, 2011. 14) Gao, X., Guan, J.C.* and Rousseau, R. , “Mapping collaborative knowledge production in China using patent co-inventorship,” Scientometrics, Vol. 88, pp.343–362, 2011. 15) Guan, J.C*. and Chen, K.H., “Modeling Macro-R&D production frontier performance: An application to Chinese province-level R&D,” Scientometrics, Vol.82, pp.165–173, 2010. 16) Guan, J.C.* and Chen, K.H., “Measuring the innovation production process: A cross-region empirical study of China’s high-tech innovations,” Technovation, Vol.30, pp.348–358, 2010. 17) Guan, J.C.* and Wang, G.B., “A comparative study of research performance in nanotechnology for China's inventor-authors and their non-inventing peers,” Scientometrics, Vol.84, pp.331–343, 2010. 18) Chen, Z.F. and Guan, J.C.*, “The impact of small world on innovation: an empirical study of 16 countries,” Journal of Informetrics, Vol.4, pp.97–106. 2010 19) Wang, G.B. and Guan, J.C.*, “The role of patenting activity for scientific research: A study of academic inventors from China’s nanotechnology,” Journal of Informetrics, Vol.4, pp.338–350, 2010. 20) Gao, X. Katz, J. Guo, X.C. Guan, J.C., “The Chinese Innovation System During Economic Transition: A Scale Independent View,” Journal of Informetrics, Vol. 4, pp. 618–628, 2010. 21) Guan, J.C., Yam, R.C.M, Tang E.P.Y and Lau A.K.W., “Innovation Strategy and Performance during Economic Transition: Evidences in Beijing, China,” Research Policy, Vol.38, pp. 802–812, 2009. 22) Guan, J.C.* and Gao, X., “Exploring the h-index at patent level,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 60, pp.35–40, 2009. 23) Guan, J.C.* and Ma N., “Structural equation model with PLS Path modeling for an integrated system of publicly funded basic research,” Scientometrics, Vol.81, pp.683–698, 2009. 24) Guan, J.C.* and Chen, Z.F. “The Technological System of Chinese Manufacturing Industry: A Sectorial Approach, ” China Economic Review, Vol.20, pp.767–776, 2009. 25) Gao, X., and Guan, J.C.*, “Networks of scientific journals: An exploration of Chinese patent data,” Scientometrics, Vol. 80, pp. 283-302, 2009. 26) Gao, X., and Guan, J.C., “Characteristics of the network of scientific journals pertaining to Chinese patents,” Physica A, Vol.388, pp.4267-4272, 2009. 27) Gao, X., and Guan, J.C.*, “A scale independent analysis of the performance of the Chinese innovation system,” Journal of Informetrics, Vol.3, pp.321–331. 2009. 28) Ma N. Guan, J.C.* and Zhao,Y., “Bringing Page-Rank to the Citation Analysis,” Information Processing & Management, Vol. 44, pp.800-810, 2008. 29) He, Y. and Guan, J.C.*, “Contribution of Chinese publications in computer science: a case study on LNCS,” Scientometrics, Vol. 75, pp. 519–534, 2008.. 30) Guan, J.C.* and Gao, X., “Comparison and evaluation of Chinese research performance in the field of bioinformatics,” Scientometrics, Vol.75, pp. 357–379, 2008. 31) Guan, J.C.* and Ma N., “China’s emerging presence in nanoscience and nanotechnology- A comparative bibliometric study of several nanoscience ‘giants’ ,” Research Policy, Vol.36, pp. 880–886, 2007. 32) Guan, J.C.* and Ma N., “A bibliometric study of China’s semiconductor literature compared with some other major Asian countries,” Scientometrics, Vol. 70, pp.107–124, 2007. 33) Guan, J.C.* and He, Y., “Patent-bibliometric Analysis on the Chinese Science – Technology Linkages, ” Scientometrics, Vol. 72, pp. 403-425, 2007. 34) Guan, J.C.* and Liu J.Y., “Integrated Innovation between Technology and Organization,” International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Vol.4, pp. 415-432, 2007. 35) Guan, J.C. Yam, R.C.M, Mok C.M., and Ma N., “A study of the relationship between competitiveness and technological innovation capability based on DEA models,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.170, pp.971-986, 2006. 36) Guan, J.C.* and Wu Y.Q., “Repairable consecutive-k-out-of-n: F system with fuzzy states,” Fuzzy Sets and Systems Vol.157, pp.121-142, 2006. 37) Guan, J.C., Mok C.M., Yam, R.C.M, Chin K.S. and Pun, K.F., “Technology transfer and innovation performance: Evidence from Chinese firms,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol.73, pp. 666–678, 2006. 38) Wu Y.Q. and Guan, J.C.*, “A note on the Existence theorem of possibility space,” International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-based Systems, Vol.14, pp. 633-635, 2006. 39) Wang, J.X., Peters, H.P., and Guan, J.C., “Factors influencing knowledge productivity in German research groups: lessons for developing countries,” Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol.10, pp. 113-126, 2006. 40) Wang, J.X., and Guan, J.C., “The analysis and evaluation of knowledge efficiency in research groups,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol.56, pp.1217-1226, 2005. 41) Wu Y.Q. and Guan, J.C.*, “Repairable consecutive-k-out-of-n: G system with r repairmen,” IEEE Transactions on Reliability Vol.54, pp.328-337, 2005. 42) Ma, N. and Guan, J.C.*, “An exploratory study on collaboration profiles of Chinese 43) 44) 45) 46) 47) 48) 49) 50) 51) 52) 53) 54) publications in Molecular Biology,” Scientometrics, Vol.65, pp.343-355, 2005. Guan, J.C.* and Liu S.Z., “Comparing regional innovative capacities of PR China-based on data analysis of the national patents,” International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 32, pp. 225–245, 2005. Guan, J.C.*, Yam, R.C.M. and Mok C.M., “Collaboration between Industry and Research Institutes/Universities on Industrial Innovation in Beijing, China. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Vol.17, pp. 339-353, 2005. Guan, J.C.* and He, Y., “Comparison and evaluation of domestic and international outputs in information science & technology research of China,” Scientometrics, Vol. 65, pp. 215-244, 2005. Guan, J.C.* and Wang, J.X., “Evaluation and interpretation of knowledge production efficiency,” Scientometrics, Vol. 59, pp.131-155, 2004. Guan, J.C. and Ma N., “A comparative study of research performance in computer science,” Scientometrics, Vol.61, pp. 339–359, 2004. Yam, R.C.M, Guan, J.C., Pun, K.F. and Tang E.P.Y, “An audit of technological innovation capabilities in Chinese firms: some empirical findings in Beijing, China,” Research Policy, Vol. 33, pp.1123–1140, 2004. Guan, J.C.* and Ma, N., “Innovative Capability and Export Performance of Chinese Firms, Technovation, Vol. 23, pp. 737-747, 2003. Guan, J.C.*, “Comparison Study on Industrial Innovation between China and Some European Countries, ” Production and Inventory Management Journal, Vol. 43, No. 3/4, pp.30-46, 2002. Guan, J.C.*, Liu, Q. and Peng, H., “Making Better Project Termination Decision, ” Research .Technology Management, Vol. 45, pp.13-15, 2002. Guan, J.C.*, “Industrial Innovation in China -Management, Efficiency and Quality Control, ” Wissenschaftsmanagement, Zeitschrift fuer Innovation, Vol. 7, No. 6, 17-27, 2001. Brockhoff, K, and Guan, J.C., “Innovation via new ventures as a conversion strategy for the Chinese defense industry, ” R & D Management, Vol.26, 49-56, 1996. Guan, J.C. and Brockhoff, K., “Das Diffusionsmodell von Bass als Ankunftsprocess-Modell, Marketing ZfP, Vol. 17, pp.255-258. 1995. 发表在国内刊物与国际会议论文集上的论文目录(略) 3、最新科研 官建成在创新管理和科技管理研究领域共主持完成了 9 项国家自然科学基 金项目,其中主持完成的 3 个国家自然科学基金项目被国家自然科学基金委员会 管理科学部后评估为特优,主持完成的、且已经评估的其余国家自然科学基金项 目也均为优秀。官建成在创新管理和科技管理研究领域,作为主持者获教育部科 技进步(自然科学类)奖 2 等奖、中航总科技进步奖(部级)2 等奖、北京市科技 进步奖 3 等奖各 1 项(均排名第 1)。获美国联合技术公司-容闳科技教育奖。 官建成通过承担国家自然科学基金项目,指导出的统招博士生们绝大多数 都已经具备在国际 SSCI/SCI 创新管理领域或科学计量学领域主流学术期刊上发 表论文的能力,迄今,官建成已经独立指导出 5 篇北京航空航天大学的优秀博士 论文。 4、教学 官建成主讲过如下课程: 1.系统工程基础 2.运筹学 3.随机过程与排队论 4.技术创新管理 5.科技经济学 6.管理工程概论 7.知识产权管理