Access Policy 2012 Name of museum: The De Morgan Centre Governing body: The De Morgan Foundation Registered Charity No. 310004 Date approved by governing body: XX/XX/2012 Date at which policy due for review: 2016 CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction page 3 2.0 Types of access page 3 3.0 The Building page 3 4.0 Front of house / visitor care page 4 5.0 Collections Interpretation & Management page 4 6.0 Education page 4 7.0 Publicity and Marketing page 5 6.0 Contact Details page 5 2 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The De Morgan Centre aims to welcome all members of society into the Museum, regardless of sex, age, social status, ethnic origin, ability or income. 1.2 This Access Policy sets out our criteria for providing access to the Museum’s collections. It aims to promote understanding and enjoyment of the collections through a wide range of means, as resources allow. 1.3 The Policy will be reviewed periodically and no later than 5 years after adoption 2 TYPES OF ACCESS Areas of access covered by this policy are: 2.1 Physical Physical access refers to the building, its construction and facilities, and the ability of people with physical disabilities to reach and appreciate every part of the museum. The needs of the elderly and of people caring for young children are considered as physical access issues. 2.2 Sensory Sensory access encompasses means of interpretation which may be required by those with limited sight or hearing. 2.3 Cultural Cultural access takes into account the diversity of visitors and employees backgrounds within the limitations of the existing collections. 2.4 Intellectual Intellectual access refers to the provision of information for visitors with a range of learning styles and abilities. 2.5 Emotional and attitudinal access Emotional and attitudinal access refers to the museum environment and the museum staff being welcoming to visitors from all sections of the community. 2.6 Financial Access Financial access includes the provision of activities, events, publications and commercial facilities to suit a range of incomes. 3 THE BUILDING 3.1 The public areas and facilities of the De Morgan Centre are and should remain accessible to visitors with mobility impairments. 3.1.2 The building is and should remain navigable by visitors with visual impairments. 3 4 FRONT OF HOUSE/VISITOR CARE 4.1 Front of house staff will welcome and assist all visitors according to their needs. 4.2 The comfort and ease of visitors is of primary importance and facilities provided include appropriate toilets and nappy changing facilities, access for push chairs and wheel chairs and seating in the gallery. 4.3 The De Morgan Foundation aims to provide adequate signage and/or navigatory tools to suit a range of visitor needs (e.g. in different sensory formats and languages), as resources become available. 4.4 We aim to provide commercial facilities appropriate to a range of ages and pockets, as resources allow. 5 COLLECTIONS INTERPRETATION & MANAGEMENT The De Morgan Foundation aims to: 5.1 provide varied means of access to its collections, within its financial means, including visual displays, publications and ICT/documentation projects. 5.2 provide interpretive information in formats appropriate for visitors with limited sight or hearing as resources allow, for example through ICT, large print labels and information sheets and magnifiers. 5.3 provide levels of information to suit a range of audiences and abilities, as resources allow. 5.4 provide publications to suit different levels of inquiry and financial means. 5.5 ensure that the presentation and labelling of displays is easily accessible to a diversity of backgrounds. 5.6 ensure electronic access via the Museum’s website is regularly revised and updated. 6 EDUCATION The De Morgan Foundation aims to: 6.1 provide educational materials for different audiences and levels of ability, as resources allow. 6.2 provide education programmes to interpret the collections for people from a range of backgrounds and abilities. 6.3 make educational events as accessible as possible to people with a wide range of abilities and needs. 6.4 provide educational programmes and visits tailored to specific groups and audiences from time to time. 4 7 PUBLICITY / MARKETING The De Morgan Foundation aims to: 7.1 keep the general public, including a wide range of audience groups, informed of permanent and temporary displays & events through appropriate publicity. 7.2 provide publicity material on request in alternative formats for a range of needs, as resources allow. 8 PLANS FOR THE FUTURE The De Morgan Foundation aims to: 8.1 implement a policy to provide full access training to all staff and volunteers 8.2 consider the possibility of installing a hearing loop system 8.3 make available guides and captions in braille 9 CONTACT DETAILS 9.1 Any queries in relation to the Access Policy may be directed to: Chairman Board of Trustees The De Morgan Centre 38 West Hill London SW18 1RZ T. 020 8871 1144 F. 020 8875 9357 E. 5