Laboratory #3 Global Distribution of Kinetic and Thermal Energy
In this exercise you investigate the distribution of the kinetic energy of a parcel of air due to the
eastward rotation of earth and the potential insolation differences at four locations, Punta Arenas,
Chile (tip of South America), Quito, Ecuador (essentially on the equator), Cincinnati, OH, USA and
Pangnirtung, Canada (just south of the Arctic Circle) and the resulting average monthly maximum
You will create 4 graphs using the Excel worksheets following the procedures established in Lab #1.
As usual we will step through this in class and you will finish the graphs on your own time and as in
all lab situations you can work with others but you must electronically submit your own work.
1. 5 data columns - you are concerned only with the 3 columns that are color filled.
2. You will plot both the eastward velocity of Earth’s surface and the kinetic energy of a
kilogram of air along the Y axis (vertical axis) as a function of latitude which is on the X
axis (the horizontal axis).
3. We will use what is called a XY (scatter) graph. Both curves will be on the same chart.
16 columns of data, you are concerned only with the columns having an orange or yellow color
and the columns containing the average monthly minimum and maximum temperatures.
2. Data columns for (Punta Arenas, Quito, Cincinnati, Pangnirtung):
maximum solar angle
intensity of solar radiation as a percent of maximum possible with the sun at an
elevation of 90°,
average monthly maximum temperature
average minimum monthly temperature
3. You will create 4 graphs, one for each location plotting solar radiation intensity, average
minimum temperature and average maximum temperature as a function of month.
In this exercise you will create line graphs.
As before your graphs are not complete until you make aesthetic adjustments to enhance
communication. Including axis titles, curve legends as described in lab #1.
Once your graphs are complete answer the questions and email both documents as attachments
to DO NOT FORGET GEO165 in the subject line.
LAB #3 – Earth’s Energy Distribution
1. Where is the velocity and kinetic energy of a 1 kg parcel the greatest?
2. Why is the velocity and kinetic energy greatest there and what does this
mean to the atmosphere.
3. What is unique about the graph of the annual distribution of insolation at
Quito when compared to the other graphs? Why does this happen?
4. What general statement can be made about the month-to-month change of
solar radiation intensity for any location on Earth near the equator?
5. The graphs for Cincinnati and Pangnirtung are both strikingly different from
the graphs for Punta Arenas. Describe the difference and explain why the
graphs differ. What does this tell you about the seasons in the northern and
southern hemisphere?
6. Using your graphs, determine which city receives the most solar radiation on
an annual basis. Why does this station get the most solar energy? If it not
obvious to you create a graph with each location’s insolation intensity on the
same plot.
7. Using your graphs, determine which city receives the least solar radiation on
an annual basis? Why does this station get the least solar energy?
8. Make a general statement about the relationship between latitude and annual
receipt of solar radiation.
9. Does Quito or Cincinnati receive the greatest amount of solar radiation?
10. Explain why Cincinnati has a warmer warm season (JUN, JUL, AUG) than
Quito (DEC, JAN, FEB).