Job Description

CoramBAAF Trustee Role Description
Role Purpose:
To contribute to the work of the Board in furthering the charitable objectives of the organisation,
in accordance with the aims and principles of CoramBAAF and the Memorandum and Articles of
Association of CoramBAAF.
Main Tasks
1. To contribute professional skills and experience and build networks of understanding to
promote the aims of the organisation.
2. To take part in formulating CoramBAAF’s organisational objectives, develop and regularly
review the strategic aims and plans of the organisation and evaluate progress.
3. With other trustees to ensure that CoramBAAF complies with the policy and practices of the
4. With other trustees to ensure that the organisation functions within the legal and financial
requirements of a UK charitable organisation and strives to achieve best practice.
5. To ensure that the organisation applies its funds in pursuit of its charitable objectives and is
financially stable and effectively administered.
Main Duties
Formulating strategic aims
 Consider the organisation as a whole and its beneficiaries.
 Ensure that the organisation’s strategies and policies reflect its vision and principles.
Ensuring policies and practices comply with aims of the organisation
 With other Trustees to ensure that the policy and practices of the organisation are in
keeping with CoramBAAF’s aims and objectives
 Review and consider regular reports on progress in implementation of agreed policies
and strategies
 Ensure there is robust business plan development and delivery within the annual budget
 Contribute specific skills, interests and contacts and support the organisation in its
fundraising and advocacy activities
Legal compliance and ensuring best practice
 Ensure CoramBAAF’s activities are carried out within an appropriate legal framework
and compliance with statutory requirements (including reporting requirements and duties
to donors, staff, service users and the general public)
 Be an active member of the trustee body in exercising its responsibilities and functions,
attending meetings regularly and reflecting the trustees’ policies and concerns in relevant
sub-committees and working groups in accordance with Charity Commissions Code of
 Maintain good relations with senior managerial staff
 Take part in the annual governance review exercise and attend training sessions
provided for the benefit of the trustees
 Fulfil such other duties and assignments as may be required from time to time by the
trustee body.
Effective Administration
 Examine regular financial and operational reports and to seek expert professional advice
as necessary
Person Specification for Trustees
The Nolan Committee believes that those in public life should adhere to the following 7
Each Trustee should have:
A commitment to vision and values of the charity
An understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of
trusteeship. A willingness to devote the necessary time and effort to their duties as a
Strategic vision
Good independent judgment
The courage and willingness to speak their mind
Ability to work as effective team member
CoramBAAF aims to ensure that, between them, our Trustees can offer particular skills by way
of relevant knowledge and experience in the following areas:
permanency (adoption, fostering, special guardianship and kinship care)
the care system, youth justice system and national services to children and young people
the voluntary and/or public social care sector including social work
working with children and young people
education and training and research
legal expertise e.g. child/family work, employment/charity, children’s rights, youth justice
senior management, personnel and human resources
national/public policy
leading organisations, business experience, corporate strategy
Updated 6 October 2015