Environmental impacts of domestic and imported commodities in U.S. economy By Sangwon Suh — Gjalt Huppes — Helias Udo de Haes Centre of Environmental Science (CML), Leiden University, P.O. Box 9518, 2300 RA-NL, Leiden, The Netherlands To be presented at the 14 International Conference on Input-Output Techniques th at the Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada October 10 - 15, 2002 Corresponding author: Sangwon Suh Centre of Environmental Science (CML), Leiden University, P.O. Box 9518, 2300 RA-NL, Leiden, The Netherlands suh@cml.leidenuniv.nl Abstract Environmental impacts of domestic and imported commodities in US economy are analysed using 1996 US input-output table and various environmental statistics. The objective of this study is 1) to characterise the environmental impacts of intermediate and consumer products in U.S. and 2) to identify the relationship between environmental impacts and reliance on foreign commodities using Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) methods. A total of 1170 different pollutants to air, water and soil environment were compiled and analysed with a total of 92 different impact assessment methods for more than 15 environmental impact categories including global warming, eutrophication, ozone layer depletion, photochemical oxidant creation and various eco- and human toxicological impacts. 1996 U.S. input-output table was used to calculate direct and indirect environmental impacts of each commodity as well as the amount of foreign production. The result clearly shows that different impact assessment methods result in rather consistent trends for larger samples of environmental intervention, like current study, even though the underlying models and number of pollutants covered by each method differs. For most of the impact categories, coal, metallic ores, iron and steel products are found to be highly environmental impacts-intensive per unit monetary value. As a total direct polluter, wholesale trade, electric utilities, iron and steel and industrial other chemicals were found to be the most important commodities. Considering the indirect impacts, constructions, food and kindred products, health services and motor vehicles are environmentally the most important commodities in U.S. Furthermore, it is shown that inequalities in environmental impacts of products are rather large, so that a small number of products are responsible for majority of the total impact of each impact category. The relationship between relative reliance on foreign production and their relative share total environmental impact is analysed using environmental trade balance (ETB), pollution terms of trade index (PTTI) and regression study. ETB and PTTI result shows that, for major toxic impact categories, except for human toxic impacts, U.S. was a net problem exporter. Important vehicles of environmental problem imports and exports in U.S. are identified as well. The regression study shows that environmental impact is not the main reason for an industry relocated in foreign countries. Keywords: environmental impacts, IOA, LCIA, trade 3 1. Introduction In setting environmental policy direction, characterisation of environmental impacts associated with economic activities is often of great importance. Such a characterisation involves characterising both production system and environmental mechanisms, which include complex interactions within and between various socio-economic and environmental agents such as technology, price, trade, consumption, regulation, fate and exposure, background concentration of pollutants, environmental carrying capacity, etc. Thus a proper characterisation of environmental impact of an economic activity requires knowledge on both social science and natural science for economic side and environmental side, respectively. A good balance is, however, not always the case. Economics literatures tend to focus more on economics side by limiting environmental factors within a few pollutants or energy requirements only, which may overlook possible problem shifting towards other persistent pollutants and environmental problems. Whilst literatures in natural science and engineering provide comprehensive treatments on environmental side, they, on the other hand, often tend to be remained within rather confined process analysis limiting their application for macro level environmental policy making. This story seems to be equally applicable to the current debate on trade and environment. Analyses from the economics side, due also to the problem of data lack in many cases, often assume that environmental impacts can be represented by a few pollutants, such as SO2 and NOX, leaving thousands of other pollutants untouched (see eg. Dasgupta et al., 2002; Cole, 2000; Suri and Chapman, 1998; Grossman and Krueger, 1995). 1 Even those exceptionally comprehensive studies on environmental variables like Wheeler (2001), Mani and Wheeler (1997) and Hettige et al. (1992) stop at the total weight of pollutants although the differences in environmental impact of pollutants with the same mass can easily reach factor 106. One of the tools in environmental systems analysis that seem promising for the questions on environment and trade, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) does not provide the whole picture based on a complete economic system boundary either (see eg. Lave et al, 1995 and Hendrickson et al., 1998 for critiques). Therefore, a harmonised framework as well as an operational database where rich findings from both economics and environmental science can meet would be beneficial to properly address the problem of trade and environment. 1 Another problem is that SO2 and NOX emissions are relatively more technology-dependant, leaving the possibility that the role of technology be over estimated. 4 The objective of current study is, first, to provide a bird’s-eye-view on environmental impacts of commodities in U.S. economy and, second, to identify the relationship between imports and both direct and indirect environmental impacts of commodities that are consumed in U.S. We employed environmental input-output model and Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) methods to describe the economic and environmental side, respectively. A database with comprehensive environmental data, which is linked to U.S. input-output table is developed as well. 2. Method and data 2.1. Characterising environmental impact of commodities How can we better characterise the environmental impacts of commodities? Or, what might be a definition of ‘dirty’ product? When some environmental activists paint ‘stop CO2’ on a stack of a power station or iron and steel manufacturing plant, the definition may be ‘a product of which production facility generates large share of the total environmental impact of a society’. If a production process of certain kind of commodity generates 30% of the total greenhouse gas impact, for instance, the commodities from that facility should be, indeed, named as a ‘dirty product’. However, considering the fact that the electricity and steel products are used, for instance, for maintaining cold chain of food and kindred products and automobile manufacturing, the blame should go much further towards final consumer goods that use those dirty products. Then another possible definition of dirty product will be ‘a product of which the total supply-chain generates large share of the total environmental impact of a society’. Then, can we reduce environmental impact by spending money to products other than the dirty products defined above? The answer may be ‘depends’. Since the above definitions are based on the effects not only of technology and composition but also scale, if the total amount of money spent on alternative product become larger, it will result in increase of scale of the alternative product, of which the environmental impacts per dollar can be higher. In such a case, environmental impact intensity, rather than the gross direct or direct and indirect environmental impact of product is more important. Thus, this paper used four different ways of definition in characterising environmental impact of commodities in U.S.: 1) direct environmental impacts per unit monetary value of each commodity (direct environmental impact intensity - MDT), 2) direct and indirect environmental value of unit monetary value of each commodity, (direct and indirect environmental impact 5 intensity - MDIT) 3) total direct environmental impacts generated by production of each commodity (total direct environmental impact - MDM) and 4) total direct and indirect environmental impacts by each commodity consumed in U.S. (total direct and indirect environmental impact - MDIM). We used static input-output table of U.S. and various LCIA methods to calculate environmental impact of commodities. Commodity-by-commodity input-output table and corresponding environmental intervention matrix was derived by using both industry-by-technology assumption and commodity-by-technology assumption with scrap correction. The difference between the two assumptions in final result was also analysed. Let e = 1, … , E index environmental impact categories such as global warming, ozone layer depletion, etc., let c = 1, … , C index commodities, let p = 1, … , P index pollutants. The direct domestic environmental impact intensity of domestically produced commodities are calculated by P B pc p 1 qc M ecDT ( Fep ), (1) where Fep is characterisation factor of pollutant p for impact category e, B pc is direct emission of pollutant p to produce commodity c, and q c is the total domestic production of commodity c. In matrix formula (1) can be noted as M DT FB qˆ 1 . (2) Equations (1) and (2) indicate how much environmental impacts are created on-site to produce a unit monetary value of each commodity. Let d = 1, … , D index production of commodities.2 Then direct and indirect environmental impact intensity by domestic and foreign production process is calculated by C P M edDIT ( Fep c 1 p 1 B pc qc )Ccd , (3) In input-output literatures, the term ‘commodity production’ here is often referred to simply ‘commodity’. 2 6 where Ccd is total direct and indirect requirements of domestically produced or imported commodity c to produce a unit monetary value of commodity by d. In matrix form (3) become M DIT FB qˆ 1 (I A) 1 , (4) where A is a commodity-by-commodity technology matrix where imports requirements are endogenised and normalised by domestically produced total output of each commodity. 3 By using (2), equation (4) become M DIT M DT (I A) 1 . (5) Equations (3) to (5) indicate how much environmental impacts are created not only on-site but also off-site through supply-chain to produce a unit monetary value of a product. Total direct environmental impact by domestic production of commodity is calculated by P M ecDT ( Fep B pc ) (6) p 1 or M DM FB . (7) Equations (6) and (7) show how much environmental impacts are created on-site to meet the total production volume of each product in U.S. economy. The total direct and indirect environmental impact through domestically produced and imported commodities is calculated by C P M edDIM ( Fep c 1 p 1 B pc qc )Ccd ( y ddom y dimp ) (8) or simply by 3 The A matrix in equation (4) is derived by U=UD+UM and V, where UD, UM and V describes use of domestic commodities by domestic industries, use of imported commodities by domestic industries and 7 M DIM FB qˆ 1 (I A) 1 (y dom y imp ) , (9) where y ddom and y dimp denotes total final demand by U.S. household on domestically produced commodity, d and imported commodity, d, respectively. Using (2) and (5), equation (9) becomes M DIM M DIT (y dom y imp ) . (10) Equation (8) to (10) shows how much environmental impacts are created not only on-site but also off-site through supply-chain to meet the total final demand of each product. For each approach, both industry-by-technology assumption and commodity-by-technology assumption were used and compared. 2.2. Trade and environment The relationship between trade and environmental impacts in U.S. is studied focussing on 1) the relationship between environmental impacts and reliance on foreign production, 2) Pollution Terms of Trade Index (PTTI) for each impact category and 3) total trade balance of U.S. in terms of environmental impacts. Pollution Terms of Trade Index (PTTI) utilise the idea of factor content of trade and was initially calculated by Antweiler (1996) using a few substances including SOx, NOx and CO. Current study maintains the general structure of PTTI by Antweiler (1996) and extends with more comprehensive set of environmental emissions and LCIA methods. The environmental impact content of PeM d 1 M edDIT xdimp D import D d 1 per unit monetary value of imported is given by xdimp , which is, in matrix form, P M M DIT x imp / i x imp , where ximp denotes total import of commodities by U.S. Similarly, the environmental impact content of export per unit monetary value exported is calculated by PeX D d 1 M edDIT xdexp D d 1 xdexp , or P X M DIT x exp / i x exp , where xexp denotes total export of commodities by U.S. Then the PTTI per each impact categories are calculated by make of commodities by domestic industries, respectively. 8 PTTI e PeX / PeM . (14) PTTI shows whether a country tends to export pollution intensive commodity or not. Antweiler (1996) concluded that five of G-7 countries tends to export more pollution intensive commodities than import. The net pollution trade balance is calculated by TBe d 1 M edDIT ( xdexp xdimp ) , D (15) which will tell us whether U.S. gains or loss pollutants through trade. 2.3. Life Cycle Impact Assessment According to the ISO standard, LCIA comprises one step of mandatory element and three steps of optional elements (ISO, 2000). The mandatory element, characterisation is a step to convert pollutants emission and resources use into indicator result for each impact category such as global warming or human toxicological impact. These conversion procedure aggregates different environmental interventions into a common unit, category indicator to which each pollutant emitted and resource used are related in terms of relative magnitude of impact on category endpoints through environmental mechanism. A well-known indicator that are frequently used in LCIA is Global Warming Potential (GWP), which aggregates different global warming gases into kg CO2-equivalent unit. Developing category indicators in LCIA involves use of complex models that simulate the behaviour of each pollutant in our environment and their effects on various category end points. The relevance of LCIA factors for meso- or macro-level study is that they are based on some general conditions with which geographical and temporal specifics are eliminated.4 For instance, in the process of photochemical oxidants creation, not only Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) but also background NOx level and strength of UV radiation are important factors, which may vary seasonally and also geographically. Then LCIA factors on POC is derived assuming some generic conditions like annual average UV radiation and high or low background concentration of NOx. 4 However, it is notable that site-specific LCIA is currently under development as well. 9 Generally there are three LCIA approaches that are commonly used. They are mid-point approach, end-point approach and index methods. Mid-point approach uses indicators that are located at the middle of the environmental mechanism such as GWP, while end-point approach tries to find out the relationship between emission and environmental impacts at the end of the environmental mechanism such as Damage Adjusted Life Year (DALY) due to ozone depleting substances. Index methods are using less complicated model and directly convert the amount of emissions into relevant indicators such as willingness to pay for certain remedy action. Each method has advantages and disadvantages over others. Furthermore, all of them has inherently high uncertainty level. Therefore, we used all of the three approaches, which includes 99 different sets of characterisation factors and see if they generate consistent results. Table 1 shows the characterisation methods that are used in this study. The selection out of 99 was made due either to the similarity between methods or limited emission data. Table 2. Selected characterisation method used in this study Methods Problem Oriented approach (Mid-point approach) EcoIndicator 99 (End-point approach) Index methods Name GW OD HT FAET MAET FSET MSET TET POC AD EU EI-HCG EI-HRO EI-HRI EI-HCC EI-HOD EI-EET EI-EAE Extern E EPS Ecopoint Description Global warming Ozone layer depletion Human toxicity Freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity Marine aquatic ecotoxicity Freshwater sediment ecotoxicity Marine sediment ecotoxicity Terrestrial ecotoxicity Photochemical oxidant creation Acidification Eutrophication Carcinogenic effects on humans Respiratory effects on humans by organic substances Respiratory effects on humans by inorganics Damages to human health by climate change Human health effects by ozone layer depletion Damage to ecosystem by ecotoxic emissions Damage to ecosystem by acidification and eutrophication External cost Willingness to pay on environmental damage Environmental damage points Unit kg CO2 eq. kg CFC-11 eq. kg 1,4-dichlorobenzene eq. kg 1,4-dichlorobenzene eq. kg 1,4-dichlorobenzene eq. kg 1,4-dichlorobenzene eq. kg 1,4-dichlorobenzene eq. kg 1,4-dichlorobenzene eq. kg ethylene eq. kg SO2 eq. kg NOx eq. DALY DALY DALY DALY DALY PDF*m2*yr PDF*m2*yr ecu elu Ecopoints 2.4. Data preparation Environmental intervention matrix used in this study is compiled using various information sources including Toxic Releases Inventory (TRI) 98, Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS) Data of US. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Energy Information Administration (EIA) data of US. Department of Energy (DOE), Bureau of Economic Analysis 10 (BEA) data of US. Department of Commerce (DOC), National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy (NCFAP) and World Resources Institute (WRI) data. These sources are the up-to-date ones and some of the data sources have been significantly improved very recently. Firstly, annual total environmental interventions generated by each industry are compiled. Greenhouse gas emissions by industry is compiled mainly using EIA and BEA data. EIA (DOE, 1999) provides CO2 emission data by most of the manufacturing industries due to energy use. Missing data in (DOE, 1999) are estimated using fuel use data and emission factors (DOE, 1998; DOE, 2000; EPA, 2000a; BEA, 1998). CO2 emission by non-fuel use including cement manufacturing, lime manufacturing and steel making are added to corresponding industries referring to (DOE, 1999). CO2 emission by Flue Gas Disulfurisation (FGD) facilities are distributed and added to each industries’ annual emission inventory based on energy use by industries according to (DOE, 2000a). CO2 emission by industries other than manufacturing is calculated based on fuel use data supplied by BEA (BEA, 1998), which contains end use fuel consumption data on 9 major fuels in monetary term. Fuel consumption data is converted into physical units by applying price data for different fuel and consumer types referring to (DOE, 1998) and CO2 emission by industry is derived by multiplying emission factors by EIA (DOE, 1999). Other greenhouse gases including nitrous oxides and methane are compiled using EIA and EPA data (DOE, 2000; EPA, 2000a). Toxic pollutants emission by industry is calculated using TRI 98 database (EPA, 2000b; EPA, 2000c). Stationery and mobile emission of conventional pollutants including carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, lead, sulphur dioxide, volatile organic compounds (VOC) and particulate matter (PM10) are compiled using Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS) Data (EPA, 2000d). Pesticide use data is based on NCFAP data (NCFAP, 1995), which contains pesticide use for crop production excluding forestry and other use of pesticides. For resources use, only fossil fuel resources extraction is considered in this study and WRI data is used (WRI, 1998). Resulting annual environmental intervention matrix is classified based on Standard Industry Classification (SIC) which differs from the industry classification used in national account. Therefore, SIC based annual environmental intervention is assigned to each industry IO code based on the standard comparison table provided by BEA. Obtained environmental intervention matrix contains 1170 kinds of different environmental intervention from 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloro-2-fluoroethane to Ziram including air, water, soil and agricultural soil emission and fossil resources extraction. 11 3. Result and discussion 3.1. Sensitivity of method and data selection We tested whether the result is generally invariable to the assumptions and methods that we used. First, the difference in the final result derived using industry-by-technology assumption and commodity-by-technology assumption is analysed with MDIM. The environmental impacts of each commodity are related to the total annual impact of corresponding impact category, which results in a share of each product in the total environmental impact of each impact category. Then the difference in each of corresponding element between the two methods is calculated. Ie. the difference in the share of the environmental impact, e of commodity, c between industry-technology assumption (MDIM, (M IxT ) and commodity-technology assumption DIM, CxT d ec 1 ) is calculated by. C M ecDIM,CxT M M ecDIM,IxT M ecDIM,IxT c 1 C DIM,CxT ec (16) c 1 Figure 2 shows that the two methods generate considerable difference for some parameters in MDIM, although majority of parameters results in relatively similar value. 82% of total 2002 parameters showed less than 10% of differences. This difference produced several variations in ranking of commodities between the two methods. However, 97% of total parameters resulted from the two methods are graded around two upper or lower neighbouring ranks in all impact assessment methods except for EPS. The EPS method shows large differences between the two methods. The difference between the two methods was large enough to require a sensitivity analysis for a detailed study, however, either of the two methods was considered useful for a ‘bird’s eye view’ like current study. Results that are presented in the rest of the part of this paper are based on industry-technology assumption. 12 Figure 2. Frequency distribution of difference between two allocation methods Second, the differences in results derived by each impact assessment methods are analysed. Since each methods had its own category indicator, it is not meaningful to compare the absolute value of the results, we compared the ranking profiles and relative share by each commodity in the total of each impact. Figure 3 shows correlation matrix calculated using MDIM, as an example. The high hill on diagonal shows all one, which refers to the correlation between the same method. Four island on the diagonal are clearly visible which show more than 0.8 of correlation coefficient between each other. Those four strongly correlated groups are listed in table 2. Figure 3. Correlation matrix of normalised impact by total final consumption and export of each commodity 13 Table. 2. List of correlated LCIA methods and important environmental intervention Average correlation Groups LCIA method coefficient Fossil fuel combustion GW, POC, AD, EU, EI-HRI, EI-HCC, 0.96 related group EI-EAE, Extern E, EPS, Ecopoints Toxic emission related group HT, MAET, MSET, TET, EI-HCG, EIEET 0.86 Freshwater toxicity related group FAET, FSET 0.98 Ozone layer depleting substance related group OD, EI-HOD 0.99 No correlation with other methods EI-HRO - The strong correlation between impact assessment methods implies that, first, for those indicators that describe the same problem, such as GW and EI-HCC or OD and EI-HOD, despite the differences in detailed methodology, either of the methods can provide a general picture of environmental impacts, and second, generation of some pollutants are highly correlated. For instance the amount of CO2 emission and SO2 of NOx emission by an industry, which are the major pollutants in global warming and acidification, respectively, are highly correlated, since both are caused mainly by fossil fuel combustion. Especially, when the sample size on environmental intervention is large enough, omission of an indicator by a methodology can be covered by other remaining indicators of the methodology, resulting in a rather consistent trend. However, two toxic emission related groups including freshwater toxicity related group and others and a ozone layer depletion related group is not correlated with fossil fuel combustion related impacts. Thus, looking only at energy requirements or a few fossil fuel related emission was considered to be overlook possible problem shifting towards other impact groups, such as toxic impacts. Since the set of problem oriented approaches well span over different groups, the rest of the paper only shows results based on problem oriented approaches (see table 1). 3.2. General environmental characteristics of commodities in U.S. Table 3 to 6 shows 10 most polluting commodities using four different characterisation approaches explained in the prior section. The direct environmental impact intensity per unit monetary values shown in table 3 (MDT). Table 3 shows that production of which commodity has high potential external cost shares due 14 to its environmental risks, although those risks may not yet visualised as internal environmental expenditures. In overall, electric utilities (68A), water sanitary services (68C) and iron and steel (37), business and professional services (73C) and metallic ores (05+06) were the most frequently appeared products in the table 3. A service item, business and professional services (73C) is found to be one of the most environmental impact-intensive product per unit monetary value of its service. It is due to its chemical and chemical products releases mainly through ‘repair shops’, ‘photofinishing labs and commercial photography’, and ‘research, development and testing services’. Non-fossil-fuel-combustion based emissions from coal mining (07), water and sanitary services (68C) and live stock and live stock products (01) were identified as global warming impact-intensive products due mainly to their methane emissions. Table 4 shows the direct and indirect environmental impact intensity per unit monetary values of each products (MDIT). Table 4 can be used to decide avoiding consumption of which product is environmentally more friendly if an alternative choice is possible, and the total money spent is the same. The over all ranking order of the table 4 is rather similar to the table 3, suggesting that the direct environmental impact shares large portion in the total direct and indirect environmental impacts. Most of the commodities shown in table 4 are located to the beginning of the supply-chain close to the raw materials extraction and primary materials processing, such as primary iron and steel manufacturing (37), metallic ores mining (05+06) and Industrial and other chemicals (27A), but not many of final consumer items can be found. Considering the fact that those primary materials are to be used to produce final consumer items, this implies that industrial processes after the raw materials extraction and primary materials processing gains relatively more value added than they pollute on-site. As a consumer item, foods and energy products such as electricity (68A), livestock and livestock products (01), other agricultural prod ucts (02), petroleum refining and related products (31) have high environmental impacts per uni t monetary value as are frequently found in table 4. By combining scale effects to the direct environmental impact intensity (table 3), direct environmental impacts by each commodity is calculated (MDM). Table 5 shows on-site pollutant generation of which production facilities shares larger portion in the total environmental impacts in U.S. As the most frequently appeared item, a service, whole sales trade (69A) is found to be a larger direct polluter in U.S. in most of the impact categories. The whole sales trade (69A) includes whole sales of chemicals and allied products, not elsewhere classified (SIC 5169) and petroleum bulk stations and terminals (SIC 5171), which has been included in the U.S. TRI only recently, and these two subcategories generates significant amount of pollutants to all environmental media. This shows the role of better management in handling chemicals and 15 chemical products over the role of cleaner production technology in manufacturing industries. Besides, electricity (68A), industrial and other chemicals (27A) and primary iron and steel manufacturing (37) are the most frequently appeared items in the table 5. Especially pesticide use in agricultural products (02), heavy metal releases from metallic ores mining and business services (05+06, 73C) and fossil fuel combustion gas emissions (37, 68A) dominate total direct toxic impacts in U.S. The most important consumer items in U.S. are shown in table 6 (MDIM). Table 6 shows the consumer items of which direct and indirect environmental impact share large portion in the total environmental impacts in U.S. New constructions (11), food and kindred products (14), health services (77A) and motor vehicles (59A) are the most frequently found items in the table 6. Clearly, some basic necessities for households such as food and kindred products (14), construction (11), electric utilities (68A), motor vehicles (59A) and health care services (77A) are found to be environmentally important consumer items in most of the impact categories, which may limit the possible environmental impact reduction by simply reducing the volume of consumption in U.S. A general observation throughout the different definitions of 'dirty products', was that the inequality in environmental impacts between products are significant. Figure 4 is an example of human toxic impact using MDIM. Horizontal axis shows the share in the total number of pollutants and vertical axis shows the relative share in cumulative human toxic impact. Note that the order of commodities are sorted in ascending order. If the line between (0,0) and (1,1) is straight, it means that the human toxic impacts are equally distributed over commodities (skew = 0). Figure 4 shows that human toxic impact distribution is highly distorted, so that 12% of commodities are responsible for half of the total direct and indirect human toxic impact. 16 Draft Version : 2002-07-21 Table 3. Ten most pollution-intensive commodities in U.S. based on direct impacts per M$ (MDT). Rank GW OD HT FET MET FSET MSET TET 1 07 41 05+06 05+06 05+06 05+06 05+06 05+06 2 68C 32 37 02 37 02 37 02 3 68A 39 38 03 68A 03 68A 68C 4 01 38 39 04 68C 37 68C 73C 5 65D 64 41 37 73C 04 73C 09+10 6 31 13 02 76 41 68C 02 07 7 68B 27A 31 68C 02 73C 38 37 8 36 56 42 73C 38 68A 39 03 9 37 57 13 68A 39 09+10 41 68A 10 02 28 68A 09+10 36 07 68B 27A POC 68C 65B 07 01 37 68B 27A 25 30 28 AD 68A 68B 37 35 36 31 68C 65B 25 24 EUT 68A 65B 68B 68C 35 36 05+06 08 25 27A AD 68A 68B 37 05+06 35 31 36 25 24 27A EUT 68A 68B 65B 05+06 36 35 68C 31 25 27A * Abbreviations of environmental impact category and commodity code are shown in the appendix of this paper. Table 4. Ten most pollution-intensive commodities in U.S. based on total (direct and indirect) impacts per M$ (MDIT). Rank GW OD HT FET MET FSET MSET TET POC 1 07 41 05+06 05+06 05+06 05+06 05+06 05+06 68C 2 68A 39 37 02 37 02 37 38 65B 3 68C 38 39 01 38 38 38 37 07 4 01 32 41 14 39 01 39 39 01 5 37 64 40 38 41 37 41 02 37 6 68B 54 43 16 68A 39 40 59B 25 7 31 56 42 04 40 14 59B 27A 27B 8 36 58 46 37 59B 16 42 40 68B 9 27A 57 59B 39 42 04 27A 41 27A 10 65D 28 44+45 15 43 27A 68A 42 28 17 Draft Version : 2002-07-21 Table 5. Ten most polluting commodities in U.S. based on their direct impacts and total gross production (MDM). Rank GW OD HT FET MET FSET MSET TET POC 1 68A 32 37 02 05+06 02 05+06 05+06 65B 2 68C 69A 05+06 05+06 68A 05+06 68A 02 68C 3 31 41 31 73C 37 73C 37 73C 01 4 01 38 02 76 73C 68A 73C 69A 37 5 07 27A 68A 37 69A 37 02 68A 68B 6 65D 57 38 14 02 69A 69A 68C 69A 7 02 62 69A 68A 68B 76 38 27A 27A 8 68B 64 27A 69A 68C 14 68C 37 07 9 69A 56 73C 04 38 68C 68B 76 24 10 27A 29A 41 03 27A 04 27A 07 08 AD 68A 68B 65B 31 37 24 69A 27A 36 08 EUT 68A 65B 68B 31 69A 27A 08 24 68C 36 Table 6. Ten most polluting commodities in U.S. based on total (direct and indirect) impacts and total final demand (MDIM). Rank GW OD HT FET MET FSET MSET TET POC 1 68A 59A 59A 14 68A 14 59A 59A 65B 2 14 11 11 02 59A 02 11 11 14 3 11 69A 14 74 11 74 68A 14 68C 4 69B 64 44+45 11 14 59A 14 05+06 11 5 68C 56 31 59A 77A 11 77A 02 59A 6 77A 14 77A 18 69B 77A 05+06 77A 77A 7 74 77A 75 77A 05+06 18 69B 74 74 8 31 62 61 15 74 05+06 75 75 69B AD 68A 69B 11 77A 14 59A 74 31 EUT 68A 11 14 77A 69B 68B 59A 65B 18 Draft Version : 2002-07-21 9 10 59A 69A 51 29A 22+23 47 05+06 77B 44+45 75 15 75 19 74 44+45 56 59B 69A 31 68B 69A 31 74 Draft Version : 2002-07-21 Similar pattern has been found for other impact categories. The highly skewed line in figure 4 shows that there are a few dominant products in each impact categories and, therefore, a special attention to these products can effectively reduce the total environmental problems. Share in total HT impact by commodities 1 0.5 0 0 0.5 0.88 Share in total number of commodities 1 Figure 4. Skewness of distribution in human toxic impact by commodities (skewness=1.46) 3.2. Relationship between imports and exports and environmental impacts The amount of direct imports by U.S. in 1996 was 6.97% of the total commodity used and in U.S. Considering the foreign production required to produce the direct imports, the amount of total foreign production become 14.95% of the total domestic and foreign production required to meet the final demand in U.S.5 How this will look like in terms of environmental impacts? Generally reliance on foreign environmental impacts are calculated higher than the reliance on foreign production in monetary terms. In other words U.S. tends to import more polluting products than they use on average, which may support pollution heaven hypothesis. However, it 5 Here we assume that the technology and structure of the foreign industries is the same as those of U.S. and re-import by U.S. though its import is negligible. 20 Draft Version : 2002-07-21 is also true that U.S. exports more polluting products than they use on average. The total domestic and foreign production required for export was 10.86% of the total domestic and foreign production, but the environmental impacts due to production of export are generally more than that in most of the impact categories (Table 7). In table 7, RF shows the portion of environmental impact occurred outside of U.S. to fulfil the domestic final demand in U.S. RX shows how much is the environmental impact caused by the export in the total domestic and foreign environmental impacts required for the domestic final demand and export by U.S. For instance one might say that 39% of human toxic impact of an average product in U.S. occurs outside of U.S., although the product relies on foreign production only in 14.95% . In terms of overall environmental trade balance, U.S. is problem net exporter for major toxic problems including freshwater ecotoxicity, marine water ecotoxicity, freshwater sediment ecotoxicity, marine sediment ecotoxicity and terrestrial ecotoxicity. Among others, trade imbalances in two freshwater related impacts are, apparently, caused by the massive export of agricultural products other than livestock (02) by U.S. Other three impacts that lead U.S. a net environmental problem exporter are dominated by the metallic ores mining (05+06). U.S. was an problem net importer in other impact categories including global warming, ozone layer depletion, human toxicity, photochemical oxidant creation, acidification and eutrophication. Important vehicles of problem imports includes crude petroleum and natural gas (08), motor vehicles (passenger cars and trucks) (59A) and primary iron and steel manufacturing (37) (table 8 and 9). However, since U.S. has been a net importer in monetary sense in 1996, the overall trade balance prone to be negative. In contrast, PTTI shows whether U.S. tends to import more polluting products than it exports or vise versa if the amount of trade is the same. PTTI less than 1 shows U.S. tends to export problems and PTTI more than 1 does the other way around. PTTI results in table 7 generally confirms the environmental trade balance results. U.S. tends to sell more toxic products than they buy, except for the human toxic problem, and buy more polluting products than they sell for other impact categories. Then the next question is whether there is a meaningful relationships between environmental impacts and reliance on foreign production. In general there are no or very week relationship between the direct environmental impacts (MDT) and reliance on foreign production shown by a regression study. Fig. 5 and 6 shows the case of global warming impact and human toxic impact, respectively. This results support Jaffe et al. (1995) who showed that the compliance cost in developing countries are almost negligible compare to overall expenses. Although the 21 Draft Version : 2002-07-21 environmental impacts may influence the decision for a firm to be relocated in a country with less-environmental awareness, other cost factors such as labour costs and subsidy are large enough to cover the influence. 3 3 2 1 log(RF(i)/mRF) log(RF(i)/mRF) y = 0.1333x - 3E-17 y = 0.0547x + 2E-17 R2 = 0.0066 2 0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -1 -2 2 R = 0.154 1 0 -3 -1 1 3 -1 -2 -3 -3 DT log( M DT HT (i)/m M HT ) DT DT ) log( M GW (i)/m M GW Figure 5. Global warming vs. reliance on foreign production Figure 6. Human toxic impact vs. reliance on foreign production 22 Draft Version : 2002-07-21 Table 7. Trade and environment Index* GW OD RF RX ETB** PTTI 0.14 0.11 -1.23E+11 0.93 0.34 0.19 -2.60E+05 0.76 HT FET MET FSET MSET TET POC AD EUT 0.39 0.20 -8.50E+10 0.70 0.19 0.22 3.29E+10 1.58 0.24 0.20 6.49E+11 1.15 0.20 0.24 4.88E+10 1.65 0.23 0.22 1.81E+12 1.34 0.22 0.27 1.93E+10 1.83 0.17 0.14 -1.92E+07 1.00 0.13 0.09 -1.16E+09 0.77 0.16 0.11 -6.78E+07 0.81 * RF: Reliance on foreign environmental impacts in the total domestic and foreign environmental impacts due to the final consumption by U.S. RX: Ratio of environmental impact due to exports in the total domestic and foreign environmental impacts due to final consumption and export by US. ETB: Environmental Trade Balance PTTI: Pollution terms of trade index ** The values are represented by the equivalency of an indicator substance (category indicator), which are GW: kg CO2 eq.; OD: kg CFC-11 eq.; HT, FET, MET, FSET, MSET and TET: kg 1,4-dichlorobenzene eq.; POC: kg formed ozone; AD: kg SO2; EUT: eq. kg PO4--- eq. Table 8. Five most important vehicles for environmental problem imports in U.S. Rank GW OD HT FET MET FSET 1 08 59A 37 02 37 02 2 59A 64 59A 14 38 38 3 37 57 59B 38 59A 37 4 27A 51 38 18 59B 14 5 14 56 42 37 51 59A MSET 37 38 59A 59B 27A TET 38 37 59A 59B 27A POC 08 59A 37 27A 14 AD 08 59A 37 18 51 EUT 08 59A 27A 18 31 Table 9. Five most important vehicles for environmental problem exports in U.S. Rank GW OD HT FET MET FSET 1 65D 57 37 02 05+06 02 MSET 05+06 TET 05+06 POC 65B AD 27A EUT 65B 23 Draft Version : 2002-07-21 2 3 4 5 27A 02 14 69A 51 59A 27A 62 59B 59A 44+45 43 14 05+06 38 27A 38 59B 37 27A 05+06 14 38 59B 24 38 59B 27A 37 38 02 59B 27A 27A 14 69A 28 69A 59B 24 31 27A 69A 28 31 Draft Version : 2002-07-21 4. Conclusion Environmental impacts of domestically produced and imported commodities in U.S. economy is analysed using standard U.S. input-output table and various life-cycle impact assessment methods. Environmentally important commodities in U.S. are identified per each impact category based on direct environmental impact intensity, direct and indirect environmental intensity, total direct environmental impact and total direct and indirect environmental impact. Robustness of the result was checked by analysing the difference in the result when varying basic assumptions and methods. First, employing either of the industry-technology assumption or commodity-technology assumption generates considerable difference for some results, although majority of parameters results in relatively similar value. 82% of the total environmental direct and indirect impact per each commodity result (MDIM) showed less than 10% of differences. In terms of the ranking, 97% of total parameters resulted from the two methods are graded around two upper or lower neighbouring ranks in all impact assessment methods except for EPS. Second, weather different life-cycle impact assessment methods can still show the general trends of environmental impacts of a commodities are tested using the relative share by each commodity in the total environmental impacts in U.S. The result shows that either mid-point or endpoint approach produces a similar result for current result that has compiled large number of environmental interventions. Commodities located in the early stage of the supply-chain, such as iron and steel (37), metallic ores (05+06), industrial and other chemicals (27A) and live stock and live stock products (01) are found to be generally environmental impact-intensive per unit monetary value of commodity in terms of direct impacts as well as total direct and indirect impacts. As a direct polluter, wholesales trade (69A), electricity (68A), industrial and other chemicals (27A) and primary iron and steel (37) shares large parts of the total impacts. As a total direct and indirect polluters, new constructions (11), food and kindred products (14), health services (77A) and motor vehicles (59A) are found to be the most important items in many impact categories. First, the results show that some services such as business and professional services (73C) and whole sales trade (63A) are highly polluting in terms of its environmental impact intensity or its directs and indirect environmental impacts, elucidating the importance of materials handling besides the role of cleaner production technology. Second, some basic necessities for households such as food and kindred products (14), construction (11), electric utilities (68A), motor vehicles (59A) and health care services (77A) are found to be environmentally important 25 Draft Version : 2002-07-21 consumer items in most of the impact categories, which may limit the possible environmental impact reduction by simply reducing the volume of consumption in U.S. Third, the share of environmental impacts in the total impacts significantly differ between commodities, so that a few commodities are responsible major part of the total impacts. This suggest that focussing on a few important contributor identified by a systematic bird's eye view can effectively reduce the total environmental impacts either though cleaner technology or better management of materials handling. The results on trade and environmental impacts shows that both imports and exports by U.S. tends to be more pollution intensive than domestically used on average. In general U.S. exported toxic impacts, except for the human toxic impact, and imported other environmental impacts including human toxic impact, global warming, ozone layer depletion, photochemical oxidant creation, acidification and eutrophication. Pollution Terms of Trade Index (PTTI) generally confirms the environmental trade balance results. Important vehicles of environmental impact trading in U.S. are identified for both problem imports and exports. Important vehicles of problem imports includes crude petroleum and natural gas (08), motor vehicles (passenger cars and trucks) (59A) and primary iron and steel manufacturing (37). Finally the relationship between direct environmental impacts and reliance on foreign production was analysed. The results show that there are no or very weak relationship between them, which does not support the pollution heaven hypnotises. This results show that environmental factor is not a dominant factor in deciding relocation of a firm. For instance, although agricultural products other than live stocks (02) is a pollution intensive product and also takes large share in the total toxic impacts, farms are not relocated in the developing countries under the extensive subsidy program of U.S. 5. Limitations and Future outlook We used available economic and environmental statistics that has been published in U.S., and, thus, limitations of these statistics are equally applicable for the current study. Especially, although it is one of the most comprehensive datasets on the toxic releases in the world, the TRI does not includes the service, except for some whole sales industry, and agricultural sectors, and even in manufacturing sectors, establishments that have less than 10 full-time or equivalent employs and processes less than 25,000 pounds or use less than 10,000 pounds of any listed chemical are not included. This limitation may lead underestimation for sectors like ‘plating and 26 Draft Version : 2002-07-21 polishing’ where small and medium sized enterprises are considerable. Furthermore, some of the environmental interventions such as noise and odour, radio active substances, land disturbances are not considered in this study due mainly to the data lacks. The result of the assessment, therefore, can not represent the consequences of these missed environmental interventions. For the results on trade and environment the assumptions used by the current study, especially one that foreign industry has the same technology and industrial structure as U.S. implies an inherent limitation of the result. Provably, the assumption used here may lead some underestimation of the environmental impacts of imported products. Current study can be further extended using a multi-national input-output table with bilateral trade statistics and environmental data. Such a database is currently under development. 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