Central opdef

Sample operational definitions
Operational Definitions for Early Childhood
1. Answering “Wh” questions means that Jane will verbally answer
who, what, where, what-doing (verbs/actions) questions.
2. Following basic concept directions means, when requested, Missy
will physically respond within 5 seconds. Examples of requests
could include quantity (more/less), time (night/day), position
3. Increasing vocabulary means that Sarah will show/label items,
actions or pictures.
4. Pre-reading means that Jack will turn pages, orient the book
correctly, point to pictures on request, labels pictures, retell a
pattern story, and tells a story looking at pictures of a book.
5. Pre-math means that Tom will rote count, one to one count, give
objects, sort/match objects, color identification, and shape
6. Play means that Emily will engage in pretend and symbolic play
(Example: feeding a doll with a spoon, using a block as a
7. Social emotional means that Pablo will initiate interaction
through communication with peers, ask a peer to play, share or
exchange materials during play, take turns with others, and
verbally expressing feelings.
8. Following directions means that when Stephanie requested will
physically respond within 5 seconds to a one or two step
direction (example: pick up the block, come to the circle and sit
Operational Definitions for Written Language
1. Writing Mechanics: Writing mechanics means that Jennifer
starts sentences with a capital letter and capitalizes proper
nouns as well as uses correct ending punctuation. Writing
mechanics also means that Jennifer uses correct spelling.
2. Written Expression: Written expression means that Sidney uses
correct subject-verb agreement and appropriately uses a variety
of sentence structures (appropriate for grade- such as simple,
compound, complex)
3. Organized Writing: Writing an organized product means that
Paul composes a product that contains a main idea, supporting
details, and concluding sentences.
4. Writing an organized story means that Mike writes a product in
which the event follow a sequential order and contain a
beginning, middle, and end.
5. Spacing: Writing with correct spacing means that Karri uses
spaces the size of a popsicle stick or a finger between each
6. Handwriting: Writing with legibility means that Nicky uses
correct letter formation, line placement, and spacing between
Operational Definitions for Behavior
(Social Emotional Learning)
1. Mumbles means that _________ makes inaudible statements.
2. Poor self concept means that __________ makes selfdepreciating remarks like “I’m dumb/stupid”.
3. Aggressive means that _______ hits/kicks/throws objects at
4. Off task means that _________ walks around the room when
the teacher is instructing.
5. Noncompliant means that __________ says “I don’t have to”
when given a direction.
6. Impulsive means that __________ calls out without raising
his/her hand.
7. Poor assignment completion means that __________ does not
complete/turn in assignments by due date.
8. Tardy means that ________ is not in his/her seat/classroom
when the bell rings.
Operational Definitions for Reading
Reading Fluency:
1. Reading fluency means that ________ will orally read at a rate
of ____ cwpm on a ____ grade level passage.
Reading Comprehension:
2. Reading comprehension means that ___________ understands
what he/she is reading as evidenced by ____ correct responses
on ___ grade level maze comprehension probes.
3. Reading comprehension means that ___________ understands
what he/she is reading as evidenced by ____ out of ___ correct
responses on questions about the text.
Phonemic Awareness:
4. Phonemic awareness means that ___________ verbally
produces ____ phonemes in one minute when orally presented
with words of 2 to 3 phonemic segments. (phonemic
segmentation fluency).
5. Phonics fluency means that ___________ identifies and verbally
produces ____ correct phonetic sounds when presented with
randomly organized upper/lower case alphabet letters. (lettersound fluency)
6. Phonics fluency means that ___________ identifies and verbally
produces ____ correct phonetic sounds when presented with
cvc-structured nonsense words. (nonsense word fluency)
7. Vocabulary
8. Decoding words means that __________ accurately reads____
words in one minute. (ORF).
Number sense means that _____________ has the ability to:
Think flexibly about numbers
Grasp and compare quantities
Break numbers apart and put them together in a variety of ways
Problem solving means that ________________ can understand and
successfully solve a problem when the solution is not immediately
clear. (The problem can be solved in more than one way).
Computation means that ______________ is able to add, subtract,
multiply, or divide using numbers to obtain a final correct answer.
Basic fact fluency means that ____________ is accurate, efficient, and
flexible in single digit number computation.
Operational Definitions for OT- related skills
Writing Legibly:
1. Writing legibly means that _______ writes letters within
words that are recognizable in isolation and that the words
are recognizable in isolation (outside their contextual
Eating independently:
2. Eating independently means that _______ is staying in
designated seat, interacting with peers without need for
teacher intervention, finger feeding snack foods, and drinking
from personal adapted cup without tipping over.
Operational Definitions for PT – related skills
Independently walking means ________ can move from one location
to another as part of a meaningful activity with or without a assistive
Transfer means ____________ can move from one position to
another as part of a meaningful activity
Operational Definitions for Math
Number sense means that _____________ has the ability to:
Think flexibly about numbers
Grasp and compare quantities
Break numbers apart and put them together in a variety of ways
Problem solving means that ________________ can understand and
successfully solve a problem when the solution is not immediately
clear. (The problem can be solved in more than one way).
Computation means that ______________ is able to add, subtract,
multiply, or divide using numbers to obtain a final correct answer.
Basic fact fluency means that ____________ is accurate, efficient, and
flexible in single digit number computation.