International Journal of Laboratory Hematology - hem

International Journal of Laboratory Hematology
Published article online:
22 Feb 2007
Pancytopenia and secondary myelofibrosis could be induced by primary
D.-J. LIM**Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea,
E. J. OH , C.-W. PARK, H.-S. KWON, E.-J. HONG, K.-H. YOON , M.-I. KANG, B.-Y. CHA, K.-W. LEE , H.-Y. SON S.-K.
Hyperparathyroidism may be a precipitating factor important to the development of
myelofibrosis: however, there has been only a few reports regarding myelofibrosis secondary to
primary hyperparathyroidism. Recently, a rare case of pancytopenia caused by myelofibrosis in a
41-year-old woman who complained of general weakness and arthralgia presented to our clinical
service. The patient was diagnosed with primary hyperparathyroidism with pancytopenia. Bone
marrow biopsy revealed myelofibrosis. Right parathyroidectomy was performed and a
parathyroid adenoma was totally excised. After surgery, the CBC counts and other clinical
abnormalities gradually improved without further intervention. We concluded that the
pancytopenia was because of bone marrow fibrosis resulting from primary hyperparathyroidism.
Therefore, physicians should consider myelofibrosis secondary to primary hyperparathyroidism
as a cause of pancytopenia in hypercalcemic patients, even though it is rare.