1 CHAPTER -1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background: This handbook deals with the details of staff and various subjects dealt in the Office of the Commissioner (Commercial Taxes) viz., Organisation, functions, duties, records, procedures, mechanism to obtain information etc. 1.2 Objective/purpose of this information handbook:: The main objective is to make available suo motto to general public the details regarding Organisation, functions, duties, powers of officers and employees, rules, regulations, remuneration payable, names and designations of Public Information officer/Assistant public Information Officer/Appellate Authority etc., so as to facilitate the public to have first hand knowledge of the background and organizational details relating to Commercial Taxes Department so that they are facilitated to make minimum use of Right to Information Act, 2005 to seek basic information. 1.3 Who are the intended users of the handbook? Citizens, civil society organizations, public representatives, officers and employees of public authorities Including Public Information Officers and Assistant Public Information Officers and Appellate Officers, Central and State Information Commissions etc. 1.4 1.5 Definitions of key terms: 1. C.T. -- Commercial Taxes 2. J.C. -- Joint Commissioner 3 D.C. -- Deputy Commissioner 4 A.C. -- Assistant Commissioner 5 S.T.A.T. -- Sales Tax Appellate Tribunal 6 A.P.VAT Act -- Andhra Pradesh Value Added Tax Act 7 A.P.G.S.T.Act -- Andhra Pradesh General Sales Tax Act 8 CST Act Central Sales Tax Act 9 A.P.C.S. ( CCA )Rules ----- Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (Classification, Control & Appeals) Rules -- Organization of information: The information relating to the Commissioner (Commercial Taxes)’s Office, Hyderabad is available in 17 chapters. The information relating to different wings/sections of this office are available in the following chapters. Chapter - 2 -- Organisations, Functions and Duties Chapter - 3 -- Powers and Duties of Officers and Employees Chapter - 4 -- Procedure followed in Decision-making Process 2 Chapter - 5 -- Norms set for the Discharge of Functions Chapter Functions 6 -- Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual and Records for discharging Chapter - 7 -- Categories of Documents held by the Public Authority under its control Chapter - 8 -- Chapter - 9 -- 1.6 Arrangement for consultation with public with regard to formulation of policy and its implementation Boards, Councils and other Bodies Chapter - 10 -- Directory of Officers Chapter - 11 -- Monthly remuneration particulars Chapter - 12 -- Budget allocated to each Agency Chapter - 13 -- Execution of Subsidy programmes Chapter - 14 -- Concessions, Permits or authorization granted by the Public Authority Chapter - 15 -- Information available in Electronic Form Chapter - 16 -- Facilities available to citizens for obtaining Information Chapter - 17 -- Names, Designations and other particulars of Public Information Officers Chapter - 18 -- Other Useful Information Getting additional information: The information not available in this handbook can be obtained by any citizen, either by giving a general requisition or by giving an application as per the provisions of Right to information Act 2005 by remitting application fee of Rs.10/- as per Section 6 (1) of R.T.I.Act, 2005as well as Xerox charges of Rs.2/- per copy of record sought, or Rs.100/- for C.D. or Rs.200/- for DVD and for inspection of records – no fee for the first hour; and a fee of rupees five for each fifteen minutes (or fraction thereof) thereafter as per G.O.Ms.No.454 G.A. (I & PR.II) Department dated 13-10-2005 to obtain the information within 30 days from the date of application. 1.7 Names & addresses of key contact points: 1. Sri G.Laxmi Prasad, Additional Commissioner (CT), (General) 2. Sri M.Pampapathi, Additional Commissioner (CT), Dept. Member (STAT, Hyderabad) 3. Sri D.Ramachandra Reddy, Additional Commissioner (CT) (Policy) 4. Sri R.V.Reddy, IRS, Additional Commissioner (CT) (Enforcement) 5. Sri G.Venkateswarlu, Additional Commissioner (CT) Legal 3 CHAPTER 2 Organisation, Functions and Duties (Section 4 (1)(b)(i)) S.No. 1 Name of the Organization Address Office of the Commissioner (Commercial Taxes) Functions Commercial Taxes Complex,Opp:Gandhi Bhavan, M.J.Road, Nampally, Hyderabad. Collection of VAT, Entertainment Tax, Profession Tax etc. through Deputy Commissioners of 25 Divisions in Andhra Pradesh Duties --- CHAPTER 3 POWERS AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES [Section 4(1)(b)(ii)] 1. STATISTICS WING NAME OF THE OFFICER /EMPLOYEE Sri P. Narasimha Rao, Deputy Commissioner (CT) Incharge of Statistics Wing 2 Sri B. Ramesh Superintendent 3. Vacant Senior Assistant SL. NO. 1 4 Smt H.Aruna Kumari, DESIGNATION Senior Assistant DUTIES ALLOTTED Supervising overall work to Statistics Section 1.Fixation of Revenue targets sector-wise, communicated by the Government 2.Fixation of Revenue targets to the divisions under all Acts and Communication of same to the divisions every month. 3.Preparation of information required time to time by the Pre.Sec./CS/Hon’ble Minister/Hon’ble CM/DCs 4.Obtaining and consolidation of anticipated revenue from divisions and preparing the Revenue projections every month 5.Preparation to the collection report and submission to the Government 6.Submission of monthly periodical to the Finance Department on Revenue performance 7.Submission of monthly periodical to GOI on VAT/Non VAT Revenue 8. Claims of compensation under VAT/CST Act, from Govt. of India. 1. Obtaining Revenue figures POWERS ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --------- 4 for every month from : (i) Director of Treasuries and Accounts (ii) AG Office (iii) Director, Works Accounts (TCS) 2. Reconciliation of Revenue figures with DTA,TCS,AG figures under APVAT, CST, APPT, APRDC, Luxury Tax and HRBT Acts 3. Preparation of monthly Statistics booklet with Sector-wise Revenue details etc., for Review by the Hon’ble CM on Resource ----- ----- Mobilization 4. Obtaining the procurement details of Mill Levy Rice/CMR from FCI and communication to all DCs and watching of collection of RD Cess by divisions. ----- 2. C-SECTION 1 Smt G. Pramila Superintendent (Gr. I) Gazetted Statutory Administrative Financial Other 2 Sri P.V.N.Satyanarayana Administrative Financial Other Sri. P.S.N Rao Administrative Financial Other Sri K. Balabheem ----Service matters with regard to appointments, seniority, transfers, postings, seniority etc., relating to members of Ministerial staff of Commissioner (CT) Office --------- ----- ----Re-organisation of C.T.Department, Creation, Abolition, Up gradation of Posts Etc., shifting of circles, merging of offices, DEO matters etc., --------- ----- ----Increments, leaves, educational reimbursements, pay fixation, surrender leave, spl. Grade scale, SR Entries, L.T.C Medical reimbursement, N.O.C. relating to NGOs and deputations of ----- ------------- ----- --------- Senior Assistant Statutory 4 ----- Senior Assistant Statutory 3 ----Supervision of Section and Section Assistants, etc., --------- ----- --------- Senior Assistant Statutory Administrative ----- 5 Ministerial Staff of CCT Office, Hyd. Financial Other 5 Smt G. Anupama --------- --------- ----Service matters i.e., transfers, postings, N.O.C., permissions, seniority, increments, leaves, educational reimbursement, pay fixation, surrender leave, spl. Grade scale, S.R.Entries, LTC Medical reimbursement relating to members of last grade services – dr --------- ----- Junior Assistant Statutory Administrative Financial Other ----- --------- 3. G – SECTION 1 Smt. S. V. Sarvani Superintendent Administrative 2 Sri Ch. Gopal To supervise the work allotted to the Assistants and to submit files to higher officials ----- 1.Budget Estimation, Allotments, Surrenders, re-appropriation etc ----- G1 - Sr. Asst. Administrative 2. Liaison with Finance/ Revenue/ DTA Offices 3.All the committees relating to Finance Dept 4.Other miscellaneous relates to Budget work 3 Sri S.Giri Sri Ch. Gopal (FAC) --------- G2 - Sr.Asst Administrative 4 ----- 1.Payment of Electricity /Telephone/Cell phone/water bills 2.Hiring of Private vehicles /Maintenance of Govt.Vehicles 3. Liaison with Govt/PAO, Hyd 4.Conference Hall arrangements 5.Maintenance of CCT Infrastructure 6.Pursuation of accommodation in A.P.Guest House etc. 7. Rents of private buildings of CTO Offices and DC Offices in Twin cities and Telangana region. --------------------- G3 - Sr.Asst Administrative 1.Receiving & Issue of Stationery Items in CCT's office, Maintenance of issue & Stock Register 2.House keeping and sanitation maintenance of C.T.Complex 3. Disposal of supply orders/ Purchase orders received all over the State to concerned division ----- --------- 6 4. Electrical Maintenance 5. Obtaining Licenses for franking machines from Postal Department 6.Maintenance of Xerox machines & Typewriters 7. Furniture repairing’s 8. Way bills printing and Issue, Transport of way bills. 9. Receiving & Issue of Way bill books, “C”, “F”, “H” & Cash Receipt with maintenance of stock, issue & ledger registers. 10. Maintenance of Bank account (Waybill Books-cost) with cash book 11. Reconciliation of waybill books & amount with Divisions. 5 Sri S.Giri ----------------- Sr. Asst. Administrative 1. Conducting of A.G. Audit Inspection in CCT Office and monitoring of A.G. A.P/. Audit paras (expenditure) 2.Remittance of DDs in Commissioner (CT) A/c held in SBH Gruhakalpa, Hyderabad, received by CDSC towards sale consideration of Statutory forms. 3. Reconciliation of Online payment made towards the cost of statutory forms made by the Deputy Commissioners. 4. Monitoring of Expenditure of all Divisions and CCT’s office at A.G. A.P., 5. Maintenance of LAQ Register 6. Telugu Official language ----- ----- ----- -------------- 4. M – SECTION 1 Smt. M.Sobha Superintendent 2 Smt P. Kalyani, ( Retd Employee) Sr.Asst 3 Y. Ramakoteswar Rao (Rtd. Employee) Sr.Asst To supervise the work allotted to the Assistants and to submit files to higher officials Sanction of Permanent and Temporary Advances, i.e., HBA, GPF and Computer Advances etc. 1. Submission of pension proposals to A.G., A.P., Hyderabad from the cadre of DCTOs and above cadres working in the O/o the CCT and in all Divisions. 2. Submission of Pension Proposals of employees of the CCT’s Office of the A.G., A.P., Hyderabad. ----- 7 5. PMT—SECTION 1 Vacant Kum. L. Radha Sindhiya Deputy Commissioner (CT) PMT 3 Sri T. Hari Prasad Senior Assistant 4 Sri G. Balaji Senior Assistant Typing of establishment work, pay bills and work initiated by officials etc. 5 Smt. M. Swaroopa Office Subordinate PMT wing Office Subordinate 2 Head of the PMT Wing Drawing and Disbursing Officer Administration, Establishment and pay Bills Commercial Tax Officer 6. P.R. WING 1 Smt B.Amrutha Lakshmi State Public Information Officer and Deputy Commissioner Staff College Scrutiny and disposal of petitions received under RTI Act 2005 in respect of CommercialTaxes Department 2 Sri M. Rama Doss Asst. Public Information Officer & Public Relations Officer 3 VACANT Sr. Asst. Powers to reject applications and powers to refuse information subject to provisions and Rules of RTI Act – 2005. Assisted to SPIO on Disposal of RTI Act -2005 i.e., Applications, Appeals and Assisted to Commissioner (CT) on Daily Newspaper Clippings etc., ------ 4 Sri P. Lingeswara Rao Jr. Asst. ----- 5 Vacant Jr. Asst. ---- Disposal of applications / appeals received under RTI Act-2005 from Public Officer and CT Dept. compiling of quarterly & annually Stataements of Disposal of Petition/ Appeals for submission to Govt., Placing the departmental info. On official website from time to time, remittance of application fees etc., received through DDs in a SBH& Postal Orders in GPO. 1.Daily submission of press clippings of 14 Newspapers to CCT. 2. Daily submission of Clipping relating to Auction Notice issued by Official Liquidator. 3. Calling for reports from DCs in respect of Press Clippings from time to time and issue of rejoinders etc., 8 7. VIGILANCE SECTION 1 2 3 4 Sri J.Venkatesham Smt V. Madhavi P. Gangi Reddy Smt V. Madhavi (i/c) Sr. Asst All Vigilance , Disciplinary/ACB Cases in respect of State Cadres i.e., Additional Commissioners,Joint Commissioners,Dy, Commissioners, Asst. Commissioner and C.T.Os ----- All Vigilance , Disciplinary/ACB cases in respect of Cadres of D.C.T.Os of State ----- All Vigilance , Disciplinary/ACB cases in respect of A.C.T.Os of State ----- All Vigilance, Disciplinary/ACB cases in respect of Superintendents and Below the Cadre of CCT office and below the cadre of A.C.T.Os of the State . ----- Sr. Asst Sr. Asst Jr. Asst 8. L I - SECTION 1 2 K.Ananta Reddy D.V.Srinath Senior Assistant, Statutory Administrative To Monitor the SLPs filed by the dealers and and necessary guidance to the subordinate offices in filling documents para- wise remarks and implementation of court order if the cases are disposed off. ----- Junior Assistant I/C To Monitor the SLPS filed by the Department and necessary guidance to the subordinate officers in filing document/further para -wise remarks and implementation of court order . ----- 9 9. L II - SECTION 1 Sri T. Ramesh Babu 2 Sri. B. Vishnu Swaroop 3 Sri R. Rajeshwar Rao 4 Smt G. Sunita 5 Sri. T. V. Bhaskar 6 Sri K. Anantha Reddy (Long Leave) Joint Commissioner Legal Affairs A.P. Hyderabad Deputy Commissioner (CT) Legal Affairs Assistant Commissioner (CT) Legal Affairs Deputy Commercial Tax Officer (Legal Affairs) Superintendent (Writ Petitions) Sr. Assistant (L-II)(3) 7 Vacant Jr. Assistant (L-II)(4) 8 Sri.Y. Mala Kondaiah Jr. Assistant (L-II)(1) Head of the Legal Affairs Wing To Prepare Draft Tax Revision Petitions / Affidavits monitoring of filing of TRCs. Member of TRC Committee. To Assist the Joint Commissioner (L.A) and Deputy Commissioner (L.A) To assist the officers in Legal matters. To Supervise the Section Assistants All City Divisions viz., Punjagutta, Secunderabed, Abids, Begumpet, Hyderabad (Rural), Charminar and Saroornagar Divisions. Adilabad, Karimnagar, Nizamabad, Warangal, Nalgonda, Kadapa, Kurnool, Ananthapur, and Chittoor Divisions. Visakhapatnam, Vizianagaram, Kakinada, Eluru, Vijayawada-I, Vijayawada-II, Guntur-I, Guntur-II and Nellore Divisions. 10. L-III SECTION Sl. No 1. 2. Name of the Officer Smt / Sri. P.Suresh Vacant Section Designation L- III L-III(1) Superintendent Senior Asst. 3. K. Ramana Kumar L-III(2) Senior Asst. Subject handled in brief. Supervision of the Section Assts. Deals with revision of Asst, Orders passed by the assessing authorities, revisional authority and appeal orders of Appellate Authorities which are prejudicial interest of revenue U/s.20 of APGST Act read with Rules 34,35,36,44 and 44-A of APGST Rules and U/s.32 of APVAT Act read with Rule 50 & 51 of APVAT Rules. These powers of revision have to be exercised within the period of limitation. The other major function is hearing of stay petitions requesting for grant of stay of disputed tax on which appeals are pending before the appellate authority i.e.,ADCs and STAT (AP) and their disposal. The seat deals with the above subject relating to Warangal, Karimnagar, Adilabad and Hyderabad ® Divisions. Deals with revision of Asst, Orders passed by the assessing authorities, revisional authority and appeal orders of Appellate Authorities which are prejudicial interest of revenue U/s.20 of APGST Act read with Rules 34,35,36,44 and 44-A of APGST Rules and U/s.32 of APVAT Act read with Rule 50 & 51 of APVAT Rules. These powers of revision have to be exercised within the period of limitation. The other major function is hearing of stay petitions requesting for grant of stay of disputed tax on which 10 4. Smt. G.Nirmala Devi 5 K. Pradeep Solomon L-III(3) Senior Asst. Typist appeals are pending before the appellate authority i.e.,ADCs and STAT (AP) and their disposal. The seat deals with the above subject relating to Punjagutta, Charminar, Begumpet and Saroornagar Divisions. Deals with revision of Asst, Orders passed by the assessing authorities, revisional authority and appeal orders of Appellate Authorities which are prejudicial interest of revenue U/s.20 of APGST Act read with Rules 34,35,36,44 and 44-A of APGST Rules and U/s.32 of APVAT Act read with Rule 50 & 51 of APVAT Rules. These powers of revision have to be exercised within the period of limitation. The other major function is circulating the files for hearing of stay petitions requesting for grant of stay of disputed tax on which appeals are pending before the appellate authority i.e.,ADCs and STAT (AP) and their disposal. The seat deals with the above subject relating to Kurnool, Kadapa, Chittoor, Ananthapur and Nalgonda Divisions. Typing work relating to L-III Section. 11. L IV – SECTION 1. Joint Commissioner Legal Affairs A.P. Hyderabad Sri T. Ramesh Babu Assistant Commissioner (CT) (Legal Affairs) 2. Sri R.Rajeshwar Rao 3. Sri R.S.R Anjaneya Sarma Superintendent TRC & Special Appeals Sri Mohd. Iqbal Ali Junior.Asst. LIV(2) 4. 5. 6. Vacant O. Usharani Administrative & Head of the Department (Legal Affairs) Assistance of Joint Commissioner (L.A.) Supervise the Section Work TRC’s Warangal Guntur I&II, Hyderabad, Saroornagar, Nizamabad, Karimnagar, Chittoor, Kurnool , Adilabad, and Nalgonda Divisions ----- Abids, Secunderabad, Panjagutta, Charminar, Begumpet, Vijayawada-I&II, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, Kakinada, Nellore, and Eluru Divisions. ----- Senior Asst. LIV(3) Seniror Ass., LIVSection TRCs under the control of Deputy Commissioner (CT), L.A. and Fee Bills. 11 12. LV Section 1 Superintendent S.M.Jani 2 LV (1) Seat Sri M.V.Prasada Rao, Senior Assistant (i/c) 3 LV (2) Seat M V Prasad Rao, Senior Asst 4 LV (3) Seat Smt Bhagya Lakshmi, Junior Assistant Supervision of the Section Assts Deals with revision of Asst. Orders passed by the assessing appeal orders of the Appellate Authorities, revisional authority and appeal orders of Appellate Authorities which are prejudical to interest of revenue U/s.20 of APGST Act read with Rules 34,35,36,44 and 44-A of APGST Rules and U/s.32 of APVAT Act read with Rules 50 & 51 of APVAT Rules. The powers of revision have to be exercised within the period of limitation. The other major function is hearing of stay petitions requesting for grant of stay of disputed tax on which appeal are pending before the appellate authority i.e.,ADCs and STAT(AP) and their disposal.The seat deals with the above subject relating to Abids, Secunderabad and Nizambad Divisions. Deals with revision of Asst. Orders passed by the assessing appeal orders of the Appellate Authorities, revisional authority and appeal orders of Appellate Authorities which are prejudical to interest of revenue U/s.20 of APGST Act read with Rules 34,35,36,44 and 44-A of APGST Rules and U/s.32 of APVAT Act read with Rules 50 & 51 of APVAT Rules. The powers of revision have to be exercised within the period of limitation. The other major function is hearing of stay petitions requesting for grant of stay of disputed tax on which appeal are pending before the appellate authority i.e.,ADCs and STAT(AP) and their disposal. The seat deals with the above subject relating to Vijayawada-I, Vijayawada-II and Eluru Divisions. Deals with revision of Asst. Orders passed by the assessing appeal orders of the Appellate Authorities, revisional authority and appeal orders of Appellate Authorities which are prejudical to interest of revenue U/s.20 of APGST Act read with Rules 34,35,36,44 and 44-A of APGST Rules and U/s.32 of APVAT Act read with Rules 50 & 51 of APVAT Rules. The powers of revision have to be exercised within the period of limitation. The other major function is hearing of stay petitions requesting for grant of stay of disputed tax on which appeal are pending before the -------- 12 appellate authority i.e.,ADCs and STAT(AP) and their disposal. The seat deals with the above subject relating to Vizinagaram, Visakhapatnam and Kakinada Divisions. 5 LV (4) Seat Vacant Deals with revision of Asst. Orders passed by the assessing appeal orders of the Appellate Authorities, revisional authority and appeal orders of Appellate Authorities which are prejudical to interest of revenue U/s.20 of APGST Act read with Rules 34,35,36,44 and 44-A of APGST Rules and U/s.32 of APVAT Act read with Rules 50 & 51 of APVAT Rules. The powers of revision have to be exercised within the period of limitation.The other major function is hearing of stay petitions requesting for grant of stay of disputed tax on which appeal are pending before the appellate authority i.e.,ADCs and STAT(AP) and their disposal. The seat deals with the above subject relating to Guntur-I, Guntur-II and Nellore Divisions. 6 Vacant Typist Typing work relating to L-V Section. 13.CENTRAL COMPUTER WING 1 Smt. Christina Z.Chongthu I.A.S Special Commissioner to CCT Administrative 2 Sri Y.Satyanarayana 4 Smt. E. Deepa Reddy Smt CH.Vimala Venkata Ramana ----- Joint Commissioner (CT) Computers Administrative 3 Head of the Central Computer wing. All matters relating to IT infrastructure, Hardware, Software, CTO Portal, Central Dealer Service Center and Computer training of staff of Dept. Chief Information Officer of CTD. Overall administration and supervision of all matters relating to IT infrastructure, Hardware, Software, CTD Portal Central Dealer Service Center and Computer training of staff. Assistant Commissioner Administrative Over all administration and supervision, software applications of VAT’s maintained by all vendors. DCTO-I(CCW) ----- 13 Administrative 5 6 Sri. B. Balakrishna Sri. K. Chandra Shekar Superintendent Administrative Sri S.V. Raghava charyulu ----- Supervision on CS(1) and CS(2) and administrative work ----- Maintenance of files relates to CS (2) seat. Deputation charges of APTS and APIC, despatching letters from CCW, Accounts, paybills and preparation and submission of bills at PAO etc.,VATIS Application, AG application, furnishing Departmental information and check up data to other departments ----- Maintenance of files off CS(1), Issues relates to Faculties Manager (HCL) leased lines internet, procurement of Hardware and correspondence with APTS, Supply of UPS Batteries, CMS to All CT Offices. Portal, e-return, epayment, e-registrations, CDSC,CDSC TNXSYS, Misc. files. ----- Sr. Asst. Administrative 7 Manager (CCW), Drawing and Disbursement Officer and other works assigned. Sr.Asst. Administrative 14. ENFORCEMENT WING 1 R.V. Reddy, I.R.S. Additional Commissioner REIC Meetings, ITC Verification Administration of Enforcement wing, enforcement relating to Saroornagar, Charminar, Begumpet, Guntur-I, Narsaraopet, Chittoor, Nellore, Karimnagar, Adilabad, Nizamabad Divisions. 2. N.Ashok Reddy Joint Commissioner (CT) - II 1.Intelligence gathering and review of data collected from external sources like FCI, Marketing, Central Excise, Income Tax. 2. Enforcement relating to Panjagutta, Abids, Kadapa, Warangal, Kakinada, Eluru, Visakhapatnam, and Vizianagaram Divisions, 3. Inter State Trade(IST). ----- ----- 14 1. 2. 3. 3. B.Revathi Rohini Joint Commissioner (CT) –I 4 A. Dayal Das Deputy Commissioner (CT) 5 G. Kalpana AC-I 6 I. Samyukta Rani AC-II 7 E. Jitender Reddy AC-III 8 V.Srinivas Reddy AC-IV 9 G. Rajesh Kumar AC-V 10 G. Sumathi AC-VI 11 K. Rama Rao AC-VII 12 H.S.L. Mangala Deepthi AC-VIII 13 M. Yadagiri AC-IX 14 P.Rajendra Prasad C.T.O. 15 Bheemla C.T.O 16 K.Lakshman Rao C.T.O. 17 B Upendra Reddy D.C.T.O-I 18 B Muralidhar D.C.T.O-II 19 C Shakuntala D.C.T.O-III 20 P. Viswa Kiran D.C.TO 21 K Murali Mohan D.C.TO 22 K Krishnaiah 23 B.S. Samyuktha 24 G Salomi Lily Bet 25 T Girija Kumar D.C.TO (Manager) Superintendent Grade - I ACTO (Asst. Manager) A.C.T.O Check Posts check of Vehicular Traffic Enforcement relating to Secunderabad, Hyderabad (Rural), Vijayawada-I and II , Nalgonda, Kurnool and Anantapur Divisions. Interstate Trade (In Coming & Outgoing). Matters relating to all the check posts and Integrated Check Posts Verification of way bills and cross verifications, conduct Audits as assigned by JC (CT)-I. To conduct Audits and Assigned by JC(CT)-I Enft. To conduct Audits assigned by Addl. CCT., Enforcement. To conduct audits assigned by Addl.CCT., Enforcement To conduct Audits assigned by JC(CT)-III, Enforcement To conduct Audits assigned by JC (CT)-III. Enforcement. To conduct Audits assigned by JC (CT)-I, Enforcement. To conduct Audits assigned by Addl.CCT. Enforcement. To conduct Audits assigned by JC (CT)-III. Enforcement. To conduct Audits assigned by Addl. CCT. Enforcement. To Conduct Audits Assigned by JC(CT) – II, Enforcement. ----- JC(CT)-I, Enforcement To assist AC(CT) – VII in conducting audits. To assist AC(CT)-IV in conducting audits. Intelligence gathering distribution and monitoring of reports from divisions related to Govt. Depts, etc and IST (Incoming). To assist AC (CT)-I in conducting audits. To assist AC (CT)-III in conducting audits. Drawing and Disbursing officer, maintenance and custody of secret fund, supervision on staff of enforcement. To Superwise to work of Outgoing Correspondence of IST, Process and circulate the files to JC(CT)-III Enft. Preliminary scrutiny of files before putting up to the controlling officer and to assist manager in day to day function of office work, and Service matters of Gazetted Officers of Enft. Wing. To assist AC (CT)-IV in conducting audits. --------- ----- 15 26 Vijay Kumar tulshan A.C.T.O 27 N. Krishna Chary A.C.T.O 28 Mohan Banavath A.C.T.O 29 B.N. Lavanya A.C.T.O 30 N. Ravinder Naik A.C.T.O 31 K. Rajini A.C.T.O 32 M. Satish A.C.T.O 33 J. Sambi Reddy A.C.T.O 34 T. Gopal A.C.T.O 35 J. Radha A.C.T.O 36 K.V. Anuradha A.C.T.O 37 D. Ravinder Naik A.C.T.O 38 K. Shiva Nagalakshmi A.C.T.O 39 R. Padma A.C.T.O 40 C. Rajashekar Reddy A.C.T.O 41 T.S.N. Prasad A.C.T.O 42 P.V. Padmavathi A.C.T.O 43 M. Padmaja A.C.T.O 44 S. Srinivas Kumar A.C.T.O 45 G. Sridhar Rao A.C.T.O 46 K. Ramkoti Reddy A.C.T.O 47 M. Karam Chand A.C.T.O 48 49 50 P. Naresh Kumar P. Ashok Babu M.N. Sudhakar A.C.T.O A.C.T.O Sr. Asst. 51 B. Ebinezar Sr. Asst. 52 G. Shareen Kumari Sr. Asst. 53 Syed Muzaffar Mahmood Sr. Asst. 54 A. Bhaskar Reddy Sr. Asst. 55 56 M. Rajyalakshmi S. Ashfaq Hussain Sr. Asst. Sr. Asst. 57 P. Sridhar Sr. Asst. 58 S. A Rasheed Sr. Asst. 59 N Venkatrami Reddy Sr. Asst. To assist AC(CT)-VII in conducting audits. To assist AC (CT)-II in conducting audits. To assist AC (CT)-V in conducting audits. To assist AC (CT)-II in conducting audits. To assist AC (CT)-III in conducting audits. To assist Addl. Commissioner, Enft.in conducting audits. To assist AC(CT)-I in conducting Audits. To assist AC(CT)-VI in conducting Audits. To assist AC(CT)-II in conducting audits. To Assisting Addl.Commissioner, Enft. In conducting Audits IST Incoming and Cross verification of purchases and works contract details relating to other Govt. Depts. To assisting AC(CT) – VIII, Enft. In Conducting Audits To assist AC(CT)-VIII, Enft. In conducting Audits. To assist C.T.O Enft. In conducting Audits. IST Incoming To assist AC(CT) – IV, Enft. In Conducting Audits To assist AC(CT) – IX in conducting Audits. To assist AC(CT) – VI in conducting audits. To assist AC(CT) – IV, Enft. in conducting audits. To assist C.T.O Enft. In conducting audits. To assist AC (CT)-VII in conducting audits. To assist AC (CT)-V in conducting audits. IST Outgoing. On other Duty to Govt. of A.P. Assisting to AC(CT) – III Enft. Assisting to JC(CT) – III in IST (outgoing) work Preparation of pay bills upto ACTOs Service Matters of ACTOs Assisting AC(CT)-IV Enft. In Audit Work. Assisting AC(CT)-IV Enft. In Audit Assisting AC(CT)-VI Enft. In Audit P.A. to JC(CT)-III and Assist to AC(CT) – V in Audit Work. A3 Section and Stores (Contingent Bills & Budget) & Assist to AC(CT) – IX. In Audit Work Assisting to CTO Enft. In Audit 16 Work. 60 A. Surya Vara Prasad Sr. Asst. Assisting to AC(CT)-V Enft. In audit work. 61 H. Rama Subramanayam Sr. Asst. Check posts matters (D2 Section) 62 P. Narsimha Rao Sr. Asst. 63 L. Chandra Sekhar Goud Sr. Asst. 64 K. Saroja Sr. Asst. 65 V. Karunakar Sr. Asst. 66 D Krishna Reddy Sr. Asst. 67 P. Shantha Kumari Sr. Asst. 68 S. Krupa Rao Sr. Steno 69 Ch. Chinna Sr. Asst. 70 M. Ravinder Reddy Sr. Asst. 71 B Shyamsunder Jr. Asst. 72 G Naga Rani Jr. Asst. Assisting AC(CT) – IX Enft. In Audit Work. B3 Section, General Correspondence and IST (Incoming) Assisting to JC(CT) – III in IST (outgoing) work. A2 Section, Paybills of Gazetted Officers. Deputed to CCT Office Service Matters of Sr. Assists, Jr. Assists, Drivers and Office Subordinates. P.A to Addl. Commissioner (CT) Assisting AC(CT) – II, Enft. In Audit Work. Assisting AC(CT) – I, Enft. In audit work To Assist AC (CT) – I in Audit Work. (Inward Section) – Tappal 73 V Lalithamma Jr. Asst. (Outward Section) – Despatch. 74 S Dayamani Rec. Asst. 75 S Pentaiah Driver 76 L Gopal Reddy Driver 77 Syed Ahmed Driver 78 G Yadav Rao Driver 79 M Pullaiah Office Subordinate 80 B. Prakash Singh Office Subordinate 81 V. Hemalatha Office Subordinate 82 Dilip Manekar Office Subordinate 83 P. Kannaiah Office Subordinate 84 R. Anjaiah Office Subordinate 85 P. Mahesh Guptha Office Subordinate 86 Sadanandam Office Subordinate 87 M D Raheemuddin Office Subordinate 88 89 Syed Mohiuddin Hassan K. Shanti Kumar Office Subordinate Office Subordinate Deputation From DC(CT) SecBad. Deputation From DC(CT) SecBad. Deputation From DC(CT) Charminar Deputation From DC(CT) Charminar Deputation From DC(CT) Punjagutta Deputation From S R Office 15. E – SECTION 1 2 Sri. G. Ashok Kumar Sri B. Omeswara Rao Superintendent Senior Assistant E - 1 Relating to service matters up to the cadre of Attender to Senior Assistant including Dealing in Secunderabad Nodal Divisions i.e., City 17 Seniority issues and various court cases 3 Smt V.Archana Junior Assistant from Warangal Division E-2 - do- 4 Smt K.Rama Devi Junior Assistant E - 3 - do- 5 Smt P.Chaitanya Junior Assistant from Nellore and Guntur Nodal Divisions E - 4 - do- 6 Smt. K.Rama Devi, i/c -E-5 - do- Divisions, Hyderabad Rural Nodal Divisions (9) Divisions Guntur Nodal, Kakinada, Eluru, APPSC Notifications 5 Divisions DEO files Vizianagaram and Visakhapatnam (2 Divisions) Correspondence relates to 610 G.O, transfer guide lines and other misc. subjects Kurnool, kadapa, Chittoor, Vijayawada I & II and Ananthapur Divisions- Contingent employees 6 Divisions. Warangal Nodal Division SC/ST Information and subjects relates to Drivers and Association matters (4) Divisions 16. DX - SECTION 1 Sri. K.V.S. Prasad Superintendent (Grade-I) 2 Smt D.Sulochana ----- Sr. Asst. Administrative Sri J. Gopal Sr. Asst. Sri S.M. Ibrahim Sr. Asst. 3 4 To supervise the work allotted to the Assistants and to submit files to higher officials. Approval for Adhoc Promotions of ACTOs of Zone-II & III, Preparation of Zonal Seniority Lists of ACTOs of Zone-II & III and other related service matters. Issue of Identity Certificate for acquiring Indian Passport, Medical reimbursement bills of ACTOs both in service and Retired and their spouses. Assigning of notional date of seniority to ACTOs Zones-II and Zone-III and allegations against them and Court cases. Approval for Adhoc Promotions of ACTOs of Zone-IV & VI, Preparation of Zonal Seniority Lists of ACTOs of Zone-IV &VI and other related service matters. Issue of Identity Certificate for acquiring Indian Passport, Medical reimbursement bills of ACTOs both in service and Retired and their spouses. Assigning of notional date of seniority to ACTOs Zones-IV and Zone-VI and allegations against them and Court cases. ----- 18 Approval for Adhoc Promotions of ACTOs of Zone-I & V. Preparation of Zonal Seniority Lists of ACTOs of Zone-I & V and other related service matters. Issue of Identity Certificate for acquiring Indian Passport, Medical reimbursement bills of ACTOs both In service and Retired and their spouses. Assigning of notional date of seniority to ACTOs Zones-I and Zone-IV and allegations against them and Court cases. Notifications of vacancies of DR ACTOs to the APPSC through the Govt. Filling-up of ACTOs post of the O/o CCT with the divisional staff on tenure basis under rule 10 of APCTSS Rules 1990 and all other Miscellaneous matters. Administrative ----- 17. DZ - SECTION 1 Smt J.Jhansi Rani Superintendent Grade-1 Administrative 2 Sri A.D.P.Raj Kumar Sri V. Bhanu Prasad Sri K.V.S.Prasad Promotions,Transfers, preparation of Zonal Seniority lists and other related service matters, issue of Identity Certificates for acquiring Indian Passport, Medical reimbursement, Special Grade Scales, Notional dates, sanction of leave and allegation matters of DCTOs of Zone-I and Zone-II ----- Promotions,Transfers, preparation of Zonal Seniority lists and other related service matters, issue of Identity Certificates for acquiring Indian Passport, Medical reimbursement, Special Grade Scales, Notional dates, sanction of leave and allegation matters of DCTOs of Zone-III and Zone-IV and preparation of City list panels ----- Promotions,Transfers, preparation of Zonal Seniority lists and other related service matters, issue of Identity Certificates for acquiring Indian Passport, Medical reimbursement, Special Grade Scales, Notional dates, sanction of leave and allegation matters of ----- DZ(2) Jr. Asst. Administrative 4 ----- DZ(1) Sr. Asst. Administrative 3 To supervise the work allotted to the assistants and submit files to Higher officials. DZ(3) Sr. Asst. Administrative 19 DCTOs of Zone-V and Zone-VI and preparation of state wide integrated seniority list of the DCTOs/feeder category seniority for effecting promotion to the cade of CTO. 18.STAFF COLLEGE 1 Smt B.Amrutha Lakshmi. Deputy Commissioner (CT) Administrative Sri B.Y. Kaika Superintendent Head of the C.T Dept Staff College (Training Institute). ----- Supervise the section assistants 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 3 Sri. P. Uma Maheshwar Senior Assistant (A-Section) 5. 6. 7. 8. 4 Sri P.Uma Maheshwar Establishment Preparation of all Bills & Payments and PAO work & Reconciliation. Maintenance of CASH Book and Other registers. Number Statement of Staff AG. Audit, Library in-charge (Receipt, Issues) Inward & out ward Records & Closing Files. ----- Senior Assistamt (B. Section) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. All Trainings at C.T.D. Staff College All Trainings (Including RTI Act) at HRD All Trainings at Other State and Other Institute. Arrangement & Payment for lunch & Refreshment Maintenance of CTDSC (All Repairs and renovation etc.,) Purchase & Payments. Budget Proposals and surrenders. ----- 20 19. S.R. OFFICE 1 2 3 Sri S.V. Kasi Vishweswara Rao P.Manohar Smt V.Sushma State Representative before STAT SR is appointed by the State Government to receive on their behalf notices issued by the Appellate Tribunal and generally to appear, act and pled on their behalf in all proceedings before the Appellate Tribunal and includes an officer authorized to act on his behalf in his absence as per the Section 2 of A.P.VAT ACT 2005 : As per Section 2 of Statutory the APGST Act the State Representative is appointed by the State Government to receive on their behalf notices issued by the Tribunal and generally to appear, act and plead on their behalf in all proceedings before the Tribunal and includes an officer appointed to act on his behalf in his absence. Administrative controller of Office of the Administrative State Representative before STAT. Assistant Commissioner Assisting the SR in day to day work Commercial Tax Officer Administrative 1.Drawing and Disbursement officer 2.General Administration & Supervision. 3.Work relating to filing of T.R.Cs 4.Assisting to the SR in TA cases. 1. Supervision over the work of all staff members 2. Supervision of maintenance of TRC Watch Register and TRC Register. 3. Attending of STAT along with S.R. and noting the important points. 4. Any other work entrusted by the S.R. & the A.C from time to time. 4 Smt. D. Aparna Devi, Assistant Commercial Tax Officer Administrative 5 Sri K. Seshu Kumar Senior Assistant Administrative 6 Smt A.Hemalatha ----- ----- ----- 1. Preparation of Pay Bills 2. Contingent Billls 3. Attending to A.G. Audit work 4. Attending to Bank and PAO Office duties 5. Establishment 6. Return of records intimate by mail the decision of the Hon’ble STAT to the concerned assessing authority. 7. Any other work entrusted by the S.R. & the A.C from time to time. ----- 1. Obtaining of next day’s cause list and monitoring cause list updating in system. 2. Keeping ready the next day TA files, and records duly received from the C.T.O’s/ D.Cs/ADCs and CCT Office without fail. 3. Receiving and maintenance of C&D Forms registers and building up to T.A. files and TMP files with what ever enclosures and records required in the STAT. ----- Senior Assistant Administrative 21 4. Maintenance of O.R. Register/ Appeals pending lists. 5. Tagging the Dismissed orders in the connected T.A. files and handing over to the Record room & Tagging the allowed orders un the connected TA files and handing over to the concerned clerk. 6. Acknowledging the Asst. records taken from the concerned assistant. 7. Any other work entrusted by the S.R. & the Addl. S.R. from time to time. 7 Smt R.Mangathai Senior Assistant Administrative 8 Sri D. Ravi Kumar Sri A. Satyanarayana Sri Haroon Rasheed 1. Maintenance of record register and records keeping. 2. Inward and outward Tappals. 3. Maintenance of fair copy registers regularly 4. Distribution of daily currents to the concerned. 5. Maintenance of record room. 6. Any other work entrusted by the S.R. & the Addl. S.R. from time to time. 7. Obtaining of records from CTOs/D.Cs/ADCs and CCT Office. 8.Liason with High Court Office Subordinate Administrative 10 ----- Junior Assistant Administrative 9 1.Maintenance of Stock files 2. Maintenance of STAT and High Court Orders. 3. Maintenance of Watch Register and TRC Register & TRC Work. 4. Assist the S.R. & the A.C., CTO., in preparing material for TRC meeting and for filing of TRCs. 5. After the TRCs are numbered, sending the files to Legal Sections in the Office of the CCT under proper acknowledgement. 6. Proper filing of TRCs in time before Hon’ble High Court. 7. Any other work entrusted by the S.R. & the Addl. S.R. from time to time. 1. Attending the SR & A.C. in the Office and to carry the files and records to STAT, and get back the same to the office. 2. Any other work entrusted by the S.R. & the A.C. from time to time. Office Subordinate Administrative 1. Attending the S.R., the A.C., and the C.T.Os and to carry the files and records to STAT, and get back the same tithe office. 2. Any other work entrusted by the S.R. & the A.C. from time to time. ----- 22 20. B I – SECTION 1 Sri P.S.N. Rao Superintendent Gr.I Supervision of the work allotted to BI Section. 2 Supervisory Senior Assistant BI(1) Sri V.A.K.V. Sagar Communication of Alert Notes (V&E Dept) received from the DG. V&E Dept./ Govt. to the respective divisions and obtaining Action taken reports from all the divisions and submission of the action taken reports to the Govt./DG. V&E Dept. Clerical 3 - Sr. Assistant Vacant Clerical 4 - Sr. Assistant Vacant Clerical 21. B III – SECTION 1 Sri U.Yedukondalu 2 Sri Sitaramachandra Murtty 3 4 Smt. A. Naga Kalpana JC (CT) (Audit) FAC Review of Internal Audit Notes of all Divisions and review of dairies of ACs Audit of all Divisions. Distributions of tappals and Superintendent, supervision of work i.e. Internal Grade-I (Gazetted) Audit note of all Division Junior Assistant BIII(1) Asst. Review of Internal Audit Notes of Hyderabad (R), Sec’bad, Abids, Charminar, Punjagutta, Begumpet Chittoor, Kurnool, Adilabad, Warangal, Kadapa and Ananthapur divisions and Review of Dairies of ACs (Audit) of above Divisions. Senior Assistant BIII(2) Asst. Review of Internal Audit Notes of Eluru, Vijayawada I& II , Kakinada,Viisakhapatnam, Vizianagaram, Nellore, Guntur I&II,Nizamabad,Karimnagar, Saroornagar, Nalgonda and review of Dairies of ACs (Audit) of above divisions Vacant ----- . ----- 23 22. B II– SECTION 1 Sri. N. Ashok Reddy Joint Commissioner (CT) Enforcement-I Controlling officer of B-II section. 2 R. Bhanumathi Superintendent GradeI(Gazetted) Supervision work. 3 VACANT Since 0108-2013 due to transfer of Smt. B. Bhagyalakshmi. 4 VACANT Since 01-08-2013 of entire Section Maintenance of petitions received & transmitted to the concerned Divisional Officers against the dealers of Vizianagaram, Vishakapatnam, Eluru, Kakinada, Vijayawada-I & II, Guntur-I&II, Nellore, Chittoor, Kadapa, Kurnool, Ananthapur Divisions. Maintenance of petitions received & transmitted to the concerned Divisional Officers against the dealers of Warangal Adilabad & Karimnagar, Nalgonda, Nizamabad, Hyderabad(R), Saroornagar, Secunderabad, Abids, Charminar, Panjagutta and Begumpet Divisions. 23. B IV - SECTION 1. Sri U.Yedukondalu JC(CT)(Audit-I) (FAC) 2. 3 4 Sri K.Nagendra Kumar Asst. Commissioner, Audit J. Christopher Superintendent, Grade-I Sr. Asst B-IV, (1) Vacant Sr. Asst. B-IV, (2) Vacant Sr. Asst. B-IV, (3) Sri K.Hrushi Kesava 5 6 Supervision of AG Audit work of all the divisions in the State, Registration work including CRU returns and payment Compliance including levy of interest and penality and unilateral assessment Supervision of AG, Audit work of all the divisions in the State. Supervision of the Section Staff Local Audit Reports pertaining to All divisions in the state. Draft Paras included in the C & AG reports for the years 2001-02, 2002-03, 2004-05, 2008-09 & 2010-11 and Preparation of Explanatory Notes for PAC Meetings. Draft Paras included in the C & AG reports for the years 200304,2005-06,2006-07,200708,2008-09,2009-10 and preparation of Explanatory Notes for PAC Meetings. ----- 24 24. B V - SECTION Sri. T. Ramesh Babu, Joint Commissioenr,(CT, Legal Affairs Sri V.Harshavardhan) Joint Commissioenr,(CT), (DMU & Minor Acts) Sri K. Chandra Sekhar Reddy Joint Commissioner (CT), Audit Commercial Tax Officer (R&A) Sri K.Rajendra Prasad VACANT 1 2 3 4. 5 Sri R.V.Subbaiah Commercial Tax Officer, (R&A), to Assist Sri K.Chandrasekahr Reddy J C(CT), Audit Senior Assistant. BV (2) 6 Sri. D.Krishna Reddy Sr. Asst. BV (3) Sri. K. Raghukishore Sr. Asst. BV (4) 7 8 Tax refunds relating to Charminar, Adilabad, Nizamabad, Kadapa, Hyderabad, (Rural), Visakhapatnam, Chittoor and Warangal. Monthly Reviews on VAT and TOT returns. Tax refunds relating to Begumpet, Secunderabad, Nalgonda, Karimnagar, Anantapur, Vizianagaram, Nellore, Guntur-I and Narasaraopet Divisions. Monthly Reviews on VAT and TOT returns. Tax refunds relating to Punjagutta, Abids, Saroornagar, Kurnool, Kakinada, Vijaywawada-I, Vijaywawada-II and Eluru Divisions. Processing of Refunds and any work entrusted by JC (CT) Processing of refunds and any work entrusted by JC(CT) Refunds under all Acts other than APVAT Act, 2005 and CST Acts before 01-04-2005 pertaining to all divisions--Reconciliation of refunds with books of Treasury, AG books and other agencies. Reviews on Refunds of all Acts including APVAT, APGST & CST Acts. Review and analysis of VAT Audits of all 25 Divisions. Information on cheques involved more than Rs. 10.00 lakhs bounced cheques above 1 lakh and any other work entrusted by the JC(General) General and miscellaneous correspondence, maintenance of registers and records, preparation of statistics, coordination with CCW, Treasury, AG, Banks and other agencies related to refunds matters, maintenance of stock files, closed files etc., and any other work entrusted by the JC(CT) (Audit). 25. A II - SECTION 1 Sri. G. Venkateswarlu Additional Commissioner (CT) Legal AP Hyderabad. Administration & Head of the Department (General) 2 Vacant ----- Deputy Commissioner (CT) General Assistance to Additional Commissioner (CT) General (FAC) ----- 25 To Attend the meetings in Commissioner of Industries. 3 Smt. G. Manjula 4 Sri M. Subrahnanyam Deputy Commercial Tax Officer (General) Supervise the section Assistants. To attend the meetings in Commissioner of Industries. Superintendent Supervise the Section Assistants. 5 Smt. P.V. Meenakshi ----- Senior Assistant AII(1) 6 Sri. Mahaboob Basha Senior Assistant AII(2) 7 Smt. Gulnaz Begum Junior Assistant AII(3) 1) Tax Incentives relating to Adilabad, Karimnagar, Nizamabad, Warangal, Warangal, Nalgonda, Kadapa, Kurnool, Anantapur and Chittor Division. 1) Tax incentives relating to Visakhapatnam, Vizianagaram, Kakinada, Eluru, Vijayawada-I & II, Guntur – I &II and Nellore Divisions. 2) STP Enrollment files and Issuing of ID Cards. 1) Tax Incentives relating to all city divisions viz., Punjagutta, Abids, Secunderabad, Begumpet, Hyderabad (Rural) Charminar & Saroornagar Division. 26. A III – SECTION 1. 2. Sri.G.Lakshmi Prasad Sri P. Murali Krishna Addl. Commissioner (CT), Policy 1. Policy & Law related to VAT Act Statutory and upcoming GST 2. Member in Advance Rulling Committee 3.Conducting Tax Payer Awareness Programmes with Trade Associations 4. Inter State Correspondence on VAT Act 5. Attending Empowered Committee Meetings at New Delhi on VAT Policy Matters and GST 6. Issuing clarifications to Deputy Commissioner(CT) and Trade 7. Assisting for Group of Ministers meeting on VAT Policy issues. 8. Attending Departmental review meetings by CM/Minister for Commercial Taxes. 9. Corresponding with Government of India, Empowered Committee Subordinate Officers, Trade Associations, individual dealers and other Departments etc. Assisting the Addl. CCT in Senior Assistant discharging his all duties, envisaged above. --------------------------------- 26 27. ACCOUNTS SECTION 1 Smt Sudha Madhuri DCTO(General) 2 Smt. B. Annapurana Senior Assistant 3 Smt. B. Annapurana Senior Assistant 4 Sri. T. Ramulu Senior Assistant Drawing and Disbursing Officer Preparation of Pay bills arrears bills, income tax form 16, and pay drawn particulars pertaining to Gazetted officer. Disbursement of cash, maintenance of cash book, permanent advance and Reconciliation. Preparation of pay bills, arrears bills , prof. tax and income tax and form -16 pay drawn particulars for income tax, pertaining to NGO’s Drivers, Last Grade Service and others,(Alwyn staff, sweepers, Scavengers, watchmen)except Gazetted Officersncilation. Preparation of Miscellaneous Bills, Loans and Advance Claim Bills, water Electricity, Petrol, hire vehicles, and telephone Bills etc., Preparation of TDS challans, filling of income Tax returned ice pay bills arrears bills prof.tax 28. AI Section 1 Sri V. Harshavardan Joint Commissioner(CT) DMU & Minor Acts 2 Sri K. Srinivas Rao Deputy Commissioner (CT) DMU & Minor Acts 3. Bharat Singh Naik Assistant Commissioner (CT) DMU &Minor Acts 1. Implementation and all correspondence on all matters relating to Andhra Pradesh Profession Tax Act, A.P. Entertainment Tax Act, A.P. Entry Tax Act, A.P. Horse Racing and Betting Tax Act, A.P. Luxury Tax Act, R.D. Cess Act, A.P. Entry Tax Act on Motor Vehicles, other then amendments and clarifications. 2. Supervision & Administration of Debt Management Unit. 3. Any work entrusted by Commissioner (CT). 1. Implementation and all correspondence on all matters relating to Andhra Pradesh Profession Tax Act, A.P. Entertainment Tax Act, A.P. Entry Tax Act, A.P. Horse Racing and Betting Tax Act, A.P. Luxury Tax Act, R.D. Cess Act, A.P. Entry Tax Act on Motor Vehicles, other then amendments and clarifications. 2. Supervision & Administration of Debt Management Unit. 3. All Correspondence relating to Old Arrear files and 4. Any work entrusted by Joint Commissioner (CT) DMU & Minor Acts 1.Implementation and all correspondence on all matters relating to Andhra Pradesh Profession Tax Act, A.P. Entertainment Tax Act, R.D.Case ACT, A.P.Entry Tax Act on Motor Vehicle, other than 27 3 VACANT Superintendent 4 M.Jayawardhan Senior Assistant 5 K. Kavitha Reddy Sr.Assistant amendments and clarifications. 2.Supervision& Administration of Debt Management Unit. 3.All Correspondenct relating to Old Arrears files and 4.Any work entrusted by Joint Commissioner(CT0 and Deputy Commissioner (CT), DMU &Minor Acts. 1A.P. Entertainment Tax, A.P.Entry Tax, Horse Race Betting Tax, Exemptions,Clarifications, Wavier of Tax, Amendments, Complaints, petitions of Total Divisions. 2. APGST Act, Works Contract, Exemptions, Clarifications, Wavier of Tax, Amendments, Complaints, Petitions of Total Divisions. 3. A.P. Professional Tax Act, Luxury tax Act, Rural Development Cess Act, Exemptions, Clarifications, Wavier of Tax, Amendments, Complaints, Petitions of Total Divisions Correspondence on all matters relating to A.P. Entertainment Tax Act, A.P. Entry Tax Act, Horse Race Betting Tax Act, Exemptions, Clarifications, Wavier of Tax, Amendments, Complaints, Petitions of Total Divisions 1. APGST Act, Works Contract, Exemptions, Clarifications, Wavier of Tax, Amendments, Complaints, Petitions of Total Divisions. 2. A.P. Professional Tax Act, Luxury tax Act, Rural Development Cess Act. 29. DMU Section 1 Sri V. Harshavardhan Joint Commissioner (CT) (DMU & Minor Acts) K. Srinivasa Rao Deputy Commissioner (CT) (DMU & Minor Acts) 2 1. Implementation and all correspondence on all matters relating to Andhra Pradesh Profession Tax Act, A.P. Entertainment Tax Act, A.P. Entry Tax Act, A.P. Horse Racing and Betting Tax Act, A.P. Luxury Tax Act, R.D. Cess Act, A.P. Entry Tax Act on Motor Vehicles, other then amendments and clarifications. 2. Supervision & Administration of Debt Management Unit. . Any work entrusted by Commissioner (CT). 1. Implementation and all correspondence on all matters relating to Andhra Pradesh Profession Tax Act, A.P. Entertainment Tax Act, A.P. Entry Tax Act, A.P. Horse Racing and Betting Tax Act, A.P. Luxury Tax Act, R.D. Cess Act, A.P. Entry Tax Act on Motor Vehicles, other then amendments and clarifications. 2. Supervision & Administration of Debt Management Unit. 3. All Correspondence relating to Old Arrear files and 4. Any work entrusted by Joint 28 Commissioner (CT) DMU & Minor Acts 3. Vacant Assistant Commissioner (CT) DMU &Minor Act. 3 VACANT Superintendent Grade-I 4 5 6 Sri Raghuveer Junior Assistant F3&F2 Sri Raghuveer Junior Assistant F1 &F6 Sri Raghuveer Junior Assistant F43 &F5 1.. Implementation and all correspondence on all matters relating to Andhra Pradesh Profession Tax Act, A.P. Entertainment Tax Act, A.P. Entry Tax Act, A.P. Horse Racing and Betting Tax Act, A.P. Luxury Tax Act, R.D. Cess Act, A.P. Entry Tax Act on Motor Vehicles, other then amendments and clarifications. 2. Supervision & Administration of Debt Management Unit. 3. All Correspondence relating to Old Arrear files and 4. Any work entrusted by Joint Commissioner (CT) DMU & Minor Acts and Deputy Commissioner (CT) DMU & Minor Acts 1. All Correspondence relating to Old Arrear files 2. Supervision of F1,F4,F5 & F6, F3 & F2. 3.Any work entrusted by Joint Commissioner (CT) DMU & Minor Acts 1. All Correspondence relating to Old Arrear files of Nellore, Ongle, Anantapur, Chittoor, Kadapa, Guntur-I, Guntur-II, Visakhapatnam,Eluru, Kakinada and Kurnool. 2. Permissions for attachments under APGST, VAT and CST Acts 3. Old Arrears writeoff proposals under all acts. 4. Any work entrusted by Joint Commissioner (CT) DMU & Minor Acts. 1. All Correspondence relating to Old Arrear files of Saroornagar, Vijayawada-I, VijayawadaII,Warangal,Karimnagar, Nizamabad, Nalgonda, Hyderabad Rural and Adilabad. 2. Permissions for attachments under APGST, VAT and CST Acts 3. Old Arrears writeoff proposals under all acts. 4. Any work entrusted by Joint Commissioner (CT) DMU & Minor Acts. 1. All Correspondence relating to Old Arrear files of Abids, Begumpt, Punjagutta, Charminar and Secunderabad. 2. Permissions for attachments under APGST, VAT and CST Acts 3. Old Arrears writeoff proposals under all acts. 4. Any work entrusted by Joint Commissioner (CT) DMU & Minor Acts. 30. D Section 29 1 N. Madhavi Superintendent 2 Sri G.Subhramanyam D1 Senior Asst 3 Sri G. Shiva Subramanayam D2 Senior Asst 4 Bala Veeranna D4 Senior Asst 5 K. Abhimanya Kumar DEO Service matters if CTO and above cadre in the state. 1) Maintenance of Service Registers of the officer in the cadre of Addl. CCT, JCs, DC’s and AC, s, CTO,s working in the O/o CCT, Hyd. 2) Sanction of all kinds of leaves and maintenance of related registers. 3) Sanction of Medical reimbursement in respect of serving and retired officers in the cadre CTO and above. 4) Encashment of Earned leaves in respect of serving and retired officers. 5) Pay fixations of the officers working in O/o. CCT, Hyd and all DCs and above cadres in the state. 6) Transfers and postings making of FAC arrangement to the vacant posts and maintenance of Vacancy position in the cadre of CTO & above cadre 1) Preparation of regular/adhoc panels of CTO and sending proposals to Govt. in respect of AC, DC, JC and Addl. CCT. Cadre. 2) Seniority lists, revisions thereon. 3) Promotions. 4) City list quota vacancies and promotions there on to the cadre of CTO. 5) Preparation of proposals to Govt. for selection of Non-SCS officers as IAS. 6) Notification of vacancies in the cadre of CTO to the APPSC. 7) Related court cases. 1) Allegations on officers in the cadre of CTO and above. 2) Maintenance of ACR files. 3) Maintenance of Property Statement Files. 4) Permissions under A.P.CS (Conduct) Rules. 5) Appointment of CTOs in DR category, Training thereon. 6) Issue of No-Objection Certificates for obtaining Indian Pass port. Typing Work of drafts and notes, fair copies. CHAPTER 4 PROCEDURE FOLLOWED IN DECISION MAKING PROCESS [SECTION 4 (1) (B) (III)] 4.1 Describe the procedure followed in decision-making by the public authority Activity Description Decision-making process Designation of final decisionmaking authority 30 Goal-setting & planning Fixation of Targets for collection of taxes Targets fixed by the Commissioner (Commercial Taxes) Budgeting Fixation of budget for Assessment of budget by the Commissioner (CT). Budget allotted by the Govt.will be redistributed to Head Office, Divisional Offices and Circle Offices in 4 quarters. -Do- Decisions taken in consultation with Special Commissioner -Do- Formulation of programmes, schemes and projects 1) Computerisation 2) Project Management Team 3)Training 4) Enforcement Wing 5) General Budget of the Dept. 1) Computerisation Commissioner of Commercial Taxes Decisions taken in consultation with Additional Commissioner (Policy) Recruitment/hiring of personnel 2) Project Management Team 3) Training Recruitment in the cadre of CTO/ACTO and Junior Assistants/Stenos/Typist s and Attenders Recruitment made by APPSC / District Selection Committee/Employmen t Exchange -Do- -Do- Release of funds Release of funds by State Government Commissioner(CT) in consultation with Senior Officers allots funds to Head Office and Divisions Implementation/deliver y of service/utilization of funds Utilization of funds allotted by Government to Commercial Taxes Department By Commissioner (CT) in consultation with Senior Officers Monitoring & evaluation Monitoring of revenue collection By Commissioner(CT) in consultation with Additional Commissioner (Policy) Gathering feedback from public Grievance Cells in Head Office and in all Divisions Redressal of grievance of dealers/staff by Commissioner(CT) Undertaking improvements Formulation of Goods & Services Tax Act 2010 (proposed) By Empowered Committee on Goods & Services Tax 2010 & Project Management Team (proposed) CHAPTER 5 Norms set for the Discharge of Functions (Section 4(1)(b)(iv)) Commissioner at State Level and Deputy Commissioners at Divisional level Commissioner (CT) at Head Office and Deputy Commissioners at divisional level -Do- Commissioner (CT) 31 5.1 Please provide the details of the norms/standards set by the public authority for the discharge of its functions/delivery of services. Sl.No. Function/Service 1 Issue of Registration 2 Issue of Forms (Statutory) 3 Stay/Instalments Norms/standards of performance set Time frame a) Companies 7 days b) Manufacturing Units c) Retail dealers 7 days d) Others a) C, G, F, Way Bills b) Tax paid/Clearance Certificate c) Tax holiday/deferment 30 days 24 hours 5 days 2 days Certificate a) Disposal of Stay petitions 15 days 3 days b) Grant of instalments 15 days c) Grant of Refunds d) Release of Goods Vehicles 90 days 48 days e) Certified copies of orders Reference document prescribing the norms (Citizen’s Charter, Service Charter etc) Citizen Charter 7 days CHAPTER 6 RULES, REGULATIONS, INSTRUCTIONS, MANUAL AND RECORDS FOR DISCHARGING FUNCTIONS SL.NO. DESCRIPTION [Section 4(1)(b)(v) & (vi) GIST OF CONTENTS PRICE OF THE PUBLICATION IF PRICED C-SECTION RULES & REGULATIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 A.P.Ministerial Service Rules A.P.State & Subordinate Service Rules A.P.Last Grade Service Rules A.P.General Subordinate Service Rules Fundamental Rules A.P.Leave Rules ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --------- --------- 32 --------- --------- As per Act and Rules ----- ----- T.A files only ----- ----- A,PC.S & CCA Rules ----- ----- A.P.Vigilance commission Manuals I,II,III,IV ----- ----- ----- ----- MANUALS 1 District Office Manual SR BEFORE STAT RULES & REGULATIONS 1 RECORDS 1 VIGILANCE SECTION RULES & REGULATIONS 1 MANUALS 1 PR WING RULES & REGULATIONS 1 As per Right to Information Act, 2005 LII - SECTION RULES & REGULATIONS 1 RULES & REGULATIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The section dealings All Acts (including Rules & Regulations) Except APET Act A I - SECTION APGST ACT AND RULES, 1957 A.P.Entertainment Tax Act and Rules, 1939 A.P. Tax on Entry of Motor vehicles into Local Areas Act and Rules, 1996 A.P. Tax on Entry of Goods into Local Areas Act and Rules, 2001 Horse Race Betting Tax Act and Rules. A.P. Professsion, Trading, Calling and Employment Act and Rules, 1987 A.P. Luxury Tax Act and Rules, Registration, Filing of Returns, Levy of Tax, Collection of Tax etc., Registration of Theatres, Filing of Returns, Levy and collection of APET Etc. Motor Vehicles definition, Levy of Entry Tax, Collection of Tax etc., Tax on certain commodities notified from time to time by the Government. (At present the Entry Tax is struck down by the Hon’ble High Court of Andhra Pradesh) Tax on Horse Racing and Betting Conducted in the Races Conducted at Malkpet Race Course, Hyderabad. Profession Tax and various professions, trades, employments etc., levy and collection etc., Levy and Collection of Tax on Luxuries like Hotels, Hospitals etc., ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 33 8 A.P. R.D. Cess Act and Rules, Levy of R.D. Cess on Rice 1996 Millers etc., A III - SECTION ----- RULES & REGULATIONS As per the powers delegated by the APVAT Act 2005 1 INSTRUCTIONS As per the instructions issued by the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh from time to time. E-SECTION 1 RULES & REGULATIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Fundamental Rules AP Leave Rules ----- ----- Government Instructions ----- ----- District Office Manual STAFF COLLEGE ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A.P.Ministerial Service Rules A.P.State & Subordinate Service Rules A.P.Last Grade Service Rules A.P.General Subordinate Service Rules Fundamental Rules A.P.Leave Rules DX-SECTION RULES & REGULATIONS 2 3 AP State and Sub-Ordinate Service AP CT Sub-Ordinate Service Rules APCS (Conduct) Rules 1 District Office Manual 1 MANUALS DZ-SECTION RULES & REGULATIONS 1 2 3 4 5 INSTRUCTIONS 1 MANUALS 1 AP State and Sub-Ordinate Service AP CT Sub-Ordinate Service Rules APCS (Conduct) Rules RULES & REGULATIONS 1 2 3 MANUALS AP State and Sub-Ordinate Service AP CT Sub-Ordinate Service Rules APCS (Conduct) Rules 34 1 ----- District Office Manual ----- Chapter 7 Categories of Documents held by the Public Authority under its Control ( Section 4 (1) (b) V (i) ) Sl. No. Category of document Designation & adressof the custodian ( held by/ under the control of whom) Title of the document VAT SECTION 1 Budgets & Establishments Budget & Estb. Files Sr. Asst. / Dy. Commissioner 2 Administration Admn. Files Sr. Asst. / Dy. Commissioner 3 Advance Rulings A.R.Files Sr.Asst. /Addl.CCT/ JC/ JC Chapter 8 Arrangement for Consultation with, or Representation by, the members of the Public in relation to the Formulation of Policy or implementation thereof [Section 4(1)(b) viii] Sl.No. 1 Function/Service Greviances of Trade inrespect of enactment /classification of goods / doubts raised are being addressed under APVAT Act 05. Arrangements for consultation with or representation of public in relations with policy formulation A III – SECTION Arrangements for consultation with or representation of public in relations with policy implementation Attending meetings conducted by After taking the suggestions and Trade Assocations. after discussing the issue with all Taking their suggestions inrespect of practicle problems if any faced by them, under APVAT Act'05. senior officers decisions are taken to redress the Trade greviances not deviating with the norms fixed by Empowered Committee. CHAPTER 9 Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies constituted as part of Public Authority (Section 4 (1)(b)v(iii)) NIL 35 CHAPTER 10 DIRECTORY OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES [SECTION 4(1)(b)(ix)] SL. NO. (1) 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 NAME OF OFFICE/ ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT (2) COMMISSIONER OF COMMERCIAL TAXES TELEPHONE & FAX NAME, DESIGNATION AND ADDRESS OF OFFICER (3) Sri Hiralal Samaria, I.A.S., Commissioner (CT) Smt. Christina Z.Chongthu I.A.S Spl. Commissioner (CT) Sujatha Sharma, Secretary Sri G. Lakshmi Prasad, , Addl. CCT, General Sri D. Ramachandra Reddy, Addl CCT(Policy), Sri R.V. Reddy IRS, Additional Commissioner(Enforcement-II) Sri M. Pampa Pathi, Addl CCT Dept Member, APSTAT, Hyderabad Sri G. Venkateswarlu, Additional Commissioner(CT) (Legal) Sri T. Ramesh Babu, JC (Legal Affairs ) Sri U.Yedukondalu, J.C (CT) Legal Sri V Harshavardhan, JC (CT), (DMU & Minior Acts) MOBILE (4) OFFICE (5) 8978866221 23550866 - 24604940 8978288399 24604940 9949992307 24602859 9000992008 24740841 7702577997 24600731 9949992304 24602240 9949992628 24740841 9949992858 24618400 9949992317 24602171 9949992880 24650005 9949992834 24602171 9949992284 24602171 9949992310 24740840 9949992911 24602171 9949992965 24600181 9949992450 24602171 9949992318 24602171 9949992313 24602171 18 N.Ashok Reddy, JC(CT) Enft-I Sri K.Chandrasekhar Reddy, Joint Commissioner (CT), (Audit) Sri Y.Satyanarayana, Joint Commissioner(CT),(Computers) Smt. B. Revathi Rohini, , J.C., (Enforcement –I) Smt.B. Amrutha Laxmi, DC(CT) (Staff College & PMT) Sri K Srinivasa Rao, DC (DMU & MA) Sri P. Narasimha Rao, DC (Statistics) Sri B.Vishnu Swarup, DC(CT), Legal Affairs 19 Usha Reddy, DC(CT) 24602171 20 S. Eswaraiah, DC (CT) 24602171 21 Sri A.Dayal Das, DC (CT),IST Sri M.Linga Reddy, DC (CT) EIU Sri P.Srinivasa Rao, DC (CT) Services 12 13 14 15 16 17 22 23 9949992629 24602171 9949992601 24602171 9848099778 24602171 36 24 25 Deepa Reddy, Commissioner (CT), IT 26 27 Asst. 9949992335 24602171 Smt I Samyukta Rani, A.C. 9949992853 24602171 9949992986 24602171 28 Sri T. Rajesham, A.C. Sri S.V. Kasivishweshwar Rao, A.C. 9949992662 24602171 29 Sri V.Srinivasa Reddy, A.C. 9949992929 24602171 30 Sri K.Rama Rao, A.C 9949992991 24602171 31 G. Sumathi 9908722241 24602171 32 U.Padmavathi Prasanna, AC 9949992972 24602171 33 Sri K.Viswanatham, AC 9949992977 24602171 34 Sri R. Rajeswar Rao, A C Sri M. Rama Doss, Economist / PRO 9949992976 24602171 9949992340 24732136 9949992770 9949992896 24602171 37 Sri P. Rajendra Prasad CTO I/c Sri K.Lakshman Rao, CTO I/c 38 Sri Bheemla, CTO I/c 9949992947 24602171 39 Sri B.Upender Reddy, DCTO 8978333441 24602171 40 Sri K. Krishnaiah, DCTO 7702100779 24602171 41 Smt C. Shankuntala, DCTO Sri V.K.Sankar Prasad, Supdt:Grade I Smt G.Prameela, Supdt: Grade I 8008886652 24602171 7702400648 24602171 7702400645 24602171 Smt M,Shoba, Supdt: grade I Sri B.S.Samyuktha, Supt : Grade I Sri G.Ashok Kumar, Supdt : Grade I Sri B.Balakrishna, Supdt : Grade I Smt R.Bhanumathi, Supdt: Grade I Sri V.Venkateswar Rao, Private Secretary to CCT Sri B Rishikesava, Supdt., Grade-I Sri P Suresh, Supdt., Grade - I Sri Sreerama Chandra Murthy, Supdt. Grade-I 7702400646 24602171 7702400651 24602171 7702400652 24602171 7702400653 24602171 7702400654 24602171 7702400657 24602171 9704958381 9704958380 24602171 24602171 - 24602171 35 36 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF COMMERCIAL TAXES (Land phone and Intercom/Extension Nos.) S.No. 1 2 3 4 SECTION NAME COMMISSIONER CT CCT PESHI SPL COMM SPL COMM PESHI EXTENTION/INTERCOM NO. 100,101,102 103 109,110 107 24602171 Fax No.24618912 Land Phone Nos: EPA BX- 04024732136,24732480,24732507 S.No. SECTION NAME 87 AC CP 88 AC ENFT 89 AC PMT 90 AC VAT EXTENTION/INTERCOM NO. 217 218 219 220 37 5 104 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 SECRETARY TO CCT ADDL. COOM.CT POLICY ADDL COMM GENERAL ADDL COMM CT LEGAL ADD COMM CCT ENFT DM STAT (ADDL, CCT) JC LEGAL AFFAIRS JC COMPUTERS JC LEGAL JC DMU AND MINOR ACTS JC AUDIT JC ENFT-I JC ENFT-II DC DISC WING-1 DC DISC WING-2 DC ISI DC LEGAL DC SPL. COMMD1 DC SPL COMMD2 SR DC STAFF COLLEGE DC PMT DC STATISTICS AC COMPUTERS AC SERVICES 30 31 AC VIGILANCE AC LEGAL1 203 204 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 AC LEGAL 2 205 7 8 9 115 108 173 145 323 142 119 225 127 122 216 145 151 152 151 173 157 159 163 165 161 201 200 202 91 AC VAT AUDIT 221 92 CTO 1 [DISC WING] 93 CTO 11 [DISC WING] 222 223 94 CTO [LEGAL] 95 CTO SR 96 CTO 1 [SPL. COMMD] 97 CTO 11 [SPL. COMMD] 98 CTO 111 [SPL. COMMD] 99 CTO 1V [SPL. COMMD] 100 CTO ENFT 1 101 CTO ENFT 2 102 CTO ENFT 3 103 CTO ENFT 4 104 CTO ENFT 5 105 CTO ENFT 6 106 CTO ENFT 7 (DCTO 5) 107 CTO ENFT 8 108 CTO REFUND 1 109 CTO REFUND 2 110 CTO REFUND 3 111 CTO REFUND 4 112 CTO REFUND 5 113 CTO REFUND 6 114 CTO DMU 115 CTO PMT 116 CTO SEC GENERAL (ASST SEC GENERAL) 117 SECT STAT 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 118 119 120 121 PRO DCTO COMPUTERS DCTO GENERAL MANAGER ENF 248 249 250 251 122 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 PRO CELL SUPDT CCW SEC I.E.G STAFF INCCW HCL STAFF CCW HCL STAFF TRAINING ROOM APTS SECTION STATISTICS SEC C SECTION D SECTION DX SECTION DZ SECTION E SECTION G SECTION M SECTION VIGILANCE SECTION ACCOUNTS SECTION 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 246 247 38 54 55 56 57 318 319 320 321 206 140 INWARD 141 OUTWARD (DESPATCH) 142 RENEO OPERATOR 143 RECORD SECTION 144 DM STATISTICS BRANCH 145 DM STAT PESHI 146 SR OFFICE SECTION 147 L1 SECTION 148 L2 SECTION 149 L3 SECTION 150 L4 SECTION 151 L5 SECTION 152 TIN & SYS CONTROL ROOM 153 CCW ( COMPUTERS ) 154 DMU SECTION 155 A1 SECTION 156 A2 SECTON 157 A3 SECTION 158 B1 SECTION 159 B2 SECTION 160 B3 SECTION 161 SR BEFORE STAT 162 SR BEFORE STAT PESHI 207 163 ENFORCEMENT 341 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 164 STAFF COLLEGE SEC 165 ADC PAN SECTION 166 ADC SEC SECTION 167 ADC HYD SECTION 168 XEROX 169 CDSC 342 343 344 345 346 352 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 70 AC COMPUTERS 71 AC STATISTICS 72 AC SERVICES 73 AC VIGILANCE 74 AC LEGAL 1 75 AC LEGAL 11 76 AC REFUND AUDIT 1 77 AC REFUND AUDIT 11 78 AC REFUND AUDIT 111 79 AC DMU 80 AC AUDIT 81 BZ SECTION 82 AC ISI 83 AC ENFT 1 84 AC ENFT 11 85 AC ENFT 111 86 AC ENFT 1V 200 201 202 203 204 205 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 39 Chapter 11 Monthly Remuneration received by Officers and Employees, including the System of Compensation as provided in Regulations [Section 4 (1)(b)(x)] Commissioner Office Sl. No. Name of the Officer/ Employee Designation Monthly Remuneration including its composition 1 Sri Heeralal Samariya I.A.S. Commissioner(CT) 2 Vacant Spl. Commissioner (CT) 3 Sri G. Laksmi Prasad ADDL. CCT 107689 AS PER P.R.C. 4 Sri D.Ramachandra Reddy ADDL. CCT 107769 AS PER P.R.C. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Sri G.Venkateswarlu Sri N.Ashok Reddy Sri K.Chandra Sekhar Reddy Smt B Revathi Rohini Sri Y.Satyanarayana Sri U.Yedukondalu Sri P.Srinivasa Rao Sri D. Linga Reddy Smt G Kalpana Sri P.Narsimha Rao Sri G.Rajesh Kumar Sri K.Bharat Singh Naik Sri E.Jitender Reddy Sri M.Yadagiri Sri R.Rajeswara Rao Sri S. Shyam Rao Sri Ch. Venkat Rao Sri P.Manohar H.S.L. Mangala Deepthi Sri K. Srinivasa Rao Sri G. Prabhakara Murthy Smt. P.Vaishnavi Sri K.Rajendra Prasad Sri P.Harindra Babu Sri M.Ramadoss Sri K.Visweswara Rao Smt. Susma Vydyam David Anil Kumar Dumpa Sri B. Krishna Murthy Smt G Sunitha Smt K Suvarna Rani Smt J Sudha Madhuri Smt G Manjula Sri Viswa Kiran Smt G Prameela ADDL. CCT J.C(CT) J.C(CT) JC (CT) JC (CT) JC (CT) DC (CT) DC (CT) AC(CT) AC (CT) AC (CT) AC (CT) AC (CT) AC (CT) AC (CT) AC (CT) AC (CT) AC (CT) AC (CT) AC (CT) AC (CT) AC (CT) AC(CT) AC(CT) Economist CTO CTO CTO CTO DCTO DCTO DCTO DCTO DCTO Supdt. Grade-I 107849 105646 105646 103442 105566 107689 105076 97232 68002 99102 48764 47508 51374 75138 78806 89291 80524 68112 47508 54925 68112 38159 82093 83922 78696 43559 40509 40509 54261 37357 40509 39406 37357 36332 54121 AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. 37 38 39 173800 System of compensation to determine Remuneration as given in regulation AS PER CENTRAL P.R.C. - - AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. 40 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 Sri R Bhanumati Sri G Ashok Kumar Smt M Shoba Sri B. Balakrishna Sri Hrushikesheva Sri R. Sitaramachandra Murthy Sri P.Suresh Sri V Venkateshwara Rao Sri M. Subramanyam Smt SVP Sarvani Sri B. Ramesh Sri K. Venkata Ratnam Sri Y Sambasiva Rao Sri T. V. Bhaskar Sri R.S.R.A. Sarma Sri V.V.S. Ravi Kumar Sri S.K. Madhar Jani Sri K.V.S. Prasad Smt. N.Madhavi Sri N.S. Sreenivasulu Sri J Srinivas Smt M Suneetha Sri T.Ramulu Sri A.Balaveeranna Sri A.D.P.Rajakumar Sri P.Murali Krishna Sri R.V.Subbaiah Sri S.V.Raghavacharyulu Sri V.Bhanu Prasad Smt G.Vijayalakshmi Sri S.Giridhar Sri J. Kristophar Sri M.Prasada Rao Smt K.Kavitha Reddy Sri G.Sivasubrahmanyam Y.Lakshmi Kanth Sri K.Seshu Kumar Sri K.Raghu Kishore Smt V.Madhavi Sri B.Bhaskar Rao Smt R.Manga Tai Smt H.Aruna Kumari Smt G.Nirmala Devi Sri J. Venkatesham Sri P.Gangi Reddy Sri Syed Ashfaq Hussain Sri K.Sai Ramana Kumar Smt M.Rajyalakshmi Sri G.Balaji Sri G Subrahmanyam Smt P V Meenakshi Sri P A B K V K Varma Sri Ch.Gopalu Supdt. Grade-I Supdt. Grade-I Supdt. Grade-I Supdt. Grade-I Supdt. Grade-I Supdt. Grade-I Supdt. Grade-I P.S. to CCT Supdt. Supdt. Supdt. Supdt. Supdt. Supdt. Supdt. Supdt. Supdt. Supdt. Supdt. S.C.S S.C.S Sr. Steno Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst Sr.Asst Sr.Asst Sr.Asst Sr.Asst Sr.Asst Sr.Asst. 52728 54121 58432 55761 56981 55531 41701 36682 39466 43922 50081 48764 51414 38382 50021 51464 50051 45161 40509 46601 43238 31915 47553 32485 40539 31615 40599 38462 32485 48764 41641 32485 39466 30745 40539 23703 25261 39431 30705 43278 41641 29893 47538 40509 38382 33355 33370 32495 28415 40589 48839 32445 30745 AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. 41 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 Smt O.Usha Rani Sri N.Venkata Rami Reddy Smt. D.Vidya Rani Smt D.Sulochana Smt. B. Annapurna Sri B Yadagiri Sri K. Ramana Kumar Sri K. Chinna Sri PVN Satyanarayana Sri K.Chandrasekhar Sri V A K A Sagar Sri M Ravinder Reddy Sri K Bala Bheem Sri M.Jayavarddhan Sri P Lingeswar Rao Sri Sultan-Bin-Mohammed Smt G Nagarani Smt S Shoba Rani Sri P Chaitanya Smt Gulnaz Beghum Smt. K. Ramadevi Smt. V.Archana Smt. Ch. Manasa Sri G.Kullyappa Smt. K.Lakshmi Sri B. Raghu Veer Smt. B.Bhagylakshmi Sri D.V. Srinath Sri Y. Malakondaiah Sri Solomon Raju Sri K Pradeep Solomon Sri P Ashok Kumar Sri K Mohan Rao Sri K Ramdas Sri S Ganesh Sri D Venkateswar Rao Sri M Radhakrishna Sri T Eswara Rao Sri R Ramesh Sri S Srisailam Sri T Rama Krishna Rao Sri A Lakshmaiah Sri P Ravinder Sri V Ramesh Sri A Satyanarayana Smt M.Swaroopa Sri Md.Jaleel Pasha Sri K.Narsimha Sri Md.Yaseen Smt R.Yellamma Smt B.Yadamma Sri Md.Abdul Khader Sri R.Shantilal Jain Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst Sr.Asst Sr.Asst Sr.Asst Sr.Asst Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst Sr.Asst Sr.Asst Sr.Asst. Sr.Asst Jr.Asst Jr.Asst Jr.Asst Jr.Asst Jr.Asst Jr.Asst Jr.Asst Jr.Asst Jr.Asst Jr.Asst Jr.Asst Jr.Asst Jr.Asst Jr.Asst Jr.Asst Typist Typist Driver Driver Driver Sr.Driver Driver T.O. T.O. R.O. Off.Sub Off.Sub Off.Sub Off.Sub Off.Sub Off.Sub Off.Sub Off.Sub Off.Sub Off.Sub Off.Sub Off.Sub Off.Sub Off.Sub 39436 27545 23869 23869 25261 28269 37387 23869 24565 35178 41641 30705 36332 22593 32445 32445 27515 33315 23231 29081 18088 18590 18590 16618 16618 16618 18088 16618 16681 20241 29281 31126 31105 29431 45421 24915 42868 36285 29169 27515 41621 26711 29169 34263 21955 29169 27515 27515 32460 32460 19673 20032 20032 AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C AS PER P.R.C AS PER P.R.C AS PER P.R.C AS PER P.R.C AS PER P.R.C AS PER P.R.C AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. 42 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 Sri M.Elish Sri Haroon Rasheed Sri Smt Akthar Sultana Sri Ganesh Bahadur Sri P.Ramesh Smt G.Lachamma Sri C.Manik Prabhu Sri M.Saibaba Sri M.Venkata Ramana Sri L.Chandrsekhar Sri T.Prem Kumar Sri Md.Hafeez Sri B.Sairam Sri P.Prasad Sri P.Damodhar Sri B.Narsingh Sri Md.Mukthar Smt Sarbathi Devi Smt D Vijaya Sri P Ramanamma Sri Mohd. Sirajuddin Sri P Sambasiva Rao Sri T Sivvaiah Noor Mohammad Khar Off.Sub Off.Sub Off.Sub Off.Sub Off.Sub Sweeper Off.Sub Off.Sub Off.Sub Off.Sub Off.Sub Off.Sub Off.Sub Off.Sub Off.Sub Watch-man Scavenger Scavenger Off. Sub. Off. Sub. Off. Sub. Watach-man Off. Sub. Off. Sub. 21955 34268 18590 37357 22593 31575 32485 28269 19132 20794 32445 24565 18088 21955 18088 32445 32445 24565 18590 14739 14217 18088 14314 13154 AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER CENTRAL P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. ENFORCEMENT WING 1 Sri R.V. Reddy IRS Addl. Commissioner 133660 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Sri V Harshavardhan A.Dayal Das B.Vishnu Swarup Joint Commissioner Deputy Commissioner Deputy Commissioner Kasi Vishwanadham Asst Commissioner Asst Commissioner Asst. Commissioner Asst. Commissioner Asst. Commissioner Asst. Commissioner C.T.O. C.T.O. C.T.O. C.T.O. C.T.O. D.C.T.O D.C.T.O D.C.T.O A.C.T.O A.C.T.O A.C.T.O A.C.T.O A.C.T.O 105756 103439 97072 89291 69742 61525 69742 85605 52728 41611 50021 50056 50021 54081 42713 50126 36372 31575 32445 29893 32445 32445 K.Rama Rao V. Srinivasa Reddy I. Samyuktha Rani U.Padmavathi Prasanna G.Sumathi M.Jaya Krishna P.Rajendra Prasad K.Lakshman Rao P.Bheemla B.Muralidhar B.Upender Reddy C.Shakuntala K.Krishnaiah M.Satish Mohan Banavath K.Rajini P.V.Padmavathi N.Ravinder Naik 43 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 J.Radha M.Nirmala Vijay Kumar Tulshan G.Salomi Lilly Bet N.Krishna Chary D.Ravinder Naik S.Srinivasa Kumar K.V.Anuradha D.Aparna Devi T.Sayanarayana Prasad T Gopal B N Lavanya J.Sambi Reddy G.Sridhar Rao R.Padma K.Siva Naga Lakshmi C. Rajasekhar Reddy D.Kaika P.Shantha Kumari G.Shareen Kumari B.Ebenezer D.Krishna Reddy K. Saroja Syed Muzaffar Mahmood M.N. Sudhakar A . Hemalatha V.Karunakar Mohd Iqbal Ali A.Bhaskar Reddy S Krupa Rao B Shyam Sunder D Ravi Kumar S.Dayamani Syed Ahamad S.Pentaiah L.Gopal Reddy G.Yadhava Rao M.Pulliah B.Prakash Singh Dillip Manekar Syed Majeed V.Hemalatha S.Muralidhar P.Kannaiah A.C.T.O A.C.T.O A.C.T.O A.C.T.O. A.C.T.O A.C.T.O A.C.T.O A.C.T.O A.C.T.O A.C.T.O A.C.T.O A.C.T.O. A.C.T.O. A.C.T.O. A.C.T.O. A.C.T.O. A.C.T.O. Superintendent Senior Assistant Senior Assistant Senior Assistant Senior Assistant Senior Assistant Senior Assistant Senior Assistant Senior Assistant Senior Assistant Senior Assistant Senior Assistant Sr. Steno Jr.Asst. Jr.Asst. Record Asst. Driver Driver Driver Driver Office Subordinate Office Subordinate Office Subordinate Office Subordinate Office Subordinate Office Subordinate Office Subordinate 26730 55531 43967 47583 48764 28893 43922 42743 35210 57011 31575 31575 47508 48764 33315 29081 29081 29081 43952 46251 32495 30705 30705 28269 45131 43892 30785 29981 35296 32895 27515 26761 28269 36682 34613 28634 43063 41621 33330 30705 19673 32445 18088 14903 AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. 44 Salary drawn in PMT SECTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sri M. Rambabu Sri M. Chandra Sekhar Sri. Nagendra Kumar Kum. L.Radha Sindhiya Sri S.M. Ibrahim Sri Mahaboob Basha Sri S.A.Rasheed Sri K.R.Suryanarayana Sri T Hari Prasad 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sarlary Drawn in SR BEFORE STAT Sri S.V.Kasivisweswara Rao Deputy Commissioner Rs. 73672/Rs. 47583/Sri P Satyanarayana Rao Sr. Asst. Rs. 39436/Sri J Gopal Sr. Asst. Rs. 22818/Smt. M. Yadamma Office Subordinate Rs. 19536/Sri V. Ramesh Office Subordinate Sri K Shanti Kumar Rs. 13927/Office Subordinate Deputy Commissioner (CT) Asst. Commissioner (CT) Asst. Commissioner (CT) Commercial Tax Officer Senior Assistant Senior Assistant Senior Assistant Senior Assistant Senior Assistant Rs. 89231/Rs. 91251/Rs.69742/Rs.41611/Rs. 39436/Rs. 39436/Rs. 34335/Rs. 32761/Rs. 23231/- AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. Salary drawn in Central Computer Wing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sri T.Ramesh Babu Smt. E.Deepa Reddy Smt B.S.Samyuktha Smt Vimala Venkata Ramana Sri R.Samba Shiva Rao 1 1 2 4 Smt. B.Amruthalakshmi Sri P. Uma Maheshwar Sri Md. Saleem Smt G.Lakshmi Joint Commissioner Asst. Commissioner Superintend, Grade-I DCTO Senior Asst 105646/52728/52833/36332/40539/- AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. 97473/37527/34263/27515/- AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. AS PER P.R.C. Salary drawn in Staff College Deputy Commissioner Senior Assistant Off. Subordinate Sweeper 45 CHAPTER 12 Budget Allocated to Each Agency including Plans etc. [Section 4(1)(b)xi] 12.1 Provide information about the details of the plans, programmes and schemes undertaken by the public authority for each agency. PLAN/ REPORT ON AGENCY PROGRAMME/ PROPOSED EXPECTED DISBURSEMENTS SCHEME/ MADE OR WHERE PROJECT/ EXPENDITURE OUTCOMES SUCH ACTIVITY/ DETAILS ARE PURPOSE FOR AVAILABLE (WEBSITE, WHICH BUDGET IS REPORTS, ALLOCATED NOTICE BOARD ETC NON-PLAN No Schemes and Projects Commercial Taxes Department Salaries and other office expenses PLAN -NIL - 12.2 Provide information on the budget allocated for different activities under different programmes/schemes/projects etc. in the given format. BUDGET AGENCY PROGRAMME/ AMOUNT AMOUNT ALLOCATED SCHEME/ SPENT PROJECT/ RELEASED LAST CURRENT YEAR 6 LAST YEAR YEAR WHICH BUDGET IS ALLOCATED Commercial Taxes Department NON-PLAN Salaries and other office expenses No Schemes and Projects BUDGET RELEASE D CURRENT YEAR 46 PLAN -NIL - CHAPTER 13 Manner of Execution of Subsidy Programmes (Section 4 (1)(b) xii)) NIL CHAPTER 14 Particulars of Recipients of Concessions, Permits or Authorization Granted by the Public Authority (Section 4 (1) (b) xiii) NIL CHAPTER 15 INFORMATION AVAILBALE IN ELECTRONIC FORM ( SECTION 4(12)(b)x(iv) ) 15.1 Please provide the details of information related to the Internal various schemes of the department which are available in electronic formats. (Floppy, CD, VCD, Web Site, Internet etc.) Electronic Description (site Contents or title Designation and address format address/location of the custodian of where available information (held by etc.) whom?) Internet apct.gov.in AP Commercial Taxes Department Commissioner(CT) 15.2 Describe particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information including the working hours of a library or information center or reading room maintained for public use where information relating to the department or records/documents are made available to the public. 47 CHAPTER 16 Particulars of Facilities available to Citizens for Obtaining Information (Section 4 (1)(b)xv) Facility Description (Location of Facility/Name etc.) Details of Information made available Notice Board Head Office Information Counter VAT Counselling Centre in Head Office Publications Pamphlets Office Library Library in Head Office VAT ACT 2005, Manuals on VAT Registration, Audit and returns processing etc. Websites www.apct.gov.in Information relating to activities of the Department Other Facilities (name) 1) Grievance Redressal Mechanism Disposal of 2) Dealers Service Centre in 25 Divisions 1) Citizen Charter 2) Right to Information Act 2005 Advice to the dealers Supply of pamphlets on VAT Hoardings on Profession Tax Pamphlets relating to VAT provisions/procedures in English, Telugu and Urdu grievances of dealers Supply of statutory forms to dealers etc. 48 CHAPTER 17 NAMES, DESIGNATIONS AND OTHER PARTICULARS OF PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICERS [Section 4(1)(b)xvi) PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER: S.No. Name of the Office / Name & designation administrative unit of PIO 1 B.Amruthalakshmi State Public Information Officer & Deputy Commissioner (Staff College) ASSISTANT PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER: S.No. Name of the Office / Name & designation administrative unit of APIO 1 Office of the Commissioner (Commercial Taxes), Hyderabad Office of the Commissioner (Commercial Taxes), Hyderabad APPELLATE AUTHORITY : S.No. Name, Designation & address of Appellate Officer 1 Office of the Commissioner (Commercial Taxes), Hyderabad M.Ramadoss Economist /PRO Jurisdiction of Appellate Officer (Offices/administrati ve units of the authority) T.Ramesh Babu, Joint Commissioner (Legal Affairs) Office Telephone: Residence Tel: Fax 040-24602171 Extn: 165 Cell: 9949992965 Office Telephone: Residence Tel: Fax 040-24602171 Extn: 248 Cell: 9949992340 Office Telephone: Residence Tel: Fax 040-24602171 Extn: 173 Cell: 9949992858 E mail DC_staff@apct.gov.in E mail Pro_rti@apct.gov.in E mail JC_legaff@apct.gov.in 49 CHAPTER 18 Other Useful Information (Section 4 (1) (b)xvii) 18. 1 Please give below any other information or details of publications which are of relevance or of use to the Citizens. 1 Right to Information Act, 2005 2 3 A.P.Value Added Tax Act 2005 Central Sales Tax Act 1956 A.P.Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments Act, 1987 4 5 6 7 A.P.Entertainment Tax Act, 1939 A.P. Tax on Entry of Motor Vehicles into Local Areas Act, 1996 8 A.P.Tax on Luxuries Act, 1987 9 A.P.Horse Race Betting Tax Act, 1974 10 Rural Development Cess Act A.P.Tax on Entry of Goods into Local Areas Act, 2001 11 A.P.General Sales Tax Act, 1957 (Repealed) 18. 2 Information excluded under Section 8(1) of the Act: (Proposals for exemption as furnished to Revenue Department & I&PR Department vide CCT’s Ref.No.E5/989/2005 dated 21-10-05 All particulars contained in any statement made, return furnished or accounts or documents produced under the Provisions of the A.P.VAT Act or of the rules made there under, or in any evidence given or in any record of any proceeding relating to the recovery of a demand prepared for the purpose of the Act or the rules made thereunder, shall be treated as confidential and shall not be disclosed I II ENFORCEMENT WING: 1) Information to be kept totally confidential: (i) Investigations under process in the cases of evasion of taxes (ii) Sources of information for taking up investigation (iii)Details relating to the case of a particular dealer/particular detection till the case is finalised and only with the consent of the dealer to third party. 2) Information to be kept partially confidential upto a certain stage: (i) Investigations relating to initiation of assessment proceedings upto the stage of raising demands should not be made public. (partially confidential upto the stage of finalization. After finalization release to third parties only with the consent of the dealer). III SERVICE MATTERS (Partially confidential) Only preliminary information viz., names and designation of the employees, place of work and nature of the Vigilance/ Disciplinary angle will be disclosed initially. Thereafter such Vigilance/Disciplinary matter will be confidential till the conclusion of final proceedings. Place: Hyderabad Date:26-12-2013 Sd/- (Smt. B.Amruthalakshmi) State Public Information Officer and Deputy Commissioner (CT) Staff College O/o the Commissioner of Commercial Taxes, 5th Floor, C.T. Complex, Nampally, Hyderabad