Est3-408 T1 Algunos factores coadyuvantes del bienestar del niño y su relación con la salud bucal. Some coadjutant factors of child’s wellbeing and their relation to oral health ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: to determine the relation existing among some indicators influencing on oral health during childhood. METHODS: an analytical case and control study was conducted in the municipality of Bauta, Havana province, from June 2005 to June 2006. The universe was composed of 2 408 children aged 2-5. A sample of 400 children was taken from it. The following variables were used: oral health status, birth weight, gestational age and maternal breastfeeding. The odds ratio was obtained whenever it was possible for the variables whose association with the oral health state proved to be significant aimed at identifying the increase or reduction of the probability of having a poor oral health in the presence of the risk factors taken into account. RESULTS: 10 % of the low birth weight children had an affected oral health state, 6.5 % of the preterm children were considered cases, and oral health declined in 39.5 % of the children that were not breast-fed. CONCLUSIONS: low birth weight and the non-maternal lactation affect the oral health state, but gestational age does not. Key words: oral health, birth weight, gestational age, maternal lactation. T2 Xerostomía y uso de medicamentos en adultos. Xerostomia and the use of drugs in adults ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: to determine the prevalence of xerostomia in connection with the use of drugs in adults aged 20 and over at the Family Physician’s office 64-02 in Guanabacoa from July to December 2007. METHODS: a descriptive study was undertaken and a bistage sampling was used. The presence of xerostomia based on the definition used by other authors was determined by 3 questions in addition to age, sex, use, amount and type of drugs according to the questionnaire. RESULTS: the information was processed in Excel, using percentage to resume it. The results were presented in tables. The variables were related to X2 and the difference of proportions (p<0.05) by using the Epidat program. Of 511 studied individuals, 176 (34.4 %) perceived xerostomia. Females were the most affected. It increases with age, and the group aged 60 and over was the most affected. CONCLUSIONS: the most used drugs were the antihypertensive and antiasthma drugs. All those who took glycemia-lowering and antiallergic drugs perceived xerostomia and it rose according to the number of drugs used. Key words: xerostomia, dry mouth,drugs. T3 Relación del estado de salud bucal con algunos factores socioeconómicos en niños de 2-5 años. Relation of the oral health state to some socioeconomic factors in children aged 2-5 ABSTRACT OBJECTIVES: to determine the association of some risk factors with the oral health state in the early childhood, to identify the connection of the oral health of these children with oral hygiene, the type of diet, parents’ educational level and parents’ job. METHODS: a 2-stage study was carried out in Bauta municipality, Havana province from June 2005 to June 2006. The first stage was descriptive and cross-sectional, and the second was analytical according to the case-control methodology (200 children of each type). The following variables were used: oral health state, educational level, parents’ occupation, oral hygiene and type of diet. RESULTS: the behavior of oral hygiene was inadequate in 39.5 % of the cases and in 5.5 % of the controls. The cariogenic diet prevailed in the case group (65.0 %), whereas the acceptable diet increased in the control group (44.0 %). As regards the influence of educational level on the oral health state, the result did not show statistical significance. CONCLUSIONS: the adequate oral hygiene and the non-cariogenic diet rose the possibility of having an appropriate oral health state. The educational level and the occupation of the parents had no correlation with the oral health of their children. Key words: oral health state, parents’ educational level, parents’ occupation, oral hygiene, cariogenic diet. T4 Estudio in vitro sobre los efectos de la cocaína sobre los tejidos duros del diente. In vitro study on the effects of cocaine on the hard tissues of the tooth ABSTRACT The use of cocaine derivatives is an increasingly growing public health problem. These drugs are frequently rubbed on the gingival mucosa, but their efffects are little known and difficult to be diagnosed. This paper pretends to prove in vitro that the rubbing of cocaine on the dental surface produces enamel erosion. 30 healthy teeth were selected and distributed at random into 3 groups that were rubbed cocaine hydrochloride, bazuko and lemon (control group) on the vestibular surface, respectively, during 40 weeks. The most observed characteristic lesions were fracture and loss of the dental hard substance, which showed that the topical and continual application of drugs on the oral cavity causes lesions in the hard tissues of the tooth. . Key words: cocaine, basuco, bazooko/bazuko, erosion, enamel, dentin, cement. T5 Exodoncias dentarias e interferencias oclusales postratamiento ortodóncico. Dental extractions and occlusal interferences postorthodontic treatment ABSTRACT A study of 20 patients under 30 years old discharged from the Orthodontics Service of the Faculty of Stomatology of Havana City was conducted to evaluate the influence of some morphological variables as the canine relation, contact in maximum intercuspidation position (MIP), overbite and overjet. The study revealed the predominance of patients with occlusal interferences that were more frequent in the group with no dental extractions. Most of the patients presented canine neutroocclusion; however, both groups showed a great percentage of occlusal interferences. In the group with extractions, the contact in MIP of the anterior teeth was mostly attained in the group with extractions. In all the corresponding movements the interferences were more frequent in the working area. It was observed a prevalence of anterior canine overbite of 1/3 of the crown, but the occlusal interferences predominated in the same way, mainly in the group without extractions. Key words: functional occlusion, occlusal interferences, centric relation, maximum intercuspidation position, T6 La formación para la investigación en el perfil de carreras de Estomatología de universidades latinoamericanas. The research training in the profile of Stomatology careers of Latin American universities ABSTRACT Universities are the vertebral column of the scientific-technological subsystem of each country. That’s why, they should stimulate the creative spirit as well as the scientific training of the professionals they educate. It is necessary that the objectives directed to the research training of the students appear in an explicit way in the profile of the stomatology careers not only for the future professionals to contribute to the solution of the oral health problems and to improve the quality of the persons’ life, but also because a university research giving concrete solutions to the health problems of social impact is necessary. Starting from the previous premises, a documentary study was carried out aimed at verifying the presence of research training in the Stomatology career of 18 Latin American universities, including the profile of the Stomatology career of Cuba, for which a bibliographic research was made in Internet that allowed the review and analysis of such profiles. As a result, it was observed that of the 18 studied profiles, only in 6 (33.3 %) an objective directed to the research training of the future stomatologists is well-defined, and in 12 (66.6 %) it does not exist. It was concluded that in most of the consulted professional profiles of the Stomatology career, their research training is not included in the graduate profile. The improvement of such curricula with the inclusion of the investigative component and its explicit presence in the professional profile is necessary. Key words: research training, Stomatology career, professional profile. . T7 Evaluación del distalador molar Belussi. Evaluation of Belussi’s molar distalizer T ABSTRACT The distalization of the superior molars in mesial migration is a useful treatment alternative nowadays. Many methods of molar distalization are known. They have significantly evolved and they are still effective in the treatment. The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the dental changes produced by Belussi Molar Distalizer. The appliance was used in 11 patients with an average of 12 years-old, distoocclusion of molars caused by mesial migration and with a favorable facial type. Study models were made for each one of them and pictures, panoramic x-rays and lateral X-rays of the skull were taken, before and after the treatment, to analyze the variables object of study. The appliance was kept in the mouth until achieving an overtreatment of the molar relation. Finally, a molar distalization of 4.45 mm accompanied with an inclination of 5.55° was obtained, with a minimum loss of temporary anchorage. Key words: mesogression, distalization, vestibuloversion, Belussi’s molar distalizer. T8 Agenesia de terceros molares en pacientes de la Facultad de Odontología de la UNAM. Agenesia of the third molars in patients of the Faculty of Odontology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico ABSTRACT ANTECEDENTS: the third molars are the last teeth to erupt. Their presence generate diverse pathologies as crowding, pericoronitis and pain, generally due to the lack of space in the maxillae. According to human phylogeny, they are considered teeth on the way to extinction. They present an increasingly delayed eruption and even absence due to lack of formation, OBJECTIVE: to determine the frequency of agenesia of the third molars in patients of the Faculty of Odontology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. METHODS: 915 orthopantomographies of patients aged 16-24 were examined and the diagnosis of presence of the third molars was made. Sociodemographic information was necessary and the association with sex was analyzed by using X2. RESULTS: 20 % of the sample presented agenesia of the 4 third molars, 56 % had the 4, and 24 % only from 1 to 3. Besides, it was found that sex does not determine the presence of the third molars (X2= 0.503, p= 0.478). CONCLUSIONS: the frequency of agenesia of the third molars was 20 % and it is independent of sex. Key words: third molar, frequency, agenesia. T9 Glucanos extracelulares bacterianos: estructura, biosíntesis y función. Extreacellular bacterial glucans: structure, biosynthesis and function ABSTRACT Dental caries is one of the most common diseases in the human being. Certain cariogenic bacteria play an important role in its multifactorial etiology, since in their interaction with the dental surface they promote its demineralization. The production of extracellular bacterial polyssacharides is among the mechanisms mediating bacterial adhesion. The glucans synthesized by glycosyltransferases not only allow the adherence, but they also are a nutritional source for bacteria and that’s why the activity of such enzymes is considered a factor of bacterial virulence in dental caries. This bibliographic review is aimed at making clear the aspects related to the structure, biosynthesis and function of glucans and at giving emphasis to the application of this knowledge in the prevention of dental caries. Key words: glucans, glycosyltransferases, dextran, mutan, biofilm, dental plaque. T10 Osteomielitis crónica esclerosante difusa: a propósito de un caso. Chronic diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis: apropos of a case ABSTRACT Diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis is considered a chronic primary osteomyelitis consisting in an inflammatory, painful and prolonged process. It only affects the mandible and it is generally unilateral. It involves the basal and alveolar bone and it is located at the level of body, angle, branch and even condyle. The cause is more controversial, since some attribute an infectious origin to it, whereas others consider it as a non-infectious condition resulting from the overloads or associated with SAPHO syndrome (synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis and osteitis), but literature is not concluding. Treatment as well as its cause are not totally clear. Different alternatives are described that go from the conservative to the most radical position. The 7-month follow-up and treatment of a female patient suffering from diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis with approximately18 years of evolution that has been refractory to the conventional therapeutic alternatives is presented. Key words: sclerosing osteomyelitis, osteomyelitis, mandible. T11 Mixoma odontogénico, un reto para el diagnóstico. Presentación de un caso. Odontogenic myxoma, a challenge to diagnosis. A case report ABSTRACT The case of a 41-year-old male white patient who smokes and drinks alcoholic beverages and that on the physical examination manifests a rosette-like tumoral lesion of 3.3 cm of diameter that ocuppies the edentulous area of the inferior right alveolar crest of the mandible corresponding to the first and second molars is presented. In the panoramic radiography, it was observed a radiolucid multiocular area that respects the border of the mandible with an irregular cortical in some areas. An odontogenic myxoma was histopathologically diagnosed by using hematoxylin and eosin staining. The patient was surgically treated and the diagnosis was confirmed by alcian blue staining, which yielded positive. As the odontogenic myxoma is a tumor with neither clinical nor pathognomic radiographic characteristics, inaccurate symptoms, local aggresive behavior and frequent relapses, it should always be taken into account in the differential diagnoses of the tumors of the maxilla and the mandible. Key words: myxoma, odontogenic tumors, neoplasia.