Ten Important Sentences: A Day’s Work – 2.2 Directions: 1. Find each sentence in the book. 2. Put the page number beside each sentence. 3. Cut apart each sentence. 4. Put them in the correct order. 5. Glue them to your paper! 1- “I am going to help my abuelo get work,” said Francisco. 10- He, Francisco, had begun to learn the important things, too. His (Francisco’s) throat burned with tears. More than just a day’s work! He’d helped his grandfather and he had worked himself. “We do not lie for work,” said Abuelo. “The important things your grandfather knows already,” said Ben. “And my grandfather is a fine gardener, though he doesn’t know English yet,” said Francisco. Ben’s mustache quivered with anger. “Tell him we will come back tomorrow, if he agrees,” said Abuelo.