MIDSEASON NITROGEN APPLICATION USING REMOTE SENSING D.L. Wright, Jr. and R.D. Ramsey NASA Affiliated Research Center Utah State University Logan, Utah V.P. Rasmussen, Jr. NASA Geospatial Extension Program Utah State University Logan, Utah J.W. Ellsworth Twin Falls R&E Center University of Idaho Twin Falls, Idaho ABSTRACT An application of nitrogen (N) late in the season has the potential to increase yield and/or quality of wheat. The objective of this study was to use remote sensing data to quantify N stress in wheat and to monitor growth through an entire growing season. The circular, center-pivot study site was divided into four equal quarters. Each quarter was subdivided into four plots; each having a different N rate (0, 40, 100, and 130% of the farmer recommended N rate) applied to Westbred 936 hard red spring wheat. Two quarters of the pivot containing eight plots received no additional N, and the other two quarters received additional N estimated with remote sensing. Five randomly selected points in each plot were randomly selected for sampling. An empirical equation relating the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values to the midseason nitrogen content of the wheat (flagleaf N) was used to quantify N deficiency for a midseason application. Supplemental N was applied at heading. Water was limiting during the growing season because of an Idaho power company buyback program. Harvest results showed significant differences in the yield between plots with N applied at midseason and those without any supplemental N, however, stress due most likely to lack of water linked to topography was the greatest source of yield variation. Yield was highly correlated with topography (R2 =0.92). Remote sensing can be an effective tool to quantify in-season N applications in hard red spring wheat. Keywords: Precision agriculture, Remote sensing, GIS, Nutrient management, Midseason nitrogen application, Protein augmentation INTRODUCTION Remote sensing has been used in agricultural research and management for over three decades. It has not reached its full potential at the farm level because of cost, spatial resolution, and advanced technical skill requirements. However, factors including competition among satellite and aerial imagery providers; improvements in resolution and accuracy of imagery; and Internet availability are mitigating the limiting factors affecting the wide-spread use of remote sensing. Nitrogen (N) is a critical component of crop quality and yield. The adequacy of available N has been observed by both trained and casual observers as the “greenness” of the crop. Long-term cropping system researchers have documented this from the earliest recorded wheat research in the western United States (Widtsoe and Merrill, 1902 and 1905; Widtsoe, 1919; Bracken et al., 1930; and, Bennett et al., 1954). Large-scale chlorosis, or the obvious absence of chlorophyll and carotenoids, is easily identifiable by a field scout or by anyone with an adequate view of the crop (leaf) canopy. Chlorosis can be caused by deficiencies in vital nutrients such as nitrogen, iron, sulfur, and magnesium or by the competitive action of specific ions at the root-soil interface. Chlorosis can also be caused by disease or other crop stresses. However, field-scale chlorosis is usually attributed to N deficiencies, while spotty chlorosis is usually attributed to disease or other crop stresses (Wescott, 1998). Abundant plant N uptake in wheat will tends to increase grain protein. One common practice used by farmers to increase grain protein is to apply N at or near anthesis. Recent greenhouse research has shown an increase in wheat protein content when ammonium (NH4+) is applied after crop heading (Hooten, 1998; Muhlestein, 2001). These studies have shown an increase over 50% in protein content above the usual maximum (8-15%). This finding has a couple of ramifications. First, the addition of N as NH4+ may be a method of increasing protein in wheat, and second, N content in the flag leaf is increased and may produce a spectral signature characteristic of abundant N content in the crop (Muhlestein, 2001). Midseason N applications may help both yield quantity and quality in certain environments. Wuest and Cassman (1992) found the amount of N applied at anthesis had the greatest influence on postanthesis uptake of N; however, Boman et al. (1995) found that midseason nitrogen applications resulted in tissue damage and lower forage yields due to less early-season growth. Many investigators have reported site-specific measurement methods for N using ground-based sensors such as Minolta’s SPAD chlorophyll meter (Murdock et al., 1999; Peterson et al., 1999, and Stevens and Hefner, 1999). These sensor measurements enable site-specific, need-based applications of supplemental N fertilizers. Remotely-sensed N stress indicators have also been reported with increasing frequency (Beatty et al., 1999, Cassady et al., 1999, Herzog et al., 1999, Perry et al., 1999, Read et al., 1999, Schadchina, T. M., 1999, Zur et al., 1999, Johannsen et al., 1998, and Schepers et al., 1996). Several new technology developments suggest the need for further study of wheat N management as assisted by remote sensing. New satellites will be launched in the near future designed to carry improved sensors, provide better revisit time, and produce higher spatial resolution. The impacts of both environmental regulation and the public perception of agriculture’s role in groundwater pollution also necessitate the need for studies that will aid agricultural management. Khanna and Zilberman (1997) modeled the economic and environmental impacts of precision fertilizer technology adoption, indicating the likelihood of increased productivity and decreased input requirements and pollution. These sustainable outcomes are requisite – especially as the growing human population increases demand on finite resources. Technology, particularly space-borne imaging sensors, can help with this task provided that reliable methods can be used to quantify crop health and nutrient status. A previous experiment in Minidoka, Idaho was designed to test remote sensing as a tool for nutrient management. Nitrogen deficiency was quantified from tissue sampling and estimated at key stages in the wheat growth cycle using visual observation, a chlorophyll meter, and remotely-sensed data from aerial and satellite platforms. These methods of nitrogen stress detection were compared for accuracy, timeliness, usefulness, and cost. Wright et al., (2001) concluded that remote sensing is indeed a viable tool for nitrogen stress detection in soft white spring wheat. The experiment presented in this paper was designed to use remote sensing information at early and midseason growth periods of wheat to determine nitrogen stress and then to apply N to stressed areas for one half of the study area. Concurrently, N application for the remaining half of the study site was based on traditional visual estimates of stress. Our objectives were (i) to monitor the growth of a wheat crop throughout an entire growing season, (ii) to observe wheat growth under nitrogen stress compared with non-stressed vegetation, (iii) to apply midseason N based on digital image analysis as compared to ground based visual estimates, and (iv) to analyze additional benefits of digital imagery and GIS technologies to evaluate current and perennial field characteristics. The state of Idaho implemented an initiative to conserve energy in the 2001 growing season termed “the Power Buyback Program.” Wheat growers who participated in the program were paid a certain amount of money for every kilowatt hour of power saved. Many farmers in the Northwest took advantage of the program and either didn’t irrigate, or greatly reduced the amount of water applied to their crops. The Idaho Power Buyback Program had direct implications on this 2001 growing season experiment. METHODS AND MATERIALS The study site is located in south-central Idaho, along the Snake River Plain on 60 Ha of land in Minidoka County, Idaho (42º46’ N, 113º27’ W). Average annual precipitation is 203 to 279 mm. Average annual temperatures range from 7 to 11ºC. The soil at the Minidoka site is predominately Minidoka silt loam (Xerollic Durorthid), with minor intrusions of Portneuf silt loam (Durixerollic Calciorthid). These soils are generally shallow (150 cm or less) and overlay basalt uplands. The normal crop rotations for wheat in southern Idaho are wheat/corn/alfalfa, wheat/fallow/wheat, alfalfa/wheat/barley, potatoes/wheat/corn, and sugarbeets/wheat (Fuchs and Hirnyck, 2000). The crop rotation for the study site was potatoes (1999), sugarbeets (2000), and wheat (2001). The wheat was Westbred 936 variety of hard red spring wheat. According to the Idaho Agriculture Statistics Service, Westbred 936 surpassed Penewawa last year to become Idaho’s most popular wheat variety (IASS 2000). Westbred 936 is a white-chaffed, awned, early season, semidwarf variety released by Western Plant Breeders in 1993. Westbred 936 has stiff straw with a high-test weight/yield potential and is tolerant to stripe rust and moderately tolerant to stem/leaf rust, but is susceptible to powdery mildew (University of Idaho, 2000). Westbred 936 has excellent yield potential, straw strength, and uniformity. This wheat variety also has good stress tolerance, very good test weight, and high protein percent (Western Plant Breeders, 2000). The study site consisted of a standard center-pivot irrigated field. The circle made by the pivot was divided into four quarters with four plots in each quarter. Each plot was 20 m wide and the radius of the field (402 m). Four different rates of nitrogen were applied in each quarter to represent rates both above and below normal and to represent normally applied nitrogen. The first rate represented a region of no applied nitrogen (rate of nitrogen application = 0). The second rate represented a region of under-applied nitrogen (rate = 40% of normal). The third rate represented a region of over-applied nitrogen (rate = 130% of normal). The fourth rate represented the “normal” nitrogen application (rate of nitrogen application = normal). Within each transect, five points were randomly selected to collect soil samples, tissue samples, harvest samples, and pixel values of imagery. Two of the quarters were managed by traditional techniques and two of the plots were managed using remote sensing information. Ground truth analysis was performed during the months of May and June to correspond with imagery and included (i) collecting tissue samples for laboratory analysis, (ii) acquiring digital photographs to calculate percent cover, and (iii) utilizing a spectroradiometer to collect ground-based spectral reflectance measurements. All leaf samples were processed at Stuckenholz Labs in Twin Falls, Idaho, using a specific ion electrode test for nitrate-N and dry combustion (equivalent to the Kjeldahl method) for total N. The tissue samples were taken at different locations close to the exact sample point to minimize skewed results in the imagery. Images were collected during May and June with a Real-time Digital Airborne Camera System (RDACS) (Pearson et al., 1994). Images from this sensor were geometrically corrected and converted to a Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Wright et al. (2001) established midseason NDVI values collected from imagery depicting nitrogen stressed and non-stressed plots. From these data, a simple linear equation relating NDVI stressed and non-stressed values and nitrogen deficiency was established: N = NDVI*2000 Where N is the amount of nitrogen needed and NDVI is the difference between NDVI pixel averages for areas of stressed and non-stressed vegetation. This formula was adapted from an equation for the SPAD chlorophyll meter (Murdock et al., 1997) and calibrated using ground-truth data from the year 2000 growing season. The multiplier value of 2000 is rounded from the calculated slope to simplify the calculation of N. No intercept was included under the assumption that when there is no difference between stressed and non-stressed wheat, no additional N is needed. The equation is limited to this study. However, additional data from other study sites under different water and nutrient conditions could be used to generate a more universal estimate. Based on this formula, a midseason application of N was applied to stressed areas (0 applied N plots) in the two crop quarters managed by remote sensing information. Following the midseason application of N, one square meter of wheat was harvested at each sampling point with hand sickles to collect sample-point yield data. A combine equipped with an Ag Leader PF3000 yield monitor and a differentially corrected GPS was used to collect yield data on a field scale. Yield data were used to evaluate the influence of elevation by segmenting yield and elevation using a 5-class quartile break. Averages from each break were regressed to determine the influence of elevation on yield. Analysis of variance was performed on the N content of plant tissue, and NDVI values for the imagery within each sampling date and means were separated using Fisher’s least significant difference. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Due to the Power Buyback Program, water application was restricted to 80% of normal. The grower who manages the study site reported a 20% overall reduction from average yields due to lack of water. The concomitant reduction in plant growth affected N uptake, thus reducing our ability to detect variations in N applications. Tissue samples taken on May 11, 2001, at Feekes 1 (4-leaf) growth stage showed no significant difference in nitrogen content between the plots with 40, 100, and 130 percent of normally applied nitrogen (Table 1). The plots with 0 applied nitrogen (N), however, showed significant differences at the .01 alpha level. Tissue collection on June 2, 2001 showed a similar trend to that of the first acquisition with regard to total nitrogen but a more significant difference in nitrate content of the plant. These results suggest the 40% of normal nitrogen rate was sufficient for wheat crops in years of comparable reduced water application. All images used for in-season decisions were captured from an aerial platform. The first image taken on May 11, 2001, at the 4-leaf stage, showed no sign of stress due to nitrogen deficiency. The next image taken on June 6, 2001, showed the same stress pattern as the initial image. Significant difference was observed in the 0 applied nitrogen plot when compared to the other plots, showing a positive relationship between remote sensing and tissue sampling. Table 1. Comparison of wheat plant tissue samples for three different dates. N Rate Total N mean % P>F Nitrate N mean P>F ppm % normal 15-May 130 4.7a* <.0001 3085.5a <.0001 100 4.93a 2540.7a 40 4.64a 2225.5ab 0 3.9b 1433.9b 5-Jun 130 4.24a <.0001 1341.5ab <.0001 100 4.32a 1612a 40 4.16a 949bc 0 3.18b 616.5c *Within a column, means followed by a different letter showed significant differences (P < .01) NDVI values from May 24, 2001 were applied to the NDVI stress/no-stress equation created from a previous year’s data (Table 2). The results of this equation were based on normal water conditions and therefore gave values higher than needed. The values of nitrogen were averaged and the amount of nitrogen was given to the grower’s fertilizer company. On June 14, 2001, 151 kg of N was applied to the plots with stressed wheat. Imagery examined during the season revealed irrigation malfunctions from a few sprinklers on the center pivot (Figure 1). The ring close to the outer edge was the most obvious, but an inner ring 20 m from the center was also noted. The lateral strips are the plots with no applied N. Yield monitor data revealed three main causes of variability at the study site; (i) nitrogen treatments, (ii) irrigation problems, and (iii) water and N stresses due to topography. Although this experiment was designed to compare N treatments, the effects of topography, due most likely to sub-irrigation, exceeded variations due to nitrogen stress. However, analysis showed results satisfactory to the expectations of the experiment design. Table 2. Results of two tests for nitrogen deficiency on the May 24, 2001 image. Sample NDVI Stressed NDVI Non-stressed 1 2 0.4238 0.4248 0.504 0.49 N = D*2000 lb acre-1 130 160 Equivalent kg ha-1 145.6 179.2 Figure 1. A midseason NDVI image from May 25th showing water stress (dark ring) and N-stressed plots (horizontal lines in the middle of the pivot). Nitrogen Stress Analysis Yield from the plots in quarters one and two ranged from 2621 to 4314 kg ha-1 (Table 3). The yield from the plots in quarter two was lower than plots in quarter one due most likely to topography effects (water variation, slope, aspect, soil type, texture, etc). Quarters three and four exhibited much less yield variance compared with the variances of plots one and two, most likely due to the midseason N application. The 0 applied N on plot four was an exception because the plot lies at a higher elevation and was directly affected by stress due to topographic effects. These results suggest that a midseason N application based on remote sensing can improve yield by increasing uniformity at harvest. Table 3. Harvest data from the yield monitor. Plots Managed Traditionally N rate plot mean yield % kg ha-1 0 1 3279 0 2 2621 40 1 3252 40 2 2822 100 1 4314 100 2 4234 130 1 3595 130 2 3226 * No additional N ** Midseason N application Plots Managed by Remote Sensing N rate plot mean yield % kg ha-1 0 3 4193 0 4 2977 40 3 3965 40 4 3810 100 3 4301 100 4 3790 130 3 3884 130 4 3259 Water Stress Analysis The water stress outer ring discussed above and seen in Figure 1 was caused by an undersized sprinkler head. The nozzle was replaced at heading of the wheat crop. Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis from the yield monitor revealed the area of the field affected by this undersized sprinkler head was 1.7 ha, and the yield decreased by 670 kg ha-1. The stress caused by the smaller ring was not corrected during the season. The area affected by the smaller ring was 283 m2, and the yield decreased by 2010 kg ha-1. Effects Due to Topography An elevation map of the study site was created by using the elevation column in the data table from the yield monitor. The yield data was compared with the elevation data with surprisingly high degree of correlation (R2 = 0.92) and is shown in Figure 2. The study site was 805 m in diameter and varied in elevation by only 12 m, yet this had significant effect on the yield (Table 4). Soil effects due to topography affected the growth of wheat, by restricting water flow that in turn affected the nutrient content of the soil. CONCLUSIONS The purpose of this experiment was to examine midseason N management using remote sensing. The results suggest this is very realistic and attainable for growers with irrigated wheat. Remote sensing is also extremely valuable in helping identify irrigation problems during the early stages of crop development, and can be used with yield data in a GIS to analyze crops in the field. However, image processing and timeliness of data must be addressed before farm managers can use the data effectively. Working with active growers can present situations that are not anticipated. Irrigation applied at rates less than normal most likely compounded stress due to topography in our study area during the 2001 growing season. Stresses observed by remote sensing were a combination of limited N, irrigation malfunctions, and topographic fluctuations. Understanding the variables limiting or enhancing production in agricultural fields can be enhanced through remote sensing information. Information from remote sensing and GIS will allow farmers to properly mitigate variables that cause loss of production and quality. Table 4. Comparing elevation with yield. Elevation m 1297-1299.9 1300-1301.9 1302-1303.9 1304-1305.9 1306-1309 Samples N 4073 1267 1982 783 1405 Mean kg ha-1 4970 3974 3786 1789 1203 Std Dev. 1493 1447 1560 538 592 Elevation Yield High Elevation and Low Production Low Elevation and High Production Figure 2. Elevation map versus a yield map of the Minidoka, ID study site. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The funding for this research was made possible by NASA and supported by the staff at Stennis Space Center. Special thanks are expressed to Duane Grant for providing the study site and Mike Larsen, our contact for Duane Grant’s field. Thanks also to ITD Spectral Visions, who provided the imagery and a quick turn around when it mattered most. REFERENCES Aberdeen Extension. 2000. Aberdeen extension cereals program, spring wheat variety descriptions [Online]. Available at: http://www.uidaho.edu/aberdeen /cereals/varieties/spwhtdsc.htm (verified 16 April 2002). Beatty, M.K., C.J. Johannsen, and R. Comer. 1999. 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