Name: Role: COA Library & LRC Self Study Response Template (Spring 2008) II.C.1. The institution supports the quality of its instructional programs by providing the library and other learning support services that are sufficient in quantity, currency depth, and variety to facilitate educational offerings, regardless of location or means of delivery. IIC.1.a Relying o appropriate expertise of faculty, including librarians and other learning support services professionals, the institution selects and maintains educational equipment and materials to support student learning and enhance the achievement of the mission of the institution. EXAMPLE OF DESCRIPTION: LIBRARY Themes: 1a. Questions: Evidence/Proof: The College of Alameda Library occupies the first floor of the L Building. The library does maintain study space, and a small Listening-Viewing Center on the second floor next to Audio-Visual Reserves providing two workstations for student use. The library does not own a multi-media collection. □ Institutional Commitments: -- □ To provide high quality education congruent with institutional mission -- □ To focus on student learning -- □ To periodic reflection on the mission □ Evaluation, planning and improvement -- □ Evaluation -- □ Goal setting -- □ Resource distribution -- □ Implementation -- □ Re-evaluation □ Student Learning Outcomes as the conscious and robust demonstration of the effective ness of institutional efforts to produce and support student learning by developing student learning outcomes at the -- □ Course -- □ Program -- □ Certificate -- □ Degree level □ Organization as demonstrated in having adequate staff, resources and organization structure (communication and decision making structure) -- □ To identify and make public learning outcomes -- □ To evaluate the effectiveness of programs in producing those outcomes, and -- □ To make improvements □ Dialogue as a means to ongoing participation in institutional self-reflection based on -- □ Honesty -- □ Truthfulness, and -- □ Manner of Internal and External self-representation to institution -- □ OPENENSS & TRANSPARENCY OF PROCESS □ What info about student learning needs is provided by other instructional faculty and staff to inform selections of library resources? □ Program Review On the first floor the Library provides access to open stacks for its various collections. Other Library resources include 12 library research workstations and two additional, and identical workstations for student with disabilities with DSPS approved software. Each has network/internet access to all library resources. The Library’s collections includes books (39,025 volumes), periodicals (170 current subscriptions), electronic databases (12 subscriptions), Internet access, and microfilm (3,254 archived reels – only one current subscription) and one microfilm reader. The Library’s collections represent both traditional Liberal Arts and vocational subject areas – Circulation, Reference, and Periodicals, as well as special book collections for students that include Textbook Reserves and pamphlets, and a new ESL/Easy Reading collection. The vertical file was dismantled in 2006. The library also houses an uncataloged archive. Library staffing includes 3 full-time librarians and 1.35 FTE hourly librarians (7 P.T. Librarians who work 3.5 to 15 hours each per week) and five full time classified Library staff. AUDIO-VISUAL The Audio-Visual Services, calendar, and funding is organized under the Office of Instruction. The Library is responsible only for any multimedia resource collection housed in AV. Currently the AV Collection consist of only about has over instructor reserve 1,000 titles, primarily DHSparks Page 1 □ How does the institution assess the effectiveness of its own library collection in terms of quantity, quality, depth and variety? □ What is the quality determined as necessary by the institution? □ How does the institution know it has sufficient depth and variety of materials to meet the learning needs of its students? □ What information does the library use to determine whether it is enhancing student achievement of identified learning outcomes? □ Unit Plan & Budget Proposal □ Ed. Master Plan □ Surveys □ SLOs & Measures1 □ Statistics □ Show quantity, quality, depth and variety.2 □ Ongoing instruction □ Link of SLOs and assessments to purchases & ed. progs. □ acquisition related to educational plans3 □ Hrs. of operations, remote access and means of delivery, & limits.4 □ Institutional maintenance schedules, capital improvement plans, security for library, holding, L Bldg.5 □ Formal agreements or contract, for services6 2/15/2016 Name: Role: videocassettes, audio recordings, and older analog recordings. Due to staffing and budgeting constraints the collection has not been cataloged, nor integrated into Horizon, the college’s bibliographic utility (online catalog). In 2007 the six AV viewing-listening stations were taken apart, and replaced by two individual PCs. New wired carrel have been ordered, but funding for new equipment is not apparent. Audio-Visual services has one full time classified supervisor and one halftime AV technician. As the Audio-Visual remains uncataloged, automated checkout on the HORIZON system has not been implemented and for which an additional computer will be needed. . Self-Evaluation: Library Self-Evaluation: AV As public access to the collection through PEARL will probably increase use of such materials, standardization and updating of formats and platforms is a priority. Collection development in AV has been hampered, as in the Library collections, by a stagnant budget, insufficient to increasing costs, technical advances, and growing informational needs of students and faculty. It is hoped that with additional staffing and increased budgeting the AV collection can be weeded for unused and outdated materials, older technical formats and that useful older resources, such as the analog recordings, be transferred to digital forms and archived Action Plans: Library DHSparks Page 2 2/15/2016 Name: Role: IIC. 1b. The institution provides ongoing instruction for users of library and other learning support services so that students are able to develop skill in information competency. Narrative: Themes: Questions: Evidence/Proof: □ Institutional Commitments: □ Evaluation, planning and improvement □ Student Learning Outcomes □ Organization □ Dialogue -- □ OPENENSS & TRANSPARENCY OF PROCESS □ What are the information competencies that the institution purports to teach all students? □ Program Review □ How does the institution assess the competencies in information retrieval/use that it teaches students? □ Ed. Master Plan □ How does the institution evaluate its teaching effectiveness and set goals for improvement. □ Unit Plan & Budget Proposal □ Surveys □ SLOs & Measures □ Statistics □ Show quantity, quality, depth and variety. □ Ongoing instruction □ Link of SLOs and assessments to purchases & ed. progs. □ acquisition related to educational plans □ Hrs. of operations, remote access and means of delivery, & limits. □ Institutional maintenance schedules, capital improvement plans, security for library, holding, L Bldg. □ Formal agreements or contract, for services DHSparks Page 3 2/15/2016 Name: Role: IIC. 1c The institution provides students and personnel responsible for student learning programs and services adequate access to the library and other learning support services, regardless of their location or means of delivery. Questions: Narrative: Themes: Evidence/Proof: □ Institutional Commitments: □ Evaluation, planning and improvement □ Student Learning Outcomes □ Organization □ Dialogue -- □ OPENENSS & TRANSPARENCY OF PROCESS □ What are the hours of operation of the library? □ What is the availability of electronic access to library materials? □ Are all campus locations/all types of students/all college instructional programs equally supported by library services and accessibility? □ □ □ Program Review □ Unit Plan & Budget Proposal □ Ed. Master Plan □ Surveys □ SLOs & Measures □ Statistics □ Show quantity, quality, depth and variety. □ Ongoing instruction □ Link of SLOs and assessments to purchases & ed. progs. □ acquisition related to educational plans □ Hrs. of operations, remote access and means of delivery, & limits. □ Institutional maintenance schedules, capital improvement plans, security for library, holding, L Bldg. □ Formal agreements or contract, for services DHSparks Page 4 2/15/2016 Name: Role: IIC. 1d. The institution provides effective maintenance and security for its library and other learning support services. Questions: Narrative: Themes: Evidence/Proof: □ Institutional Commitments: □ Evaluation, planning and improvement □ Student Learning Outcomes □ Organization □ Dialogue -- □ OPENENSS & TRANSPARENCY OF PROCESS □ NONE SUGGESTED □ Program Review □ Unit Plan & Budget Proposal □ Ed. Master Plan □ Surveys □ SLOs & Measures □ Statistics □ Show quantity, quality, depth and variety. □ Ongoing instruction □ Link of SLOs and assessments to purchases & ed. progs. □ acquisition related to educational plans □ Hrs. of operations, remote access and means of delivery, & limits. □ Institutional maintenance schedules, capital improvement plans, security for library, holding, L Bldg. □ Formal agreements or contract, for services DHSparks Page 5 2/15/2016 Name: Role: IIC. 1e. When the institution relies on or collaborates with other institutions or other sources for library and other learning support services for its instructional programs, it documents that formal agreements exist and that such resources and services are adequate for the intended purpose, are easily accessible, and utilized. …evaluated on a regular basis … institution takes responsibility for and assures reliability of all service provided directly or through contractual arrangement. Questions: Narrative: Themes: Evidence/Proof: □ Institutional Commitments: □ Evaluation, planning and improvement □ Student Learning Outcomes □ Organization □ Dialogue -- □ OPENENSS & TRANSPARENCY OF PROCESS □ What contracts, if any, exist for the provision of library and learning support services? □ What processes does the institution have for evaluating and ensuring the quality of those contracted services? □ How does the institution gather information to assess whether the services are being used? □ Program Review □ Unit Plan & Budget Proposal □ Ed. Master Plan □ Surveys □ SLOs & Measures □ Statistics □ Show quantity, quality, depth and variety. □ Ongoing instruction □ Link of SLOs and assessments to purchases & ed. progs. □ acquisition related to educational plans □ Hrs. of operations, remote access and means of delivery, & limits. □ Institutional maintenance schedules, capital improvement plans, security for library, holding, L Bldg. □ Formal agreements or contract, for services DHSparks Page 6 2/15/2016 Name: Role: 2. Institution evaluates library and other learning support services to assure their adequacy in meeting identified student needs. Evaluation of these services provides evidence that they contribute to the achievement of student learning outcomes. The institution uses the results of these evaluations as the basis for improvement. Questions: Narrative: Themes: Evidence/Proof: □ Institutional Commitments: □ Evaluation, planning and improvement □ Student Learning Outcomes □ Organization □ Dialogue -- □ OPENENSS & TRANSPARENCY OF PROCESS □ What method does the institution use to evaluate its library and other learning support service? □ Does the evaluation assess use, access, and relationship of the services to intended students learning? □ Does the evaluation include input by faculty, staff, and students? □ Program Review □ Unit Plan & Budget Proposal □ Ed. Master Plan □ Surveys □ SLOs & Measures □ Statistics □ Show quantity, quality, depth and variety. □ Ongoing instruction □ Link of SLOs and assessments to purchases & ed. progs. □ acquisition related to educational plans □ Hrs. of operations, remote access and means of delivery, & limits. □ Institutional maintenance schedules, capital improvement plans, security for library, holding, L Bldg. □ Formal agreements or contract, for services 1 Library evaluates the effectiveness of student learning during course, workshops on IC and use of the library No of vols, periodicals, kinds of tech resource or equipment – computers, microfiche, video equipment audio tapes, CD ROMs, seating nos. 3 Data and analyses of the institutional evaluations of library holding by faculty (or disciplines or programs, student and any external reviewers. 4 Description of remote access practice and statistics; description of use by remote users – students faculty. 5 Institutional plans for improvement of Library. 6 Description of contracted/collaborated services quantity, quality, depth and currency; results of evaluation of these contracts; provisions of contract that provide for institution’s control of quality. 2 DHSparks Page 7 2/15/2016