

LING 580: Topics in the Syntax of Relative Clauses

Fall 2005

Instructor’s Name

Meeting Time


Office Hours


Course Website

Course Description:

Barbara Citko

Wed 3:30-5:50 pm (MGH 284)

Padelford A-210D

Mon 1-2pm and Wed 10-11am

This seminar explores the theoretical and empirical issues surrounding the syntax of relative clauses. We will survey different approaches to the syntax of relative clauses, focusing on less studied types of relatives (free relatives, correlatives, appositives etc). In the process, we will explore the following theoretical issues:

movement and structure building operations within the minimalist program: copy theory of movement, projection of non-target, locality of merge, countercyclic adjunction, internal versus external merge

antisymmetry in syntax

syntax-morphology interface (matching effects, case syncretism, case attraction)

syntax-semantics interface (reconstruction effects)

Requirements: weekly readings, class presentation of one paper from the syllabus, active participation in class discussions, and a final paper on a topic related to the course content.

Grading Policy: participation class presentation


30% abstract of the paper final paper



Course Outline:

This is just a guideline. Let me know if you would like to explore other relevant topics and/or other relevant readings. I would be happy to adjust the syllabus to reflect our common interests.

The readings marked with an asterisk are optional.


Introduction and Overview

Bianchi, V. Headed relative clauses in generative syntax: Part I and II. In Glot International


Matching versus raising analyses of relative clauses

Citko, B. 2001. Deletion under Identity in Relative Clauses, In NELS 31.

Sauerland, U. 1998. The meaning of chains. Doctoral dissertation, MIT, Cambridge, MA. Pp. 60-


*Sauerland, U. and Husley, S. Sorting out Relative Clauses. Ms. University of Connecticut and


*Bhatt, R. 2002. The raising analysis of relative clauses: evidence from adjectival modification.



Antisymmetric Approaches to Relative Clauses

* Kayne, Richard S. 1994. The antisymmetry of syntax. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. Pp. 85-


Borsley, Robert D. 1997. Relative clauses and the theory of phrase structure. Linguistic Inquiry


Bianchi, V. 2000. The raising analysis of relative clauses: reply to Borsley. Linguistic Inquiry



Free Relatives: two ‘classic’ approaches van Riemsdijk, H. 2000. Free Relatives. In Syncom: Case 44.

* Bresnan, Joan and Jane Grimshaw. 1978. 'The syntax of free relatives in English', Linguistic

Inquiry 9, 3, pp. 331-391.

* Groos, Anneke and Henk van Riemsdijk. 1981. 'Matching effects in free relatives: a parameter of core grammar', in A. Belletti et al. (eds.), Theory of Markedness in Generative Grammar,

Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, pp. 171-216.


Free Relatives: newer approaches and arguments

Larson, R. 1998. ‘Free Relative Clauses and Missing Ps: Reply to Grosu’, unpublished manuscript, Stony Brook University.

Bury, D. 2002. Phrase Structure and derived heads. Doctoral dissertation, University College

London. Chapter 4.



Bhatt, R. 2003. Locality in Correlatives. NLLT.

Dwivedi, V. 1994. Syntactic Dependencies and Relative Phrases in Hindi. Doctoral dissertation,

UMass Amherst. Chapter 4.

* Izvorski, R. 1996. The syntax and semantics of correlative proforms. In NELS 28.

* DenDikken, M. (to appear). Comparative Correlatives Comparatively. Linguistic Inquiry.


Transparent Free Relatives

Grosu, A. A unified theory of standard and transparent relatives. NLLT, pp. 277-320.

Wilder, Ch. 1999. Transparent Free Relatives. In WCCFL 17.

* Riemsdijk, Henk. C. van. 2000. 'Free Relatives Inside Out: Transparent Free Relatives as

Grafts'. In Proceedings of the 1999 PASE Conference, B. Rozwadowska (ed.) . University of


IX. Existential Free Relatives (aka Modal, Indefinite, Irrealis)

Izvorski, R. Non-indicative Wh-complements of possessive and existential predicates. In NELS


Grosu, A. The syntax and semantics of modal existential constructions. Ms.

Caponigro, Ivano. 2001. On the semantics of Indefinite Free Relatives. In ConSOLE X .

X. Appositives

Demirdache, H. 1991. Resumptive chains in restrictive relatives, appositives and dislocation structures. Doctoral dissertation, MIT, Cambridge, MA. Chapter 3. deVries, 2002. The syntax of relativization. Doctoral dissertation, Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics. Chapter 6.

* Gobo, F. 2003. Appositives at the Interface. Doctoral dissertation, USC Irvine, Chapters 3-4.
