How do I export animals to other institutions? The DLAR routinely assists investigators in the shipping of animals to other institutions. It is important for the investigator to plan ahead since there are numerous steps that have to be completed by both the sending and receiving institutions. It normally takes a minimum of 3 weeks, from the time of initial request until the animals are shipped, to fulfill the requirements of the receiving institution and arrange shipment. The steps for exporting animals is outlined below: 1) The investigator must complete an “Animal Shipping Request” form (link). Once the form is complete, please send the copy to either Dr. Tom Zimmerman or Dr. Jan Wyrick Gnadt. 2) With the information provided by the investigator, the DLAR veterinarian will contact the veterinarian at the receiving institution to determine what health surveillance information they need. 3) Export of Rodents a) DLAR will send the veterinarian the most recent DLAR sentinel health surveillance report, along with a letter describing the surveillance program, assurance of general health status and special health related information about the animals, if applicable. b) If the receiving institution requests additional tests, or more recent testing results, we will work with the investigator to schedule and collect blood and/or fecal sample collection from their rodent colony. Samples will be sent for diagnostic testing and results will be sent to the receiving institution. c) After the receiving veterinarian reviews all health related information, they will contact the DLAR veterinarian and approve shipment of animals to their institution. d) Mike Gliganic (444-1162) is informed by the DLAR veterinarian, and he will arrange shipment of the animals, as follows: - Contact the investigator and have the cages properly marked in the animal room for shipment. - Contact the business office of the receiving institution and the shipping carrier to arrange ground or air transportation. The investigator will be contacted regarding the scheduled day of travel. e) Please note that all rodents are shipped in pre-sterilized, filtered shipping boxes. f) On the day of shipment, Mike Gliganic will work with the investigator staff to properly box all animals. Boxes will be labeled and all paperwork completed for carrier pick-up. g) The receiving institution will confirm successfully arrival of the animals with Mike Gliganic. Contact Mike directly (444-1162) for arrival information. 4) Export of Non-rodents a) DLAR will contact the veterinarian at the receiving institution to determine what type of pre-shipping tests must be completed. b) The veterinarian will work with the investigator to schedule and collect blood and/or fecal sample collection from the animal(s). Samples will be sent for diagnostic testing and the test results, plus any other requested medical information, will be sent to the receiving institution. c) After the receiving veterinarian receives all health related information, they will contact, and approve, the shipment of the animal(s) through the DLAR veterinarian. All pertinent shipping health certificates will be completed. d) The DLAR veterinarian will contact Mike Gliganic (444-1162) regarding the animal(s) to be shipped. Mike will contact the investigator and have the cages/pens properly marked in the animal room to clearly designate the animal(s) for shipment. e) The DLAR business office (444-2194) will contact the business office of the receiving institution and the shipping carrier to arrange ground and/or air transportation. The investigator will be contacted regarding the scheduled day of travel. f) On the day of shipment, DLAR staff will assure that the animal is properly caged for transport and all paperwork completed. g) The receiving institution will confirm successfully arrival of the animals with Mike Gliganic. Contact Mike directly (444-1162) for arrival information.