NGNA Fellows Areas of Expertise FELLOW TOPICS Alderman, Joanne Falls, Restraints, Geriatric syndromes, Functional assessment, comprehensive geriatric assessment, pain, dementia, delirium Health Policy, staff development, incorporating normal changes of the older adult in a comprehensive geriatric assessment, dementia, delirium, health promotion, leadership and management. Cognition – normal aging, dementia, mild impairment - assessment & targeted interventions in function, mood, cognitive Organization of community health screens IDT – development, innovative clinics Pain assessment in dementia Parish nurse Amann, Carol Anderson, Martha Campbell, Jane Carlson, Susan Chow, Rita Chu, Nancy Close, Jackie Conley, Deborah Marks Crist, Janice Crogan, Neva Parkinson’s, Seizures, Frailty Professional development Spirituality and spiritual well being of older adults Ethnogeriatrics -cultural competence, Minority health, Health literacy, Health promotion, Community based participatory research Falls, frailty, dementia, delirium, cognitive function, pharmacology, pain control, palliative care Falls Cognitive function including Dementia, Delirium and Depression Pharmacology Gerontological Nurse Certification Preparation (Generalist or CNS) Functional assessment Comprehensive geriatric assessment Pain Healthcare disparities-under use of home health care Participatory research, Qualitative research Family caregiving-especially Latinos Organizational change, Long-term care, Nutrition Caregiving COMMUNICATION METHODS Verbal, Written, Consultative Verbal Written Consultative Consultative Verbal Written Consultative Evans, Bronwynne Caregiving of Hispanic elders, Nutrition care in nursing homes Mixed methods research Gladden, Health care transitions Joanne Health and racial disparities Service learning Parish Nursing Hannah, Jane Diabetes Hertz, Judi Development of EBP practice guideline on relocation of older adults (for U of IA) Research methods with older adults Community-based care of older adults Self-care, health promotion and support for the older adult’s autonomy Kollman, Long Term Care: Gero Assessment, LTC Leadership Nancy and Management, Gerontology dducation, Nursing process, Evidence based practice guidelines from John A. Hartford Shared Governance Root Cause Analysis to QA Larsen, Pam Chronic illness-psychosocial adjustment Lueckenotte, Falls, Delirium, Polypharmacy Annette Assessment and reasessment Long, Kathy Acute Care for Elderly-hospital based (ACE) Geriatric Resource Nurse Long, Mary Home Care Verbal Lou Hospice Written Consultative Mastel-Smith, Health promotion for older adults, caregiving, online video Beth memory loss conference Mayo, Caryl Leadership and management, Education Audio commentary McCabe, Dementia Barbara Health promotion McLeskey, ELNEC-Geriatrics (End of life care) Nancy Spirituality Raudonis, Geriatric oncology, Palliative care Barbara Genomics SanchezHealth disparities Jones, Tamika Health promotion Sparks, Marty Alzheimer's Disease Verbal End of life Written Consultative Spurlock, Wanda Walent, Ron Wexler, Sharon Alzheimer's caregiving, spiritual well-being and caregiver burden, disaster nursing, management of behavioral symptoms and communication strategies in persons with Alzheimer's disease/related dementia, Excellence in Care Specialist, Alzheimer's Foundation of America Nursing home environments Quality of life in older adults Ethnography Obesity in long term care settings Advocacy Qualitative methods Acute care for the Elderly (ACE) model, Fall prevention, Restraint alternatives, preventing functional decline, The Magnet Program, Gerontological Certification Review, and undergraduate education. I am available for any kind of consultation as needed.