Guided Reading Lesson Plan (Levels M-Z) Title: Stone Fox Level: P ISBN: 0-395-73247-6 Publisher: Houghton Mifflin DAY ONE: Chapter 1 Before Reading: (5-7 min.) *Summarize plot (M) *Unfamiliar book language/character names (S) *Discuss pictures (M) *Draw upon students’ experiences (M) (Look at inside front picture) This book is about Little Willy. Willy lives with his grandfather on a potato farm in Wyoming. His best friend is his dog, Searchlight. Do you have any ideas why Willy might live with his grandfather? (Look at the front cover) Do you have any other ideas what might happen in this book? This book is also about an Indian character named Stone Fox. As you read, you'll find out about a big problem for Little Willy, and more about Stone Fox. In the first chapter, something happens to Grandfather. Willy is worried and goes to get Doc Smith. Read to find out what Doc Smith says about Grandfather. Words/Text Layout: *New or important words (V)- chicken coop (4) *Unusual aspect of text layout (V)- Notice Grandfather's name is capitalized because that is what Willy calls him. Suggested Teaching Point (Behaviors to Notice and Support) or focus on a Comprehension Strategy: connections, questions, inferences, visualizing, summarizing, synthesizing, determining importance Readers revise predictions as they learn about new events in the text. Do you have any predictions about what might be wrong with Grandfather? (Look at the picture on pg. 8) During Reading: (10-15 min.) Students silently read the text. You may choose to listen to a few students whisper read the text, if reading fluency is a concern. While students are silently reading, you can start another group or conference with students who are independently reading. After Reading: (8-10 min.) *Discuss the story -clarify confusion, revisiting parts of the text that posed problems for readers -acknowledge partially correct responses, seeking to understand students’ perspectives *Connect discussion to the teaching point and/or a comprehension strategy (see above) What happened to Grandfather? Why did Willy think Grandfather was playing a trick on him? What did Doc Smith say is wrong with Grandfather? Is that what you predicted? Do you have any new predictions about why Grandfather doesn't want to live? Assignment: Read Chapter 1 Students could write predictions about what is wrong with Grandfather. They could rewrite predictions after reading the chapter. Guided Reading Lesson Plan (Levels M-Z) Title: Stone Fox Level: P ISBN: 0-395-73247-6 Publisher: Houghton Mifflin DAY TWO: Chapter 2 Before Reading: (5-7 min.) *Summarize plot (M) *Unfamiliar book language/character names (S) *Discuss pictures (M) *Draw upon students’ experiences (M) In chapter one Doc Smith told Willy that Grandfather didn't want to live anymore. Do you have any other ideas why Grandfather might not want to live? In this chapter, Little Willy decides to harvest the potatoes all by himself, even after Doc Smith tells him not to. What kind of work do you think you would need to do to harvest potatoes? Can you think of any problems Willy might have? Do you think Willy can harvest the potatoes alone? When you read this chapter, you'll find out if Willy can harvest the potatoes all by himself. Even Searchlight tries to help. Read to find out what they do together. You'll also read in this chapter that Willy and Grandfather develop hand signals to communicate. Why would they need hand signals? Words/Text Layout: *New or important words (V)- mare (16), strongbox (17), bushels (21) *Unusual aspect of text layout (V) Suggested Teaching Point (Behaviors to Notice and Support) or focus on a Comprehension Strategy: connections, questions, inferences, visualizing, summarizing, synthesizing, determining importance The book doesn't tell you when this story is taking place. Do you have any ideas when this story is taking places? What clues has the author already given you. As you read today, play attention to other details that help you know when the story is taking place. During Reading: (10-15 min.) Students silently read the text. You may choose to listen to a few students whisper read the text, if reading fluency is a concern. While students are silently reading, you can start another group or conference with students who are independently reading. After Reading: (8-10 min.) *Discuss the story -clarify confusion, revisiting parts of the text that posed problems for readers -acknowledge partially correct responses, seeking to understand students’ perspectives *Connect discussion to the teaching point and/or a comprehension strategy (see above) What things did Willy have to do to harvest the potatoes? How did Searchlight help? How did Willy think Grandfather would feel after he harvested the potatoes? How did he really feel? What hand signals did Grandfather use to communicate with Willy? As you read, did you find any clues about when the story is taking place? Assignment: Read Chapter 2 Students could write down clues about the setting of the story. Guided Reading Lesson Plan (Levels M-Z) Title: Stone Fox Level: P ISBN: 0-395-73247-6 Publisher: Houghton Mifflin DAY THREE: Chapter 3 Before Reading: (5-7 min.) *Summarize plot (M) *Unfamiliar book language/character names (S) *Discuss pictures (M) *Draw upon students’ experiences (M) In chapter two Willy harvested the potatoes, and we learned that the harvest wasn't what was bothering Grandfather. Do you have any other ideas what might be bothering him? Do you think Willy is taking good care of Grandfather so far? In chapter 3 you'll read more about how Willy takes care of Grandfather and the farm. Willy has to go back to school, but Searchlight goes right along with him. Each day at the end of school, Willy and Searchlight have a tradition. Read to find out what they do. Willy goes back to school in October when the snow starts. This helps you know this story is happening in the past. Kids used to go back to school later in the year, because their families needed them at home to help with the harvest. Words/Text Layout: *New or important words (V)- city slickers (26), lunged (27), gully (27) *Unusual aspect of text layout (V) Suggested Teaching Point (Behaviors to Notice and Support) or focus on a Comprehension Strategy: connections, questions, inferences, visualizing, summarizing, synthesizing, determining importance Readers revise predictions as they learn about new events in the text. (opening question & discussion questions) During Reading: (10-15 min.) Students silently read the text. You may choose to listen to a few students whisper read the text, if reading fluency is a concern. While students are silently reading, you can start another group or conference with students who are independently reading. After Reading: (8-10 min.) *Discuss the story -clarify confusion, revisiting parts of the text that posed problems for readers -acknowledge partially correct responses, seeking to understand students’ perspectives *Connect discussion to the teaching point and/or a comprehension strategy (see above) How does Willy help take care of Grandfather and the farm? What kind of boy is Willy? What do Willy and Searchlight do every day at 6:00? At the end of the chapter, there is a horse tied up outside the house. By the way the author wrote this part of the chapter, do you think the person is there for a good visit? Do you have any predictions about who that person might be? Do you think it has anything to do with Grandfather not wanting to live? Assignment: Read Chapter 3 Students could make a list of the things Willy does to help Grandfather and get ready for winter. Guided Reading Lesson Plan (Levels M-Z) Title: Stone Fox Level: P ISBN: 0-395-73247-6 Publisher: Houghton Mifflin DAY FOUR: Chapter 4 Before Reading: (5-7 min.) *Summarize plot (M) *Unfamiliar book language/character names (S) *Discuss pictures (M) *Draw upon students’ experiences (M) In chapter 3 you learned about how responsible Willy was by the way he took care of Grandfather and the farm, and how he got everything ready for winter. The author left us hanging at the end of the chapter. Do you remember how the chapter ended? Do you have any ideas who was waiting for Willy at the farm. In chapter 4 you'll get to find out who was waiting at the farm for Willy. Look at the title of the chapter. What else do you think you might learn in this chapter. (Have students look at title and make predictions.) You will learn about the reason Grandfather won't get out of bed. It has something to do with the person who was waiting for Willy when he got home from school. Words/Text Layout: *New or important words (V)- ricocheting (30), derringer (30) *Unusual aspect of text layout (V) Suggested Teaching Point (Behaviors to Notice and Support) or focus on a Comprehension Strategy: connections, questions, inferences, visualizing, summarizing, synthesizing, determining importance Readers think about the plot of the story. (characters) Authors often use careful language to describe characters. This helps to give you a picture of the person and helps you understand their character. In this chapter the author does a good job describing the person at Willy's house. Pay attention to the language the author uses to describe them. During Reading: (10-15 min.) Students silently read the text. You may choose to listen to a few students whisper read the text, if reading fluency is a concern. While students are silently reading, you can start another group or conference with students who are independently reading. After Reading: (8-10 min.) *Discuss the story -clarify confusion, revisiting parts of the text that posed problems for readers -acknowledge partially correct responses, seeking to understand students’ perspectives *Connect discussion to the teaching point and/or a comprehension strategy (see above) Who was waiting for Willy when he got home? What did this person want? You finally learned the reason Grandfather wouldn't get out of bed. What is the reason? What kind of man is Clifford Snyder, the tax man? What words/language did the author use to describe him. (voice like a bullet, holding a derringer, city slicker, droopy mustache, smoking a cigar, yellow, tobacco-stained teeth) What do you think Willy will do now? Assignment: Read Chapter 4 Students could take notes on the precise language the author uses to describe Clifford Snyder. Guided Reading Lesson Plan (Levels M-Z) Title: Stone Fox Level: P ISBN: 0-395-73247-6 Publisher: Houghton Mifflin DAY FIVE: Chapter 5 Before Reading: (5-7 min.) *Summarize plot (M) *Unfamiliar book language/character names (S) *Discuss pictures (M) *Draw upon students’ experiences (M) In chapter 4 you learned why Grandfather won't get out of bed. Why won't Grandfather get out of bed? This is the main conflict in the story. Do you have any predictions about how Willy will pay the taxes to solve this conflict? Chapter 5 is called, “The Way.” What do you think that means? In this chapter Willy tries hard to get the money to pay Grandfather's taxes and save the farm. He asks everyone in town, and they all say he should sell the farm. Willy is determined though, and at the end of the chapter you'll read about the way he finds to save the farm. Words/Text Layout: *New or important words (V)- “where there's a will, there's a way” (37), samoyeds (45) *Unusual aspect of text layout (V) Suggested Teaching Point (Behaviors to Notice and Support) or focus on a Comprehension Strategy: connections, questions, inferences, visualizing, summarizing, synthesizing, determining importance Readers think about the plot of the story. (conflict) In the last chapter you learned about the conflict in the story. In this chapter you'll learn how Willy is trying to resolve the conflict. During Reading: (10-15 min.) Students silently read the text. You may choose to listen to a few students whisper read the text, if reading fluency is a concern. While students are silently reading, you can start another group or conference with students who are independently reading. After Reading: (8-10 min.) *Discuss the story -clarify confusion, revisiting parts of the text that posed problems for readers -acknowledge partially correct responses, seeking to understand students’ perspectives *Connect discussion to the teaching point and/or a comprehension strategy (see above) Why did everyone tell Willy he should sell the farm? Why doesn't Willy want to sell the farm? Do you think he should sell the farm? If you were Willy, what would you do? Why won't the bank loan Willy money? Do you think they should loan Willy the money? How does Willy think he will get the money? Do you think this will work? Assignment: Read Chapter 5 Students could write about the ways Willy tries to get the money or write predictions about what will happen next. Guided Reading Lesson Plan (Levels M-Z) Title: Stone Fox Level: P ISBN: 0-395-73247-6 Publisher: Houghton Mifflin DAY SIX: Chapter 6 Before Reading: (5-7 min.) *Summarize plot (M) *Unfamiliar book language/character names (S) *Discuss pictures (M) *Draw upon students’ experiences (M) In chapter 5 you learned how Willy is planning to get the money to pay the taxes to save Grandfather's farm. How does he plan to get the money? Do you think this will work? In this Chapter you will meet Stone Fox. He is a very legendary Indian. Stone Fox is part of the Shoshone tribe of Indians. He refuses to talk to white people because they treated his people badly. Do you know what white people did to Indians back then? Stone Fox's people had their land taken from them, and they were forced to live on a reservation. Stone Fox is entering the sled dog race too. Pay attention to the reason he is entering. Words/Text Layout: *New or important words (V)- handkerchief (46), amateurs (47), Shoshone & Arapaho (53) *Unusual aspect of text layout (V) Suggested Teaching Point (Behaviors to Notice and Support) or focus on a Comprehension Strategy: connections, questions, inferences, visualizing, summarizing, synthesizing, determining importance Readers think about the plot of the story. (characters) Authors often use careful language to describe characters. This helps to give you a picture of the person and helps you understand their character. In this chapter the author does a good job describing Stone Fox. Pay attention to the language the author uses to describe him. During Reading: (10-15 min.) Students silently read the text. You may choose to listen to a few students whisper read the text, if reading fluency is a concern. While students are silently reading, you can start another group or conference with students who are independently reading. After Reading: (8-10 min.) *Discuss the story -clarify confusion, revisiting parts of the text that posed problems for readers -acknowledge partially correct responses, seeking to understand students’ perspectives *Connect discussion to the teaching point and/or a comprehension strategy (see above) How does Willy get the money to enter the sled do race? Do you think he should have used his college money? Who is the owner of the Samoyeds? Why is Stone Fox entering the sled dog race? Do you think Willy can beat Stone Fox? Why doesn't Stone Fox practice for the race like Willy does? How did the author describe Stone Fox in this chapter. What is the language he used to describe Stone Fox? (large, by no means lightly constructed-man, dressed in furs & leather, dark skin, dark hair, face as hard as stone, a giant, face was solid granite, snapped a man's back with two fingers, smart) Assignment: Read Chapter 6 Students could take notes on the precise language the author uses to describe Stone Fox Guided Reading Lesson Plan (Levels M-Z) Title: Stone Fox Level: P ISBN: 0-395-73247-6 Publisher: Houghton Mifflin DAY SEVEN: Chapter 7 Before Reading: (5-7 min.) *Summarize plot (M) *Unfamiliar book language/character names (S) *Discuss pictures (M) *Draw upon students’ experiences (M) In chapter 6 you learned about Stone Fox. Who is Stone Fox? Why does he want to win the race? In chapter 7 Willy has to go visit Doc Smith to get some medicine. Doc Smith changes a little bit. Read to see what she tells Willy. On Willy's way back from town, he meets up with Stone Fox. Do you have any idea what might happen? Pay close attention to how Willy acts and how Stone Fox acts. Words/Text Layout: *New or important words (V)- treacherous (57) *Unusual aspect of text layout (V) Suggested Teaching Point (Behaviors to Notice and Support) or focus on a Comprehension Strategy: connections, questions, inferences, visualizing, summarizing, synthesizing, determining importance Readers think about the plot of the story. (characters) Authors give you clues about characters by the things they say and do. Pay attention to the things Stone Fox does, and the things Willy says and does. This will give you clues about the kind of people they are. During Reading: (10-15 min.) Students silently read the text. You may choose to listen to a few students whisper read the text, if reading fluency is a concern. While students are silently reading, you can start another group or conference with students who are independently reading. After Reading: (8-10 min.) *Discuss the story -clarify confusion, revisiting parts of the text that posed problems for readers -acknowledge partially correct responses, seeking to understand students’ perspectives *Connect discussion to the teaching point and/or a comprehension strategy (see above) Doc Smith changes a bit in this chapter. How did Doc Smith change? Why do you think she told Willy she would be rooting for him? What did Willy see as he was leaving town? Why did he want to pet the Samoyeds? What did Stone Fox do? Why do you think he hit Willy? What kind of person is Stone Fox? Why? What did Willy say after Stone Fox hit him? Why do you think he said he wished they could both win? What kind of person is Willy? Why? Assignment: Read Chapter 7 Students could take notes on the actions of Willy and Stone Fox. They could make a comparison chart. Guided Reading Lesson Plan (Levels M-Z) Title: Stone Fox Level: P ISBN: 0-395-73247-6 Publisher: Houghton Mifflin DAY EIGHT: Chapter 8 Before Reading: (5-7 min.) *Summarize plot (M) *Unfamiliar book language/character names (S) *Discuss pictures (M) *Draw upon students’ experiences (M) In chapter 7, Willy had a meeting with Stone Fox. How did their meeting go? Now it's time for the race. Do you have any idea how Willy and Searchlight might do against Stone Fox? All the townspeople come out to watch the big race. It's a big event for the town. Willy is nervous seeing all the people, but he's sure he'll win. The townspeople all think Stone Fox will win, even though they wish Willy good luck. Who do you think will win? Words/Text Layout: *New or important words (V)- Teton Mountains (63), slingshot (63), *Unusual aspect of text layout (V) Suggested Teaching Point (Behaviors to Notice and Support) or focus on a Comprehension Strategy: connections, questions, inferences, visualizing, summarizing, synthesizing, determining importance Readers think about the plot of the story. (characters) In this chapter you learn more about Willy as a character. Pay attention to how Willy treats Stone Fox in this chapter, even after Stone Fox hit him. During Reading: (10-15 min.) Students silently read the text. You may choose to listen to a few students whisper read the text, if reading fluency is a concern. While students are silently reading, you can start another group or conference with students who are independently reading. After Reading: (8-10 min.) *Discuss the story -clarify confusion, revisiting parts of the text that posed problems for readers -acknowledge partially correct responses, seeking to understand students’ perspectives *Connect discussion to the teaching point and/or a comprehension strategy (see above) How does Willy get the money to enter the sled do race? Do you think he should have used his college money? Who is the owner of the Samoyeds? Why is Stone Fox entering the sled dog race? Do you think Willy can beat Stone Fox? Why doesn't Stone Fox practice for the race like Willy does? How did the author describe Stone Fox in this chapter. What is the language he used to describe Stone Fox? (large, by no means lightly constructed-man, dressed in furs & leather, dark skin, dark hair, face as hard as stone, a giant, face was solid granite, snapped a man's back with two fingers, smart) Assignment: Read Chapter 8 Students could take notes on Willy's character. (What kind of person is Willy? How does he treat Stone Fox?) Guided Reading Lesson Plan (Levels M-Z) Title: Stone Fox Level: P ISBN: 0-395-73247-6 Publisher: Houghton Mifflin DAY NINE: Chapter 9 Before Reading: (5-7 min.) *Summarize plot (M) *Unfamiliar book language/character names (S) *Discuss pictures (M) *Draw upon students’ experiences (M) In chapter 8 Willy went to town for the race. Even though they didn’t think he would win, the townspeople were all rooting for him. Do you think Willy will win? Chapter 9 is all about the race. Willy has to travel out of town, by Grandfather’s house, and back. To win he will have to beat Stone Fox and the five Samoyeds. Do you think he can? Words/Text Layout: *New or important words (V)- outskirts (70) *Unusual aspect of text layout (V) Suggested Teaching Point (Behaviors to Notice and Support) or focus on a Comprehension Strategy: connections, questions, inferences, visualizing, summarizing, synthesizing, determining importance Readers revise predictions as they learn about new events in the text. As you read this chapter, make a prediction about what will happen in the race. Do you think Willy will win? During Reading: (10-15 min.) Students silently read the text. You may choose to listen to a few students whisper read the text, if reading fluency is a concern. While students are silently reading, you can start another group or conference with students who are independently reading. After Reading: (8-10 min.) *Discuss the story -clarify confusion, revisiting parts of the text that posed problems for readers -acknowledge partially correct responses, seeking to understand students’ perspectives *Connect discussion to the teaching point and/or a comprehension strategy (see above) How was Willy able to get so far ahead of the other racers? What did Willy see as he went by Grandfather’s house? How did seeing Grandfather help Willy in the race? What do you think is wrong with Stone Fox and the Samoyeds? Why are they in last place? Do you think they’ll stay in last place? Who do you think will win the race? Assignment: Read Chapter 9 Students could take notes on the strategy Willy uses to get ahead of the other racers. Guided Reading Lesson Plan (Levels M-Z) Title: Stone Fox Level: P ISBN: 0-395-73247-6 Publisher: Houghton Mifflin DAY TEN: Chapter 10 Before Reading: (5-7 min.) *Summarize plot (M) *Unfamiliar book language/character names (S) *Discuss pictures (M) *Draw upon students’ experiences (M) In chapter 9, Willy started the race and got a big lead. Who was gaining on him though? Do you think Willy can win? Chapter 10 is the end of the race. I won’t tell you who wins, but pay attention to Stone Fox. He does something very surprising during this chapter. Read to find out who wins the race. Words/Text Layout: *New or important words (V)- forged (77) *Unusual aspect of text layout (V) Suggested Teaching Point (Behaviors to Notice and Support) or focus on a Comprehension Strategy: connections, questions, inferences, visualizing, summarizing, synthesizing, determining importance Readers think about the plot of the story. (character) Pay attention to the actions of Stone Fox in this chapter. During Reading: (10-15 min.) Students silently read the text. You may choose to listen to a few students whisper read the text, if reading fluency is a concern. While students are silently reading, you can start another group or conference with students who are independently reading. After Reading: (8-10 min.) *Discuss the story -clarify confusion, revisiting parts of the text that posed problems for readers -acknowledge partially correct responses, seeking to understand students’ perspectives *Connect discussion to the teaching point and/or a comprehension strategy (see above) What happened to Searchlight? Why do you think her heart burst? What did Stone Fox do? Why do you think he did that? Does that change your mind about the kind of person Stone Fox is? Why do you think the author ended the book this way? Do you think it was a good way to end? What do you think happened next? What is the theme of the story? What is the author trying to teach you? Assignment: Read Chapter 10 Students could write an 11th chapter to the story telling what happened after the race?