Immortality is the opposite of immortality. Immortality mean you don’t die…ever. I think in D.O.A.S that immortality means that you might die in body but you will be remembered by a lot of people due to the fact that you left your mark or a legacy back on earth. Willy Loman is afraid of being mortal this would ironically lead to his death. Willy tried to leave his mark on the world by planting seeds in his back yard. His pathetic attempt to leave his mark shows how desperate and afraid that if he died nobody will have anything to remember him by. The seeds are a symbol of his paranoia of being forgotten and also of being one of the few accomplishment in his life that is tangible (can be touched). Willy idolizes people who according to him have joined the ranks of the great. Dave Singleman whom he speaks of with great admiration when talking to Howard Wagner about his job on pg 36 is one of Willy’s two obvious Idols in D.O.A.S. he (according to Willy) was remembered by all the buyers and salesmen that he has ever met. This in his eyes makes him immortal as everyone missed and remembered him. Ben is the deceased brother of Willy. He mysteriously made a lot of money extremely quickly. He is the second obvious idol of Willy Loman in the play D.O.A.S. Even though Ben was dead Willy at times of extreme stress or having to deal with problems has hallucinations of Ben , this imaginary Ben would remind him that he is a failure in life and should have com with him to Alaska. Throughout the play when Willy would ask him what was the secret of success Ben would reply with the mysterious answer: “When I was seventeen, I walked into the jungle. And when I was twenty-one, I walked out. And by God, I was rich.” This made him immortal in the eyes of Willy due to his mysterious answers and the fact that he had made a lot of money and had a lot of success he had never kept books.