______9-12_ART I_____________ Curriculum Map ___2012-2013__________ Grade/Content School Year Carl Junction School District Quarter 1 2 3 4 Dates Month August/ September Overview of Elements and Principles of Design October Line and Shape Gesture drawings Texture, Form and Rhythm Contour drawings Introduction to ceramicsvocabulary & history of ceramics Perspective 1 point and 2 point drawings Ceramic Vase Ceramic critique Perspective drawing critique November Form and ValueValue scale drawing exercises, Self -portrait, Glaze ceramic vase Self- portrait critique December Shape and Spacepositive/neg. Printmaking vocabulary Printmaking assignment Printmaking critique January Art history & culture research Color theory-hue, value, and intensity Color wheel and color vocabulary painting exercises February March A Color theory continuedPainting exercises Color/shape Form/T Space/ Tempera painting/radial design Watercolor assignment Painting critique Watercolor techniques Collage mixed media assignment Watercolor critique Sculpt round Additi sculptu Resource Learner Objectives Power point presentations, examples of student work, and teacher demonstrations Power point presentations, examples of student work, demonstrations & overhead projector Learn and apply the Create gesture elements and drawings from principles of design student models. to various types of art work. Create contour drawings of Create a 3 section hands & stillceramic vase life objects. emphasizing texture and pattern Create one using excellent point and two craftsmanship. point perspective drawings using vanishing points, converging lines and parallel lines. Power point presentations, examples of student work, demonstrations Power point presentations, examples of student work, demonstrations Power point presentations, examples of student work, demonstrations Power point presentations, examples of student work, demonstrations Power point presentations, examples of student work, demonstrations Power presen examp studen demon Create a realistic self portrait with a wide range of value and use excellent craftsmanship. Create a drawing or design that has a good use of positive and negative space. Using a printmaking technique, create an edition of prints. Select and research an artist, critique the art work, and research the artist’s culture on the computer by completing a worksheet. Turn the worksheet into a power point presentation that covers the Following: 1. The artist’s background 2. Art work critique 3. Compare and contrast with a different artist 4. Culture of the artist 5. Time- two minute presentation Create a tempera painting using a selected color scheme and that has excellent craftsmanship. Create a watercolor painting using transparent layers. Create additiv sculptu positiv space t asymm balanc Glaze the ceramic vase by properly applying three coats of glaze. Create a mixmedia collage Using two or more medias into a pleasing composition. Students will learn how to mix colors on the color wheel and will learn color vocabulary. Benchmark Common Assessments Individual teacher Individual teacher Individual teacher Individual teacher 1st Semester Exam Individual teacher Individual teacher Individual teacher Ind te