Chapter 6 - Amphibians 1. Tetrapods a. Arose in the Devonian b. Oldest skeletal remains of terrestrial vertebrates come from upper Devonian ~ 360 mya c. Conditions during Devonian i. From Devonian to Permian, continents coalescing (will ultimately form supercontinent of Pangea) ii. Most land mass between equator and South pole iii. Fresh-water basins preserved; shallow fresh-water swamps appear iv. Major period of marine reef-building; highly diverse marine communities v. Plants invading, at least in wetlands, helping create cool, moist microclimates on land vi. Terrestrial invertebrates include detritivores, arachnids (forming potential food resource) 2. Life on land presents very different challenges from life on water; requires major changes in anatomy and physiology a. Dryness is most obvious change i. Vertebrates (like most organisms) are mostly in water ii. Regulating salt/water balance on land is very different from in water iii. Requires investment in water-conservation mechanisms, including switch to productions of urea and uric acid b. Gravity becomes impediment to support and locomotion i. Do not have buoyancy of water to support body ii. Requires major changes to musculoskeletal system to support body, enable movement c. Gas exchange with air vs. water i. Good news is that oxygen availability is much better: higher O2, more rapid diffusion, cheap to ventilate ii. Bad news is that expose thin, permeable gas exchange surface to dry air means potential for water loss d. Suction feeding no longer an option: can not “suck in” food with water, so need new feeding mechanisms 3. How does a land animal evolve in water? a. The basic puzzle i. Current (very extensive) fossil evidence clearly indicates that earliest tetrapods were still aquatic, not terrestrial ii. But characteristics that make life on land possible can not evolve “in advance” – selection won’t favor traits that will only be beneficial in the future iii. So hypotheses for the evolution of life on land must explain how traits that would permit life on land would be adaptive in the essentially aquatic environments of the Devonian b. Some ideas i. Aquatic environments during Devonian featured complex communities, with many potential competitors and predators ii. With invasion of land by plants and invertebrates, terrestrial habitats (at least on margins of streams, swamps, etc.) would offer potential benefits 1. Plants and soils mean microclimate still relatively cool, moist (so less danger of water loss) 2. Invertebrates are major food source 3. No competitors or predators iii. Many of the changes that permit life on land would be adaptive for animal living in relatively shallow, anoxic water at edges of swamps and streams 1. These habitats would provide refuge from competitors, predators and access to terrestrial food sources 2. Shallow water would not provide much buoyancy, so modifications of musculoskeletal system would be adaptive for support and locomotion 3. Shallow water tends to be warm, anoxic – so ability to breathe air would be adaptive 4. Feeding along the margins of stream banks would favor changes in the feeding apparatus iv. So one reasonable hypothesis is that characteristics that permitted invasion of terrestrial habitats arose originally as adaptations for life in shallow water, with selection continuing to favor those that permitted more independence from water 4. Changes involved in the transition to life on land a. Note that these changes did not take place in a linear, “progressive” sequence; rather, they appear mosaic-fashion (i.e., at different rates and degrees in different groups) b. Musculoskeletal changes easiest to document from fossils i. Loss of bones connecting pectoral girdle to skull = development of neck 1. Specialized vertebrae include modification of first two vertebrae (atlas and axis) to support head 2. Allows head to move independently of rest of body for feeding 3. Allows head to remain stationary while animal is walking ii. Articulated, weight-bearing vertebral column 1. Vertebrae develop process that help “lock” them in place 2. Allows vertebral column to act like suspension bridge, bearing the weight of the animal and transferring it to the limbs 3. Ribs are enlarged, giving rigidity to the trunk 4. Modified sacral ribs provide bony connection of hind limbs to vertebral column a. Enhances weight-bearing b. Lets pelvic girdle transmit “propulsion” from legs to trunk 5. Articulated, weight-bearing limbs allow animal to hold body off ground and walk a. Tetrapod limb characterized by jointed limbs with digitbearing hands and feet b. Note “push-up” posture: limbs held out at right angles from body c. Means muscles being used to support body weight during locomotion d. Walking still basically by lateral undulation, using limbs primarily to anchor body to ground and provide “pivot points” 6. Large, flat, wide head with relatively long snout a. Shape seems to be important for gular pumping (ventilating lungs) b. Muscular tongue moves food from mouth to esophagus iii. Other changes include: 1. Differentiated abdominal muscles to support viscera, contract lungs 2. Loss (eventually) of lateral line system 3. Addition of tympanic ear in some (“old” hyomandibular becomes stapes, transmitting air-born vibrations to inner ear) 4. Addition of urinary bladder to store urine, water; acts as water reservoir 5. Systematics, taxonomy, and early radiations a. Taxonomy is in some dispute, with differences among experts about which groups should be included in formal Tetrapoda i. Historically, we equated two events: origin of limbs bearing digits and origin of terrestrial vertebrates – so “Tetrapoda” referred simultaneously to all vertebrates with limbs and all terrestrial vertebrates ii. Now, of course, we know that limbs arose well before life on land iii. We also have a wealth of fossil “intermediates” showing mixtures of ancestral and derived characteristics b. Early tetrapod radiations and diversity i. Some dates 1. Earliest fossil fragments of modern amphibians date to Permian 2. Earliest complete fossil = early Triassic Triadobatrachus 3. Modern families date to Jurassic a. Fossils very like modern forms of all three groups b. Indicates long period of independent evolution from each other ii. Earliest tetrapod radiations were those of non-amniotes (Batrachomorpha) 1. Spread over ~ 200 my, from Late Devonian to Early Cretaceous 2. Batachomorpha includes most likely ancestor of modern amphibians 3. Precursors to reptiles probably arose within ~ 20 my of first tetrapods iii. Notes on Batrachomorpha 1. Wide range of body sizes (from <10 cm - > 1m) and forms suggests radiation into numerous ecological niches, including: a. Large terrestrial predators b. Legless burrowers c. Secondarily aquatic forms 2. These animals were very different from modern amphibians a. Many were very large b. Many retained dermal armor (heavy bony scales) c. Likely did not have thin, permeable skin modified for gas exchange d. Reached peak taxonomic diversity in Late Carboniferous/Early Permian; most lineages extinct by midPermian 6. Systematics, taxonomy, diversity a. The relationships among the three major lineages (frogs, salamanders, caecilians) are still unresolved i. Problem is that frogs and caecilians are very highly specialized ii. So traits are either shared among all three groups or unique to one – few, if any, shared, derived characters can be identified b. Three groups (usually considered orders within the class Amphibia) i. Urodela = Caudata (“tailed ones”): salamanders 1. 10 families, 415 species 2. Found primarily in North America, with peak diversity in Central America 3. Some legless forms, but most are terrestrial tetrapods as adults ii. Anura (“no tail”): frogs 1. 27 families, 4300 species 2. Cosmopolitan distribution (except Antarctica) 3. Body modified for jumping a. Hindlimbs form lever system b. Tibia and fibula are fused c. Powerful pelvis fused to vertebral column d. Posterior vertebrae fused into urostyle e. Forelimbs and flexible pectoral girdle for shock absorption iii. Gymnophiona: caecilians – tropical, burrowing forms; very poorly known (not even number of families, species) 7. General characteristics of Amphibia a. Note that this group is highly modified relative to earlier forms – do not think of them as “primitive” b. General characteristics include i. Skin thin, permeable, highly modified for gas exchange (derived character) ii. All forms are carnivorous, at least as adults iii. Anamniote egg (like fish) 1. No extraembryonic membranes 2. Eggs dependent on external moisture to avoid desiccation iv. Hyomandibular modified to form columella (= stapes) to transmit sound to inner ear v. Lungs present in all terrestrial forms except Plethodontid salamanders 1. Lungs relatively simple, with relatively small surface area 2. Ventilated by buccal pumping (like lung fish) vi. Remnants of lateral line persist in larval forms and in some secondarily aquatic adult forms vii. Temperature regulation depends on habitat 1. Aquatic forms poikilothermic (but can be adapted to remain active under ice!) 2. Terrestrial forms somewhat homeothermic via ectothermy a. Can decrease TB by evaporative cooling b. Can increase TB by basking viii. Circulatory system/heart different from fish 1. Patterns of circulation can be highly variable depending on site of gas exchange (lung, skin, gills, etc.) 2. Heart consists of 3 chambers: two atria, one ventricle 3. Circulation is “dual circuit pump” a. Pulmonary circuit = oxygen-depleted blood leaves heart, goes to site of gas exchange, returns to heart b. Systemic circuit = oxygenated blood from heart to tissues, then back to heart c. Complex internal structure of ventricle keeps blood streams well-separated (so little or no mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood) d. Complex arrangement of heart and major blood vessels permits extreme flexibility in circulatory patterns i. Can switch among gas exchange modes (e.g., lungs vs. skin) ii. Can alter pattern depending on whether animal is in water or on land ix. Urinary bladder important for water regulation 1. Amphibians produce dilute urine, so good source of water for reabsorption 2. Terrestrial anurans can store 20-30% of body mass as water in urinary bladder x. Generally have two-phase life history 1. Aquatic tadpole 2. Terrestrial adult 3. Involves remarkable transformation that approaches lepidopteran metamorphosis in its complexity 8. Cutaneous respiration a. Skin highly modified for gas exchange i. Ancestral forms had dermal scales; modern amphibians have very thin, permeable skin with extensive blood supply 1. Thin to decrease the distance gasses must diffuse 2. Poorly keratinized to increase permeability 3. Highly vascularized so blood in close contact with skin ii. Poor keratinization means skin more easily damaged; reduces protection from predators iii. Extensive mucus glands provide protection from damage, predation, desiccation iv. Even partial reliance on cutaneous gas exchange constrains amphibian behavior, ecology, etc 1. Constrains size: must be small to maintain favorable SA/V (only relatively small animals will have sufficient skin surface to supply volume) 2. Constrains habitats: permeable to oxygen = permeable to water, so always at some desiccation risk v. Feeding specializations of plethodontid salamanders illustrate evolutionary tradeoffs 1. Plethodontidae = largest family of salamanders 2. All species use modified, protrusible tongue to capture prey a. Requires modification of hyoid apparatus that make hyoid apparatus less useful for “normal” functions i. Buccal pumping to ventilate lungs in adults not possible ii. Suction feeding in aquatic tadpoles not possible b. Solution has been to: i. Eliminate lungs completely ii. In most highly derived group (Bolitoglossinae), eliminate aquatic larval stage as well (so “adult” specializations appear during embryonic development rather than after metamorphosis) 9. Predator defenses in amphibians a. Skin in most amphibian species is toxic at some level (bufotoxins in toads, alkaloids in poison arrow frogs) and is imbedded within the mucus that covers skin b. In addition to chemical defense, mucus can contain antibacterial property c. In some cases, it has an adhesive property and serves as physical defense i. Many salamanders have sticky material and toxins on tail (slimy salamander in east) ii. When attacked, bend tail upward toward predator iii. Causes debris to adhere to predators nose and predator may temporarily let go iv. Mucus glands and poison glands are two different structures in skin d. Poison glands produce a huge variety of toxins i. Protein and alkaloid; many with pharmacological uses ii. Range from deadly to just making animals taste badly iii. Poison often advertised with aposematic coloration (with consequent mimicry as well) iv. In 3 species, poison made more effective by unique delivery mode: ribs pierce poison gland, then body wall when animal grabbed by predator – so literally stab predators with poisoned ribs! v. Where do toxins originate? 1. Many toxins in poison arrow frogs are similar to those found in insects 2. Ants, millipedes, and beetles found in leaf littler with frogs share toxins 3. Perhaps obtain from prey 4. Fed captive Panamanian dart-poison frogs strict diet a. Ones that lived in glass cages with no insects had no toxins b. Ones fed fruit flies and ants in sterilized leaf litter had four toxins, all similar to ants that had eaten c. Ones fed natural food in fresh leaf litter had 16 different toxic alkaloids from native insects vi. Aposematic coloration seen in many of these species vii. See Batesian mimicry, where unpalatable species looks similar to a poisonous or dangerous model to fool a predator viii. Also see Mullerian mimicry in poison-arrow frogs 1. Many species of unpalatable species look very similar 2. Have a group model, or group defense 3. If predator tries one of the frogs, all others are protected 10. Other interesting advancement relates to regeneration a. Salamanders are primarily first vertebrate group where we can see regeneration of major structures b. Tails and legs can be removed and will begin to grow back within few days c. Often have breaking points with cells at junction that are stem-cell like for regrowth d. Requires enormous amounts of energy e. Since tail is often storehouse for fat and other storage energy, loss of tail can be critical to survival f. But if have energy stores, able to grow back g. Advantages i. If grabbed by a predator, can lose body part without dying ii. So if predator grabs tail, better to lose tail than to die iii. Also see in lizards (Class Reptilia) iv. Some species actually have different colored tails that are more conspicuous that rest of body so predators will focus attention there 11. Reproduction a. Life history variation (around general “two-stage” theme) b. First, consider why a “two-stage” life cycle might have arisen and been maintained by selection i. In the earliest tetrapods, terrestrial adults were probably favored because land represented a favorable environment (many resources, little competition) ii. But, anamniotic egg requires wet environment for development iii. For whatever reason, pattern seems to be maintained because it works 1. Meets the constraints imposed by anamniotic egg 2. Also allows flexibility in resource use: aquatic habitats for some activities and terrestrial for others c. Caecilians i. Fertilization is internal with an intromittent organ protruded from the cloaca (shared opening) ii. Some lay eggs, and female may coil around them iii. But most (75%) are viviparous iv. Initially the fetus uses yolk to grow v. But gone well before born, so feed by scraping the mother’s oviduct walls vi. “Uterine milk” secreted by walls d. Salamanders i. Most have internal fertilization, but not by organ ii. Male transfers packet of sperm (spermatophore) to female 1. Shape differs among species 2. Always is sperm on top of a gelatinous base iii. Can either deliver it to her and put on her skin, or leave it for her to pick up iv. Have extensive courtship e. Frogs i. Can have either explosive or prolonged breeding period 1. Explosive a. In ephemeral sites (desert or temporary vernal ponds) b. Last only a few days c. Way to take advantage of water, since won’t last long d. Males and females arrive at same time e. Mating success for males is constant 2. Prolonged a. Males arrive before females b. Establish territories for very long periods of time, defending against approach of other males c. Females arrive and choose males for mating i. Often based on calls ii. Larger males (may provide better genes) have deeper calls (in deeper and cooler water) and usually selected by females iii. Smaller males (younger) often left out of breeding iv. Form satellite population around the periphery of the action v. When females approach larger males, usually have to swim through the satellite population vi. Satellite males often get quick mating as females move through to larger males ii. Frogs use vocalizations to attract mates 1. Cost is relatively high 2. Expense of making call 3. Potentially higher predation since conspicuous 4. Since females use calls to locate a male, predators can also use iii. Fertilization is usually external, but some species have internal fertilization, and viviparity iv. Great variety in placement of eggs if hold them 1. Some carry around and have high levels of parental care a. In stomach b. On back c. In vocal sacs d. In pockets in skin 2. Aquatic usually form into larval form (tadpoles), and terrestrial often born as miniature adults a. Some poison arrow frogs lay eggs on ground, hatch into tadpoles, which male carries to water b. Many place them in protected spot, some covered in large amount of material to keep them together and protect f. If general life history pattern is maintained, at least in part, by selection favoring use of different habitats when those habitats are favorable, then we should expect to see variation in that pattern when different habitats become “risky” (the benefits of using them are less than the costs) i. Variations in life history 1. Tropical frogs minimize the use of water when risks are high a. In many tropical areas, aquatic habitats have large numbers of potential predators, competitors – so may be adaptive to avoid them b. Tropical frogs exhibit a range of adaptations to minimize reliance on water i. Lay eggs in bromeliads in trees, on land near shore ii. Lay eggs on floating “foam” nests; tadpoles drop into water when they hatch (presumably at less risk than eggs because they’re bigger, more mobile) iii. Lay eggs on leaves overhanging water; tadopoles drop when they hatch (as above, only more so!) iv. Eliminate aquatic stage entirely: have direct development from egg to “froglet” with no larval stage 1. Occurs in 20% of frog species 2. Often accompanied by parental care of eggs (to prevent desiccation), froglets 3. Examples include a. Male Darwin frog carries eggs in vocal sacs, “burps” them out when developed b. Female Surinam toad carries eggs in specialized depressions/pouches on her back c. Female gastric brooding frog (Australia) carries eggs in stomach – with concomitant modification of stomach lining, etc. 2. Paedomorphic salamanders reduce reliance on terrestrial habitats (the opposite of the frogs) by remaining aquatic as adults a. Heterochrony = change in the timing of development b. Neoteny = appearance/retention of juvenile traits in adults c. Paedomorphosis = process that produces neoteny i. In the case of salamanders = retention of gills and other traits associated with remaining aquatic as adults ii. Phenomenon in salamanders is best studied in members of genus Ambystoma – within this genus, get whole range of variation 1. Some species have “normal” life history 2. Some have facultative paedomorphosis a. Normal metamorphosis in some populations under some conditions b. Paedomorphosis in others under other conditions 3. Some are obligate paedomorphs: virtually never metamorphose (except possibly under extreme laboratory conditions) iii. General pattern: as aquatic habitats become more predictable and terrestrial habitats more hostile and unpredictable, paedomorphosis becomes more common iv. Examples 1. Ambystoma gracile a. Increased frequency of paedomorphosis in cold Rocky Mountain ponds (few fish, permanent water) b. Increased frequency of “normal” metamorphosis in lowland habitats (ponds more likely to dry up; more predators present) 2. A. tigrinum a. Normal metamorphosis in temporary ponds in eastern part of range (NJ) b. Increased frequency of paedomorphosis in permanent ponds in western U.S. 12. Body shape in anurans a. Frogs have been able to invade a variety of habitats i. Many species are well adapted to aquatic environment 1. See in true frogs of family Ranidae 2. Have extensive webbing between toes, very long hind legs for jumping 3. Also very streamlined for aquatic environment ii. Terrestrial forms in several families 1. See in toads (family Bufonidae) 2. Heavy, stout bodies 3. Blunt heads and short legs 4. May be adaptations to limit loss of water iii. Arboreal frogs 1. See in family Hylidae 2. Large heads and eyes 3. Many move by walking rather than jumping 4. Toe pads have peg-like projections separated by spaces or canals 5. Usually pads have mucus glands that secrete viscous solution 6. Use wet adhesion to stick to smooth surfaces 7. When walk, peel toes off starting from rear of toe 8. Able to stick past the vertical 9. But must rest with toes facing upward a. Weight causes toe pads to peel off surface b. So always orient body upward c. So if must scale down a tree, walk backward rather than forward b. Foraging behavior related to environment i. Aquatic engulf food through suction ii. Semiaquatic and terrestrial have sticky tongues that flip outward to trap prey 13. Conservation status a. Two major phenomena: amphibian declines and malformations b. Major declines of species worldwide over the past 20 years ii. Multiple causes 1. Frogs are very susceptible because of life history – aquatic stage 2. Likely causes a. Habitat loss i. Wetlands declined by 50% since 1900 b. c. d. e. f. ii. So human encroachment of breeding areas is major factor Habitat degradation i. Changes in forest changes the microclimate ii. Removal of overstory trees (by logging) changes the microclimate from cool and moist to dry and warmer iii. Anything that changes the forest floor will have an effect (especially on salamanders) iv. Colonization of new sites is more difficult with habitat degradation 1. Not good at crossing barriers 2. Any non-forested habitat Cattle i. Affect wetlands and field ponds ii. Amphibians attracted to ponds for breeding iii. Dry up faster with cattle use iv. Cattle tromp through mud as dry up, creating unnavigable surface for amphibians Acid precipitation i. Major factor ii. Especially seen in northeast and Midwest iii. Nitric and Sulfuric acids are formed when nitrogen and sulfur oxidizes iv. From burning of fossil fuels v. Most amphibians are killed at pH of 5 or less vi. If not killed, they attain smaller size UV radiation i. Destruction of ozone in stratosphere ii. Usually by chemical pollutants, such as found in aerosol canisters iii. Much lower use now than 10 years ago iv. Seen mostly near poles 1. Hole in ozone is larger now than ever before in history 2. Appears to be slowly shrinking v. Kills eggs and larvae vi. Also see effect based on experimental evidence vii. But UV rays are blocked by turbidity and overhanging vegetation viii. Also, some species more susceptible than others based on differences in sensitivity ix. Worst at high elevations where atmosphere is the thinnest Disease i. Always been a factor affecting amphibians ii. So unlikely that it is a factor leading to declines iii. May be more of an effect in combination with other factors iv. See in Tiger Salamanders 1. Can produce two different larval forms 2. Normal and cannibalistic 3. In populations that are infected with an iridovirus, don’t see any cannibals in populations 4. Likely that increase the load of disease if ingest infected individuals c. Notes about amphibian conservation i. Causes may be different for declines and malformations, may not – no one really knows yet ii. Almost certainly multiple causes for both phenomena – very unlikely that a single process or phenomenon could be affecting populations in the same way all over the world iii. The same things that make amphibians susceptible make them good “miner’s canaries” – declines may be “early warning” of subtle environmental problems that, if left unchecked, could have more widespread effect