Adult Acne

Acne Vulgaris (common acne)
“Acne occurs when tiny holes on the surface of the skin, called pores, become clogged. Each
pore is an opening to a canal called a follicle, which contains a hair and an oil gland. Normally,
the oil glands help keep the skin lubricated and help remove old skin cells. When glands produce
too much oil, the pores can become blocked, accumulating dirt, debris, and bacteria. The
blockage is called a plug or comedone.
The top of the plug may be white (whitehead) or dark (blackhead). If it ruptures, the material
inside, including oil and bacteria, can spread to the surrounding area and cause an inflammatory
reaction. If the inflammation is deep in your skin, the pimples may enlarge to form firm, painful
This web site show pictures of acne from mild to severe:
Acne tends to run in families and can be triggered by:
Hormonal changes related to menstrual periods, pregnancy, birth control pills, or stress.
Greasy or oily cosmetic and hair products Certain drugs (such as steroids, testosterone,
estrogen, and phenytoin)
High levels of humidity and sweating
Hair products (greasy or oily)
Some drugs such as steroids
High levels of humidity and sweating
When to contact a doctor
Self-care measures and over-the-counter medicine have not helped after several months
Your acne is severe (for example, you have lots of redness around the pimples or you
have cysts) or getting worse
You develop scars as your acne clears up
How to treat (generic at-home treatment)
Wash face gently 1 or 2 times a day Use only warm water (hot water is drying). Wash for
just 1-2 minutes using your hands instead of a wash cloth (more can irritate your skin). (If
you must wash with a cloth, choose one made for babies, so it’s as soft as possible.)
Do NOT squeeze pimples
Use water-based skin care products
Use over the counter medications but be sure to ready the label. Some common over-thecounter products are:
o Benzoyl peroxide (can increase sun sensitivity)
o Alpha-hydroxy acid
o Salicylic acid
o Tea Tree Oil
Using a product too much can make the acne worse. Use the products as directed.
It can take a while to get the acne cleared up or under control. WebMD suggests giving a
treatment 6 to 8 weeks and warns that it might get worse before it gets better.
Another thing to try
Be sure to clean your pillow case regularly as well as your washcloth and towel. If you have
very oily skin and sleep on your side or stomach, try using a clean pillowcase and washcloth and
towel daily.
Adult Acne
“What Causes Adult Acne?
Adult acne is caused by sebum, an oily substance produced by the skin’s sebaceous glands.
Sebum clogs pores, which attract bacteria and become inflamed. For most adults, breakouts are a
result of hypersensitivity to androgens (male hormones). But an imbalance in both male and
female hormones (estrogen) can also cause breakouts. For women, this can happen during
pregnancy, perimenopause, and menopause. Some medications, such as corticosteroids, and
cosmetics are also triggers.
How Is Adult Acne Treated?
Treating adult acne is tricky. Most acne medications are geared to teens’ oily skin, a bad choice
for drier adult skin. Effective treatment often requires a trial-and-error approach that takes time”
Recommended Treatments:
Cleansers – Gentle. Avoid ones that are too strong. Avoid exfollients. (Velocity is a
good choice.)
Cream and lotions: An over the counter retinol product (night solution would be a good
choice). Formula 3 moisture (salicylic acid) will help prevent discoloration and scars.
Prescription meds: You doctor may prescribe an antibiotic.
Cystic Acne (severest form of common acne)
Most Severe and painful form of acne. Cannot be cured overnight. The cysts are pus filled red
pustules. The cysts are not “true” cysts. They are actually “nodules of inflammation”1 Cystic
Acne is caused by excess sebum in the pores.
Will often need some type of antibiotic to cure.
After the cysts have mostly healed, they may form “pseudo scars”. Unlike true scars, they should
only last up to six months and leave no permanent scar.
Treating the skin harshly can make it worse.
Anti-oxidants help.
General Treatment Guidelines before seeing the doctor:
Control the oil
Unclog the pores
Fight inflammation
Chronic skin condition. “It may appear as redness, prominent spider-like blood vessels,
swelling, or skin eruptions similar to acne.”2
Redness of the face in discrete areas or covering the entire face
A tendency to flush or blush easily
Increased vascularity (spider-like blood vessels called telangiectasia) of the face
A red, bulbous nose
Acne-like skin eruptions (may ooze or crust)
A burning or stinging sensation of the face
Irritated, bloodshot, watery eyes”3
No cure. Need to identify and avoid triggers. Sunscreen is very important.
Skin Care:
Avoid common irritants (alcohol, witch hazel, fragrance, menthol, peppermint,
eucalyptus oil)
Before testing a product on your face, try it on your neck.
Use non-soap cleansers if possible
Avoid scrubbing
Wash with your fingers. Avoid abrasive materials.
Rinse with lukewarm water.
“Since stinging most often occurs on damp skin, wait 30 minutes for the face to dry
completely before applying any topical medication. Slowly reduce the drying time until
you find the least amount of time your skin needs to avoid a stinging sensation.”4
Antibacterial brushes may be best for application.
Use oil-free foundation and concealer. Mineral powder is often a good choice.
Neutral lips.
Of interest
Benzoyl peroxide
“The mainstay of over-the-counter acne treatment, benzoyl peroxide works to clear up acne by
reducing P. acnes and removing dead cells from the skin to prevent comedones. It was one of the
first agents found to be effective in treating mild acne and has been used in acne treatment for
decades. The principal side effect is excessive dryness of the skin, so be sure to follow directions
and not use more than stated unless otherwise instructed by a physician. Care should also be
taken when applying it to avoid the bleaching effect. Benzoyl peroxide has been known to bleach
hair, sheets, towels and clothing. For this reason, an old shirt should be worn after applying
benzoyl peroxide to acne on the back or chest. Benzoyl peroxide is available over-the-counter as
a lotion or gel. Use of benzoyl peroxide should be continued after acne clears to prevent new
lesions from forming.
A popular ingredient in over-the-counter acne medications, resorcinol controls small acne lesions
and is frequently combined with sulfur in over-the-counter products.
Salicylic acid
Effective in treating non-inflammatory acne lesions, salicylic acid helps correct the abnormal
shedding of skin cells and unclog pores to resolve and prevent lesions. Salicylic acid does not
have any effect on sebum production or P. acnes. Like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid must be
used continuously. Once stopped, pores clog and acne returns. Salicylic acid is found in many
over-the-counter acne products, including lotions, creams and pads. It may be irritating to the