STUDENTS 09.423AP ADAIR COUNTY SCHOOLS STUDENT RANDOM DRUG TESTING PROGRAM PROCEDURES RANDOM DRUG-TESTING PROGRAM Statement of Purpose/Need - In today’s society alcohol and other forms of drug abuse are widespread. School settings are not exempt from this phenomenon. Due to the seriousness of illegal drug use and in order to safeguard the health and well-being of students, it is critical that educators and parents continually look for ways to institute programs that encourage a drug-free lifestyle. It is to that end that the Adair County Board of Education has adopted a mandatory random student drug testing program, created to provide an action plan to address and foster a drug-free environment through education, prevention and intervention. Program Participants - The Adair District Random Drug Testing Program is mandatory for students in grades 6 through 12 participating in middle/high school competitive extracurricular activities, athletics, cheerleading, school organizations/clubs, (including but not limited to academic teams, FFA, FBLA, FEA, FCCLA, HOSA, Beta, NHS, VICA and STLP) and students who drive or park on school property. In addition to the random mandatory drug testing program, parents of students in grades 7 through 12 are provided the opportunity to enroll their child(ren) in a voluntary random drug-testing program. Program Goals (education, prevention and intervention) – The Random Drug Testing Program supports the comprehensive educational policies and programs of the District in educating students and their parents/guardians of the dangers of drug abuse. The Program is extensive in that it encompasses education, prevention and intervention as a means to deter and overcome drug abuse. The program is not academically punitive, it is designed to create safe, drug free school environments and offer assistance when needed. Drug testing and drug education is a student deterrent to initiating drug use, providing identification and the opportunity for early intervention for students who have just started experimenting with drugs and intensive intervention for students with more serious drug abuse/addiction. Identification is the first step in referring students and families to appropriate treatment options. Random drug testing also helps students standup to peer pressure and avoid drug use, so they can participate in their favorite school activities. Overall the program presents a united effort in deterring drug use and setting a standard for all students that will enhance their health, safety, education and future success. Non-Punitive Nature of Program – Any violation by a student shall be reported to the student’s parents or legal guardians (if student is under age 18). No student shall be penalized academically for testing positive for illegal drugs or banned substances during random drug testing. The results of random drug tests shall not be documented in any student's academic records or used for any other disciplinary purposes other than those set forth herein. The sole purposes of the voluntary random drug testing program is to act as a deterrent to student drug use and to offer intervention to students testing positive for drug use. Program Orientation/Information - Information about the Drug Testing Program will be made available in the Student Code of Conduct Handbook, on the District Web Site and at the time of individual or group program enrollment. Program Implementation Process - At the beginning of each school year, and at the start of middle school/high school athletic or cheerleading season or club/organization activities, before tryouts or any program activities, the head coach/sponsor shall provide a random drug testing and drug awareness informational meeting with parents/guardians and students wishing to participate in the activity. The Principal or designee (assistant principal or school counselor) will provide random drug testing and drug awareness information to parent/guardians and students interested in enrolling in the voluntary testing program and students who drive or park on school property. All required paperwork and requirements of the Random Drug Testing Program shall be completed before a student is considered as a volunteer member, campus driver/parker or participates in competitive extracurricular activity tryouts, practice or program activities. Program Intervention – District and school staff will work with parents/guardians and students to provide counseling and resources to help identified students overcome drug abuse. Drug abuse counseling services are available at each school through the Adanta School Program. Page 1 of 17 Program Implementation - A Substance Abuse Prevention Committee (District Drug Testing Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator, high school/middle school principals, assistant principals, counselors, athletic director, club/organization sponsors and head coaches) shall have the overall responsibility for implementing the student random drug-testing policy/procedures. Annually or as need arises, the Committee shall review and update procedures to implement the program fairly and efficiently and shall evaluate the program’s overall effectiveness. Program Evaluation - The program evaluation shall include, but is not limited to, the effectiveness of the comprehensive educational and counseling program, substance testing program, procedural safeguards, and the list of drug substances tested. School personnel may collect anonymous survey data. Results are to be used for the sole purpose of determining program success as related to student, parent, and teacher attitudes toward drug use and the testing program. Surveys conducted for the evaluation of the program are voluntary. Students will not be penalized for not participating in the surveys. Test Results Access - The Program committee and all other school personnel shall only have access to student testing results, if directly involved with the student, as parent/guardian (of student under the age of 18), superintendent, principal, assistant principal, school counselor, activity sponsor/coach, athletic director, district/assistant drug testing coordinator or outside agency(s) agreed upon by parent/guardian as part of student treatment/evaluation, or others designated by the Superintendent on a need-to-know basis. District Program Oversight - The designated District Drug Testing Coordinator (DDTC) and Assistant Coordinator will act as the primary points of contact between the drug testing company and the school district in implementing and providing oversight of the program. The DDTC or assistant will provide the drug testing company with a list of students that are to be entered into the testing pool. The DDTC or Assistant Coordinator will update this list three (3) school days prior to each testing date. School Program Oversight/Implementation – The middle and high school principals are directly responsible for program implementation oversight at the school level. The middle and high school assistant principals in collaboration with the counselor(s), athletic director, team coaches, clubs/organizations sponsors shall implement the requirements of the Random Drug Testing Program. These responsible parties shall ensure that prior to any students in grades 6 through 12 (current or future enrollees) participating in middle/high school extracurricular competitive athletics, cheerleading, band, clubs/organizations, tryouts, activities, practice, competitions, volunteer drug testing, parking or driving on campus the student and parent/guardian shall be provided a written copy of the Random Drug Testing District Policy and Procedure 09.432 and the student and parent/guardian must acknowledge in writing on the designated forms, that they have read the random drug testing policy and procedure, understand the policy and procedures, and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions. Coaches/Sponsors of Random Drug Testing Activities – Coaches/sponsors of activities covered by the Random Drug Testing Program are responsible for implementing the Program requirements. Within three (3) school days following student tryouts or enrollment in any competitive extracurricular athletic, cheerleading or organization/club, the activity coach/sponsor shall establish and make available a roster of all program participants and copies of all required parent and student random drug testing paperwork to the Assistant Principal, who will ensure all paperwork is complete and file copies of required paperwork in a locked file cabinet in his/her office. Throughout the school year, coaches/sponsors are responsible for reporting to the Assistant Principal in writing within three (3) school days any changes to the activity enrollee roster (additions/withdrawals). Each athletic/cheerleading coach/sponsor shall maintain an ongoing up-to-date roster of student participants. Required paperwork and rosters for student drivers and parkers will also be maintained by the Assistant Principal. The school counselors shall provide school oversight/implementation of the middle/high school’s voluntary Random Drug Testing Program and rosters for students in grades 7-12. The counselors shall ensure all paperwork is complete for each voluntary participant enrolled and file program paperwork in a locked file cabinet in his/her office. The school counselor shall maintain a current roster of all student volunteers participating in the program. Within (3) three school days following student voluntary drug testing enrollment, a roster is to be presented to the District Drug Testing Coordinator. Any changes (additions/withdrawals) in the voluntary drug testing enrollment during the school year are to be reported in writing by the counselor to the District Drug Testing Coordinator within three (3) school days. At the end of each school year when middle school students advance to the high school, the middle school assistant principal and counselor will send student drug testing participant paperwork to the high school assistant principal and volunteer participants to the high school counselor(s), who will add the students to the high school drug testing roster. Staff Training -The high school and middle school assistant principals and counselor(s) will provide Program training for staff. Page 2 of 17 Drug Testing Records - One (1) year after the student turns eighteen (18) years of age or one (1) year after the student graduates, whichever is later, all records in regard to this procedure concerning each student shall be destroyed, and at no time shall drug testing results or records be placed in the student’s academic file or be voluntarily turned over to any law enforcement agency, or used for any purpose other than those stated herein. For students who transfer into the District or otherwise do not fulfill the requirements for graduation, the records of that student shall be destroyed one (1) year after the student turns eighteen (18) years old. Confidentiality - Appropriate measures shall be taken to protect student confidentiality throughout the testing process and in the handling of test results. Staff shall maintain confidentiality of all student drug-testing records in accordance with the written school policy and Family Education Rights and Privacy Act. School personnel are bound to keep all information in the strictest of confidence and are to release information only to others as dictated by Board policy or properly obtained permission of the student’s parent/guardian or student if age 18 or older. The results will not be shared with law enforcement officials, including school resource officers, other school districts, criminal or juvenile authorities or the court system unless by valid and binding subpoena or other legal process, not solicited by the District. RANDOM DRUG TESTING PROGRAM PROTOCOLS 1. Program Enrollment - At the beginning of each school year and throughout the school year, students in grades 6-12 prior to joining or participating in middle/high school extracurricular competitive activities, athletics, cheerleading, organizations/clubs (including but not limited to academic teams, FFA, FBLA, FEA, FCCLA, HOSA, Beta, NHS, VICA and STLP), driving or parking on school property or prior to students in grades 7-12 enrolling in the volunteer program, the student and parent/guardian must read the Adair County School District Random Drug Testing Policies/Procedures 09.432 and acknowledge in writing on the designated form, that they have read, understand and agree to abide by terms and conditions of the policy/procedures. The parent/student must also sign, the “Student and Parent/Guardian Consent to Perform Urinalysis for Drug Testing Form” and “Release of Student Drug Counseling Information Form”, allowing school staff to verify student drug counseling requirements is being met following a positive drug test. Prior to providing a urine specimen, each student participant shall complete a “Consent to Test and Chain of Custody Form”. Volunteer Program Enrollment - Parent/guardians and students may gain information and fill out the necessary paperwork for the voluntary program at the yearly orientation meeting or by meeting with a school counselor, who will review program guidelines and provide required paperwork for participation. Students are only required to enroll once in the Random Drug Testing Program to be eligible to participate in competitive extracurricular activities or to drive or park on campus. However, volunteer enrollees are only eligible to participate in the volunteer program. Volunteer participants who wish to join a middle/high school competitive extracurricular activity, athletics, cheerleading, clubs/organizations or drive or park on school campus must complete the mandated random drug testing forms required for these activities. 2. 3. Once a student enrolls in the Random Drug Testing Program, they shall remain in the Program testing pool for the duration of their enrollment in the Adair County School District, unless the parent officially completes a Drug/Alcohol Testing Program Withdrawal Form available in the assistant principal’s office or the student becomes ineligible through Program guidelines. During enrollment students remain eligible for drug testing, whether or not they have been tested previously or are currently participating in programs/activities covered by the Program. Withdrawal is a student/parent decision and is not to be initiated by school staff. A break in enrollment in the Adair County School District for 21 or more consecutive school days will require new Program enrollment paperwork to be completed by the student/parent. Parents/guardians are encouraged to allow their student(s) to remain in the testing pool, throughout school enrollment however, they do have the option to withdraw their child from the Random Drug Testing Program by completing a Random Drug and Alcohol Testing Withdrawal form in the school assistant principal’s office. Withdrawal from the Random Drug Testing Program will immediately suspend the student from participation in all activities covered by this Program for six (6) months, however the student has fifteen (15) calendar days to reconsider his/her withdrawal decision and reenter the random drug testing pool. Eligibility to continue in the previously enrolled activities will be the decision of the coach/sponsor. Page 3 of 17 4. 5. 6. 7. The collection of urine specimens and the scientific analysis of the collected specimens will be conducted by a professional testing company contracted by the Board. The testing company approved by the Board shall randomly select students to be tested from all identified Program enrollees by utilizing a computer-based system that is designed specifically for randomly selecting individuals for drug testing. The students to be tested and drug test dates are unannounced. A 10 panel + expanded opiate drug test is used. Random drug testing will include, but is not limited to the following: alcohol, marijuana (THC), amphetamines, cocaine, phencyclidine (PCP), barbiturates, benzodiazepines, propoxyphene, methaqualone, methadone and the expanded opiates which include codeine, morphine, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, oxycodone, 6mam and other controlled substances. Collection procedures for urine specimens have been developed and will be administered by the testing company in collaboration with school personnel. In an effort to minimize any intrusion or embarrassment of tested students, ensure the proper identification of students’ specimens, minimize the likelihood of the adulteration of a urine specimen and maintain confidentiality of test results. Collection procedures are as follows: a. The collection of urine specimens shall be conducted on school premises. The testing laboratory personnel and school personnel designated by the principal will work cooperatively during the testing process. School personnel will escort randomly selected students from the classroom to the collection site, identify the student and provide supervision at the collection site (usually restrooms in the boys/girls locker rooms are utilized for testing - providing separate male and female testing sites). Students will be given instructions at the time of the random drug testing specimen process. Immediately prior to giving a urine specimen, each student shall complete all forms required by the testing company. b. Before entering the private restroom facility utilized for the collection process, the student shall be required to leave all personal belongings (including jackets, purses, book bags, pocket contents, etc.) in the custody of the school representatives, present for student identification. The drug testing company will prepare the collection site and will conduct pre and post inspection of the site. The student will be presented a receptacle for collection of urine and will enter an individual restroom stall providing absolute privacy during the collection process. Once the specimen is presented to the collector, both the student and the collector must maintain visual contact with the specimen until the bottle(s) are sealed and labeled. c. Refusal by a student to be tested shall be treated as a violation and the appropriate consequences will be assessed (see consequences). The parents/guardians shall be notified by the Principal of the refusal and consequences. Continued refusal of the student or parent/guardian to submit and cooperate fully in the Drug Testing Program shall render the student ineligible to participate in the District programs covered by the Random Drug Testing Policy/Procedures, until such time as the student and/or his/her parent/guardian fully submits and cooperates with the Drug Testing Program and meets the reinstatement requirements of the activity coach/sponsor. d. All positive urine specimens go through two different drug testing types. The first is the highly accurate immuno assay (“EMIT”) screening test and if this test shows a non-negative (positive), then the specimen is sent for a second confirmation test called Gas chromatography Mass Spectrometry GC/MS. Only after the GC/MS confirmation shall a test result be reported as positive. If a test result has been adulterated, the student may be required to be retested. All non-negative (positive) specimens are held at the lab for (12) twelve months. e. Medical Review Officer - The testing laboratory Medial Review Officer (MRO) will review all results of the urine drug-testing program. A positive test for illicit or banned substances will be handled according to lab guidelines. Depending on the substances found in the urine, the MRO will contact the parent/guardian (student, if age 18 or over) to determine, if the student is on any prescribed medication from a physician that may have caused the positive result. Failure by the student and parent/guardian to produce the verifying information will result in a positive test result. If the MRO determines that there is a legitimate medical explanation for the positive test other than use of a prohibited drug, the MRO will conclude that the test is negative and will not take any further action. If the MRO concludes that a particular test is scientifically insufficient, the MRO will conclude that the test is negative for that student. If the MRO determines that there is no legitimate explanation for the positive test other than use of a prohibited drug, the MRO will communicate the test results as a positive to the District Drug Testing Coordinator (DDTC). The MRO will also communicate results of negative tests to the DDTC. Page 4 of 17 f. g. h. i. Within 24 hours after a positive result, the Medical Review Officer (MRO), will if possible, make first contact with the parent/guardian. The District Drug Testing Coordinator/Assistant will make the follow-up call to the parent/guardian or student, if age 18 or older. Written confirmation of all test results shall be forwarded by the testing company to the District Drug Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator, who shall provide the results (negative or positive) to the principal/designee, athletic director, head coach and club/organization sponsor. The District Drug Testing Coordinator or Assistant shall provide parents/guardians or student (if over age 18) notification of positive test results by written certified mail within five (5) days after receipt of written notification from the Drug Testing Company. All test results are confidential and shall be maintained by the District Drug Coordinator or Assistant under strict security. The test results forwarded to the District Drug Coordinator shall indicate that positive results were confirmed by the GC/MS technique and shall indicate the name of the individual for whom the test results are being reported; the type of test indicated on the custody and control form; the date and location of the test collection; the identity of the persons or entities performing the collection and analysis of the specimens and reporting substance(s test results; the verified results of the controlled substances test; and, if positive, the identity of the controlled) for which the test verified positive. Test results shall be forwarded to the District Drug Coordinator in a manner to ensure that the District Drug Coordinator cannot determine that any test was a presumptive, positive test unable to be confirmed by GC/MS. Once a student’s urine specimen produces a positive (after the GC/MS confirmation) result and notification is presented to the Principal, the principal/assistant principal will follow up requesting a meeting with parents/guardians and student. The Principal/Designee, guidance counselor(s), coach/sponsor shall meet with the student and the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) (if the student is under the age of 18) to disclose and discuss the test results. At this meeting, the Principal/Designee, shall advise the student and the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of their procedural rights under this policy. Parents/guardians or a student eighteen (18) years of age or older may contest a positive test result, by presenting a written appeal to the District Drug Testing Coordinator within three (3) working days after receipt of the written notice of a positive test result. The parents/guardians or a student eighteen (18) years of age or older may, at the student’s expense, request an additional drug analysis. Any additional laboratory analysis shall be conducted by the Drug Testing Company contracted by the Adair County Board and with the student’s remaining urine specimen preserved by the Board contracted testing laboratory. The Superintendent/District Drug Testing Coordinator will consult with the Medical Review Officer (MRO) and review findings of the evidence presented by the parent/guardian or student to the Drug Testing MRO Specialist during the MRO’S initial positive test result investigation. The Superintendent will render a final decision within five (5) working days of receiving parent/guardian or student (if age eighteen or older) notice to contest the test results (this time line may be extended, if needed for additional drug testing results).*The consequences of the positive test results will be enforced for all random drug testing activities during the appeal process. Page 5 of 17 RANDOM DRUG PROGRAM CONSEQUENCES FOR COMPETITIVE EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES, ATHLETES/CHEERLEADERS, CLUBS/ORGANIZATIONS AND DRIVERS/PARKERS ON CAMPUS Students testing positive to random drug testing shall be subject to the sanctions listed below: 1. First Violation (Positive Drug/Alcohol Test Result) A. Notify the student’s parents/guardians or student if age 18 or older. Following a positive drug test, the principal/designee/counselors will meet with the student and parent to develop an on-going intervention plan. B. Athletes, Cheerleaders, and Academic Team Members - A student testing positive shall be suspended immediately from participation for the next four (4) consecutive interscholastic events or the next four (4) weeks of the season, whichever is greater in time. If necessary the suspension shall carry over to the student’s subsequent participation on another athletic team and/or the following season. Competitive Clubs/Organizations members – A student school club/organization member (including but not limited to the FFA, FBLA, FEA, FCCLA, HOSA, Beta, NHS, VICA and STLP) testing positive shall be suspended from participation for the next three (3) school months from the date the positive results are received by the assistant principal. Drivers/Parkers on School Campus – A student driver or parker testing positive shall be suspended from driving or parking on school campus for four (4) consecutive school weeks from the date the positive results are received by the assistant principal. Suspension from participation in the above mentioned competitive activities consists of any team/club/organization activity including meetings, practicing, scrimmages, dressing out, traveling with, or receiving recognition with or for the activity or driving or parking on campus, before reinstatement to the team or activity. C. Within 7 workdays days following the positive test result and before reinstatement after the first violation, the student must complete and provide at student expense, verification of a drug assessment or evaluation performed by a chemical dependency professional and if recommended, begin and complete a drug counseling or treatment program. The student and his/her parent/guardian shall sign a release(s) to allow District personnel to verify with the drug counseling/treatment program counselors that the student is following the recommendations of the program(s). D. Prior to readmission to participate in any activities covered under the random drug testing policy the student shall submit and test negative to a new drug test and shall submit to regular drug testing of not less than five (5) additional times over the next twelve (12) month period. All student drug testing will be administered in accordance with the Board’s Random Drug Testing Policy/Procedure and conducted by the drug testing company under contract with the Board. A positive result shall be treated as a second violation. E. If a student is reinstated to the activity/team following the first violation, the student’s participation in another activity covered by the Random Drug Testing Policy/Procedure shall not be restricted solely because of the existence of the first violation, as long as the student has completed the period of suspension and has been appropriately reinstated to the prior activity. If the student elects not to seek reinstatement to the activity after a first violation (either because of the student’s own election or because the season concluded prior to the expiration of the student’s period of suspension), the student is still required to serve the unexpired portion of the suspension before becoming eligible for participation in any other random drug testing activity and must provide a negative drug test result from the company under contract with the Board and complete all requirements for participation. A student serving a suspension for one activity covered under the random drug policy/procedure may try out for a second covered activity, if the student provides a negative drug test result from the testing laboratory under contract with the Board. If the student successfully makes the team/club/organization, prior to participation, the student must serve the unexpired portion of the previous suspension. A positive result shall be treated as a second violation. Page 6 of 17 2. Second Violation A. Notify the student’s parents/guardians or student if age 18 or older. B. For a second violation, the student shall be suspended immediately from activities covered by the Random Drug Testing Program for a period of one (1) calendar year from the date the Principal received the most recent test that yielded positive results. Within 7 work days following the positive test result, the student must begin the chemical dependency counseling program and the student must successfully complete recommendations that resulted from the chemical dependency assessment administered following the first violation as evidenced by a written statement to that effect issued by a qualified chemical dependency professional. The student program participant and his/her parent/guardian shall be required to sign a release to allow District personnel to verify with the drug counseling/treatment program that the student is following the recommendations of the program. C. Prior to readmission to participate in any activities covered under the random drug testing policy the student shall submit and test negative to a new drug test and shall submit to regular drug testing of not less than six (6) additional times over the next twelve (12) month period. All student drug testing will be administered in accordance with the Board’s Random Drug Testing Policy/Procedure and conducted by the drug testing company under contract with the Board. A positive result shall be treated as a third violation. D. If a student is reinstated to the activity following a second violation, the student’s participation in another activity shall not be restricted solely because of the existence of the second violation, as long as the student has completed the period of suspension and the required chemical dependency program and has been appropriately reinstated to the prior activity. If the student elects not to seek reinstatement to an activity after a second violation (either because of the student’s own election or because the season concluded prior to the expiration of the student’s period of suspension), the student is still required to serve the unexpired portion of the suspension before becoming eligible for any other athletic activity. A student serving a suspension for one activity may try out for another activity, if the student provides a negative drug test result from the testing laboratory under contract with the Board. If the student makes the team/activity, prior to participation, the student must serve the unexpired portion of the previous suspension. The student must submit to a new drug test administered in accordance with the same procedures utilized for random drug testing. A positive result shall be treated as a third violation. 3. Third Violation A. Notify the student’s parents/guardians or student if age 18 or older. B. Following a third violation, the student shall be excluded from participation in any competitive extracurricular activities, as a volunteer and driver or parker on school campus for the remainder of the student’s enrollment in the District. **Violations shall be cumulative throughout the student’s enrollment in all activities covered by the Random Drug Testing Program. A positive result will suspend a student from all activities enrolled and period of suspension time/consequences mandated by enrolled activities will be applied. Reviewed by Board – June 17, 2010 Page 7 of 17 RANDOM DRUG TESTING PROGRAM CONSEQUENCES FOR VOLUNTEER PARTICIPANTS This student does not presently exercise the privilege of participating in the mandated random drug testing program required for students enrolled in competitive extracurricular activities or driving or parking on campus, but is enrolled as a volunteer participant. Students testing positive to random drug testing shall be subject to the sanctions listed below. 1. First Violation (Positive Drug/Alcohol Test Result) A. Notify the student’s parents/guardians or student if age 18 or older. Following a positive drug test, the principal/designee/counselors will meet with the student and parent to develop an on-going intervention plan. B. As part of the requirements for continued participation in the drug testing program after the first violation, the student shall complete and provide at student expense, verification of a drug assessment or evaluation performed by a chemical dependency professional and if recommended, begin and complete a drug counseling or treatment program. The student and his/her parent/guardian shall sign a release(s) to allow the District personnel to verify with the drug counseling/treatment program counselors that the student is following the recommendations of the program(s). C. Within two (2) months, the student shall submit to a new drug test administered in accordance with the same procedures utilized for random drug testing. The testing company under contract with the Board conducts all subsequent tests. A positive result shall be treated as a second violation. 2. Second Violation (Positive Drug/Alcohol Test Result) A. Notify the student’s parents/guardians or student if age 18 or older. Following a positive drug test, the principal/designee/counselors will meet with the student and parent to develop an on-going intervention plan. . B. As part of the requirements for continued participation in the drug testing program, after the second violation, the student shall complete recommendations that resulted from the required chemical dependency assessment, as evidenced by a written statement to that affect issued by a qualified chemical dependency professional. C. As part of the requirements for continued participation in the drug testing program after the second violation the student must submit within two (2) months to a new drug test administered in accordance with the Board procedures utilized for random drug testing. A positive result shall be treated as a third violation. 3. Third Violation (Positive Drug/Alcohol Test Result) A. Notify the student’s parents/guardians or student if age 18 or older. Following a positive drug test, the principal/designee/counselors will meet with the student and parent to develop an on-going intervention plan. B. Following a third violation, the student shall be suspended from the program for a period of one (1) calendar year from the date of the most recent test that yielded positive results. C. The student shall successfully complete recommendations that resulted from the chemical dependency Assessment, as evidenced by a written statement to that affect issued by a qualified chemical dependency professional. Also, the student shall submit to regular drug testing administered in accordance with the same Board procedures utilities for random drug testing. A positive test will be treated as a fourth violation. 4. Fourth Violation (Positive Drug/Alcohol Test Result) A. Notify the student’s parents/guardians or student if age 18 or older. . B. Following a fourth violation, the student shall be excluded from participation in the voluntary drug testing program for the remainder of the student’s enrollment in the District. **Violations shall be cumulative throughout the student’s enrollment in all activities covered by the Random Drug Testing Program. A positive result will suspend a student from all activities enrolled and period of suspension time/consequences mandated by enrolled activities will be applied. Reviewed by Board – June 17, 2010 Page 8 of 17 STUDENTS 09.423AP ADAIR COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RANDOM DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING PROGRAM CONSENT TO TEST FORM FOR STUDENTS IN MIDDLE SCHOOL/HIGH SCHOOL GRADES 7–12 VOLUNTEER PARTICIPANT (Complete Random Drug Testing Procedures are in the Student Code of Acceptable Behavior and Discipline Manual and on the District Website at Student Name: _____________________________________Current Grade: _____________________________________ (Please Print) Student ID (enter last four digits of student’s social security number):________________School: _____________________________ This student does not presently exercise the privilege of participating in the mandated random drug testing program required for students enrolled in competitive extracurricular activities or driving or parking on campus. However, the student and his/her parent(s) or guardian request for the student to participate in the voluntary random drug and alcohol testing program of the Adair County School District. The student and his/her parent/guardians acknowledge they have read and understand the Use of Alcohol, Drugs and Other Controlled Substances Policy and Student Random Drug Testing Procedures in District’s Policy 09.423 and Procedure 09.423 AP, and agree to be bound by the terms, conditions and consequences contained in the policy and procedures. This student and his/her parent(s) or guardian hereby voluntarily consent to participate in the random drug and alcohol testing program and to disclose testing results to designated District personnel and parent(s) or guardian. This student and his/her parent(s) or guardian understand that since the student is voluntarily participating in random drug testing, the student shall not be penalized academically for testing positive for banned substances. The privilege of this student being allowed to participate in Volunteer Random Drug Testing Program in the Adair County School District is contingent on the signing of this “Consent to Test Form” and the “Release of Student Counseling Information Form”. Once a student enrolls in the Random Drug Testing Program, they shall remain in the Program testing pool for the duration of their enrollment in the Adair County School District, unless the student/parent officially completes a Program withdrawal form available in the assistant principal’s office or the student becomes ineligible through Program guidelines. Withdrawal from the Random Drug Testing Program will immediately suspend the student from participation in all activities covered by this Program for six (6) months, however the student has fifteen (15) calendar days to reconsider his/her withdrawal decision and reenter the random drug testing pool. A break in enrollment in the Adair County School District for 21 or more consecutive school days will require new enrollment paperwork to be completed by the student/parent. Volunteer Program enrollees who wish to join a middle/high school competitive extracurricular activity, athletics, cheerleading, band, clubs/organizations or drive or park on school campus must complete the mandated random drug testing forms covering these activities. ______________________________________________ Student Signature ______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name (print) ______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________________________ Home Phone Reviewed by Board – June 17, 2010 Page 9 of 17 _________________________________________ Date ________________________________________ Work Phone ________________________________________ Date ________________________________________ Cell Phone STUDENTS 09.423AP ADAIR COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RANDOM DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING PROGRAM CONSENT TO TEST FORM FOR STUDENTS IN GRADES 6-12 WHO PARTICIPATE IN MIDDLE SCHOOL/HIGH SCHOOL COMPETITIVE EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AND/OR STUDENTS WHO DRIVE OR PARK ON SCHOOL CAMPUS (Complete Random Drug Testing Procedures are in the Student Code of Acceptable Behavior and Discipline Manual and on the District Website at Student Name: ______________________________________Current Grade: ____________________________________ (Please Print) Student ID (enter last four digits of student’s social security number):______________School: ______________________ This student and his/her parents/guardians acknowledge that the Adair County School District has the right to perform random drug and alcohol testing on students who wish to exercise the privilege of participating in middle/high school extracurricular competitive activities, athletics, cheerleading,, school organizations/clubs (including but not limited to academic teams, FFA, FBLA, FEA, FCCLA, HOSA, Beta, NHS, VICA and STLP) and students who drive or park on school property. This student and his/her parents/guardians understand that as a condition of the student being allowed to participate in extracurricular competitive activities or driving or parking on campus in the Adair District, the student may be required to undergo and successfully pass a random screening for alcohol, illegal drugs or other banned substances, as set forth in the District’s Use of Alcohol, Drugs, and Controlled Substances Policy and Student Random Drug Testing Procedures (09.423 and 09.423 AP). This student and his/her parent/guardians acknowledge they have read and understand the Use of Alcohol, Drugs and Other Controlled Substances Policy and Student Random Drug Testing Procedures in District’s Policy 09.423, and Procedure 09.423 AP, and agree to be bound by the terms, conditions and consequences contained in the policy and procedures. This student and his/her parents/guardians hereby consent to participate in the random drug and alcohol-testing program and to the disclosure of testing results to designated District personnel and parents/guardians. The student and his/her parent(s) or guardian further understand that the student’s refusal to submit to a drug screening will be treated in the same manner as if the student had tested positive for banned substances. No student shall be penalized academically for testing positive for banned substances during random drug testing. The privilege of being allowed to participate in extracurricular activities in the Adair County School District is contingent on the signing of this “Consent to Test Form” and the “Release of Student Counseling Information Form”. Once a student enrolls in the Random Drug Testing Program, they shall remain in the Program testing pool for the duration of their enrollment in the Adair County School District, unless the parent officially completes a Drug/Alcohol Testing Program Withdrawal Form available in the assistant principal’s office or the student becomes ineligible through Program guidelines. During enrollment students remain eligible for drug testing, whether or not they have been tested previously or are currently participating in programs/activities covered by the Program. Withdrawal from the Random Drug Testing Program will immediately suspend the student from participation in all activities covered by this Program for six (6) months, however the student has fifteen (15) calendar days to reconsider his/her withdrawal decision and reenter the random drug testing pool. Eligibility to continue in the previously enrolled activities will be the decision of the coach/sponsor. A break in enrollment in the Adair County School District for 21 or more consecutive school days will require new Program enrollment paperwork to be completed by the by the student/parent. Volunteer Program enrollees who wish to join a middle/high school competitive extracurricular activity, athletics, cheerleading, band, clubs/organizations or drive or park on school campus must complete the additional mandated random drug testing forms covering these activities. Check activities that this student participates: Athletics – List __________________________________________________________________________ Cheerleading Academic Team Driver and/or Parker on School Property Competitive Clubs/Organizations: FFA FBLA FEA FCCLA HOSA Beta NHS VICA STLP Other ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Student Signature ____________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name (print) _______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Reviewed by Board – June 17, 2010 Page 10 of 17 Date _________________________________________________________________ Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone _________________________________________________________________ Date STUDENTS 09.423AP ADAIR COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RANDOM DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING PROGRAM RELEASE OF STUDENT DRUG COUNSELING INFORMATION Student Name: ___________________________________Current Grade: ___________________________________ (Please Print) Student ID (enter last four digits of student’s social security number):______________School: ___________________________ I, as parent or guardian or student, if over age eighteen (18), authorize and approve the release of information to District personnel verifying the drug assessment and evaluation performed by a chemical dependency professional required following the first Random Drug Testing offense and any additional assessments and evaluations performed thereafter. In addition, I authorize release of records and information to verify that I am complying with the recommendations of my mandated drug counseling program. *This release remains in affect as long as this student is enrolled in the Random Drug Testing Program. *Failure to provide information verifying compliance with requirements of the Random Drug Testing Policy/Procedure will cause the student to be ineligible to participate in activities covered by the Program. _______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature or Student (if age eighteen (18) or older) ______________________________________________ Date Student Date of Birth _______________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________ Phone Number _____________________________________________________________ Reviewed by Board – June 17, 2010 Page 11 of 17 STUDENTS 09.423AP ADAIR COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RANDOM DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING PROGRAM WITHDRAWAL FORM Student Name: ___________________________________Current Grade: ____________________________________ (Please Print) Student ID (enter last four digits of student’s social security number):______________School: ___________________________ I, ___________________________________________________________, wish to withdraw from participation in the (Student Name) mandatory competitive extracurricular activities, driver and/or parker on school property or voluntary Random Drug and Alcohol Testing Program. I understand, I must submit this form directly to the assistant principal or counselor(s). The assistant principal will withdraw my name from the testing pool on the date this form is received. I also understand, by completing this withdrawal form, I will no longer be eligible to participate in any middle/high school competitive extracurricular activities, athletics, cheerleading, school organizations/clubs (including but not limited to academic teams, FFA, FBLA, FEA, FCCLA, HOSA, Beta, NHS, VICA and STLP) drive and/or park on school property or will no longer be a part of the volunteer drug/alcohol testing program. I may re-enter the testing pool after a period of six (6) months by filling out a new consent form. Students have 15 calendar days to reconsider their decision and re-enter the drug testing pool with no drug testing program consequences, reinstatement to the student’s previous activity is a decision made by the coach/sponsor. *If this student is under age eighteen (18), parent consent for withdrawal is required. Check activities that this student participates: Athletics – List Cheerleading Academic Team Driver and/or Parker on School Property Competitive Clubs/Organizations: FFA FBLA FEA FCCLA HOSA NHS VICA STLP Other Volunteer Drug Testing Program Participant __________________________________________________ Student Signature Beta Date __________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name (print) Work Phone __________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date __________________________________________________ Home Phone Cell Phone __________________________________________________ Principal/Assistant Principal Signature Reviewed by Board – June 17, 2010 Page 12 of 17 Date STUDENTS 09.423AP ADAIR COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RANDOM DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING REQUEST FOR APPEAL DISTRICT LEVEL Student Name: ___________________________________Current Grade: (Please Print) Student ID (enter last four digits of student’s social security number):______________School: I, _______________________________________________________, wish to appeal my positive drug result. (Student Name) I understand that parents/guardians or a student eighteen (18) years of age or older may contest a positive test result, by presenting a written appeal to the District Drug Testing Coordinator within three (3 ) working days after receipt of the written notice of a positive test result. I also understand, that the parents/guardians or a student eighteen (18) years of age or older may, at the student’s expense, request an additional drug analysis. Any additional laboratory analysis shall be conducted by the Drug Testing Company contracted by the Adair County Board and with the student’s remaining urine specimen preserved by the Board contracted testing laboratory. The Superintendent/District Drug Testing Coordinator will consult with the Medical Review Officer (MRO) and review findings of the evidence presented by the parent/guardian or student to the Drug Testing MRO Specialist during the MRO’S initial positive test result investigation. The Superintendent will render a final decision within five (5) working days of receiving parent/guardian or student, if age eighteen or older notice to contest the positive test result (this time line may exceed five (5) days if needed for additional drug testing results). *The consequences of the positive test results will be enforced during the appeal process. Check activities that this student participates: Athletics – List Cheerleading Academic Team Driver and/or Parker on School Property Competitive Clubs/Organizations: FFA FBLA FEA FCCLA HOSA NHS VICA STLP Other Volunteer Drug Testing Program Participant Beta __________________________________________________ Student Signature Date __________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name (print) Work Phone __________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date __________________________________________________ Home Phone Cell Phone __________________________________________________ Principal/Assistant Principal Signature Reviewed by Board – June 17, 2010 Page 13 of 17 Date STUDENTS 09.423AP ADAIR COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RANDOM DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING APPEAL DECISION DISTRICT LEVEL Date __________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Dear _____________________________________: (Parent/guardian or student if over age 18) After careful review of evidence presented on behalf of your child ____________________________________________, the (student name) District Superintendent/District Drug Testing Coordinator has made the following decision: Your child’s positive drug test result is upheld due to a lack of clear and convincing evidence to prove the test was altered due to medication, medical condition or procedural drug testing error(s). Consequences for this positive drug test are applicable as set forth in Board Policy/Procedure 09.423. In regard to evidence presented, your child’s student’s positive drug test is being changed to negative. The student must submit to a new drug test administered in accordance with the Random Drug Testing guidelines and must continue to be in compliance with Random Drug Testing Policy/Procedure 09.423 COMMENTS: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ We believe the Random Drug Testing Policy helps defer drug use and is a procedural safeguard for all student participants. If you have questions concerning the results of this appeal call 384-2476. Please be assured of our desire for all children to enjoy extracurricular activities and receive a quality education in a safe and drug free environment. ___________________________________________ Signature of Superintendent ____________________________________________ Signature of District Drug Testing Coordinator Reviewed by Board – June 17, 2010 Page 14 of 17 _____________________________________ Date _____________________________________ Date STUDENTS 09.423AP ADAIR COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RANDOM DRUG -TESTING PROGRAM PARENTS/GUARDIANS NOTIFICATION (Date) CERTIFIED MAIL-RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED (Name and Address) RE: (Student Name) Dear __________________________________________________: On ______________________, _____________________________ was randomly selected for drug testing (Date) (Student’s Name) pursuant to the Adair County School District Random Drug Testing Policy and Procedure. The results of that test were: Positive for alcohol Positive for the following drug(s): The actions to be taken by the school as a result of the positive test are explained in the attached policy. Please contact me at 384-2476 within three (3) working days from your receipt of this letter to discuss the options available to your child. The District's Policy and Procedure provide opportunity to contest the results of a urine drug test, by notifying the District Drug Testing Coordinator within three (3) working days from your receipt of this letter by filling out the District Request for Appeal Form. The Policy under which your child was tested is an academically non-punitive policy adopted by the Adair County Board of Education to help identify students who use drugs and to assist them in getting the counseling and treatment they may need. I look forward to working with you, to achieve that goal. Sincerely, District Drug Testing Coordinator Adair County School District If hand delivered to parent or student age eighteen (18) or older. I hereby acknowledge receipt of this letter: ____________________________________________ Parent Signature ____________________________________________ Student Signature (if age 18 or older) ____________________________________________ Signature of Principal/Assistant Principal ______________________________________ Date _______________________________________ Date _______________________________________ Date *School Official to keep copy of letter with all official signatures. Reviewed by Board – June 17, 2010 Page 15 of 17 STUDENTS 09.423AP ADAIR COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RELEASE OF (18) OR OLDER STUDENT DRUG TESTING RESULTS TO PARENT/GUARDIAN As a student eighteen (18) years old or order, I understand that release of my random drug testing results to my parents/guardians is my decision. After consideration of the confidentiality of my records, I hereby authorize my random drug testing results to be released and discussed with my parents/guardians. _______________________________________________ Student Signature (if age eighteen (18) or older) _________________________________________ Signature of School Official Witnessing Student Signature Reviewed by Board – June 17, 2010 Page 16 of 17 ______________________________________________ Date of Authorization ________________________________________________ Date STUDENTS 09.423AP ADAIR COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL RANDOM DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING PROGRAM AND DRUG AWARENESS INFORMATIONAL MEETING Program Facilitator _____________________________________________________________ School______________________________________ Date______________________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE Reviewed by Board – June 17, 2010 Page 17 of 17 PARTICIPANTS PARENT SIGNATURE