SECTION 11062 STAGE RISER AND FILLER PLATFORMS Display hidden notes to specifier. (Don't know how? Click Here) PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 1.2 1.3 SECTION INCLUDES A. Demountable Staging System. B. Demountable Riser Platform System. C. Demountable Platform System. D. Platforms and Support for Pit Filler. E. Platforms and Support for Stage Extensions F. Training of Owner's Staff of the proper operation and maintenance of furnished equipment. RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01738 - Selective Demolition. B. Section 05500 - Metal Fabrications: C. Section 05520 - Handrails and Railings: D. Section 13650 - Fire Alarm System: Building Fire Alarm Integration system to connect the lift control system with the building fire alarm system. E. Section 16580 - Theatrical Lighting and Dimming Control. F. Division 16 - Electrical: Dedicated telephone service and wiring connections. G. Division 16 - Electrical: Power supply, disconnect and high voltage termination. REFERENCES A. ASTM A 48 - Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings. B. ASTM A 1023/A 1023M - Standard Specification for Stranded Carbon Steel Wire Ropes for General Purposes. C. AWS D.1.3 - Structural Welding Code. D. NFPA 701 - Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Flame Propagation of Textiles and Films. E. UL - Certification Directory 11062-1 1.4 1.5 F. NFPA 70 - National Electric Code. G. CSA - National Electric Code. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Structural Performance: Design, engineer, fabricate, and erect orchestra shell systems to withstand specified design loads within limits and under conditions required. 1. Design Loads including Dead Load and Live Load: As required by code and as indicated on the Drawings. 2. Platform and filler systems shall be capable of supporting a minimum uniform vertical load of 125 lbs per square foot while simultaneously withstanding a 3 percent side load uniformly applied to the platform along its longest dimension. 3. Components, construction and installation shall allow for a minimum safety factor of eight. 4. Steel: 1/5 of stress yield. 5. Design framing systems to provide for movement of framing members without damage or overstressing, sheathing failure, connection failure, undue strain on fasteners and anchors, or other detrimental effects when subject to maximum ambient temperature change (range) of 120 degrees F (67degrees C). B. Comply with all applicable trade standards including basic engineering standards, welding standards and steel construction standards. SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. B. Product Data: Manufacturer's data sheets on each product to be used, including: 1. Preparation instructions and recommendations. 2. Storage and handling requirements and recommendations. 3. Installation methods. C. Shop Drawings: Include plans, elevations and detail sections of typical stage equipment systems and elements, estimated building loads imposed by the furnished equipment, anchor and fastening details, miscellaneous equipment details and any additional information required to evaluate the completeness and correctness of the pit filler systems. D. Structural Calculations: Submit structural calculations prepared by manufacturer for approval. Submittal shall be sealed by a professional engineer registered in the state of the project. 1. Description of design criteria. 2. Engineering analysis depicting stress and deflection (stiffness) requirements for each framing application. 3. Selection of framing components, accessories and welded connection requirements. 4. Verification of attachments to building structure and adjacent framing components. E. Selection Samples: For each finish product specified, two complete sets of color chips representing manufacturer's full range of available colors and patterns. F. Verification Samples: For each finish product specified, two samples, minimum 11062-2 size 6 inches (150 mm) square, representing actual product, color, and patterns. G. 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Manufacturer's Certificates: Certify products meet or exceed specified requirements. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualifications: A rigging manufacturer with a minimum of 10 years documented experience with installations of similar size and complexity. B. Installer Qualifications: Documented experience showing successful completion of at least 10 similar projects within the last five years. Installer must employ at least one ETCP Certified Theatre Rigging Technician for this project. Installer must maintain a fully equipped field service organization capable of providing prompt inspection, service and repairs of the installed system. C. Pre-installation Meetings: Conduct pre-installation meeting to verify project requirements, substrate conditions, and manufacturer's installation instructions. D. Welding Standards: Comply with applicable provisions of AWS D1.1 "Structural Welding CodeSteel" and AWS D1.3 "Structural Welding CodeSheet Steel." 1. Qualify welding processes and welding operators in accordance with AWS "Standard Qualification Procedure." DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Store products in manufacturer's unopened packaging until ready for installation. B. Store components off the ground in an indoor dry covered area, protected from adverse weather conditions and damage from construction operations. SEQUENCING A. Ensure that locating templates and other information required for installation of products of this section are furnished to affected trades in time to prevent interruption of construction progress. B. Ensure that products of this section are supplied to affected trades in time to prevent interruption of construction progress. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Maintain environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, and ventilation) within limits recommended by manufacturer for optimum results. Do not install products under environmental conditions outside manufacturer's absolute limits. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturer: SECOA Inc., which is located at: 8650 109th Ave. N. ; Champlin, MN 55316; Toll Free Tel: 800-328-5519; Tel: 763-506-8800; Fax: 763-506-8844; Email: request info; Web: B. Substitutions: Not permitted. C. Requests for substitutions will be considered in accordance with provisions of Section 01600. 11062-3 D. 2.2 Unless otherwise specified for an individual product or material, supply all products specified in this section from the same manufacturer. PORTABLE STAGING PLATFORMS A. System Description: Portable interlocking platform system with detachable and interchangeable legs to create a single or multiple height platform area. B. Portable Stage Systems: Overall size 12 feet by 16 feet by 16 inches high. 1. Portable Stage Package A: a. Components: 1) Platforms: 6 Stage 100, 4 foot by 8 foot platform units. 2) Legs: 6 sets of 16 inch high standard legs with adjustable feet. 3) Clamps: 2 four leg clamps and 6 two leg clamps. 4) Stair: 1 one step stair unit. b. Platforms: Single sided platform construction surfaced as follows: 1) Plywood surface. 2) Plyron hardboard surface. 3) Tongue & groove hardwood flooring surface. 4) Polyvinyl surface. 5) Carpet surface. 6) Linoleum flooring surface. c. Frame Material: Extruded aluminum with the following finish. 1) Clear anodized. 2) Powder coated with color as selected by the Architect. d. Acoustic Insulation: Provide theatre sound board insulation for noise reduction to underside of platform. e. Connectors: Dual Lock cam locking connectors for secure, positive locking, vibration resistant, unit to unit connections. f. Support Structure: 1) Standard legs with cross bracing as required. 2) Standard bridging understructures. 3) Custom Bridging Understructures for curved pit fillers. g. Accessories: Provide with the following accessories as required for the installation. 1) Closure panels. 2) Skirting. 3) Storage Cart. 4) Other: ____________. 2. Portable Stage Package B: Overall size 16 feet by 24 feet by 24 inches high. a. Components: 1) Platforms: 12 Stage 100, 4 foot by 8 foot platform units. 2) Legs: 12 sets of 24 inch high standard legs with adjustable feet. 3) Clamps: 6 four leg clamps and 10 two leg clamps. 4) Stair: 1 two step stair unit with handrail. b. Platforms: Single sided platform construction surfaced as follows: 1) Plywood surface. 2) Plyron hardboard surface. 3) Tongue & groove hardwood flooring surface. 4) Polyvinyl surface. 5) Carpet surface. 6) Linoleum flooring surface. c. Frame Material: Extruded aluminum with the following finish. 1) Clear anodized. 2) Powder coated with color as selected by the Architect. d. Acoustic Insulation: Provide theatre sound board insulation for noise 11062-4 reduction to underside of platform. Connectors: Dual Lock cam locking connectors for secure, positive locking, vibration resistant, unit to unit connections. f. Support Structure: 1) Standard legs with cross bracing as required. 2) Standard bridging understructures. 3) Custom Bridging Understructures for curved pit fillers. g. Accessories: Provide with the following accessories as required for the installation. 1) Closure panels. 2) Skirting. 3) Storage Cart. 4) Other: ____________. Custom Portable Stage Package: Overall size and configuration as indicated on the Drawings: a. Components: 1) Modular Platforms: Stage 100, 4 foot by 8 foot platform units. 2) Legs: Standard legs with adjustable feet. 3) Clamps: Leg clamps as required. 4) Stair: Stair and handrail as required. b. Platforms: Single sided platform construction surfaced as follows: 1) Plywood surface. 2) Plyron hardboard surface. 3) Tongue & groove hardwood flooring surface. 4) Polyvinyl surface. 5) Carpet surface. 6) Linoleum flooring surface. c. Frame Material: Extruded aluminum with the following finish. 1) Clear anodized. 2) Powder coated with color as selected by the Architect. d. Acoustic Insulation: Provide theatre sound board insulation for noise reduction to underside of platform. e. Connectors: Dual Lock cam locking connectors for secure, positive locking, vibration resistant, unit to unit connections. f. Support Structure: 1) Standard legs with cross bracing as required. 2) Standard bridging understructures. 3) Custom Bridging Understructures for curved pit fillers. g. Accessories: Provide with the following accessories as required for the installation. 1) Closure panels. 2) Skirting. 3) Storage Cart. 4) Other: ____________. e. 3. 2.3 PORTABLE RISER PLATFORMS A. Portable Riser Systems: Overall size 12 feet by 32 feet. 1. Portable Riser Package A: a. Components: 1) Platforms: 16 Stage 100, 3 foot by 8 foot platform units. 2) Legs: 4 sets of 8 inch high standard legs with adjustable feet. 3) Legs: 4 sets of 16 inch high standard legs with adjustable feet. 4) Legs: 4 sets of 24 inch high standard legs with adjustable feet. 5) Legs: 4 sets of 32 inch high standard legs with adjustable feet. 6) Clamps: 9 four leg clamps and 12 two leg clamps. 11062-5 2. 7) Guardrail with Chairstops: 8 - 3 foot standard units. 8) Guardrail with Chairstops: 4 - 8 foot standard units. 9) Guardrail Clamps: 11 units. 10) Chairstops: 12 - 8 foot units. b. Platforms: Single sided platform construction surfaced as follows: 1) Plywood surface. 2) Plyron hardboard surface. 3) Tongue & groove hardwood flooring surface. 4) Polyvinyl surface. 5) Carpet surface. 6) Linoleum flooring surface. c. Frame Material: Extruded aluminum with the following finish. 1) Clear anodized. 2) Powder coated with color as selected by the Architect. d. Acoustic Insulation: Provide theatre sound board insulation for noise reduction to underside of platform. e. Connectors: Dual Lock cam locking connectors for secure, positive locking, vibration resistant, unit to unit connections. f. Support Structure: 1) Standard legs with cross bracing as required. 2) Standard bridging understructures. 3) Custom Bridging Understructures for curved pit fillers. g. Accessories: Provide with the following accessories as required for the installation. 1) Closure panels. 2) Skirting. 3) Storage Cart. 4) Other: ____________. Portable Choral or Seating Riser Package B: Overall size 15 feet 2-11/16 inches by 24 feet 5 inches in front and 32 feet 7-7/16 inches in rear. a. Components: 1) Platforms: 9 Stage 100, 3 foot by 8 foot platform units. 2) Trapezoid Platforms: 6 Stage 100, 3 foot trapezoid platform units. 3) Legs: 5 sets of 8 inch high standard legs with adjustable feet. 4) Legs: 5 sets of 16 inch high standard legs with adjustable feet. 5) Legs: 5 sets of 24 inch high standard legs with adjustable feet. 6) Clamps: 8 four leg clamps and 12 two leg clamps. 7) Guardrail with Chairstops: 3 - 8 foot standard units. 8) Guardrail with Chairstops: 5 - 5 foot 6 inch standard units. 9) Guardrail with Chairstops: 4 - 3 foot standard units. 10) Guardrail Clamps: 8 units. 11) Chairstops: 10 units. b. Platforms: Single sided platform construction surfaced as follows: 1) Plywood surface. 2) Plyron hardboard surface. 3) Tongue & groove hardwood flooring surface. 4) Polyvinyl surface. 5) Carpet surface. 6) Linoleum flooring surface. c. Frame Material: Extruded aluminum with the following finish. 1) Clear anodized. 2) Powder coated with color as selected by the Architect. d. Acoustic Insulation: Provide theatre sound board insulation for noise reduction to underside of platform. e. Connectors: Dual Lock cam locking connectors for secure, positive 11062-6 locking, vibration resistant, unit to unit connections. Support Structure: 1) Standard legs with cross bracing as required. 2) Standard bridging understructures. 3) Custom Bridging Understructures for curved pit fillers. g. Accessories: Provide with the following accessories as required for the installation. 1) Closure panels. 2) Skirting. 3) Storage Cart. 4) Other: ____________. Portable Choral or Seating Riser Package C: Overall size 10 feet 3-31/32 inches by 10 feet 3-31/32 inches in rear. a. Components: 1) Trapezoid Platforms: 12 Stage 100, 2 foot trapezoid platform units. 2) Legs: 4 sets of 8 inch high standard legs with adjustable feet. 3) Legs: 4 sets of 16 inch high standard legs with adjustable feet. 4) Legs: 4 sets of 24 inch high standard legs with adjustable feet. 5) Leg Clamps: 6 four leg clamps and 10 two leg clamps. 6) Guardrail with Chairstops: 4 - standard units. 7) Guardrail Clamps: 3 units. b. Platforms: Single sided platform construction surfaced as follows: 1) Plywood surface. 2) Plyron hardboard surface. 3) Tongue & groove hardwood flooring surface. 4) Polyvinyl surface. 5) Carpet surface. 6) Linoleum flooring surface. c. Frame Material: Extruded aluminum with the following finish. 1) Clear anodized. 2) Powder coated with color as selected by the Architect. d. Acoustic Insulation: Provide theatre sound board insulation for noise reduction to underside of platform. e. Connectors: Dual Lock cam locking connectors for secure, positive locking, vibration resistant, unit to unit connections. f. Support Structure: 1) Standard legs with cross bracing as required. 2) Standard bridging understructures. 3) Custom Bridging Understructures for curved pit fillers. g. Accessories: Provide with the following accessories as required for the installation. 1) Closure panels. 2) Skirting. 3) Storage Cart. 4) Other: ____________. Custom Portable Riser Package: Overall size and configuration as indicated on the Drawings: a. Components: 1) Modular Platforms: Stage 100, platform units. 2) Legs: Standard legs with adjustable feet as required. 3) Clamps: Leg clamps as required. 4) Guardrail with Chairstops: as required. 5) Guardrail Clamps: as required. b. Platforms: Single sided platform construction surfaced as follows: 1) Plywood surface. f. 3. 4. 11062-7 c. d. e. f. g. 2.4 2) Plyron hardboard surface. 3) Tongue & groove hardwood flooring surface. 4) Polyvinyl surface. 5) Carpet surface. 6) Linoleum flooring surface. Frame Material: Extruded aluminum with the following finish. 1) Clear anodized. 2) Powder coated with color as selected by the Architect. Acoustic Insulation: Provide theatre sound board insulation for noise reduction to underside of platform. Connectors: Dual Lock cam locking connectors for secure, positive locking, vibration resistant, unit to unit connections. Support Structure: 1) Standard legs with cross bracing as required. 2) Standard bridging understructures. 3) Custom Bridging Understructures for curved pit fillers. Accessories: Provide with the following accessories as required for the installation. 1) Closure panels. 2) Skirting. 3) Storage Cart. 4) Other: ____________. PORTABLE PIT FILLER PLATFORMS A. Portable Pit Filler Systems: Provide to size and configuration indicated on the Drawings. 1. Portable Stage 100 Pit Filler: a. Platforms: Single sided platform construction surfaced as follows: 1) Plywood surface. 2) Plyron hardboard surface. 3) Tongue & groove hardwood flooring surface. 4) Polyvinyl surface. 5) Carpet surface. 6) Linoleum flooring surface. b. Frame Material: Extruded aluminum with the following finish. 1) Clear anodized. 2) Powder coated with color as selected by the Architect. c. Acoustic Insulation: Provide theatre sound board insulation for noise reduction to underside of platform. d. Connectors: Dual Lock cam locking connectors for secure, positive locking, vibration resistant, unit to unit connections. e. Support Structure: 1) Standard legs with cross bracing as required. 2) Standard bridging understructures. 3) Custom Bridging Understructures for curved pit fillers. f. Accessories: Provide with the following accessories as required for the installation. 1) Closure panels. 2) Skirting. 3) Storage Cart. 4) Other: ____________. 2. Portable Stage 2000 Pit Filler: a. Platforms: Laminated platform construction surfaced as follows: 1) Plywood surface. 2) Hardboard surface. 11062-8 b. c. d. e. 2.5 3) Veneer plywood flooring surface. 4) Polyvinyl surface. 5) Carpet surface. 6) Linoleum flooring surface. Frame Material: Extruded aluminum with the following finish. 1) Clear anodized. 2) Powder coated with color as selected by the Architect. Connectors: Dual Lock cam locking connectors for secure, positive locking, vibration resistant, unit to unit connections. Support Structure: 1) Standard legs with cross bracing as required. 2) Standard bridging understructures. 3) Custom Bridging Understructures for curved pit fillers. Accessories: Provide with the following accessories as required for the installation. 1) Closure panels. 2) Skirting. 3) Hardwood edge trim to match pit filler. 4) Storage Cart. 5) Other: ____________. PORTABLE STAGE EXTENSION PLATFORMS A. Portable Stage Extension Systems: Provide to size and configuration indicated on the Drawings. 1. Portable Stage 100 Stage Extension: a. Platforms: Single sided platform construction surfaced as follows: 1) Plywood surface. 2) Plyron hardboard surface. 3) Tongue & groove hardwood flooring surface. 4) Polyvinyl surface. 5) Carpet surface. 6) Linoleum flooring surface. b. Frame Material: Extruded aluminum with the following finish. 1) Clear anodized. 2) Powder coated with color as selected by the Architect. c. Acoustic Insulation: Provide theatre sound board insulation for noise reduction to underside of platform. d. Connectors: Dual Lock cam locking connectors for secure, positive locking, vibration resistant, unit to unit connections. e. Support Structure: 1) Standard legs with cross bracing as required. 2) Standard bridging understructures. 3) Custom Bridging Understructures for curved pit fillers. f. Accessories: Provide with the following accessories as required for the installation. 1) Closure panels. 2) Skirting. 3) Storage Cart. 4) Other: ____________. 2. Portable Stage Extension 2000 Pit Filler: a. Platforms: Laminated platform construction surfaced as follows: 1) Plywood surface. 2) Hardboard surface. 3) Veneer plywood flooring surface. 4) Polyvinyl surface. 11062-9 b. c. d. e. 2.6 5) Carpet surface. 6) Linoleum flooring surface. Frame Material: Extruded aluminum with the following finish. 1) Clear anodized. 2) Powder coated with color as selected by the Architect. Connectors: Dual Lock cam locking connectors for secure, positive locking, vibration resistant, unit to unit connections. Support Structure: 1) Standard legs with cross bracing as required. 2) Standard bridging understructures. 3) Custom Bridging Understructures for curved pit fillers. Accessories: Provide with the following accessories as required for the installation. 1) Closure panels. 2) Skirting. 3) Hardwood edge trim to match pit filler. 4) Storage Cart. 5) Other: ____________. PORTABLE PLATFORM COMPONANTS A. Component Decks: 1. Stage 100 Single Sided Indoor platform: Each deck shall be 3/4 inch Plyron (hardboard). a. Frame 1) Frame shall be constructed of 6005A-T6 structural aluminum with natural finish. 2) Extrusions are U-shaped in design for maximum strength and rigidity. 3) Extrusions have edging to protect the edges of the deck surfaces. 4) Extrusions have channels that allow for the attachment of accessories. 5) Deck units shall be no larger than 4 feet by 8 feet and shall be provided with 4 leg sockets to accept the detachable legs. b. Leg Assemblies 1) Legs shall be fabricated from 1-1/4 inch Schedule 40 aluminum pipe with natural finish. 2) Each leg shall be equipped at the bottom with screw type adjustable foot with threaded rod to allow for fine adjustments to compensate for minor floor irregularities. 3) The overall range of the footpad shall be plus or minus 1 inch. Each foot shall have a PUC pad on bottom of foot. 4) Provide lateral bracing as required. Lateral bracing shall be fabricated of 1-1/4 inch Schedule 40 aluminum pipe 6061 T-6 and/or 6005-T61 alloy, connected to structural fittings. 5) Unit to unit Connection: Individual platforms shall be connected by use of cam-type DUAL LOCKS mounted internally on the frame extrusion. 2. Platforms provided in rectangular, or a variety of angles to create the size and shape of system required. 3. Platforms shall be easily de-mountable and reconfigurable into different arrangements for maximum use. 4. All parts of every platform and understructure method shall be replaceable at any time in the future, if damage occurs to any part. 5. Optional Accessories: 11062-10 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Additional weight loading, per square foot, shall be available. Stage 150 Outdoor Platforms shall be available, with water-retardant construction and an aggressive non-slip finish. Stage 2000 Reversible Platforms shall be available, with any of the surfaces available as standard on Stage 100. Fiberglas liner board permanently attached to the underside of the decks to dampen the footfalls of users. 1) Fiberglass liner board is glass fibers firmly bonded together with a thermosetting resin into a rigid board-type insulation, with fungi and bacteria resistance. 2) Liner board shall be CertainTeed ToughGuard Rigid Liner Board with enhanced surface, 2 inches (51 mm) thick. 3) Board is installed such that the thickness is compressed no more than 10 pecent. Leg clips shall be available to attach leg sets, while stored, to the underside of the decks, if necessary. Cable Pass-Through: "floor pocket" style covers shall be available for lighting and sound jacks, to be permanently available to users. Handrails: shall be available in a style that clamps onto the platform, or that clips into the edge extrusion, as best suits the project. Handrails can be used at either the front or back of the infill system, as suits the application. 1) Handrails must be available in Standard and UBC options 2) Handrails must be available in Mill Finish and Black. Portable Stair Units: 1) Frame is constructed of steel members and designed to support a minimum of 500 lb. 2) Frame is to be portable in design, and must be 36" in actual width. 3) The dimensions of the run and rise must be consistent. Tread rise must not exceed 7.25". Tread run must have a minimum dimension of 11" 4) All units of 2-steps or more shall be available either with or without handrails. Edge lighting for Stairs and/or Platform Edges shall be available through either the platform manufacturer or the electrician. Plug in style or permanent installation, as well as standard, strip or LED must be specified at time of bid. ADA ramp. Demountable and portable all-aluminum construction shall be available in mill finish, to increase accessibility to the stage. Storage and Transport Methodology: when component platforms are removed, to allow for full orchestra in pit (and no structural space for a future Orchestra Pit Lift must be filled), carts must be provided for storage and transport of the infill platforms. Architect should specify where platforms are intended to store, and Orchestra pit filler manufacturer must determine the width of the smallest door, which the storage carts must pass through, and then manufacture the quantity necessary. 1) Carts shall be available for storage of platforms. a) Vertical Carts shall be available. b) Horizontal Carts shall be available. c) Forkliftable and Stackable Carts shall be available. 2) Carts shall be available for storage of guardrails. 3) Carts shall be available for storage of dual understructure. PART 3 EXECUTION 11062-11 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 EXAMINATION A. Do not begin installation until conditions are appropriate and substrates have been properly prepared. B. Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be performed; identify conditions detrimental to proper or timely completion. C. Verify electrical rough-in is at correct location. D. If preparation is the responsibility of another installer, notify Architect of unsatisfactory preparation before proceeding. PREPARATION A. Clean surfaces thoroughly prior to installation. B. Provide, erect and maintain barricades, lighting and guardrails as required to protect general public, workers and adjacent Work. C. Prepare surfaces using the methods recommended by the manufacturer for achieving the best result for the substrate under the project conditions. INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Position all items accurately as indicated on the Drawing. C. Install system square, plumb and true to adjacent work. D. Note any deviations required to adjust for field obstructions and incorporate changes on as-built drawings. E. Coordinate work with trades performing adjoining work F. Use only qualified installers for installation, trim and adjustment. G. Clean and retouch all field welds and abraded paint work with matching finishes. H. Install equipment only after construction is completed and final building cleaning accomplished. PROTECTION A. Protect installed products until completion of project. B. Touch-up, repair or replace damaged products before Substantial Completion. DEMONSTRATION A. At installation completion, manufacturer's representative shall provide a minimum or two days of on-site presents to demonstrate the use of the theatrical systems to Owner's personnel. END OF SECTION 11062-12