Community Engaged Design for Historic Gas Station Development in

SECTION 1: Organization Information
Name of Organization: Church Community Housing Corporation
Mailing Address: 50 Washington Square, Newport, RI 02840
Name of Project Contact Person(s): Stephen P. Ostiguy
Contact Information:
Phone: 401-595-9621
Fax: 401-849-7930
Type of Organization
 Public (town, city, municipality, special district, government agency)
 Private (citizen, non-profit)
 Other (please explain)
Description of Organization and Mission: Church Community Housing Corporation (CCHC) is a community development
corporation dedicated to helping low and moderate income persons in Newport County to live in safe, decent, affordable
housing and neighborhoods. It provides housing through rental, home ownership, rehabilitation, preservation or by other
means, without discrimination or prejudice. In collaboration with others, CCHC extends its activities to community and
economic development projects that particularly promote well-planned, integrated, stable, safe and healthy communities.
How did you hear about the CPC?
CCHC became aware of the CPC through the Housing Network of Rhode Island. As a member organization we
have supported the Network’s involvement in the RWU programs. We have volunteered to be a case study for
students in RWU classes and we have had employee’s guest lecturer in some of the community development
courses. In the Spring semester of 2014 RWS developed a new web site and a publicity campaign for CCHC.
As a partner, the Aquidneck Island Planning Commission has worked in the past with Arnold Robinson. It
actively collaborates with Hank Kniskern on AIPC projects. The AIPC is currently seeking an RWU intern to
work on a special project on Aquidneck Island.
SECTION 2: Project Description
Title of the Project: Newport Town Spring
Project Location (Address, City, State, and Zip): 48 Touro Street, Newport, RI 02840
General Project Description (you may attach a longer narrative if necessary):
The Newport Town Spring Project offers an unparalleled opportunity for RWU students to acquire highly
practical skills for use in their future professions. The proposed areas of concentration include historic research
and public education, public engagement, and design of the proposed Newport Town Spring park.
The project location lies within the Newport Historical District between famed Touro Synagogue, the Newport
Historical Society, the Loeb Visitor Center and the Old Colony House. It is adjacent to the restored Washington
Square and Peter Harrison’s 1672 Brick Market, in the heart of colonial Newport. This small but highly visible
space has housed a gas station since 1941. It lies on the site of Newport’s original town spring, where the town
was founded in 1639.
The gas station has been on the market, and based on city zoning, a new entity could construct a new building
that could look like a typical 7/11, gas station/convenience store complex, obliterating the views historic views
and an seriously marring the positive impact of “colonial Newport” that so many have worked to preserve and
A small but dynamic “Newport Spring Leadership Committee” signed a purchase and sale agreement in May
2014 with the owner and is actively raising funds to complete the purchase. There will be myriad activities
associated with the course of planning and fund raising, much of it in collaboration with such partners as the
Aquidneck Land Trust, the Aquidneck Island Planning Commission, the Newport Historical Society, Grow
Smart RI, State of RI Division of Planning and RI Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission and the City
of Newport.
These student-led activities will begin with a survey of the property and proceed to research and compilation of
the history of the site and its role in the founding of Newport, raising citizen awareness of the potential for the
property, inviting the public to participate in a student designed and managed charrette, working individually
and collectively to produce representative designs that illustrate potential future uses of the property as an
integral space within Newport’s historical context.
RWU students will work under the auspices of Church Community Housing and the Newport Spring
Leadership Committee and draw on the expertise of the community partners committed to the project.
The project will last a year if students have the luxury of dedicating that much time. A semester can also yield
very positive learning experiences.
Potential Scope of Work/Tasks for RWU CPC1(you may attach a longer narrative if necessary):
Phase I
Research the property and collect primary documents and important stories that document
the location as a historic site. This Due Diligence Phase should result in materials required for
use in a Dept of Interiors national register nomination form as a commemorative property
describing its historic significance.
Format the historical materials into an easy to use - easy to understand public education
presentation. This should include a website to increase public awareness that could be linked to
our partners existing websites.
Phase II
Organize public information and engagement sessions
Host the Leadership Committee, related non-profits and historical, land-use, tourism
professionals to impart what the research phase has uncovered and solicit ideas for possible uses
of the property.
Host the general public to impart what the research phase has uncovered and solicit ideas for
possible uses of the property.
CPC project services are performed by students in support of their educational experience. Applicants shall understand that any
deliverables generated through an accepted project are intended to provide conceptual information only to assist design and
planning and as such are not intended, nor should they be used for, construction or other project implementation. Professional
and/or other services may be needed to ultimately implement a sponsor’s desired goals.
Phase III
Prepare multiple design options for use of the property that protect the character defining
features of the site and interpret the historical significance and present them to the participants of
the previous engagement sessions.
What will be the final product output for this project? (survey, website, design plans, drawings, etc.)
The deliverables for this project include a survey, photographic characterization, design plans, drawings, and
website. As mentioned, in the course of the project the students will also plan activities to engage the public
that will include a charrette, meetings and neighborhood walks.
Proposed Project Schedule (when the tasks/project needs to be completed):
The project can be carried out in one year; however students can also make an important contribution if they are
limited to one semester.
Please provide the names and contact information for any staff members or volunteers who will be playing a primary role
in the proposed CPC project.
Lilly Dick Chairman of the Board, Washington Square Advisory Commission
Tina Dolan Executive Director, Aquidneck Island Planning Commission
Thomas Goddard Chairman of the Board, Newport Historical Society
Justin McLaughlin Newport City Council
Howard Newman Newmans, Ltd.
Frank Ray Foundation for Newport
Ted Sanderson Executive Director, R.I. Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission
Valerie Talmadge Executive Director, Preserve Rhode Island
Scott Wolf Executive Director, Grow Smart Rhode Island
Stephen Ostiguy, Executive Director, Church Community Housing Corporation
What resources/previous work would the CPC be building upon that you already have completed? (Please select all items
that are applicable)
Strategic Plan
Marketing & Communication Plans
Additional organizational documents
Preliminary photos of the site/project
Previous research
Survey results
Architectural or building plans
Washington Square Charrette
What active support would your organization be able to contribute should your project be selected?
Staff time
Other (please list)
Assistance from specialists in partnering agencies as outlined in #2, Project Description
SECTION 3: Project Outcomes
Please describe how this project will benefit your organization and the advancement of your mission:
CCHC is committed to community and economic development projects that particularly promote well-planned,
integrated, stable, safe and healthy communities.
CPC uses a multi-disciplinary approach that will activate passionate preservation –minded students guided by
preservation experts to this task list. Using resources of the Leadership Committee, students will uncover the
value of this 1641 historic site and tell its story reflecting the heart of community life at that time and
representing the America’s first secular democracy.
By researching and sharing what they have found about Newport’s Town Spring in an awareness campaign,
more resources will be brought to bear on the opportunity to purchase the property that marks the birthplace of
Newport -whose 375th anniversary is being marked by civic leaders right now.
The CPC students will be providing the groundwork that will create the momentum for converting a gas station
location into a successful historic interpretation center for Newport’s birthplace: the Town Spring.
Please describe how this project might benefit the overall community, including specific groups that could benefit from this
project (i.e. target populations, neighborhoods, specific town/city/region).
The local community and thousands of visitors will benefit from sharing knowledge of the importance of the
Newport Spring in the founding of Newport, create greater awareness of the significance of Newport’s rich
colonial heritage, and provide a respite (park) in the center of a well traveled area. Associated benefits include
the potential eligibility for becoming a heritage city and economic returns from increased tourism
Please explain why you have chosen to seek assistance from the RWU CPC with your project request, instead of
undertaking the project using fee-for-services from a paid professional:
The Leadership Committee is seeking CPC assistance to join with them in telling the story of the Newport
Town Spring to dramatically increase the likelihood of success in purchasing the property for community
benefit in perpetuity. There is a short timeline and many opportunities to explore by the creative talent at RWU
guided by Experts in the historic preservation realm. CPC students will bring a independent perspective to help
the community shape a plan for the Newport Town Spring Site and they know the methods and materials that
will reach the community. The Leadership Committee is currently raising funds to complete purchase of the
property, and as a volunteer group does not have access to costly professional services.
Please describe how this project will benefit RWU students.
Students will be able to work side by side with experts in their chosen field and witness how they use
best practices and means and methods used to produce successful outcomes.
Students will be able to look at a problem in context and evaluate and test for themselves what
approaches make sense to solving the problem.
Students will witness democracy in action and learn by doing and have that experience to carry with
them to their next project.
Students will have real assets to their professional resume and portfolio to demonstrate the value of their
contribution that can be applied to other national historic sites around the world.
Students will have team experience and witness how other perspectives shape outcomes.
Students will take pride in making a real contribution to an effort of national historical significance –
that if successful – will outlast their lifetime.
SECTION 4: Financial Information
What is your organization’s annual operating budget? Please include a copy of your most recent budget with the
The current operating budget of Church Community Housing Corp. is $1,850,000. Please see attached Budget.
What are your major sources of funding?
US Department of Housing and Development
Community Development Block Grant program
Rental Income
Developer fees
How much funding from your annual operating budget is set aside for this project (if any)?
Church Community Housing Corporation is the fiduciary agent for this project and will provide in-kind
supervision from the Executive Director, the Senior Project Manager and the Financial Officer. The Newport
Spring Leadership Committee is in the process of raising $950,000 to be used for the acquisition, environmental
cleanup and planning for the future park and facilities.
SECTION 5: Private Sector Involvement
Have you or your organization discussed the project with practicing professionals (e.g. architect, engineer, planner,
consultants, etc.)?
(please circle one):
Yes / No
Listed in project description and there are more as shown in the April 7, 2014 notes (“Summary of the
opportunity to preserve Newport’s Coffey’s Gas Station”)
If no, please explain why:
SECTION 6: Supporting Documents
Please include the following items when submitting your application:
 Budget for the current fiscal year
 List of current Board members
 Copies of supporting resources identified in section 2 as needed to support your application