NHS FORTH VALLEY Application pack Guidance for completing the



Application pack

Guidance for completing the NHS Scotland application form

If you need this, or any of the attached forms in large print or other formats please call our recruitment office on

01786 431186.

General guidance

if you have any questions or need some help with completing the form, please call 01786 431186. Please have the job reference number handy if possible

use black ink and please write in BLOCK CAPITALS. This makes the form much easier to read and clearer if we need to photocopy it

the job reference number can be copied from the job advert

the job location will be on the job advert

the candidate number will be written in by us once you have returned the form to our office

the people who look through your completed form short listing team to see if you have the skills and abilities needed for the job, will only see ‘Part C’ of the form. They will only see your candidate number and all personal details will be anonymous

Please do not send in a CV instead of, or as well as, the application form. We do not consider CVs during the selection process

Please fill in all sections of the application form. If some parts are not relevant, write ‘not applicable’ or ‘N/A’ in that space

Do not put your name or any identifying information on your application as this information needs to remain anonymous.

Should you require more space to complete any section, please do this on additional sheets of paper securing them to the relevant sections.

Personal Details section

this gives us your contact details such as name and address.

Under ‘title’ you would put either Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr or just leave blank if you prefer

we may need to contact you at some time throughout the recruitment process. Please let us know the most suitable method of contacting you, for example a text message, email or phone call


 only if this is asked for in the details/information pack about the job , you must tell us about all convictions and cautions regardless of how long ago the offence may have occurred. Convictions from other countries must also be notified. If in doubt please call our office at the help line number on page one of this guidance

please note that having a conviction will not automatically disqualify you from getting a job with us. Careful consideration will be given to the relevance of the offence to the particular post in question. However, if you are appointed, and it is found that you did not reveal a previous conviction your employment may be terminated

remember to read, consider and sign the declaration at the bottom of page(2)

NHS Forth Valley complies fully with the Code of Practice, issued by Scottish Ministers, regarding the correct handling, holding and destroying of Disclosure information. Please contact the Recruitment Services Department if you would like to request copies of our policies on Recruitment of Ex

Offenders or Handling, Holding and Destroying disclosure information.

Qualifications section

please tell us of any qualifications you have. This can include school standard grades, GCSEs, highers, or work based qualifications such as SVQs or NVQs

 remember to write down any ‘non formal’ qualifications or certificates that you think are relevant to the job you are applying for

Present (or most recent) post section

 if you are currently out of work, please write this in the ‘job title’ space

please write your start date in month/year format MM/YYYY

please tell us briefly about your duties (what you do or did in your job). You could tell us your role, the main tasks, and any responsibility for supervising others. There is not a lot of space here so continue on a separate sheet if you need to

Employment History section

this is where you write down all the jobs you have done previously

remember that if a job you have done in the past supports or is similar to the job you are applying for, please tell us more about it in your ‘support of application’ statement on page 6 of the application form – use a separate sheet if you need more space

References section

referees are people who know you at work. Please give the full names and addresses of 2 referees, one of whom must be your present or most recent employer and can confirm your job details

 you should check that the people you have put on your form are happy to be referees

your referees will not be contacted unless you are a

‘preferred candidate’ after interview. A preferred candidate is someone who is the preferred choice for the job, subject to satisfactory checks where appropriate

Driving Licence

you only need to complete this if the job requires you to drive. Please check the job description or person specification. For example, some jobs with the Ambulance

Service require you to be able to drive class C1 and D1 vehicles

Where did you see the advert section

please try to remember where you heard about this job, and tick the relevant box. The information you give will help us find out how good our advertising is

Equal opportunities monitoring

please note that all details on this section (Part D) will remain totally anonymous. It will be detached from the rest of the form as soon as we get it and remain anonymous

we want to ensure that there are no barriers to joining our workforce. As an employer, NHSScotland is as fully inclusive as possible. One way we can ensure this is to analyse all the data provided in this section and ensure that job opportunities are being accessed by as wide a community as possible.

Please email your completed application form to


Postal Applications

If you post your application form, please ensure that the correct amount of postage is paid, as this may result in a delay in your application reaching us and we will be unable to progress your application if it is received after the closing date. Postage costs can be obtained from the Post Office or visiting http://www.royalmail.com/price-finder

Please note there are no reception facilities at Euro House.

First save this form under another name. To complete this form, point your mouse arrow on to the highlighted portions OR use your tab key to move between the highlighted fields and start typing. You must complete the application form in full as we do not accept CVs.

Application for (Job Title) Job




Location: Candidate ID No:

No applicant will be unfairly discriminated against. We are particularly alert to eliminating discrimination on account of age, cultural/religious/political belief, disability, ethnicity, gender, race, relationship status, sexual orientation, and/or Trade Union membership or stewardship.

Only 'Part C' of this form will be made available to short-listing panels. Parts A,

B and C would then be used by the interviewing panel if you are selected for interview.

Personal Details

Surname: Forename:

Name known: by (if different)


Contact Telephone Numbers:



–mail: address (if we




Post Code:

Work Permit

Do you need a work permit to take up this post?

Working in the UK

Are you eligible to work in the UK?





Job Reference No: PART B



NHS Scotland is exempt from the 1974 Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (Exclusions &

Exceptions) (Scotland) Order 2003. This means that unless stated in the job description, person specification or application pack , you must tell us about any previous convictions either classed as ‘spent’ or ‘unspent’. If you are offered employment, any failure to disclose such convictions could result in dismissal or disciplinary action. Any information you give will be considered only in relation to the post for which this application form refers. Information will be verified by Disclosure Scotland for relevant posts.

(a) No previous convictions I declare that I have:

(b) Previous convictions – details of which are:

Please read the following statements. You will be asked to sign a declaration if you are appointed:

I have completed Parts A to D of this application form and the details I have supplied are, to the best of my knowledge, true and complete;

I understand that if appointed to this post the information on this form will be kept as part of my personal file record;

I authorise you to obtain references to support this application if I am identified as a preferred candidate;

I understand that details of educational qualifications, membership of professional bodies and referee reports may be verified through the establishments and individuals I have indicated;

I consent to my details being kept confidentially and used for specific and lawful purposes as specified in the Data Protection Act 1998;

I declare that I have no previous convictions, or have identified any I have above.

Read, agreed and understood (check box) Date:

Application for (Job Title):


Qualifications Achieved


Job Reference No:


Candidate ID No:

Type of Qualification eg. Standard Grade, GCSE, Higher, BSc

Grade Achieved

Qualifications Currently Studying or Working Towards

Type of Qualification

Subjects eg. Standard Grade, GCSE,

Higher, BSc

Membership of Professional or Regulatory Bodies

Full name of organisation(s) Registration Number





Renewal Date

Job Reference No:

Candidate ID No:

Present (or most recent) Post

Job Title:




Date of Starting Grade:

Dates of Employment: From:

Reason for Leaving (if applicable):


Notice Period: Current Salary:

Role Purpose / Summary of Responsibilities

Employment History

Start with your most recent employment first and work down the page. If a job supports the position applied for, please say more about it in your Application Support Statement.

Job Title Employer Date From Date To

Job Reference No:

Candidate ID No:



Your referees will include your present (or most recent) employer. Please identify below the person in your organisation (for current NHS staff this is your direct line manager) who is authorised to confirm your employment and the details given in your application. Please identify a second referee who may have closer knowledge of your skills, knowledge and abilities and who may offer opinion on your suitability for this post. You should not use family members or friends.

Our pre-employment screening also includes, where appropriate, health and fitness for work, criminal records, qualifications and professional registration. Note that references will only be taken up for Preferred Candidates following interview.

Name 1:



Telephone: Email:

Post Code:

Name 2: Designation:



Post Code:



The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and Amended Regulations 2005 defines disability as follows: “any physical or mental impairment which has a substantial adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities”. NHS Scotland is “Positive About

Disabled People”, and as such we provide job opportunities for disabled people. NHS

Scotland operates a Job Interview Guarantee (JIG), which means that if you have a disability, and meet the minimum criteria outlined within the person specification , you will be guaranteed an interview. However, some disabled people prefer not to take this option, so please tick your preference if you are a disabled candidate.

Do you want to participate in the guarantee scheme? Yes No

Please specify any special requirements you require if attending for interview, eg. Induction Loop, Wheelchair Access, Signer

Driving Licence (see Job Description - only complete if a driving licence is essential)

Do you have a driving licence? Yes No

If yes, which categories are you entitled to drive, eg. B, BE, C

Job Reference No: PART C

Candidate ID No:

Statement in Support of Application – please tell us your personal qualities, skills and attributes, experience and any major achievements and show how they match those needed for this job.

Where did you see the Advertisement for this Post?

Newspaper (which one?)

Professional Journal (which one?)

Vacancy Bulletin

SHOW (NHS Scotland Website)

Job Centre Plus

Other (please specify)

Job Reference No:

Candidate ID No:


Equal Opportunities Monitoring

We want to ensure that our job opportunities are open to all. The only way we can ensure there is equal opportunity is to monitor applications we receive and compare the profile of people who apply with those appointed. Therefore this form asks you for your ethnic origin, gender, disability, religion, sexuality and age. The information you provide in this part of the form (Part D) is confidential and is not used in the selection process.

It will be separated from the rest of the form when we receive it.

1) If you are currently an employee of this NHS Board, will getting this job be a promotion?

Yes No

2) You are:

Female Male

3) Have you undergone, are you undergoing or do you intend to undergo gender reassignment? For example, this includes having changed your sex (gender)?

Yes No Prefer not to say

4) What is your age?

I am years old, and my date of birth is:

5) Do you have a physical or mental health condition or disability that:

 has a substantial effect on your ability to carry out day to day activities?

 has lasted or is expected to last 12 months or more?

Yes No Prefer not to say

If you answered


please tick if it is either of the following:

Learning Disability

Long standing illness

Physical impairment

Sensory impairment

Mental health condition

Other (please describe):

Again, if yes , please describe any particular arrangements you would need for your work location:

(Continued on next page)

Job Reference No: PART D

Candidate ID No:

6) What is your ethnic group?

Choose one section from A to F, then tick the appropriate box to indicate your cultural background

A: White Scottish Irish Other British

Any other White background

B: Mixed Any mixed background

C: Asian; Asian Scottish; Asian British

Pakistani Indian Chinese


D: Black; Black Scottish; Black British


Any other Asian background


Any other Black background

E: Other ethnic background

Any other background

F: Prefer not to answer

7) To which religion, religious denomination or body do you actively belong?

(Christianity) - Church of Scotland Hinduism

(Christianity) - Roman Catholic

Christianity (other)



Other faith / belief


Prefer not to answer



No religion (none)

8) Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?

Bisexual Gay Man

Lesbian/Gay Woman

Other Prefer not to answer

NHS Forth Valley

Staff Bank Service

Staff Bank Administrator

Part-time, 25 hours per week, Permanent

Band 4, Salary: £18,838 - £22,016 per annum, pro rata

Ref: 0414256

An opportunity has arisen for a motivated and flexible administrator to work as part of a team to support the Staff Bank Service.

A working knowledge and experience of wordprocessing, spreadsheets and database systems is necessary. Applicants should have an HNC in Business or Adminstration or have previous equivalent administrative experience.

You will be required to have excellent interpersonal relationship skils, an enthusiastic and flexible approach to work, with the ability to organise workload to meet the demands of the service.

The postholder will be required to work shifts including weekends and to provide cover for other administrators as needed.

Informal enquiries to Carol-Anne Cook, Staff Bank Manager on 0845 130


Application forms and job descriptions are available on the NHS Forth

Valley Intranet site or by visiting www.show.scot.nhs.uk Alternatively by quoting relevant post title and reference number and e-mailing FV-


or by telephoning the recruitment answerline on 01786 447488.

Closing Date: Thursday, 8 th May 2014 at 12 noon

For Insertion:

Redeployment – 29 th April 2014

Intranet – 23 rd April 2014


– 23 rd April 2014



Job Title: Staff Bank Administrator

Reporting To: Staff Bank Co-ordinator,

Department(s): Staff Bank Service, Forth Valley Facilities

Job Holder Reference: F-AC3-STAFFBANK-new

No of Job Holders: 4 (Headcount)


The post holder will work as part of a team, responsible for providing a comprehensive clerical and administrative service, including the operation, implementation and ongoing utilisation of the computerised Staff Bank System. The post holder will participate in receipt of staffing resource requests, matching and booking bank employees, processing payment for bank employees, including processing invoices from external agencies and conduct associated clerical work for the Staff Bank Co-ordinator/Deputy.

The Staff Bank provides supplementary staffing to the community localities and hospital areas within Forth Valley Primary Care Operating Division.

The post holder will also provide secretarial and general clerical support to the Staff Bank



Chief Operating Officer

Director of


General Manager

Forth Valley Facilities

FV Area-Wide Staff Bank Manager

Deputy Staff Bank


Staff Bank Administrator -


Staff Bank Administrative


Staff Bank Administrator

Relief Staff Bank


Nursing qualified/unqualified

Allied Health


Medical Staffing

Sessional GPs

Medical Secretary/



The post holder will be required to work flexibly to provide clerical and administrative support to the Staff Bank Service which operates 7 days a week (Monday-Friday 08.00-

20.00hrs, Weekend and Public Holidays 10.00-16.00hrs).

The Staff Bank Service deals with circa 750 staffing resource requests per week from all clinical areas/specialities.

The Staff Bank Service provides supplementary skilled and appropriately qualified bank staff to Forth Valley-wide Primary Care Service areas. The Staff Bank Service currently employs over a 1000 bank staff to supply staffing resources to the following areas; 10 hospitals, 7 day hospitals & 52 health centres including: o Community services: District Nursing, Treatment Room Nursing, Health Visiting,

Practice Nursing, School Nursing, Family Planning and Complex Care o Mental Health Services o Learning Disability Services o Services for Older People o Out of Hours Primary Care Services: Bank General Practitioners and Nurse

Practitioners o Allied Health Professionals o Medical and Administrative services

External Service Areas: Local Authority and Private Sector


Utilise the Staff Bank System software, to accurately input data in relation to staffing resource requests, recording bank employee availability, matching processing and booking of staff. This involves:

dealing with telephone enquiries, written requests or electronic requests for staffing resources

handling callers with tact and diplomacy, ensuring call holding time is kept to a minimum and that any messages are recorded accurately and processed or distributed as necessary

using motivational skills encourage bank employees to accept work and to broaden experiences and skills by persuading staff to try/work in different clinical areas

communicating with FVPCOD staff in clinical areas across the organisation,

if unable to fill requests, contacting external contracted agencies to secure cover ensuring appropriately skilled agency staff are available

dealing with day to day urgent staffing resource demands whilst still meeting longer term planned requests/demands of service users.

There is a need for the post holder to prioritise workload

Compile weekly and monthly payroll information to ensure accurate payment of bank

employees. This involves checking timesheet information received against resources requested, processing and inputting accurate payment data. Checking and resolving any anomalies/discrepancies. It also involves dealing with payroll queries that can be complicated and multi-stranded in nature where the caller may have difficulty explaining and/or understanding the details.

Administer the Staff Bank recruitment processes from initial enquiry through to appointment.

This includes:

Maintaining the Recruitment database

Dealing with informal enquiries and sending out application and information packs

Organising interviews e.g. arranging interview panels, including dates and venues; processing associated correspondence

Dealing with post interview correspondence which includes requesting and receipt of Disclosure Scotland Applications, Medical and Reference requests

Monitoring of recruitment process to ensure that appropriate timescales are achieved

Providing assistance to candidates to complete forms and explaining Staff

Bank Processed and Procedures

Co-ordinate ongoing training programmes to ensure that Bank employees receive all mandatory training prior to being offered work in clinical areas. This work can be complex in nature due to the different training required by different clinical areas and the numbers of staff involved. It includes:

Liaising with internal and external training providers

Communicating with Bank employees through mail shots utilising mail merges

Ensuring completion of appropriate documentation e.g. nomination forms, health questionnaires

Reviewing and adjusting plans to accommodate trainer/ staff/ venue availability, cancellations, etc.

Maintaining accurate training records using information from the intranet and the Staff Bank System database

Ability to extrapolate information from the Staff Bank System database to identify renewal or refresher dates required for bank employees

Manage the staffing rota for the Out of Hours Medical Service across the three Forth Valley

Primary Care Emergency Centres. This requires accuracy and includes:

Compiling 10 week shift patterns for salaried GPs to highlight unfilled shifts

Communicating with sessional GPs regarding their availability for unfilled shifts

Using a loyalty point system, booking shifts and confirming bookings with GPs and the Service Manager

Where unable to fill through the above means, contacting external medical staffing agencies to secure cover. This includes liaising with the Lead Clinician to ensure CVs are approved and obtaining cost information prior to confirming agency booking and, if necessary, arrange accommodation

Daily updating electronic rotas using excel, adobe and active edition software to upload information onto the intranet

Liaising with the Service Manager/General Manager to identify shortfalls and

subsequent actions to cover the service

Provide a support service to the Specialist Services Co-operative to arrange medical cover to cover absence or vacancy at SHO, Clinical Assistant and Consultant grades where necessary as requested by the General Manager or Service Manager. This involves:

Compiling details e.g. grade, start and finish times of the shifts that are required

Contacting bank medical staff and existing SHOs to ascertain availability/ willingness to work

Where cover cannot be arranged as above, contacting external medical agencies, co-ordinating CV approval, if necessary, arranging accommodation and negotiating travel payments if required.

Checking and arranging authorisation of invoices in advance of them being processed for payment.

Provide general clerical and administrative support as required for the smooth operation of the Staff Bank as it develops and expands. This includes:

Processing and producing statistical information as required

Process stationery orders, ensuring adequate stocks of office supplies are maintained at all times

Maintaining efficient and effective filing systems ensuring that files are readily available and that required follow-up is actioned through bring forward systems

Archiving and disposal of documentation in line with local and national requirements

Adhering to NHS FV policies, implementing local policies and propose changes to Staff Bank Procedures

Providing the first point of contact for complaints received out of hours, complaints may deal with sensitive issues and there may be barriers to understanding as the caller may be upset/distressed/angry. This may require the administrator to use empathy and reassurance skills.

Contribute to project work to enhance and develop the Staff Bank Service


Daily use of desk top computer for prolonged periods of time (5-6 hours daily)

Use of telephony systems and equipment (headsets) with prolonged conversations on a frequent basis (5-6 hours daily)

Good keyboard skills with a high degree of accuracy

Total Software Solutions Staff Bank System to administer the bank service

Crystal Reports to assist in the preparation data and production of reports

Microsoft Outlook – email communications for receipt and processing of requests and posting information

Microsoft Access to produce raw data and pull information from the Staff Bank System software

Microsoft Word to facilitate the administrative function of the Staff Bank Service, eg mail merges and associated communications with recruitment, training

Microsoft Excel to assist in the collation and production of numerical/graphical data

Adobe Acrobat - transfers data from Microsoft Excel and Word onto PDF format for uploading onto the Forth Valley Intranet site.

Intranet - transfer data from Microsoft Excel to PDF format and upload to the Intranet via


World Wide Web - Use of the Internet to check availability and book accommodation for

Medical Staff and to check professional registrations (e.g. Nursing & Midwifery Council,

General Medical Council).


The post holder is required to organise and prioritise their own day to day work tasks and activities and to respond to immediate demands whilst meeting the long-term demands of the service.

Works without direct supervision during evenings and weekends. Required to act independently within appropriate occupational processes and procedures, deciding when it is necessary to refer or consult the Staff Bank Co-ordinator or Deputy.

First line analysis and problem solving, e.g. software/ I.T., payroll queries particularly out of office hours when Support Services are unavailable.

Mentoring of Relief Bank Administrators in a live office environment



Service Managers/Lead Nurses

Information Management & Technology

– as required for system and IT support

Acute Operating Division

– as required for staffing requests

Human Resources

Finance – creditors, debtors, service accountants, procurement

Payroll – submission of payroll for bank employees, clarification of payroll issues

Health & Safety

– training, risk management, infection control, occupational health

Ward/Department Managers and staff:

Community Services - District Nursing, Health Visiting, Treatment Room, School Nursing,

Complex Care, Family Planning

In-patient Services – Services for Older People, Mental Health, Learning Disability

Out of Hours Services - GPs, Nurse Practitioners, Clerical and Administrative staff

Bank Employees (all grades and qualifications)

Consultants, SHOs, General Managers, Service Managers


Total Software Solutions – reporting system faults, testing/feedback developments

Local Authorities Private and Voluntary Care Providers to process demand for staffing resource requests

Nursing Agencies

Medical Agencies

Admin and Clerical Agencies


The post holder is required to sit at a workstation using telephony equipment (headset) for

5-6 hrs daily and are confined to their personal workspace for the majority of the shift

Use of VDU more or less continuously every shift worked

Working in an open office environment with up to 6 administrators handling calls simultaneously, frequent exposure to noise (telephone, conversations, fax, printer, photocopiers) occurring continuously every shift worked

Required t o “multi-task” for extended periods including communication with service users and/or bank employees, operating telephony systems and inputting data to the staff bank system concurrently. This requires the ability to listen to verbal requests and type accurately to input and process information, similar skill to audio-tying

Required to distribute and store stationery orders monthly, this requires moving of weights of 12½ kg e.g. boxes of paper. Required to move large shredding bags (10-15 kg) weekly

Need for speed and accuracy to cope with demands of job.

Need for listening skills and hand-eye co-ordination.


Approximately 2/3rds of a shift there is a requirement for periods of continuous concentration, where there are constant interruptions from bank employees and service users regarding enquiries such as shift status, availability of staff; this necessitates the administrator to change from one task to another repeatedly. This occurs every shift worked.

Dealing with issues and complaints from service users and bank employees which can include irate and verbally abusive calls on a frequent basis such as explanation of payroll, dealing with bank employees and ward/departments staff conflicts, performance issues, demands for staff etc. This happens regularly ie. at least once a week.

Work pattern unpredictable due to the nature of the work. Calls interrupt and often necessitate a change of task. This occurs throughout the shift and is a regular feature of the work.

Monitor and meet deadlines on an ongoing basis in relation to timescales for shifts, agency contact and payroll.


Multi-tasking and prioritising work demands.

Accessing the availability of necessary skilled staffing resources within the bank and also may include communicating with external agencies for staffing requirements; ensuring these communications are clear and precise.

Dealing with issues arising from service users and bank employees, communicating and providing information in potentially confrontational and emotive situations, including verbal abuse on a frequent basis.

Consulting with service users to enable the delivery of the service where the staffs skill set and competencies are required to be matched with the available bank staff resource.

Maintaining consistent service levels dealing with service users expectations where the organisational culture differs, including engagement with private sector contractors and care providers, local authorities, general practice and primary care service sectors.


1. Education

Educated to Standard Grade Level

HNC in Business Administration or 4 years experience in an Administrative position

Good keyboard skills with a high degree of accuracy

ECDL / IT based qualification

Excellent communication skills.

Ability to work under pressure

2. Skills and Knowledge

High level of communication skills – oral and written

Knowledge of payroll compilation

Knowledge of Human Resources systems

Ability to multi-task – listening to communications and typing simultaneously (audiotyping)

Organise and prioritise workload

IT skills / competence

Knowledge of NHS, clinical areas, staffing structure and specialisms

3. Personal Qualities and Attributes

Good time management skills with the ability to prioritise work to maintain quality services and ensure maximum cover of shifts required.

An organised and sound communicator with a diplomatic approach.

Good interpersonal skills.

Customer oriented approach to work.

Expertise in the use of computer applications, in particular, the use of word processing, spreadsheets and database packages.

Flexible approach to work.

Ability to adapt and learn quickly in a pressured environment.


A separate job description will need to be signed off by each jobholder to whom the job description applies.

Job Holder’s Signature:

Head of Department Signature:




Appendix 1


Job Title: Staff Bank Administrator

Responsible to: Staff Bank Co-ordinator

Staff Bank Service, Forth Valley Facilities

Job Holder Reference:


Forth Valley Facilities (FVF) provide a dynamic approach to the delivery of Forth Valley wide integrated non-clinical support services

(Estates, Catering, Domestic, Portering , Supplies, Energy, Utilities and

Telecommunications, Transport and Waste Management, Linen and


FVF are also responsible for the provision of the area-wide Out of

Hours Service, which was introduced in September 2004 following the introduction of the new GMS Contract.

Specialist Services provided for the Primary Care Operating Division only include the delivering of the Staff Bank Service and specialists services within Risk Management Department (Health & Safety, Fire and Security, Infection Control, Violence and Aggression and Manual


FVF is responsible for formulating and implementation the strategy for the provision and management of patient focussed services to facilitate the achievement of national and local objectives i.e. Clean Bill of

Health, Local Health Plans etc.

FVF is responsible for ensuring compliance with statutory legislation and the provision of professional advice to clinical units.


The Staff Bank Service provides supplementary skilled and appropriately qualified bank staff to Forth Valley-wide Primary Care

Service areas. The Staff Bank Service currently employs over a 1000 bank staff to supply staffing resources to the following areas; 10 hospitals, 7 day hospitals & 52 health centres including:

Community services: District Nursing, Treatment Room

Nursing, Health Visiting, Practice Nursing, School Nursing,

Family Planning and Complex Care

Mental Health Services

Learning Disability Services

Services for Older People

Out of Hours Primary Care Services: Bank General

Practitioners and Nurse Practitioners

Allied Health Professionals

Medical and Administrative services

External Service Areas: Local Authority and Private Sector

The Staff Bank Service deals with circa 750 staffing resource requests per week from all clinical areas/specialities.



Job title – Staff Bank Administrator Band - 4

Department / Base

– Staff Bank Office – Falkirk Community Hospital


Skills/Abilities Ability to use initiative to solve problems

Ability to manage time effectively and balance conflicting priorities

Excellent communication skills

Experience 4 years experience in an

Administrative position

Previous NHS

Experience or knowledge of NHS structures.

Knowledge of compiling payroll documentation

Inter-personal and social qualities

Education /


Logical approach to work


Customer focus

Educated to Standard

Grade Level

HNC in Business

Administration or 4 years experience in an

Administrative position

Good keyboard skills with a high degree of accuracy

ECDL / IT based qualification

Ability to adapt and learn quickly in a pressured environment

PC skills certificates /

European Computer

Driving Licence

Other Flexible approach to work, able to work any 5 shifts over

7 days

Ability to work under pressure


Terms and Conditions: The terms and conditions of service are those laid down by the Agenda for Change Handbook .

Salary Scale:

Band 4, £18,838 - £22,016 per annum (pro rata)

Staff taking up a new appointment with NHS Forth

Valley will normally enter the scale at the minimum of the pay band/range. Any appointments above the lowest point of the pay band/range will be subject to verification of previous NHS service, or experience outside the NHS, which is given in recognition of relevant complete years of experience.

Hours: 25 hours per week

Employees may be required to vary the pattern of their working week subject to the exigencies of the service.

H.C.S.W Mandatory Your performance must comply with the


Induction Standards for Healthcare Support Induction standards

Workers in

(if applicable)

Scotland” 2009; and with the Code of Conduct for

Healthcare Support Workers, both as amended from time to time. These documents can be found at www.workinginhealth.com/standards/healthcaresup portworkers


Annual Leave:


27 days rising to 29 days after 5 years service and to 33 days after 10 years service plus 8 public holidays (pro rata). or

202.5 hours rising to 217.5 hours after 5 years service and to 247.5 hours after 10 years service

Superannuation: plus 60 hours public holiday (pro-rata).

The post is superannuable under the Scottish

Public Pensions Agency Scheme and your remuneration will be subject to deduction unless you choose to opt out of the scheme.

Right to Work in the UK NHS Forth Valley has an obligation to ensure it does not employ any worker who has not been granted the relevant permission to work in the UK.

This permission is without exception granted by the

UK Border Agency. We are required to check the entitlement to work in the UK for all prospective employees, regardless of nationality or job category.

Medical Examination: No appointment can be confirmed until a satisfactory medical examination has been undergone.

Protecting Vulnerable

Groups Scheme

From 28 th February 2011 the Scottish Government introduced a new membership scheme to replace and

(if applicable) improve upon the current disclosure arrangements for people who work with vulnerable groups. If the duties of this post involve regulated work with children and young people and/or protected adults, the successful candidate will be required to be a member of the PVG Scheme and consent to NHS

Forth Valley obtaining a Scheme Record or a

Scheme Record Update if they are already a member of the Scheme. More information on the

PVG Scheme can www.disclosurescotland.co.uk

be found at

Police Act If the duties of this post require the declaration and

Disclosure Check: validation of criminal convictions, the successful

(if applicable) candidate will be required to complete a standard or enhanced Police Act Disclosure Scotland check prior to any offer of appointment being made. In the event of employment, any failure to disclose such convictions could result in the withdrawal of any offer, disciplinary action or dismissal by NHS

Forth Valley.


(if applicable)

Employees of NHS Forth Valley who are interested in pursuing a secondment opportunity should initially discuss the implications of this with their immediate line manager in order to gain their support. Please refer to the secondment policy of the NHS Forth

Valley intranet for more information.

NHS Knowledge and

Skills Framework

The NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) defines and also describes the knowledge and skills that NHS employees need to apply in their

work in order to deliver quality services. It provides a single, consistent, and comprehensive framework on which to base review and development for all employees.


Equality in Employment: NHS Forth Valley fully supports the principle of equality in employment and opposes all forms of unlawful and / or unfair discrimination which cannot be shown to be justified. NHS Forth Valley is committed to ensuring equality of treatment for both present and potential employees.

Tobacco Policy:

In the course of your duties you may have access to confidential information concerning patients or staff. Unauthorized disclosure or removal of information may lead to consideration of disciplinary action.

It is the policy of NHS Forth Valley to discourage the habit of smoking within the organization and to provide a smoke free environment.

The NHS Forth Valley policy is to establish no smoking as the norm and smoking is not permitted anywhere within NHS Forth Valley premises including residences and grounds.

KSF will apply to all NHS employees except doctors, dentists and senior and executive level managers. The purpose of the KSF is:

To support the effective learning and development of all staff, providing the resources to do so.

To support the development of individuals in the post to which they are employed, so that they are effective at work and are clear about what is required of them.

To promote equality and diversity.

The Occupational Health Service will assist members of staff who wish to stop smoking by providing or facilitating the following services:

Information on smoking and ways to stop

Personal support

Health Education materials and helpline numbers

Nicotine replacement therapy

Smoking Cessation support

Copies of the Tobacco Policy are available from

HR Advisors or via the NHS Forth Valley Intranet.

Health & Safety: All employees have a responsibility for their own health & safety and the health & safety of others who may be affected by what they do. Employees also have a duty to co-operate with their employer by following NHS Forth Valley policies and procedures and safe systems of work; by using equipment safely and by bringing any shortcomings in health and safety arrangements to the attention of their employer. Where something is provided in the interests of health & safety employees must not interfere or misuse it. All employees have a legal responsibility to report any shortcomings in terms of this in their area. Managers and supervisors have a responsibility for monitoring health & safety arrangements and ensuring staff are following policies and procedures and safe systems of work.

Partnership Agreement: Contributing to the development of partnership working by: supporting NHS Forth Valley in delivering its goals and objectives; supporting continuous improvement in own performance and the performance of the department, directorate and

NHS Forth Valley; attending training, development and other activities aimed at improving own skills and for the benefit of the organisation and patient care.

Nursery Facilities: There is an independently run on-site nursery at

Stirling Community Hospital. With places open to staff and the general public. For further information please contact:

Parking Permits:

Chapter One Childcare (SCH site): 01786 465112

Please note that taking up an offer of employment at Forth Valley Royal Hospital does not automatically trigger the issuing of a staff parking permit.

Limited staff parking permits are available for Forth

Valley Royal Hospital. Staff need to apply for these and a link to the application is below: http://nhsforthvalley.com/wpcontent/uploads/2014/02/FVRH-Car-Parking-


Applications will be scored and placed at the appropriate level on the waiting list. As it is likely that it will take some considerable time for a parking permit to be issued to you, you should look to alternative transport, such as public transport and information on this can be found at:- http://www.travelinescotland.com/welcome.do

Completed application forms should be returned to:

Email – FV-UHB.Recruitment@nhs.net



Recruitment Office


Wellgreen Place



Postal Applications

If you post your application form, please ensure that the correct amount of postage is paid, as this may result in a delay in your application reaching us and we will be unable to progress your application if it is received after the closing date. Postage costs can be obtained from the

Post Office or visiting http://www.royalmail.com/price-finder

Please note there are no reception facilities at Euro House.

Thursday, 8 th May 2014 at 12 noon Closing Date:

Ref No: 0414256
