DANH MỤC SÁCH MỚI THÁNG 10/2013 Stt Tên tài liệu 1 Bioactive heterocyclic compound classes: agrochemicals / edited by Clemens Lamberth and Jurgen Dinges Enzyme catalysis in organic synthesis. Volume 1/ edited by Karlheinz Drauz, Harald Gröger, and Oliver May; with a foreword by Herbert Waldmann Enzyme catalysis in organic synthesis. Volume 2 / edited by Karlheinz Drauz, Harald Gröger, and Oliver May; with a foreword by Herbert Waldmann Enzyme catalysis in organic synthesis. Volume 3 / edited by Karlheinz Drauz, Harald Gröger, and Oliver May; with a foreword by Herbert Waldmann Organic synthesis using transition metals / Roderick Bates Carbohydrate-modifying biocatalysts / edited by Peter Grunwald VCD spectroscopy for organic chemists / Philip J. Stephens, Frank J. Devlin, James R. Cheeseman Electrocatalysis: computational, experimental, and industrial aspects / edited by Carlos Fernando Zinola Inorganic chemistry: reactions, structure and mechanisms / Harold H. Trimm, [editor] Catalysis: from principles to applications / edited by Matthias Beller, Albert Renken and Rutger van Santen Ionic liquids in biotransformations and organocatalysis: solvents and beyond / edited by Pablo Domínguez de Maŕa Strategies for green organic synthesis / V. K. Ahluwalia Reduction in organic synthesis / V. K. Ahluwalia Introduction to strategies for organic synthesis / edited by Laurie Starkey Techniques in inorganic chemistry / edited by John P. Fackler, Jr., Larry R. Falvello Quantum dot sensors: technology and commercial applications / edited by John 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Năm xuất bản Số định danh 2012 547 BIO 2012 2012 572 ENZ(1) 2012 2012 572 ENZ(2) 2012 2012 572 ENZ(3) 2012 2012 547 BAT 2012 2012 660.6 CAR 2012 2012 547 STE 2012 2010 541 ELE 2010 2011 546 TRI 2011 2012 541 CAT 2012 2012 572 ION 2012 2012 547 AHL 2012 2013 547 AHL 2013 2012 547 STA 2012 2011 546 TEC 2011 2013 621.3815 QUA 2013 17 18 19 20 21 22 F. Callan, Franc̦ isco M. Raymo Advanced practical organic chemistry / John Leonard, Barry Lygo, Garry Procter Structure and properties of fat crystal networks / Alejandro G. Marangoni, Leendert H. Wesdorp Introduction to plasma dynamics / A.I. Morozov Basics of quantum electrodynamics / Ioan Merches, Dorian Tatomir, Roxanne E. Lupu Advances in fluid catalytic cracking: Testing, characterization, and environmental regulations / edited by Mario L. Occelli Nonthermal plasma chemistry and physics / edited by Jürgen Meichsner ... [et al.] 23 English skills with readings / John Langan 24 Coordination chemistry: metal complexes transition metal chemistry with lanthanides and actinides / P.L. Soni, Vandna Soni Metallic systems: A quantum chemist's perspective / edited by Thomas C. Allison, Orkid Coskuner, Carlos A. González Structural analysis of polymeric composite materials / Mark E. Tuttle Cơ sở sinh thái học: giáo trình dùng cho sinh viên khoa Sinh học, Trường Đại học Khoa học Tự nhiên - Đại học quốc gia Hà Nội / Vũ Trung Tạng Môi trường và phát triển bền vững / Chủ biên: Lê Văn Khoa; Đoàn Văn Tiến, Nguyễn Song Tùng, Nguyễn Quốc Việt Lịch sử văn minh thế giới / Chủ biên: Vũ Dương Ninh ; Nguyễn Gia Phu ... [et al.] Lôgíc học đại cương: sách giáo trình dùng trong các trường đại học / Nguyễn Thúy Vân, Nguyễn Anh Tuấn Strategy in practice: a practitioner's guide to strategic thinking / George Tovstiga Brands and branding geographies / edited by Andy Pike Sustainable business: theory and practice of business under sustainability principles / edited by Geoffrey Wells 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 2013 547 LEO 2013 2013 548 MAR 2013 2013 530.4 MOR 2013 2013 530.14 MER 2013 2010 665.5 ADV 2010 2013 530.4 NON 2013 2013 530.4 NON 2013 2013 541 SON 2013 2011 546 MET 2011 2013 620.1 TUT 2013 2009 577 VU-T 2009 2010 363.7 MOI 2010 2011 909 LIC 2011 2011 160 NG-V 2011 2013 658.4 TOV 2013 2011 658.8 BRA 2011 2013 658.4 SUS 2013 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Handbook of research on comparative human resource management / edited by Chris Brewster; Wolfgang Mayrhofer Human resource management in the public sector / editor: Ronald J. Burke, Andrew Noblet, Cary L.Cooper Innovation and creativity: pillars of the future global economy / edited by Filip De Beule and Ysabel Nauwelaerts Grow the core: how to focus on your core business for brand success / David Taylor Handbook of decision analysis / Gregory S. Parnell ... [and others] Managing innovation: integrating technological, market and organizational change / Joe Tidd and John Bessant The photophysics behind photovoltaics and photonics / Guglielmo Lanzani The lean entrepreneur: how visionaries create products, innovate with new ventures, and disrupt markets / Brant Cooper and Patrick Vlaskovits International yearbook of industrial statistics 2013 Doing research in business & management Quantitative methods for business and management / John Buglear Entrepreneurship & small business management / Steve Mariotti, Caroline Glackin Plasma physics and engineering / Alexander Fridman, Lawrence A. Kennedy Fiber lasers / edited by Oleg G. Okhotnikov Nanophysics of solar and renewable energy / Edward L. Wolf Surface and interface science. Vol. 1, Concepts and methods / edited by Klaus Wandelt Surface and interface science. Vol. 2, Properties of elemental surfaces / edited by Klaus Wandelt Advanced particle physics. Vol 1, Particles, fields, and quantum electrodynamics / O. M. Boyarkin Advanced particle physics . Vol. 2, The standard model and beyond / O. M 2012 658.3 HAN 2012 2013 352.6 HUM 2013 2013 658.4 INN 2013 2013 658.8 TAY 2013 2013 658.4 HAN 2013 2013 658.5 TID 2013 2012 621.36 LAN 2012 2013 658.4 COO 2013 2013 338 INT 2013 2012 650.072 SAU 2012 2012 658.5 BUG 2012 2012 658.02 MAR 2012 2011 530.4 FRI 2011 2012 621.382 FIB 2012 2012 621.31 WOL 2012 2012 530.4 SUR(1) 2012 2012 530.4 SUR(2) 2012 2011 539 BOY(1) 2011 2011 539 BOY(2) 2011 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Boyarkin Modern physics / Kenneth Krane Introduction to physics / John D. Cutnell, Kenneth W. Johnson A unified grand tour of theoretical physics / Ian D. Lawrie Handbook for highly charged ion spectroscopic research / [edited by] Yaming Zou, Roger Hutton Controlled nanofabrication: advances and applications / edited by Ru-Shi Liu Quantum mechanical tunneling in chemical physics / Hiroki Nakamura, Gennady Mil'nikov Techniques in high pressure neutron scattering / Stefan Klotz Graphite, graphene and their polymer nanocomposites / Editors: Prithu Mukhopadhyay, Rakesh K. Gupta Hybridizing surface probe microscopies: toward a full description of the meso- and nanoworlds / Susan Moreno-Flores, Jose L. Toca-Herrera Black holes, wormholes, and time machines / Jim Al-Khalili Superconductivity revisited / Ralph Dougherty, J. Daniel Kimel Polymers for advanced technologies: Processing, characterization and applications / Editors: Gennady E. Zaikov, Liliya I. Bazylyak, Jimsher N. Aneli Advances in kinetics and mechanism of chemical reactions / edited by Gennady E. Zaikov, Artur J.M. Valente, and Lexei L. Iordanskii Neutrino physics / Kai Zuber Environmental physics: Sustainable energy and climate change / Egbert Boeker and Rienk van Grondelle Metaphor and reconciliation: the discourse dynamics of empathy in postconflict conversations / Lynne J. Cameron Bloomsbury companion to second language acquisition / edited by Ernesto Macaro The Routledge handbook of applied linguistics / [edited by] James Simpson 2012 2013 2013 539 KRA 2012 530 CUT 2013 530.1 LAW 2013 2012 543 HAN 2012 2013 620.5 CON 2013 2013 537.6 NAK 2013 2013 539.7 KLO 2013 2013 620.1 GRA 2013 2013 502.8 FLO 2013 2012 530.11 ALK 2012 2013 537.6 DOU 2013 2013 620.1 POL 2013 2013 541 ADV 2013 2012 2011 539.7 ZUB 2012 628 BOE 2011 2011 401 CAM 2011 2013 418 BLO 2013 2013 418 ROU 2013 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 Vietnam: rising dragon / Bill Hayton Spirits without borders: Vietnamese spirit mediums in a transnational age / Karen Fjelstad and Nguyen Thi Hien For better or for worse: Vietnamese international marriages in the new global economy / Hung Cam Thai Wandering souls: journeys with the dead and the living in Viet Nam / Wayne Karlin Vietnamese immigrant youth and citizenship: how race, ethnicity, and culture shape sense of belonging / Diem T. Nguyen Beyond combat: women and gender in the Vietnam War era / Heather Marie Stur Inventing Vietnam: the United States and State Building, 1954-1968 / James M. Carter Cambridge studies in law and society Paths to development in Asia: South Korea, Vietnam, China, and Indonesia / Tuong Vu Sources of Vietnamese tradition / edited by George E. Dutton, Jayne S. Werner, and John K. Whitmore The little Saigon cookbook: Vietnamese cuisine and culture in Southern California's Little Saigon / Ann Le Same river, different water: A veteran's journey from Vietnam to Việt Nam / Douglas Young Arts of ancient Viet Nam: From River Plain to Open Sea / Nancy Tingley Global economic history: A very short introduction / Robert C. Allen What is global history? / Pamela Kyle Crossley Method and theory in historical archaeology / Stanley South; with a new introduction by the author China and the birth of globalization in the 16th century / cDennis O. Flynn and Arturo Giráldez The Tongking gulf through history / edited by Nola Cooke, Li Tana, and James A. Anderson 2011 959.7044 HAY 2011 2011 306.6 FJE 2011 208 2009 2012 2011 306.84 TH-C 208 959.7043 KAR 2009 305.9 NG-T 2012 959.7043 STU 2011 2008 959.704 CAR 2008 2008 340 SID 2008 2010 320.95 VU-T 2010 2012 959.7 SOU 2012 2011 641.59597 LEA 2011 2012 915.597 YOU 2012 2009 2011 2008 709.597 TIN 2009 330.9 ALL 2011 909 CRO 2008 2010 973.1 SOU 2010 2010 330.9182 FLY 2010 2011 909 TON 2011 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 Global interactions in the early modern age, 1400-1800 / Charles H. Parker Salvation and globalization in the early Jesuit Missions / Luke Clossey China and Maritime Europe, 1500-1800: Trade, settlement, diplomacy, and missions / edited by John E. Wills, Jr; with contributions by John L. CramerByng ...[et al.] Power and plenty: Trade, war, and the world economy in the second millennium / Ronald Findlay, Kevin H. O'Rourke Premodern trade in world history / Richard L. Smith A new history of Southest Asia / M.C. Ricklefs ... [et al.]; edited by M.C. Ricklefs Contagion : How commerce has spread disease / Mark Harrison Practicing archaeology: An introduction to cultural resources archaeology / Thomas W. Neumann, Robert M. Sanford Văn xuôi lãng mạn Việt Nam : 19301945. Tập 2 Văn học Việt Nam thế kỷ XX : tiểu thuyết trước 1945. Quyển 1. Tập 5 / Cb: Mai Quốc Liên Văn học Việt Nam thế kỷ XX: Lý luận Phê bình nửa đầu thế kỷ. Quyển 5, Tập 3 / Cb. : Nguyễn Ngọc Thiện Xã hội học và chính sách xã hội / Bùi Đình Thanh Complete guide to test of English as a foreign language Chuyện chúng ta bắt đầu: tuyển tập truyện ngắn = Our story begins / Tobias Wolff; dịch: Phan Việt Wiley encyclopedia of molecular medicine.Vol. 3, H-M / editorial board, Haig H. Kazazian, Jr. ... [et al.] Wiley encyclopedia of molecular medicine. Vol. 4, N-R / editorial board, Haig H. Kazazian, Jr. ... [et al.] Handbook of proteolytic enzymes. Volume 3 / edited by Neil D. Rawlings, Guy Salvesen Epigenetics in human disease / edited by Trygve O. Tollefsbol 2010 2008 303.48 PAR 2010 266 CLO 2008 2011 303.48 CHI 2011 2007 382 FIN 2007 2009 382 SMI 2009 2010 959 ANE 2010 2012 614.4 HAR 2012 2010 930.1 NEU 2010 1998 895.92233208 VAN(2) 1998 2003 895.92208 VAN(1.5) 2003 2004 895.92208 VAN(5.3) 2004 2004 301 BU-T 2004 2007 428.0076 ROG 2007 2011 813 WOL 2011 2002 2002 572.803 WIL(3) 2002 572.803 WIL(4) 2002 2013 572 HAN(3) 2013 2012 616 EPI 2012 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 Essentials of medical biochemistry : with clinical cases / N.V. Bhagavan, ChungEun Ha Cellular and molecular biology of metals / edited by Rudolfs K. Zalups, James Koropatnick Biological systems in vertebrates Human genome Sexuality in fishes / T.J. Pandian Therapeutic applications of quadruplex nucleic acids / Stephen Neidle Growth factors and their receptors in cell differentiation, cancer and cancer therapy / G.V. Sherbet Handbook of inorganic compounds. Chemistry: a molecular approach / Nivaldo J. Tro Chemistry & chemical reactivity / John C. Kotz, Paul M. Treichel, John R. Townsend Introduction to general, organic, and biochemistry / Frederick A. Bettelheim ... [et al.] General, organic, and biochemistry: an applied approach / James Armstrong; with contributions by kellee Hollyman.. Biochemistry / Reginald H. Garrett, Charles M. Grisham Chemistry : principles and reactions/ William L. Masterton, Cecile N. Hurley, Edward J. Neth Chemistry for engineering students / Lawrence S. Brown, Thomas A. Holme Characterizing natural organic matter in drinking water treatment processes and trains / Saeed Abdallah Baghoth Organic chemistry / John McMurry. Boron science: new technologies and applications / [edited by] Narayan S Organic chemicals in the environment: mechanisms of degradation and transformation / Alasdair H. Neilson and Ann-Sofie Allard Physical chemistry for engineering and applied sciences / Frank R. Foulkes Organic chemistry: breakthroughs and perspectives / edited by Kuiling Ding and Li-Xin Dai Microwaves in organic synthesis. 2011 612 BHA 2011 2010 615.9 CEL 2010 2009 2011 2011 2012 573.6 REP 2009 611 RIC 2011 573.6 PAN 2011 615 NEI 2012 2011 616.99 SHE 2011 2011 2014 546 PER 2011 540 TRO 2014 2012 540 KOT 2012 2013 540 INT 2013 2011 540.2 ARM 2011 2013 572 GAR 2013 2012 540 MAS 2012 2011 540 BRO 2011 2012 628.1 BAG 2012 2012 2012 547 MCM 2012 546 BOR 2012 2013 578.76 NEI 2013 2013 541 FOU 2013 2012 547 ORG 2012 2012 547 MIC(1) 2012 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 Volume 1 / edited by Antonio de la Hoz and André Loupy Microwaves in organic synthesis. Volume 2 / edited by Antonio de la Hoz and André Loupy Bioactive heterocyclic compound classes: pharmaceuticals / edited by Jürgen Dinges and Clemens Lamberth Bioactive heterocyclic compound classes: agrochemicals / edited by Clemens Lamberth and Jurgen Dinges Asymmetric synthesis II: more methods and applications / edited by Mathias Christmann and Stefan Brase Nanomaterials and their applications Chemistry for dummies / by John T Moore Industrial chemistry: New applications, processes and systems / Harold H. Trimm, William Hunter III Chemistry and biology of artificial nucleic acids / Martin Egli, Piet Herdewijn (eds.) 2012 547 MIC(2) 2012 2012 547 BIO 2012 2012 547 BIO 2012 2012 541 ASY 2012 2011 2011 620.5 INO 2011 2011 660 TRI 2011 540 MOO 2011 2012 572.8 CHE 2012