Still Quiet Place 885 Oak Grove Ave. #204 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Phone (650) 575-5780 Fax 650-326-1173 Email Initial Visit: I look forward to your initial visit, and supporting you in the ongoing process of enhancing your health and discovering true well-being. Health History Form: The attached questions have been carefully chosen to address the many aspects of life that affect health and well-being. Completing this questionnaire is the next step in caring For Your Self. Please find a quiet, peaceful place where you will not be interrupted, and use this process to reflect on your health, habits, circumstances, and intentions. Answer the questions as completely and truthfully as possible. All responses are part of your medical record and strictly confidential. If there are responses you prefer not to put in writing, but would like to discuss with me, please note that on the form. If a question does not apply to you leave it blank. Remember there are no "right" answers, only what is true for you at this time. To reserve your initial appointment please fax the first two pages with your consent for treatment, signature and credit card information to 650-326-1173. Because of the length, and limited number of available appointments, a credit card number is required to book an initial visit. Complete the questionnaire and save it as “your name. doc” and email it to me at Please return the completed questionnaire via email 48 hours prior to your visit so that I may review it before we meet. We will go through the entire form together during your initial visit. If you have not returned your form 48 hours before your initial visit, your appointment time will be made available to another patient. Medical Records: Please bring to your initial visit, or have your health care providers forward to me, copies of any pertinent medical records- previous consultations, operative reports, laboratory tests, and x-ray reports. Usually this information is sufficient, and it is not necessary to have your entire chart copied. A "Release of Medical Information" form is attached on the last page of this packet. Please be aware I offer specialty consultation in holistic medicine. I do not provide primary care, take call, or admit patients to the hospital. I strongly encourage you to develop a relationship with a primary care physician for medical emergencies and some routine care. If you wish, I will work in partnership with your primary care and specialty physicians, and alternative medicine practitioners. If you do not currently have a primary care physician I can refer you to physicians who support the use of holistic medicine and are willing to collaborate. Payment: I offer care on a fee for service basis, and request payment at the time of service. I provide billing sheets for you to submit to your insurance company. To date, all patients with PPO's have been reimbursed at their out-of-plan rate. The initial appointment is 1 1/2 hours, and $450. Follow-up appointments are billed in 15 minute increments at $300/hr. Payment may be made in cash, by personal check, VISA, or MasterCard. Often there are additional lab fees. There is no charge for appointments cancelled 24 hours before the scheduled time (48 hours for the initial appointment). Appointments missed or canceled with less than 24 hours notice will be billed at 100% of the cost of the scheduled visit. I happily offer brief emails or phone calls at no charge, and email or phone consultation longer than 15 minutes is billed at my hourly rate in 15 minute increments. For most issues I am usually able to get someone on a maintenance plan with the initial visit and 1-3 follow-up visits. 1 Consent to Treatment: The sciences of conventional and alternative medicine are evolving rapidly. With each treatment recommendation we will discuss the available treatment options- conventional and alternative, the risks and benefits of each option, and the current level of evidence supporting each option. It is impossible to list every undesirable effect of any given treatment. It is possible that the condition for which a given treatment is recommended may not be cured or significantly improved, and in rare cases may even become worse, or result in death. Please ask all questions you have regarding your care. I make mistakes and misunderstandings may arise. It is important that we deal with any concerns as soon as possible. My signature below certifies that I have read this form and discussed it with Dr. Saltzman, and that I understand, consent and agree to the conditions as described above. Completion and return of this form by email will be considered consent to treatment. Signature___________________ print name___________________ date __________ credit card number___________________ expiration date_______________ 2 Health History Form Your name: Male/ Female Phone number: Address: Date of birth: Home: Age: Work: Email: Primary care physician: Phone number: Address: Date of last visit: Date of 1ast Physical Exam: Complementary/alternative medicine practitioner(s): Name: Modality: Phone number: Address: Name: Modality: Phone number: Address: Were you referred here by your physician or health care practitioner? Name of referring physician/practitioner: May I contact them with follow-up information? Yes/ No Yes/ No Objective(s): What would you most like to achieve regarding your health? How committed are you to achieving this objective? (Please circle) 0 (Not very committed) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Very committed) 3 Other Sibling Sibling Grandpa Grandma Father Mother Self Personal and Family History. Check all that apply to you and your blood relatives High Blood Pressure Heart Attack, Disease Stroke Asthma Emphysema, COPD Allergies, Hayfever Frequent Infections HIV, AIDS Peptic Ulcer Disease Colitis or Crohn's Liver Disease, Hepatitis Kidney Disease Cancer or Tumors Arthritis, Rheumatism Mental Illness Depression Nervous Breakdown Suicide (or attempted) Alcoholism, Drug Use Migraine Headache Epilepsy, Seizures Thyroid Disease Obesity Diabetes Anemia Bleeding Disorder Psoriasis, Eczema Glaucoma, Cataracts Other: 4 Review of Symptoms Check and/or circle each item that to applies to you. History of Head Injury Loss of Memory General Weakness or Loss of Energy Dizzy Spells, Faintness, Blackouts Frequent Headaches Vision Disturbances, Glasses Hearing Loss, Ringing in Ears Ear Infections Nosebleeds Sinus Infections, Nasal Stuffiness Frequent Sore Throats, Tonsillitis Hoarseness Swollen Glands Shortness of Breath Frequent Coughs, Wheezing Palpitations, Chest Pains, Rapid Heartbeats Anxious Feeling in Chest or Stomach Poor Appetite Indigestion Abdominal Pain, Discomfort, Bloating Constipation, Use of Laxatives Diarrhea, Bloody Stools Rectal Pain, Itching, Irritation Hemorrhoids, Anal Fissures Difficulty Urinating Urinary Incontinence Urinary Tract Infections (bladder or kidney) Genital Warts Men: Prostate Enlargement or Disease Men: Penile or Testicular Problems Women: Irregular or Painful Menses or Periods Women: Premenstrual Tension, Irritability (PMS) Women: Uterine or Ovarian Tumor or Cancer Women: Menopausal Difficulties Breast Cancer Back Pain, Sciatica Joint Pain, Swelling Skin Rashes, Eczema, Psoriasis, Moles, Warts Perspiration: Smelly, Profuse, Unusual; Night Sweats Nightmares, Recurrent Dreams Fears or Phobias (heights, dark, insects, etc.) Anxiety, Nervousness; I Worry a Lot Angry Irritable, Impatient, Critical Sadness, Grief, Depression, Weeping Perfectionist, Fastidious, Ambitious 5 Symptoms/Issues: list those currently of concern to you (most important first) and circle their current severity. (least severe) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 (most severe) 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 Please list any other current symptoms/issues and provide any additional information regarding the above symptoms: In the past year, approximately how many days were you ill? ___ approximately how many days did you miss work/school? ___ how many times did you visit a medical doctor or health practitioner?___ how many times were you in the hospital?___ Hospitalizations: list diagnosis and date. Surgical History: list any surgeries you have had and the dates (including cosmetic surgery). Major Injuries or Accidents: list type of injury and date. Psychotherapy: list any psychotherapy you are currently undergoing, or have had in the past; include the dates of any psychiatric hospitalizations and the diagnosis. Spiritual Counseling: list the most recent first; note the dates and spiritual tradition. 6 Medications: list your current prescription and over-the-counter medications, including dose, frequency of use, and conditions for which they were prescribed. List birth control pills if you use them. Allergies to Medications: list the medications and the reaction that occurred. Nutritional and Vitamin Supplements, Homeopathic and Herbal Remedies: list your current supplements and remedies, including dose, frequency of use, and conditions under treatment. Alternative/Complementary Medicine History: list all current and previous alternative/complementary medicine therapies you have used. For each therapy, include the date or duration of use, the conditions for which it was used, and how effective it was. List any other alternative/complementary medicine therapies you are interested in pursuing. Health Habits: Describe the foods you eat at each meal during a typical week. Note any special diet or restrictions. Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Snacks/ sweets (include number per day): Foods you tend to crave: Foods you dislike: Food allergies: 7 Have you ever had weight issues or been told you had an eating disorder? Yes /No If yes, please describe: Briefly describe your current exercise regimen, including the type and frequency. Sleep: What time do you usually go to sleep? AM/PM Wake up? Describe any concerns regarding your sleep habits or quality of sleep. AM/PM Media use: Please describe your typical use of media—t.v., internet, cell phone, tablet, gaming. For each of the following, list how much you consume and how often. If you quit using a particular substance, state when and why you quit. Coffee Tea Other caffeinated beverages Cigarettes Cigars Other tobacco products Beer Wine Other alcoholic beverages Marijuana Cocaine LSD Amphetamines Heroin Other drugs, including inhalants Have you ever had a problem with alcohol or alcoholism? Yes/ No. If yes. please describe. Have you ever had a problem with, or dependency on drugs? Yes/ No. If yes, please describe. Briefly describe your current living space, or any other place where you spend a significant amount of time (workspace, vacation home, etc.). Include any concerns you may have about these spaces. Do you have any known exposures to toxic substances? Yes/ No. If yes, please describe. What gives you joy? What are you afraid of? 8 Who or what angers, saddens, or disappoints you? And why Life/Social History: List and briefly describe the most significant events in your life. Briefly describe the most significant relationships in your life. Living arrangement:(circle all that apply): single, married, divorced, separated, remarried, widowed, significant-other, co-habitating, or other (describe): List the names and ages of your immediate “family” (e.g. spouse/partner & children) and any other people who live with you. Do you have concerns about parenting? Yes/ No. If yes, please describe: "I am satisfied with my current relationships with my immediate “family”. (Circle your response.) spouse/ partner: strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree child: name ______________ age______________ strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree child: name ______________ age______________ strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree child: name ______________ age______________ strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree "I am satisfied with my current relationships with friends."(Circle your response) strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree 9 "I am satisfied with my current relationships with my family of origin.” (Circle your response.) mother: strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree father: strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree sibling: name ______________ age______________ strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree sibling: name ______________ age______________ strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree sibling: name ______________ age______________ strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree Body Image/Sexuality. How do you feel about your body/body image? I consider myself (circle whichever applies) heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, transgender, other: Sexual desire: absent Recent change? Yes/ No. low problematic average high excessive “I am satisfied with my current sexuality/sexual life”. (Circle your response.) strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree “My partner is satisfied with our current sexuality/sexual life.” (Circle your response.) strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree Is there any personal or family history of sexual abuse/assault? Yes/ No. If yes, please explain. Briefly describe any additional aspects of your sexuality/reproductive history which you consider significant (e.g. birth control/safe sex practices you currently use, or have used in the past, sexual orientation, gender identity, infertility, previous abortions or miscarriages, etc.). 10 Women Only: age at First Menses: age at Menopause Date of last PAP, pelvic, and breast exam: Number of pregnancies: live births: Abnormal PAP: Yes/ No. miscarriages: abortions: Education: Check the highest educational level you have completed: _ high school _college (2-year) _college (4-year) _post-graduate (one-year, e.g. Masters) _ post-graduate (multi-year, e.g. PhD, MD, JD) Career/Financial: describe your current job/occupation and any previous significant ones. "I am satisfied with my current job/occupation.” strongly agree agree neutral (Circle your response.) disagree strongly disagree How comfortable-are you with your current financial situation List any significant financial concerns. Stress: Please list any additional stressors not mentioned above. Spirituality What was your role in the family when you were growing up? Briefly describe your family dynamics. How your related to your parents and siblings. When you were growing up, how were you "supposed" to act and what was expected of you? What values, myths, or mottoes were common in your family? (e.g. “work hard, play hard”, “ the grass is always greener”, “big boys/girls don’t cry”). If you were asked to describe the life ethic or principle that guides you, what would you say? 11 What word, phrase, or image best describes your current spirituality? If you have had any spiritual experiences that have influenced you, please describe them briefly. Do you think your relationship something greater has anything to do with the quality of your life and/or health? Yes/ No Please explain: Have you ever belonged to an organized religious/spiritual group(s)? Yes/ No. If yes, please list, most current first. Briefly describe the practices you find helpful in making your life more meaningful (e.g. spending time in nature, organized worship services, meditation, prayer, art etc.). "I am satisfied with my current spirituality/spiritual life." (Please circle your response.) strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree If there is anything that has not been adequately covered above, or if you would like to add a comment or question, please include it here. Acknowledge yourself for devoting the time to caring For Your Self. Blessings Amy Saltzman M.D. 12 If you have had an extensive diagnostic work-up in the past please sign the release below and send it to your current and previous physicians. Release of Medical Information To: Address: City: Phone: State: Fax: Zip Code: I hereby authorize and request that you release my medical records and any information regarding my health (consultation notes, procedure notes, and lab/x-ray/biopsy results, etc.) to: Dr. Amy Saltzman Still Quiet Place 885 Oak Grove Ave. #204 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Phone 650-575-5780 Fax 650-326-1173 Print Name: Date of Birth: Date: Signature: Phone: Address: City: State: Zip Code: 13 Driving Directions From 280 and Sand Hill Road Take Sand Hill East Turn Left on Santa Cruz Avenue Veer Right and remain on Santa Cruz Right at the stop sign to stay on Santa Cruz Just after the first light in downtown Menlo Park Turn Left on University Turn Right into the parking lot Park behind the red brick building 885 Oak Grove Ave. Suite #204 From 101 and Willow Go West on Willow Right on Middlefield Left on Oak Grove Cross El Camino 885 Oak Grove will be a red brick building on your left just before Oak Grove T-s into University. There is parking in the back of the building. Suite #204 14