NOTICE FROM THE PROVINCIAL OFFICE OF THE PUBLIC GUARDIAN In light of the changes to the Adult Guardian and Trusteeship Act regulations in terms of the forms, the Office of the Public Guardian has asked that we publish the following information: Please be advised that that the new Capacity Assessments Forms (3, 4, & 10) have been published in the Alberta Gazette and posted on the OPG website. We encourage that all capacity assessments be done on the new forms but during the transition of the old to new forms (3, 4, & 10) we will still be accepting capacity assessments on the old forms. Please share this information with all staff and also feel free to distribute it widely. Amendments to forms 3, 4, and 10 of the Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship (Ministerial) Regulation were made in order to provide better clarity and incorporate feedback from consultation with Alberta Health Services (AHS), Capacity Assessment Advisory Group (CAAG), Physicians, Psychologists, the Courts and Designated Capacity Assessors. The CAAG, is comprised of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta; Alberta Medical Association; College of Alberta Psychologists; College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta; Alberta College of Occupational Therapists; Alberta College of Social Workers; College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of Alberta; and the Health Law Institute. The CAAG meets quarterly or as needed to develop best practices and identify issues related to capacity assessment. The Proposed amendment changes were shared at previous meetings and the group was in support of the changes. The proposed amendments involve moving naming information closer to the top of the forms as well as creating space for diagnosis information, represented adults address, and represented adults date of birth. The amendments were necessary to provide clarity to forms 3, 4 and 10. If you have any questions and/or concerns please feel free to contact Rod Urquijo at 780-638-3252.