
Diana Bowling

CREs = 15 Points (15%):

______ Complete

______ Critical

______ Thorough



Outline = 10 Points (10%)

______ Organization

______ Title, Problematic Question, Thesis Statement (Answer to Question)

______ Complete (Background, Refutation, Support)

______ Typed

Annotated Bibliography = 75 Points (75%)

______ At Least 8 Sources

______ At Least 2 Scholarly Journals

______ Actual Scholarly Journals and Not Other Mediums, i.e., Newspapers, Periodicals, Etc.

______ Use of at Least 2 Other Mediums, i.e., Periodicals, Government Documents, Etc.

______ No Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Books, or Class Notes

______ No More than 1 Internet Site and no more than 1 Personal Interview or Survey

______ No More than 1 Article from the Same Source, i.e., Time , Journal of Education , Etc.

______ No More than 2 Articles by the Same Author (from Different Sources)

______ No More than 2 Articles from the Same Publisher

______ All Sources Dated 1998 to 2001 (Can Have 1 Older Source)

______ Complete Copies of All 8 Sources, with Correct MLA Bibliographic Information Printed on the First Pages

______ Completely Double Spaced, with the Second and All Following Lines of Each Entry Indented 5 Spaces

______ Accurate and Precise MLA Format Throughout, Including Spacing, Periods, Etc.

______ Entries Immediately Followed by 1 Sentence Summaries, Typed as Full Sentences and Indented 5 Spaces

______ Immediately Followed by 1 Sentence Evaluations, Typed as Full Sentences and Indented 5 Spaces

______ All Sentences Structurally, Mechanically, and Grammatically Correct

______ Total Points Deducted from 100

______ Total Number of Points for Writing Project Grade __________ annbib_checklist_eng105

Diana Bowling annbib_checklist_eng105
