Nakhlite References - Lunar and Planetary Institute

Chassignite Papers
Pieters C. M., Klima R. L., Hiroi T., Dyar M. D., Lane M. D., Treiman A. H., Noble S.
K., Sunshine J. M., and Bishop J. L. 2008. Martian dunite NWA 2737: Integrated
spectroscopic analyses of brown olivine. Journal of Geophysical Research 113,
XXXXXX, doi:10.1029/2007JE002939.
Treiman A.H., Dyar M.D, McCanta M., Pieters C.M., Hiroi T., Lane M.D., and Bishop J.
(2007) Martian dunite NWA 2737: Petrographic constraints geological history,
shock events, and olivine color. Journal of Geophysical Research 112, E04002,
Van de Moortèle B., Reynard B., Rochette P., Jackson M., Beck P., Gillet Ph., McMillan
P.F., and McCammon C.A. (2007) Shock-induced metallic iron nanoparticles in
olivine-rich Martian meteorites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 261, 37 - 49.
Van de Moortèle B., Reynard B., McMillan P., Wilson M., Beck P., Gillet Ph., and Jahn
S. (2007) Shock-induced transformation of olivine to a new metastable
(Mg,Fe)2SiO4 polymorph in Martian meteorites Earth and Planetary Science
Letters 261, 469 - 475.
Beck P., Gillet Ph., Barrat J.-A., Wadhwa M., Greenwood R.C., Franchi I.A., Bohn M.,
Cotton J., Van de Moortèle B., and Reynard B. (2006) Petrography and
geochemistry of the chassignite Northwest Africa 2737 (NWA 2737) Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta, 70, 2127-2139.
Marty B., Heber V.S., Grimberg A., Wieler R., and Barrat J.-A. (2006) Noble gases in the
Martian meteorite Northwest Africa 2737: A new chassignite signature. Meteorit.
Planet. Sci. 41, 739–748.
Misawa K., Shih C.-Y., Reese Y., Bogard D.D., and Nyquist L.E. (2006) Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd,
and Ar-Ar isotopic systematics of Martian dunite Chassigny. Earth Planet. Sci.
Lett. 246, 90-101.
Monkawa A., Mikouchi T., Koizumi E., Sugiyama K., and Miyamoto M. (2006)
Determination of the Fe oxidation state of the Chassigny kaersutite: A
microXANES spectroscopic study. Meteor. Planet. Sci. 41, 1321–1329.
Fritz J., Artemieva N., and Greshake A. (2005) Ejection of Martian meteorites. Meteorit.
Planet. Sci. 40, 1393-1411.
Fritz J., Greshake A., and Stoffler D. (2005) Micro-Raman spectroscopy of plagioclase
and maskelynite in Martian meteorites: Evidence of progressive shock
metamorphism. Antarctic Meteorite Research (NIPR) 18, 96-116. link
Monkawa A., Mikouchi T., Koizumi E, and Miyamoto M. (2005) Comparative
mineralogy of magmatic inclusions in olivine from the Chassigny and Nakhla
Martian meteorites. Antarct. Meteorite. Res. 18, 188-201.
Grady M.M., Verchovsky A.B., and Wright I.P. (2004) Magmatic carbon in Martian
meteorites: attempts to constrain the carbon cycle on Mars. International Journal of
Astrobiology 3, 117-124.
Jones J.H., Clive R. Neal C.R., and Ely J.C. (2003) Signatures of the highly siderophile
elements in the SNC meteorites and Mars: a review and petrologic synthesis.
Chemical Geology 196, 21-41.
Marty B. and Marti K. (2002) Signatures of early differentiation of Mars. Earth Planet.
Sci. Lett. 196, 251-263.
Malavergne V., Guyot F., Benzerara K., and Martinez I. (2001) Description of new
shock-induced phases in the Shergotty, Zagami, Nakhla, and Chassigny meteorites.
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 36, 1297-1305.
Mathew K.J. and Marti K. (2001) Early evolution of martian volatiles: Nitrogen and
noble gas components in ALH84001 and Chassigny. Jour. Geophys. Res. 106,
Rochette P., Lorand J.-P., Fillion G. and Sautter V. (2001) Pyrrhotite and the remanent
magnetization of SNC meteorites: a changing perspective on Martian magnetism.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 190, 1-12.
Greenwood J.P., Riciputi L.R., McSween H.Y.Jr., and Taylor L.A. (2000) Modified
sulfur isotopic compositions of sulfides in the nakhlites and Chassigny. Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta 64, 1121-1131.
Varela M.E., Kurat G., Bonnin-Mosbah M., Clochiatti R., and Massare D. (2000) Glassbearing inclusions in olivine of the Chassigny achondrite: Heterogeneous trapping
at sub-igneous temperatures. Meteorit. & Planet. Sci. 35, 39-52.
Bogard D.D. and Garrison D.H. (1999) Argon-39 – argon-40 “ages” and trapped argon in
Martian shergottites, Chassigny, and Allan Hills 84001. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 34,
Langenhorst F. and Greshake A. (1999) A transmission electron microscope study of
Chassigny: Evidence for strong shock metamorphism. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 34, 4348.
Garrison D.H. and Bogard D.D. (1998) Isotopic composition of trapped and cosmogenic
noble gases in several Martian meteorites. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 33, 721-736.
Greenwood J.P., Riciputi L.R., Taylor L.A. and McSween H.Y.Jr. (1998) Hydrothermal
modification of sulfides in Nakhla, Lafayette, and Chassigny (abstract). Meteorit.
Planet. Sci. 33, A62.
Lodders K. (1998) A survey of shergottite, nakhlite, and Chassigny meteorites whole rock
compositions. Meteor. Planet. Sci. 33, A183-A190.
Righter K., Hervig R.L., and Kring D.A. (1998) Accretion and core formation in Mars:
Mo contents of melt inclusion glasses in three SNC meteorites. Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta 62, 2167-2177.
Terribilini D., Eugster O., Burger M., Jakob A., and Krahenbuhl U. (1998) Noble gases
and chemical composition of shergotty mineral fractions, Chassigny, and Yamato793605. Meteorit. & Planet. Sci. 33, 677-684.
Varela M.E., Kurat G., Clochiatti R., and Schiano P. (1998) The ubiquitous presence of
silica-rich glass inclusions in mafic minerals: Examples from Earth, Mars, Moon,
and the aubrite parent body. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 33, 1041-1051.
Leshin L.A., Epstein S., and Stolper E.M. (1996) Hydrogen isotope geochemistry of SNC
meteorites. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 60, 2635-2650.
Harper C.L.Jr., Nyquist L.E., Bansal B., Wiesmann H., and Shih C.-Y. (1995) Rapid
accretion and early differentiation of Mars indicated by 142Nd/144Nd in SNC
meteorites. Science 267, 213-217.
Wadhwa M. and Crozaz G. (1995) Trace and minor elements in minerals of nakhlites and
Chassigny: Clues to their petrogenesis. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 59, 3629-3645.
Watson L.L., Hutcheon I.D., Epstein S., and Stolper E.M. (1994) Water on Mars: Clues
from deuterium/hydrogen and water contents of hydrous phases in SNC meteorites.
Science 265, 86-90.
Wentworth S.J. and Gooding J.L. (1994) Carbonates and sulfates in the Chassigny
meteorite: Further evidence for aqueous chemistry on the SNC parent planet.
Meteoritics 29, 860-863.
McSween H.Y.Jr. and Harvey R.P. (1993) Outgassed water on Mars: Constraints from
melt inclusions in SNC meteorites: Science, 259, 1890-1892.
Gooding, J.L. (1992) Soil mineralogy and chemistry on Mars: Possible clues from salts
and clays in SNC meteorites, Icarus, 99, 28-41.
Karlsson H.R., Clayton R.N., Gibson E.K.Jr., and Mayeda T.K. (1992) Water in SNC
meteorites: Evidence for a Martian hydrosphere. Science 255, 1409-1411.
Wright I.P., Grady M.M., and Pillinger C.T. (1992) Chassigny and the nahklites: Carbonbearing components and their relationship to Martian environmental conditions.
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 56, 817-826.
Johnson M.C., Rutherord M.J., and Hess P.C. (1991) Chassigny petrogenesis: Melt
compositions, intensive parameters, and water contents of Martian (?) magmas.
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 55, 349-366.
Longhi J. and Pan V. (1989) The parent magmas of the SNC meteorites. Proc. Lunar
Planet. Sci. Conf. 19th, 451-464. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
Ott U. (1988) Noble gases in SNC meteorites Shergotty, Nakhla, and Chassigny.
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 52, 1937-1948.
Pal D.K., Tuniz C., Moniot R.K, Savin W., Kruse T., and Herzog G.F. (1986) Beryllium10 contents of shergottites, nakhlites, and Chassigny. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta
50, 2405-2409.
Treiman A.H. (1986) The parental magma of the Nakhla achondrite: Ultrabasic
volcanism on the Shergottite Parent Body. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 50, 10611070.
Treiman A.H., Drake M.J., Janssens, M.-J., Wolf R., and Ebihara M. (1986) Core
formation in the Earth and Shergottite Parent Body (SPB): Chemical evidence from
basalts. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 50, 1071-1091.
Clayton R.N. and Mayeda T.K. (1983) Oxygen isotopes in eucrites, shergottite, nakhlites,
and chassignites. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 62, 1-6.
Smith J.V., Steele I.M., and Leitch C.A. (1983) Mineral chemistry of the shergottites,
nakhlites, Chassigny, Brachina, pallasites, and ureilites. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci.
Conf. 14th, J. Geophys. Res. 88 suppl., B229-B236.
Floran R.J., Prinz M., Hlava P.F., Keil K., Nehru C.E.and Hinthorne J.R. (1978) The
Chassigny meteorite: a cumulate dunite with hydrous amphibole-bearing melt
inclusions. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 42, 1213-1229.
Boynton W.V., Starzyk P.M., and Schmitt R.A. (1976) Chemical evidencde for the
genesis of the ureilites, the achondrite Chassigny, and the nakhlites. Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta 40, 1439-1447.
Mason B., Nelen J.A., Muir P., and Taylor S.R. (1975) The composition of the Chassigny
meteorite. Meteoritics 11, 21-27.
Lancet M.S. and Lancet K. (1971) Cosmic ray and gas retention ages of the Chassigny
meteorite. Meteoritics 6, 81-86.
Jeremine E., Orcel J. and Sandrea A. (1962) Étude mineralogique et structural de la
météorite de Chassigny. Bull. Soc. Franc. Mineral. Cristal. 85, 262-266.