Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. 2013, 5 (3): ???–??? On the chemo-thermo-hydro-mechanical behavior of geological and engineered barriers YuJun Cui*, Anh Minh Tang Laboratoire Navier/CERMES, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, 6 et 8, avenue Blaise Pascal, 77455 Marne-la-Vallée cedex 2, France Received 26 March 2013; received in revised form 10 April 2013; accepted 25 April 2013 Abstract: An overview of the recent findings about the chemo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of materials used for both geological and engineered barriers in nuclear waste disposal is presented, through some examples about natural Boom Clay (BC) and compacted bentonite-based materials. For the natural BC, it was found that compression index identified from both oedometer and isotropic compression tests is similar and the compressibility of BC from the Mol site is higher than that of BC from the Essen site; the shear strength of Mol BC is also higher that the Essen BC, suggesting a significant effect of carbonates content; the thermal volume change is strongly overconsolidation ratio (OCR) dependent – low OCR values promote thermal contraction while high OCR values favour thermal dilation; the volume change behaviour is also strongly time dependent and this time dependent behaviour is governed by the stress level and temperature; the effect of pore-water salinity on the volume change behaviour can be significant when the smectite content is relatively high. For the bentonite-based materials, it was found that thermal contraction also occurs at low OCR values, but this is suction dependent – suction promotes thermal dilation. Under constant volume conditions, wetting results in a decrease of hydraulic conductivity, followed by an increase. This is found to be related to changes in macro-pores size – wetting induces a decrease of macro-pores size followed by an increase due to the aggregates fissuring. The presence of technological voids can increase the hydraulic conductivity but does not influence the swelling pressure. Key words: Boom Clay (BC); bentonite-based materials; mechanical behavior; hydraulic conductivity; pore-water salinity; technological voids 1. Introduction from heat emission by the waste canisters, from water flow and from field stress/materials swelling. This justifies the wide In the high-level radioactive waste geological disposal, multi-barrier concept with geological barrier and engineered studies conducted on their CTHM behaviors in both laboratory and field conditions. barriers is usually considered. The geological barrier is the In field, tests have been performed in different Underground natural host formation as claystones (France and Switzerland), Research Laboratories (URLs). For instance, the French agency salts (Germany), granite (China and Sweden) and stiff clays (Andra) has carried out various tests in the Bure URL to (Belgium), etc. The main functions of geological barrier are its investigate the involved Oxfordian claystone behavior during low hydraulic conductivity and its capacity of self healing. The excavation, heating, etc. The Swiss agency (Nagra) has done engineered barrier is made up of compacted bentonite-based the same in the Mont Terri URL. The Belgian agency materials. It is usually used with granite geological barriers (Ondraf/Euridice) has investigated the hydraulic behavior and (China and Sweden) and constitutes a barrier before the mechanical behavior of Boom Clay (BC) in the Mol URL. Note geological one. Note that these materials are also used as filling also materials for other geological barriers. Main functions of the Radioprotection et de la Sûreté Nucléaire) has been conducting bentonite-based materials are its sealing capacity related to its the infiltration tests aiming at identifying the key factors related volume change behaviors, including its swelling properties and to the long-term performance of bentonite-based sealing its retention capacity mainly related to its hydraulic behavior. systems when considering the initial technological void. The that the French institution IRSN (Institut de In the situation of nuclear waste disposal, the constitutive thermal loading effect has been also investigated in different materials of both barriers are subjected to complex coupled URLs, for instance, in the Mol URL, a 10-year heating project chemo-thermo-hydro-mechanical (CTHM) loadings stemming – Praclay project is underway, aiming at investigating the effect from interaction between clay minerals and pore-water of heating on the hydro-mechanical of BC on one hand, and the chemistry or other chemicals resulted from concrete alteration, sealing capacity of the compacted bentonite ring on the other hand. Doi: *Corresponding author. Tel: +33-164153550; E-mail: ?? Y.J. Cui and A.M. Tang / J Rock Mech Geotech Eng. 2013, 5 In the laboratory, several studies on the hydro-mechanical 100 mm in diameter) were taken from the Essen site and one behavior of geological formations have been conducted core was taken from the Mol site at depth of 223 m. The (Horseman et al., 1987; Baldi et al., 1988, 1991; Sultan, 1997; geotechnical properties of these cores are shown in Table 1. Sultan et al., 2000, 2002; Coll, 2005, Deng et al., 2011a, 2011b, For the BC at Essen, two cores were taken from the Putte 2011c, 2012). A large number of studies have also been member (Ess75 and Ess83) and three cores from the Terhagen performed on the thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) behavior of member (Ess96, Ess104 and Ess112). The geotechnical bentonite-based materials (Pusch, 1979; Dixon et al., 1985, properties of these cores are similar: specific gravity, Gs = 1987, 1992, 1996, 1999; Yong et al., 1986; Delage et al., 1998, 2.64–2.68; liquid limit, wL = 62%–78%; plastic index, IP = 36 – 2006; Lee et al., 1999; Romero et al., 1999, 2011; Börgesson et 45. The void ratio (e0) ranges from 0.700 to 0.785. The al., 2001; Cui et al., 2002, 2008, 2011; Marcial et al., 2002; carbonate content of the core Ess104 (4.36%) is significantly Marcial, 2003; Montes-H et al., 2003; Villar and Lloret, 2004, higher than those of other cores (lower than 1%). Note that the 2008; Andra, 2005; Agus, 2005; Villar, 2005; Lloret and Villar, carbonate content for Ess112 is also relatively high: 2.64%. 2007, Agus and Schanz, 2008; Agus et al., 2010; Gatabin et al., After Francois et al. (2009), the main parameters of the BC at 2008; Karland et al., 2008; Komine et al., 2009; Ye et al., 2009; Mol, e.g. Gs, wL and IP are similar to those of the BC at Essen. Komine, 2010; Komine and Watanabe, 2010; Tang and Cui, The void ratio ranges from 0.49 to 0.67, significantly lower 2010a, 2010b; Wang et al., 2012). than that of BC at Essen. These differences suggest that the BC In this paper, some advances on the CTHM behaviors of at Mol is denser and more carbonated. materials used for geological and engineered barriers are Table 2 depicts the mineralogical compositions of different presented through some examples about natural BC from both cores. It is observed that BC at Essen contains more active Mol site and Essen site in Belgium and compacted bentonite- minerals such as smectite, but the total amount of smectite and based materials. interstratified illite/smectite is similar. The particle size distribution curves are shown in Fig. 1. The 2. Volume change behavior of Boom Clay curves of Ess83 and Ess96 are close to that of Mol, showing a clay content (< 2 µm) of 57%–60%. The curves of Ess75 and In the Belgian program for nuclear waste disposal, BC has Ess104 are slightly below the curves of Ess83, Ess96 and Mol, been investigated for both Mol site (URL location) and Essen showing a clay content of 43%–50%. The core Ess112 presents site (about 50 km east from Mol). In order to compare its significantly larger particles and a lower clay content (about volume change behavior for both sites, five cores (1 m long and 40%). Table 1. Geotechnical properties of the soil cores studied. Core Depth (m) Member Gs wL (%) IP (%) e0 Carbonate content (%) Ess75 218.91-219.91 Putte 2.65 78 45 0.785 0.91 Ess83 226.65-227.65 Putte 2.64 70 37 0.730 0.76 Ess96 239.62-240.62 Terhagen 2.68 69 36 0.715 0.24 Ess104 247.90-248.91 Terhagen 2.68 68 39 0.700 4.36 Ess112 255.92-256.93 Terhagen 2.67 62 37 0.755 2.64 Mol 223 Putte 2.67 59-83 0.49-0.67 5.9 – 8.3 Table 2. Mineralogical composition of clay fraction (< 2 µm). Core Mineral content (% ) Chlorite Kaolinite Illite Smectite Ill/Smecta Ess75 5 35 20 10 30 Ess83 5 35 20 20 20 Ess96 5 35 20 10 30 Ess104 5 35 15 30 15 Ess112 5 35 10 50 10 Mol 5 35 20 10 30 100 t passing (% ) 90 80 70 ?? Y.J. Cui and A.M. Tang / J Rock Mech Geotech Eng. 2013, 5 The overconsolidation ratio (OCR) is known to have a major Fig. 1. Particle size distribution curves. effect on the volume change of soil heated under a constant load. Both oedometer and isotropic compression tests were carried At low OCR values, heating induces thermal contraction out, allowing determination of the compression index Cc. The (Paaswell, 1967; Plum and Esrig, 1969). On the contrary, at obtained values of Cc are shown in Table 3. It appears clearly high OCR values heating results in thermal dilation (Baldi et al., that both tests give similar results. Comparison between the two 1988; Towhata et al., 1993). sites shows that BC at Mol is more compressible than BC at This aspect was investigated for BC at various OCR values (OCR = 1, 2, and 12) by carrying out heating tests in a triaxial Essen. cell from 22 °C to 100 °C or tests with temperature cycles (22 °C-100 °C-22 °C). The results are shown in Fig. 3. The Table 3. Compressibility parameters. Core Oedometer compression Isotropic compression Ess75 Ess83 Ess96 Ess104 Ess112 Mol 0.378 0.345 0.375 0.327 0.302 0.405 0.383 0.313 0.280 0.346 OCR =1 condition was achieved under confining stresses c of 1.2 and 3.85 MPa; the OCR = 2 condition was achieved under c = 4 MPa and the OCR = 12 condition was achieved under c = 4.2 MPa and 6 MPa, respectively. The results of Fig. 3 confirm the four major trends of the thermal volume change behavior of saturated clays: 3. Shear strength of Boom Clay (1) The thermal contraction of a normally consolidated samples is independent of the mean effective stress (see tests at In Fig. 2, the results at failure of BC at Mol by various OCR = 1 under 1.2 and 3.85 MPa, and OCR = 12 under 4.2 MPa authors (Horseman et al., 1987; Sultan, 1997; Van Impe, 1993; and 6 MPa). This trend was initially demonstrated by Demars Baldi et al., 1991; Coll, 2005) and the results on BC at Essen are and Charles (1982). gathered in p-q plane (mean stress–deviator stress plane) for a direct comparison. It appears clearly that the slope of intact BC 100 OCR = 12 at Mol in the range of p > 2 MPa and the slope of intact BC at OCR = 2 Essen is very close (0.46 against 0.47), suggesting a similar OCR = 1 80 (intersection) for Mol is significantly larger than that for Essen T (C) internal friction angle (12°–13°). However, the q0 value 60 (1.12 MPa against 0.39 MPa). This corresponds to a higher effective cohesion for Mol as compared with that for Essen: OCR =1 c 1.2 MPa OCR =1 c 3.85 MPa OCR =2 c 4 MPa OCR =12 c 4.2 MPa OCR =12 c 6 MPa 40 0.53 MPa against 0.19 MPa. This difference in cohesion is likely due to the difference in carbonate contents: BC at Mol has 20 1 0 a higher carbonate content (see Table 1). 1 vT (%) 2 3 4 The reconstituted Essen BC has an effective cohesion c' = 0.01 MPa and an internal friction angle ' = 20°. These values Fig. 3. Thermal volumetric changes of Boom Clay samples at different OCR values. are close to those of Essen core Ess112. (2) The thermal contraction increases when OCR is decreased, 4 leading to pure contraction at OCR = 1, in accordance with the Deviator stress q (MPa) q=1.06p+0.08 results of Plum and Esrig (1969), Demars and Charles (1982) 3 q=0.46p+1.12 and Baldi et al. (1988). (3) The slope of the volumetric strain in the cooling stage is Mol intact (literature) Essen intact Ess 112 Reconstituted (Bouazza et al.,1996) 2 q=0.47p+0.39 1 independent of the applied mean effective stress. (4) The temperature at which the transition between thermal expansion and contraction occurs decreases with OCR (T = 80 °C at OCR = 12, T = 50 °C at OCR = 2), in accordance with q=0.77p+0.33 Baldi et al. (1988) and Towhata et al. (1993). 0 0 2 4 Mean effective stress p (MPa) 6 Fig. 2. Summary of failure envelopes of all Boom Clay considered. It is interesting to note that the slope of cooling is parallel to the slope of heating dilation. As physically the cooling process corresponds to a pure thermal contraction of the constituents of 4. Thermal volume changes soil (solid and water), it can be considered as elastic. Thereby, the thermal contraction corresponds to a plastic process. Based Y.J. Cui and A.M. Tang / J Rock Mech Geotech Eng. 2013, 5: ??– ?? on this consideration, Cui et al. (2000) developed a constitutive cores Ess83 and Ess96 (De Craen et al., 2006) and that of BC at model allowing describing the thermo-mechanical behavior of Mol (Cui et al., 2009). The results show that the pore-water at saturated clays. Essen has NaCl as main salt, while the pore-water taken from 5. Time dependent behavior of Boom Clay Mol has NaHCO3 as main salt. Comparison between the values for Ess83 and Ess96 shows that there is little difference The time dependent behavior of saturated BC was between the two cores. The total salinity of the pore-water at investigated in a triaxial cell under different isotropic stresses Essen site is 5.037–5.578 g/L, while that at Mol site is only and at different temperatures (Cui et al., 2009). Fig. 4 presents 1.286 g/L. The results also show that the main cation at both the variation of consolidation rate from tests 7, 11, 13, and 15 sites is Na+, with a concentration of 0.072–0.080 Mol/L at as a function of temperature. A clear increase in consolidation rate with increasing temperature is observed. Furthermore, the relationship between the consolidation rate and time can be described by an exponential function. Note that this observation is made for a quite low stress range; experimental data for a Test 7 Test 11 Test 13 Test 15 Expon. (Test 13) Expon. (Test 15) Expon. (Test 11) 14 dv/d(log10t)100 12 10 8 of salinity on the hydro-mechanical behavior of BC. Oedometer tests were carried out for this purpose on cores water in tests Ess83Odo3 and Ess96Odo04; distilled water in y = 0.0216e0.0841x R2= 0.8801 tests Ess83Odo4 and Ess96Odo05. The compression curves y = 0.0075e0.0901x R2= 0.9975 6 obtained after saturating the soil samples with the corresponding pore-water was used to determine different parameters for each loading/unloading stage (see for instance y = 0.0389e0.0645x R2= 0.6473 4 difference in salinity shows the need of investigating the effect Ess83 and Ess96 using two different pore-waters: synthetic larger stress range are needed to confirm this point. 16 Essen and 0.014 Mol/L at Mol, i.e. 5–6 times lower. This Fig. 6a for test Ess83Odo3) such as the compression index 2 ( Cc* ), the swelling index ( Cs* ) and the oedometer modulus EOdo 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 T (°C) Fig. 4. Consolidation rate versus temperature for different heating tests on Boom Clay. that is defined as: EOdo h i (d v / d h ) (1) where hi is the initial height of the soil sample; dh is the height change induced by a vertical stress increment d v . Fig. 5 presents the variation of consolidation rate versus Table 4. Pore-water salinity of Boom Clay. temperature for all the tests performed. The significant scatter observed is related to the influence of stress level, void ratio, Salt Ess83 (10–3 Mol/L) thermal or mechanical loading rate, loading mode and loading NaHCO3 7.16 7.16 13.93 Na2SO4 5.23 5.81 0.002 KCl 0.61 0.61 0.34 CaCl2.2H2O 0.52 0.57 MgCl2.6H2O 1.44 1.60 0.11 NaCl 54.7 61.6 0.17 interval, In spite of this, a clear trend showing an increase in Ess96 (10–3 Mol/L) Mol (10–3 Mol/L) consolidation rate with increasing temperature can be observed. 100 dv/d(log10t)100 10 1 0.1 Test 7 Test 12 Test 8 Test 13 Test 11 Test 15 Test 3 H3BO3 0.70 NaF 0.26 CaCO3 0.05 Na+ 72.32 80.38 14.104 Total salinity (g/L) 5.037 5.578 1.286 0.01 10 20 30 40 50 T (°C) 60 70 80 90 Fig. 5. Consolidation rate versus temperature for all tests performed on Boom Clay. 6. Effect of chemistry In Fig. 6b, the void ratio change versus time is plotted for a loading step. This consolidation curve allows determination of the consolidation coefficient cv following the Casagrande’s method. Using the expression k = cvwg/EOdo, the hydraulic Table 4 shows the chemical composition of pore-water of ?? Y.J. Cui and A.M. Tang / J Rock Mech Geotech Eng. 2013, 5 conductivity k can be calculated with w as the density of water experimental errors. As for Ess83, a linear k-e relationship was and g as the gravitational acceleration. also obtained for Ess96. Moreover, the curve shown in Fig. 6b can be used to determine the secondary deformation coefficient C that corresponds to the slope of the line after the part of primary deformation. This definition implies that C is positive for loading stages as IIIII, and negative for unloading stages as III and IIIIV. 8 (II) 0.85 (IV) 6 Permeability k (1012 m/s) 0.90 0.80 e (-) 0.75 0.70 d e / dlog 10 v Cc* d e / d(log10 v ) 0.65 Cs* 0.60 EOdo v (1 e 0 ) / e 2 0 (III) (a) 0.1 v (MPa) 0.88 4 (I) 0.55 0.50 0.01 1 0.5 0.6 10 0.7 e (-) 0.8 0.9 Fig. 7. Hydraulic conductivity versus void ratio for Ess83. 0.87 8 0.86 0.85 6 Permeability k (1012 m/s) e (-) Ess83Odo3 Ess83Odo3 by CPV Ess83Odo4 Ess83Odo4 by CPV C d e / d log10 t 0.84 0.83 t50 0.82 0 1 10 100 1000 Elapsed time (min) 10000 (b) Ess96Odo4 Ess96Odo4 by CPV Ess96Odo5 Ess96Odo5 by CPV 4 2 Fig. 6. Determination of parameters from the test Ess83Odo3. 0 0.5 Figs. 7 and 8 show the hydraulic conductivity k versus void ratio e for the tests Ess83 and Ess96, respectively. For each 0.6 0.7 e (-) 0.8 0.9 Fig. 8. Hydraulic conductivity versus void ratio for Ess96. core, the results obtained with different water (synthetic water or distilled water) and by different methods (the direct method Figs. 9 and 10 present oedometer modulus EOdo versus void based on the water volume injected by the controller of ratio e during both loading and unloading paths for Ess83 and pressure/volume (CPV) and the indirect Casagrande’s method) Ess96, respectively. For Ess83, it is observed that the points of are gathered in a same figure for comparison. For Ess83, it can test Ess83Odo4 with distilled water lies slightly below the be observed that the measurements by the two methods gave points of test Ess83Odo3 with synthetic water, suggesting a similar results. On the other hand, the water chemistry did not weakening effect of distilled water. However, for Ess96, a affect the hydraulic conductivity since similar values were good agreement is observed between the points of test obtained with two different pore-water salinities. On the whole, Ess96Odo5 with distilled water and the points of test a linear k-e relationship is observed. For Ess96, a little Ess96Odo4 with synthetic water. difference can be identified between test Ess96Odo4 with 1000 synthetic water and test Ess96Odo5 with distilled water. In addition, a relatively higher value was also obtained in Ess83Odo3 III Ess96Odo5 based on the CPV measurements. These differences Ess83Odo3 IIIII Ess83Odo3 IIIIV Ess83Odo4 III Ess83Odo4 IIIII Ess83Odo4 IIIIV EOdo (MPa) are not significant and can be included in the range of 100 10 1 0.5 0.6 0.7 e (-) 0.8 0.9 Y.J. Cui and A.M. Tang / J Rock Mech Geotech Eng. 2013, 5: ??– ?? Fig. 12. Consolidation coefficient versus void ratio for Ess96. Fig. 9. Oedometer modulus versus void ratio for Ess83. 1000 Changes in the secondary deformation coefficient C with Ess96Odo4 III Ess96Odo4 IIIII Ess96Odo4 IIIIV Ess96Odo5 III Ess96Odo5 IIIII Ess96Odo5 IIIIV EOdo (MPa) 100 void ratio e is depicted in Figs. 13 and. 14 for Ess83 and Ess96, respectively. For Ess83, the absolute values of C from test Ess83Odo4 with distilled water are larger than those from test Ess83Odo3 with synthetic water, especially for the unloading paths (III and IIIIV). By contrast, for Ess96, this phenomenon is not obvious and the curves corresponding to 10 two water chemistries almost overlap. 0.02 1 0.5 0.6 0.7 e (-) 0.8 Ess83Odo3 III Ess83Odo3 IIIII Ess83Odo3 IIIIV Ess83Odo4 III Ess83Odo4 IIIII Ess83Odo4 IIIIV 0.9 0.01 C Fig. 10. Oedometer modulus versus void ratio for Ess96. The results of consolidation coefficient Cv are shown in Figs. 0 11 and 12 for Ess83 and Ess96, respectively. As for the 0.01 oedometer modulus EOdo, the values of Cv from test Ess83Odo4 with distilled water are slightly lower than that from test Ess83Odo3 with synthetic water; by contrast, test Ess96Odo5 0.02 0.5 with distilled water gave quite consistent results when compared to test Ess96Odo4 with synthetic water. 0.6 0.7 e (-) 0.8 0.9 Fig. 13. Secondary consolidation coefficient versus void ratio for Ess83. 12 Ess83Odo3 III Ess83Odo3 IIIII Ess83Odo3 IIIIV Ess83Odo4 III Ess83Odo4 IIIII Ess83Odo4 IIIIV Ess96Odo4 III Ess96Odo4 IIIII Ess96Odo4 IIIIV Ess96Odo5 III Ess96Odo5 IIIII Ess96Odo5 IIIIV 0.01 C Cv (108 m2/s) 8 0.02 0 4 0.01 0 0.5 0.6 0.7 e (-) 0.8 0.9 0.02 0.5 Fig. 11. Consolidation coefficient versus void ratio for Ess83. 0.6 0.7 e (-) 0.8 0.9 Fig. 14. Secondary consolidation coefficient versus void ratio for Ess83 and Ess96. 8 Ess96Odo4 III Ess96Odo4 IIIII Ess96Odo4 IIIIV Ess96Odo5 III Ess96Odo5 IIIII Ess96Odo5 IIIIV Cv (108 m2/s) 6 Examination of the mineralogical composition of Ess83 and Ess96 showed that the smectite content is likely the main factor to be considered in investigating the pore-water chemistry effects on the hydro-mechanical behavior of BC. As Ess83 4 contains more smectite (10% more, see Table 2), it appears 2 0 0.5 0.6 0.7 e (-) 0.8 0.9 ?? Y.J. Cui and A.M. Tang / J Rock Mech Geotech Eng. 2013, 5 normal that the Ess83 shows more effects of pore-water chemistry. But on the whole, these effects are quite limited. T5 (s = 39 MPa) 7. Volume change behavior of bentonitebased materials 90 The volume change behavior of compacted MX80 bentonite 70 temperature to be controlled (Tang et al., 2007; Tang and Cui, 2010a). The results of thermal volume change under a pressure Temperature (°C) was investigated using an isotropic cell that enables suction and 80 Cooling induced an expansion. Considering that this expansion is linear, a coefficient of thermal expansion = 2 10–4 °C–1 can be deduced. On the contrary, the result from test T3 (s = 9 MPa) shows that heating induced a contraction. In addition, the Cooling 60 50 Heating 40 Heating p = 0.1 MPa are presented in Fig. 15. The results from tests T1 (suction s = 110 MPa) and T2 (s = 39 MPa) show that heating T4 (s = 110 MPa) 30 Dilation Contraction 0.5 0.0 0.5 Volumetric strain (%) 20 1.0 1.0 1.5 Fig. 16. Volumetric strain during thermal loading under constant pressure at 5 MPa of tests T4 and T5. subsequent cooling-reheating cycle undertaken shows a reversible behavior. Note that significant data scatter was Based on the compression curves in the e-ln p plane, the observed in this test and it is thus difficult to quantify the plastic compression coefficient (s) and elastic coefficient volume change behavior during the cooling-reheating stage. were determined. It was observed that these parameters are independent of temperature but strongly dependent on suction T2 (s = 39 MPa) T1 (s = 110 MPa) (see Fig. 17 for the tests at 25 °C). It appears that wetting T3 (s = 9 MPa) increases the two compressibility parameters. 80 1000 70 60 50 40 (s) Heating Suction (MPa) Temperature (°C) Heating Cooling Heating 100 10 30 Contraction Dilation 20 1.0 0.5 1 0.0 Volumetric strain (%) 0.5 1.0 Fig. 15. Volumetric strain during thermal loading under constant pressure at 0.1 MPa of tests T1, T2 and T3. 0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 and (s) Fig. 17. Compressibility parameters ( and (s)) versus suction for the tests at 25 °C. The values of yield pressure (p0) determined versus Fig. 16 presents the results obtained from the tests T4 (s = 110 MPa) and T5 (s = 39 MPa) at p = 5 MPa. It can be temperature for different suctions are shown in Fig. 18. It can be observed that p0 decreases upon heating and wetting. observed that, at high suction, heating from T = 25 °C to 80 °C 90 induced an expansion and cooling from T = 80 °C to 25 °C expansion = 210–4 °C–1 can be estimated. At a suction of 39 MPa (test T5), as opposed to the case in test T2 (s = 39 MPa, p = 0.1 MPa), heating from T = 25 °C to 80 °C resulted in a thermal contraction and cooling from T = 80 °C to 25 °C also 70 Temperature (°C) cycle is approximately reversible; a coefficient of thermal 60 50 40 30 resulted in a contraction. The volumetric strain and the 20 temperature during cooling from T = 55 °C to 25 °C can be 10 correlated with a linear function, defining a coefficient of thermal expansion = 210–4 °C–1 which is similar to that deduced from tests T1, T2 and T4. s = 110 MPa s = 39 MPa s = 9 MPa 80 induced a contraction. The volume change during this thermal 0 0.1 1 10 100 Yieldtemperature pressure (MPa) Fig. 18. Yield pressure (p0) versus for different suctions. Y.J. Cui and A.M. Tang / J Rock Mech Geotech Eng. 2013, 5: ??– 8. Hydraulic behavior ?? Upon wetting, the suction is decreasing and water conductivity kunsat is in general increasing because water The hydraulic conductivity of compacted bentonite Kunigel retention force is reduced (Daniel, 1982; Benson and Gribb, V1 at different initial water contents was determined by the 1997; Chiu and Shackelford, 1998). On the other hand, wetting simultaneous profile method (Cui et al., 2008). The results are under constant-volume conditions reduces the volume of the presented in Fig. 19. It can be observed that unsaturated macro-pores family (Cui et al., 2002), giving rise to a decrease hydraulic conductivity ksat determined by Loiseau et al. (2002) of kunsat. These two opposing mechanisms explain the results on reduces with time. The decrease of ksat during the tests was constant-volume conditions presented in Fig. 19: during wetting, equally observed by Haug and Wong (1992) and Hoffmann et k decreases initially because of the reduction of the volume of al. (2007) on compacted expansive soils. Lloret and Villar macro-pores. As the volume of macro-pores is dependent on the (2007) mentioned that the permeability of compacted bentonite initial water content (Delage et al., 1996), the decrease of k with measured under water saturated conditions is much lower than suction is different for different initial water contents. Thereby, that measured by gas under unsaturated or dry conditions. This test T03 shows a constant decrease whereas test T01 and T02 phenomenon can be explained by the decrease of the volume of shows that k started to increase from s = 22 MPa. macro-pores during wetting as observed by Cui et al. (2002). mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) was conducted on the 1E-12 k initial T01 compacted MX80/sand mixture wetted at different suctions. T02 The pores larger than 2 μm are defined as macro-pores. Fig. 20 T03 k (m/s) In order to verify the wetting effect on the macro-pores, T04 (e = 0.34) shows that the macroscopic void ratio (emacro) defined by the Loiseau et al. (2002) volume of macro-pores changes with decreasing suction. It can be observed that the macro-pores quantity is progressively 1E-13 reduced with decreasing suction in zone I and then increased in Zone II. The increase in zone II can be explained by the k final creation of the 2D (two-dimensional) pores due to aggregates fissuring (Wang, 2012). These changes of emacro upon wetting explain the decrease of hydraulic conductivity shown in Fig. 19. 1E-14 0 10 20 30 s (MPa) 40 50 60 0.30 0.28 From the analysis mentioned above, it can be concluded that kini corresponds to the initial microstructure of the compacted sand/bentonite mixture. Note that the plot of test T04 in Fig. 19 corresponds to the k-s curve of a soil sample having a microstructure similar to the initial microstructure of a Macroscopic void ratio Fig. 19. Hydraulic conductivity versus suction. 0.26 0.24 0.22 compacted soil sample at e = 0.34. Moreover, the soils tested by Loiseau et al. (2002) and in test T04 have similar initial state (e 0.20 0 20 40 60 = 0.34, wi = 8.0%±0.3%). It can be observed that the k-s curve Suction (MPa) determined from test T04 trends to reach kini when suction is Fig. 20. Changes of macroscopic void ratio with suction. 80 decreased to zero. This confirms that the microstructure of the soil tested in the two tests is similar. 9. Technological void effect On the other hand, kfinal corresponds to the final microstructure of the soil after wetting under constant-volume As engineered barriers are often made up of compacted conditions; the macro-pore family was almost eliminated. bricks, when the bricks are placed around waste canisters or to Interestingly, the k-s curves obtained from the three tests form sealing buffers, the so-called technological voids either performed at constant-volume conditions (T01, T02 and T03) between the bricks themselves or between bricks, canisters and trend to join kfinal when suction is decreased to zero, whatever the host rock are unavoidable. As an example, 10 mm thick the water content is. gaps between bentonite blocks and canister and 25 mm thick ?? Y.J. Cui and A.M. Tang / J Rock Mech Geotech Eng. 2013, 5 gaps between the bentonite blocks and the host rock have been considered in the basic design of Finland (Juvankoski, 2010). These technological voids appeared to be equal to 6.6% of the volume of the gallery in the FEBEX mock-up test (Martin et al., 2006). Fractures that appear in the excavation damaged zone within the host rock in the near field constitute additional voids. In the French concept, the volume of the bentonite/rock gaps is estimated at 9% of the volume of the gallery by the French waste management agency (Andra, 2005). This value reaches Fig. 21. Hydraulic conductivity versus dry density of mixture. 14% in the SEALEX in situ test carried out in the Tournemire URL (Barnichon and Deleruyelle, 2009). This technological void can significantly influence the 9.2. Effect of technological void on swelling pressure hydro-mechanical In order to analyze the effect of technological void on behaviour of bentonite-based material and needs to be swelling pressure, various constitutive parameters of the investigated in depth. compacted mixture are defined. It is supposed that in the 9.1 Effect of technological void on hydraulic conductivity mixture the volume of bentonite (Vb) in the mixture is equal to Compacted MX80/sand mixture was considered to study the the difference between the total volume (V) and the volume of effect of technological void on hydraulic conductivity. With a sand (Vs). Vb is equal to the sum of the bentonite particle ring diameter of 38 mm, the annular technological void selected volume (Vbs) and the volume of void, namely intra-void volume (14% of the total cell volume representing 17% of the initial (Vi). The bentonite void ratio (eb) consists of two parts (Eq. (2)), sample volume) corresponds to a sample diameter of 35.13 mm. the intra-bentonite void ratio inside the soil (ebi) and the void Four tests with the same technological void of 14% were ratio corresponding to the technological void (etech). Eqs. (3) conducted on samples with the same initial water content of and (4) define these two voids, respectively. 11% and various initial dry densities obtained by changing the e b e bi e tech (2) Vi V bs (3) compaction pressure (between 65 MPa and 85 MPa, giving rise to dry densities comprised between 1.93 Mg/m3 and 1.98 Mg/m3). e bi The saturated hydraulic conductivity was determined after saturation of the samples, by both the constant head test and the e tech indirect Casagrande’s method. Fig. 21 compares the results V tech V bs (4) obtained with that obtained by Gatabin et al. (2008) by constant where Vtech is the volume of technological voids. The value of head test on homogeneous samples at similar densities. The ebi can be deduced from the initial dry unit mass of the mixture data obtained for the heterogeneous samples with both methods (dm) using the following equations: are in good agreement. On the whole, the hydraulic conductivity decreases with density increase, following a slope comparable to that obtained by Gatabin et al. (2008). An in- e bi Gsb w depth examination shows that the samples with initial technological voids exhibit higher hydraulic conductivity than that by Gatabin et al. (2008), with a difference of one order of magnitude. This difference is suspected to be due to a preferential water flow in the looser zone (initial technological voids) around the samples. db db 1 (B / 100) m Gss w Gss w (1 w m / 100) m (1 B / 100) (5) (6) where w is the water unit mass, Gsb is the specific gravity of bentonite, db is the initial dry unit mass of bentonite in the mixture, which was calculated using Eq. (6) (Dixon et al., 1985; 1E-10 Lee et al., 1999; Agus and Schanz, 2008; Wang et al., 2012), 1E-11 content (in dry mass) in the mixture, Gss is the specific gravity Hydraulic conductivity (m/s) m is the unit mass of the mixture, B (%) is the bentonite of sand, w m is the water content of the mixture. In this study the decrease of water unit mass ( w ) during hydration (e.g. 1E-12 Skipper et al., 1991; Villar and Lloret, 2004) was not 1E-13 considered and the value was assumed to be constant (1.0 Mg/m3), B = 70%, Gss = 2.65. 1E-14 1E-15 1.4 1.6 1.8 Dry density of mixture (Mg/m3) 2 Y.J. Cui and A.M. Tang / J Rock Mech Geotech Eng. 2013, 5: ??– ?? The values of vertical stress measured at the end of the is similar and the compressibility of BC from the Mol site is hydration tests on samples with technological voids are higher than that of BC from the Essen site; the shear strength of presented in Fig. 22 with respect to the bentonite void ratio. Mol BC is also higher than that of the Essen BC, suggesting a The data of swelling pressure measured in homogeneous significant effect of carbonates content; the thermal volume samples under the same conditions of constant volume by other change is strongly OCR dependent: low OCR values promote authors are also plotted for comparison (MX80 70/30 thermal contraction while high OCR values favour thermal bentonite/sand mixture from Karnland et al. (2008), and pure dilation. The volume change behaviour is also strongly time MX80 bentonite from Börgesson et al. (1996), Dixon et al. dependent and this time dependent behaviour is governed by (1996), Karnland et al. (2008), and Komine et al. (2009)). the stress level and temperature. The effect of pore-water salinity on the volume change behaviour can be significant 100 when the smectite content is relatively high. However, the pore- Mixture 70/30 (Present work) Mixture 70/30 (Karnland et al., 2008) Pure bentonite (Karnland et al., 2008) conductivity. Pure bentonite (Dixon et al., 1996) 10 Vertical stress (MPa) water chemistry does not seem to affect the hydraulic For the bentonite-based materials, it was found that thermal Pure bentonite (Komine et al., 2009) Pure bentonite (Borgesson et al., 1996) contraction occurs also at low OCR values, but this is suction dependent – suction promotes thermal dilation. Under constant 1 volume conditions, wetting results in a decrease of hydraulic conductivity followed by an increase. This is found to be related to changes in macro-pores size – wetting induces a 0.1 decrease of macro-pores size followed by an increase due to the aggregates fissuring. The presence of technological voids can form a loose zone with benonite gel after hydration. 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